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1.92% Can't see but feel / Chapter 2: Chapter 02

Chapitre 2: Chapter 02

It felt a lot hotter today, compared to yesterday because I could already feel the sweat seeping down my back and making my shirt gummy. The walk to school didn’t look like the best idea now where in the first place I was the one who actually comforted mum that I’d be putting my legs to use today and walk to school.

The directions to school weren’t a problem for me because I already had them imprinted in my brain because of the times I and mum walked Gemma to school and came back.

I was really good with memories so, I knew I wouldn’t need the instructions today but just to be on the safe side I had my recorder with me.

I wasn’t sure if I was excited to be in the school again but one thing that kept me going were those two hands on my cheeks because no matter what was waiting for me in the school, I was looking forward to know about those two hands.

Everything in the school went slickly until the half time. Just when the bell for the lunch break rang, a sudden fear washed over me and I winced at the thought of being bullied again.

I decided to spend the lunch break somewhere alone, maybe in an empty classroom or a place where I wouldn’t have to face the students. I wasn’t ready to go to cafeteria.

Just when I took a u turn from the doors to the café, I heard the familiar thick, Yorkshire accent, which was enough to give me chills.

"Not you again. I thought I told you to crawl back to your hole, creep.” He groaned. I could tell that he was very close to me.

"Please…" I mumbled, trying to step away.

“Crawl back up your mother’s twat, worthless swine.” Another voice spoke.

“Please, let me go.” I pleaded but all in vain.

"Let you go? We let you go yesterday and thought we made ourselves clear but your annoying ass is still here in the school where you don’t belong, faggot!" I cringed at the word. It was very disrespectful word to say to someone and I didn’t even know about my sexuality yet, how could they call me that. This was straight up disgusting.

"It's time we teach this freak a lesson, what you say, boys?" the familiar thick accent guy spoke and my heartbeat increased when I heard the other guys, yelling and hooting, saying “yeah”

I could only take a step back, before my collar was held and a fist collided with my jaw, I stumbled back and felt a metallic taste in my mouth.

He released my collar as I took another blow on my face. I covered my face, instantly but then they started punching my stomach like I was their punching bag. My knees finally gave up and I feel down but now their shoes collided with my body in such force that with every kick, I felt like my organs were shattered.

"You shouldn't have come here today. You're pathetic and weak!" another voice spoke, as a shoe met with my stomach.

"What have I even done to you?" I coughed out, still covering my face with my hands as they kept kicking me. They stopped and laughed out.

"You can't do anything to us freak!" one of them chuckled and kicked me one more time.

"I think it’s enough, guys. Next time don't even try to talk back." the one with the thick accent, I guessed was the gang leader, spoke.

They walked away as their footsteps faded and now there was distant voices coming from the other side of the closed doors of cafeteria.

I laid down there for a while, trying to catch my breath and strength. My body hurt, every bone was sore and it felt like I was on fire. I rolled over my back and closed my eyes for a moment to calm down before I sit up, wincing in pain.

I sat there for a while because my body felt like it was on vibrator, my skin was buzzing as I felt aches all over my body. I was about to rose to my feet when I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched away. The hand then rubbed my shoulder and neck muscle to assure me they meant no harm. I don’t know why but I trusted them. I grabbed their hand and let them help me get up and take me where they wanted to.

I staggered to a place I had no idea about because the person was leading me. They made me sit on a seat before they let me go and I heard some shuffling. Soon, I could feel them closer to me, because I could feel their breaths on my face. I closed my eyes when the soft cotton wool made the contact with my wound. They grabbed my face with one hand while the other kept daubing on my wounds and I kept wincing and yelping in pain.

They didn’t speak to me. All they did was help me but I trusted them. I couldn’t see them, I couldn’t tell if they were male or female because thought their hand felt a little too rough to be female’s but their touch was soft and I didn’t want to come out rude to judge them on that so I didn’t mention it but I trusted them blindly.

When they were done cleaning and sanitizing. They put an ointment on it before covering it with a band aid. I turned my head where I thought they would be and smiled, hoping they caught the grateful smile.

"Thank you!" I said, taking their hand in mine, they still didn’t feel like female’s hands but I didn’t voice it.

"Are you the same person who helped me in the bathroom, yesterday?" I inquired but they didn’t respond. I waited but got no answer.

"I'm sorry but can you speak? This isn't helping. I can't see you so, only way I can get to know you is, if you speak." I let go their hand and waited for their answer but they still didn’t answer. Now, I couldn’t even feel their presence around me.

"I can't even tell if you are in the same room as me or not." I spoke, wishing I could see. These were the situations that made me feel like I wasn’t normal.

I was sure that they weren’t there but just then a phone beeped and I heard shuffling around me.

"So, you don't want to talk to me?" I asked but no answer. I sighed and stood from my seat, yelping in pain. Instantly, I felt an arm around my waist to help me stand up. I wasn’t that badly injured that I couldn’t stand up and walk on my own so, I gently pushed his arm away but I was irritated.

"What's the point of helping me when you think that I am not worth talking to?" I exhaled, but just what I expected, no answer.

"Fine! I'm going. Please tell me the location so, I can leave for my next class.” But instead of hearing that person's voice, I heard Linda's voice giving directions which she had recorded yesterday. I shook my head thinking about why they wouldn’t want to speak.

They led me out of the room as I heard a door shut behind me. I let out a poof of air and walked to my next class. Actually, my favorite class "Literature"

Mr. Brown was his usual bubbly self, making jokes about Shakespeare and teaching us new things about literature, decoding the difficult poems of the literature poets and sharing some of his own work with us.

His class always went great and he was always very supportive. He never minded a little bit of squabbling or jokes in the class but the discipline was necessary when we were learning.

"Noah!" I heard a familiar voice when I was walking away from the lockers to the front gate of school after I was done with my classes.

"Keith?" I turned to his direction and asked to confirm.

"Yep, it's me, buddy. What's up with the bruises?" he questioned as I heard the sulk in his voice. If he could see my bruised face then my mum could so, I had to hide them.

"I fell but Keith, can you help me hide these? Mum’s gonna get really worried, if she sees me like this." My mum would not only get worried but kick those arseholes if she had to, for beating me like that but I didn’t want any drama in school.

"Yeah, buddy sure. Come with me." He held my wrist and dragged me to somewhere. I compared Keith’s touch with that person’s touch, it wasn’t as delicate and soft like theirs.

What are you doing, Noah?! Why are you thinking about that person, again?!

"Have a seat please. I’ll go and grab foundation from someone." Keith made me sit on what felt like to be a bench and ran off.

Few moments of waiting and then I heard giggle of a girl and a manly laugh along the giggle.

"Is this the one?" A girl's voice spoke, now standing close to me.

"Yes. Noah." Keith answered.

"Okay, let me check." The girl spoke as I felt a gentle touch on my face before she pressed her thumb against a bruise and I yelped in pain.

"It hurts" I hissed.

"Sorry babe, I was just checking how bad it was. By the way, I can cover the bruises but can't cover the wounds. The foundation can infect the wounds.” She informed me.

"Just cover my bruises and make me look less… uh… smashed." I bellyached, keeping my head low.

"You look pretty fucked, what happened?" The girl asked as she kept applying something on my face.

“Nothing, just fell down.” I lied.

“After taking a blow.” She said, and I just remained quiet.

“You need to stand up for yourself. You can’t let them treat you like this.” She lectured me but what she didn’t know was that I couldn’t stand up for myself because I wouldn’t even know to where I should return the punch.

"Okay. Are you done?” I asked, showing no interest in the conversation.

“Almost.” She said before letting go my face and stepping back.

"Thank you Uh..." I realized she hadn’t introduced herself.


"Thank you, Alice."

"No problem, take care." She said before leaving.

"Your mum must be waiting for you outside?" I heard Keith when she left us.

"No. I will walk home. That was only one-time thing because it was my first day and you know how mums are" I said and he chuckled.

"Yeah, I know mate.” He laughed and then offered me to the walk to home. I agreed when he said he lived two blocks away from me.

"This is my home." I spoke when I reached my home.

"How do you even know? You can't even see.... I'm sorry I didn't mean-" I cut him off.

"It's okay, Keith. By the way, I start counting the steps when I take that last turn." I told him, smirking, proud that I was good with directions.

"You really got some talent there. Because if I was in your place, I would have gotten lost, at least 5 times a day." He tittered, making me smile.

"No, you wouldn't because if you don't have one thing, you excel in the other.... and you should be thankful that you are not in my place." I gave him my sincere smile. He patted my shoulder.

"Take care buddy. We’ll leave together for school tomorrow." he said. I nodded and said a "goodbye" before walking to the front door.

After opening the front door with my keys, I gently placed my cane so it wouldn't make any noise. Then I tiptoed towards my bedroom but mothers are mothers.

"Noah, you back sweetie?" she shouted from a distance. I could tell she was in kitchen.

"Yes mum." I sighed because here comes the yelling…

"Lunch is ready, sweetie. I’m going back to office, came back to take some files.” She spoke as I could hear her footsteps coming closer to me.

“Thanks, mum. I’ll have lunch after shower.” I informed before rushing up the stairs before she could come close enough to see my bruises.

I fell on the bed face first, played some music and tried to take a nap. After so many unsuccessful attempts I sighed and got up to take a shower and headed down to eat my lunch afterwards.

After eating my lunch, I was in the living room reading my book when I heard a knock on the door. I sighed because mum had told me never to open the door when no one was home and pretend as if nobody’s home. So, that's what I did but then the person at the door didn't stop and I got annoyed.

"Who's there?" I asked without opening the door just from the inside.

"Hey, it's me. Keith" I heard the voice and smiled. I thought about my mum’s reaction for opening the door for my friend. When they didn’t scare me, I opened the door.

"Keith, what are you doing here?" I asked, closing the door when he stepped inside.

"Sorry to disturb you, but you told me on the way here that you are really good in mathematics and I suck so, I was just thinking maybe you could help me on this math homework we are supposed to submit tomorrow." He uttered shyly. I chuckled and led him inside.

"Of course, Keith, but it won't be easy to work with me." I spoke. I heard his light laugh before he spoke.

"That should have been my line but don't worry. Where is your bag? Maybe we should do it together." He suggested. I never did my homework at this time but if it meant doing it with my first ever friend then I was okay with it. I bobbed and got up from my couch to grab my bag.

"Let me grab my things from my room." I mumbled, trying to walk away but a hand gripped my wrist and stopped me.

"I can grab them for you. Where’s your room?" He questioned. I sat back on the couch.

"Upstairs, 2nd to the right." I informed. He rose to his feet.

"All right. Wait here." He spoke before I could hear his padding fade away.

Few seconds later, he came back with my stuff. We stared our homework and Keith was right when he said that he sucked at mathematics. I had to explain one question to him 3 times and that was just question. Explaining the answer was the worse. But in an hour, we were done with our homework and Keith left. I quite enjoyed his company and especially doing work with my first new friend.

The rest of the day went like that and I didn't show my mum my face the whole day. I told her I was having a bad day and she knew better than to disturb me. She knew I had those days quite often where I just wouldn’t want to talk to anyone so she never disturbed me.

Dinner was served at my door. I finished it and did the rest of my homework. My body was still sore from all the beating I had endured in the school so, I took painkiller and removed all my clothes. I slipped into the sheets and closed my eyes to get them some rest because no matter them opened or closed; it was always dark but they did get tired.

I was walking on a dark street and couldn't see anything. I was walking and walking no sound, no sight everything was just dark and quiet. I was petrified and was trying to find the way out. I was hoping to see the light but no. I felt like I was walking just round and round in circles.

I got tired and decided to lay down for a little while to rest so I did. I was about to close my eyes when I heard a phone ring. I looked around hoping I could see or at least feel someone but no it was just a phone ring.

But wait a second...

I know this ring. I have heard it before. But where?

I listened more carefully as the sound became louder and louder and then it finally was just near my ear. I turned around but it was still dark.

Suddenly a ball of light appeared from my right side at a distance. It was dim but gradually it started getting brighter and brighter. The phone was still ringing. I was mesmerized by the light but was it really a light or just what I thought light would look like. Whatever it was, it was beautiful.

That ball of Light came near me and I felt a warm touch on my cheek. I closed my eyes. It was the same warmth that I felt when...

…when that person had touched me.

The ringing stopped and I opened my eyes. The warmth was gone and the light was fading.

"No stop!" I spoke but it was dwindling away.

"At least tell me who you are?"

"Please don't go, I'm scared of the dark." but it faded and it was dark again. I looked around to catch a glimpse of at least one thing but I couldn't.

"Noah…" I heard a voice from a distance but I didn't reply. I was scared.


Wait- This is my mum's voice. What is she doing here?

"Noah, wake up!" I fluttered my eyes open. I closed them again when they burned due to the sunlight in my room. Light. Something I would never know what looked like.

"Sweetie, get up. School starts in half an hour." She spoke and kissed my forehead. I sighed and sat up.

"I’m up." I beamed and she brushed my hairs off my face.

She left. I thought about the dream and how I saw or I imagined light in my dream for the first time. I was happy about it but it made no sense at all.

I finally left my bed and dragged myself to bathroom to get a shower. When I was done and changed, I strode down the stairs to eat my breakfast.

I was slugging down my juice when I heard the doorbell and I instantly knew who was at the door. I grabbed my bag and rushed to the door.

"Hey, Noah!" I heard Keith’s enthusiastic and energized voice as I opened the door. I grinned at him before stepping out.

"Hey, let's get going. We are so gonna be late today!" I said, chuckling because I knew he was already late and which made me late as well.

“Bye, mum.” I hollered before closing the door

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    État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone

    Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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