"Yan Yan, do you want to buy something?"
Xiu Yan tilted his head, and then he looked around. He came back to his thoughts that they were in the middle of the mall. Crowded place with different faces. Kids running happily in the small park near them while the parents were busy talking to each other, simply snapping a picture of their kids.
"Did you say something, Brother Zhang?" he asked in a mannered tone.
Zhang Wei smiled at him and brushed his hair. "I was asking you if you want to buy or do something?" he repeated.
They just finished watching a movie and were going to spend the day as their date. Xiu Yan was supposed to be happy since it was Zhang Wei who asked him for a date. But his mind seems to be flying somewhere right now, even he can't get his thoughts. It feels like he used all of his energy that he felt so sluggish today.
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