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63.33% Game of Thrones: Rise of the North [Dropped] / Chapter 19: Wedding

Chapitre 19: Wedding

The tourney at Lannisport was a quick event as in the canon, Jorah Mormont won the tournament and crowned Lynesse Hightower as the queen of beauty. They were married before we went on our way back to the North.

However, before leaving Westerlands, there were many things I had done. I contacted Lord Stannis and established trade relations with him. The main subject of this trade was, of course, dragonglass. I managed to buy the rights to mine them for a rather low price. Stannis asked me what I was going to do but I dodged the question by saying it was going to be used for ornamental purposes. I was rather lucky that he didn't insist on it and accepted my excuse.

There were also other people who wanted to meet with me like Lord Mace Tyrell but I refused as he was probably going to talk about our refusal of buying food from them. They were our main supplier in the past and we were their biggest importer so now, their products were rotting in their barns.

This war made me realize many things. Although I had great fighting skills, there were times even they wouldn't save me from death. I needed trustworthy companions beside me to survive.

However, another thing that changed my plans were the skills of Elric Stark, Hodor's father. The man was a real genius in sea battles. I didn't realize it before and thought that he was just someone with decent skills but that wasn't the case. He proved himself at the sea battle of Fair Isle by not even allowing one ship to escape from his clutches.

At first, I was planning to have him killed and claim his castle but after that battle, my plans have changed and I decided to accept his rule as a real cadet branch. Thus, before leaving Westerlands I called him by my side and told him that he was already in his mid-ages and needed to produce an heir and should look at potential marriage candidates.

Elric told me he already had someone in his mind but that someone was not a noble. Honestly, that wasn't a big problem as he wasn't some landed knight raised to be a noble. He was a real Stark but just a cadet house so his choice was up to him. He had skills and already proved himself so he didn't need to marry another noble house to secure his position politically.

Of course, he couldn't assume Hodor as his heir as Hodor had some problems with his health and wasn't suitable as an heir. However, there was another problem and that was his house's name. I mean both Benjen and he was forming their own cadet branches and they couldn't use the Stark name directly or it would confuse people and create a political tangle.

When I told him about his house's name and banner, he told me that he always wanted to be close to the sea so his house was going to be named Seastark and their banner was going to be four sea horses conjoined together on a field of blue.

I was expecting him to use a wolf in his banner so when I asked him why use sea horses, he told me a tale about how he found a colt close to the shore, trying to swim and it grew up to become his mount. I shrugged and accepted his choice after all who was I to decide his banner.

When I asked him about the words of his house, he told me that it would be "The Sea Is Calling". It was probably related to his love of the sea so I didn't question him.

After him, I called Benjen and told him the same things about choosing his own name and banner. He was a bit reluctant but he told me he already prepared everything as he was expecting me to call him for this reason.

He said that his house's name was going to be Moatstark, very original indeed. However, what surprised me was his choice of banner. He was planning to have a white skull on a field of black. It was a weird choice, I mean it would, literally, look like a pirate's flag but Benjen was adamant about choosing it and when I asked him his reason, he said that his house was going to be the gate of the North and they needed to be feared so he was going to start it with his banner. Then, he told me about his new house's words which were "Only Death Awaits". Again, it was probably some sort of intimidation tactic. In the end, I told him that we will prepare the documents when we return to Winterfell.

Our journey back to the North was not calm like I expected as all of the Northern lords came to me with offers of marriage for me and my children. I was able to evade the offers made for my children as they were still too young for marriage or betrothals but the offers for my hand were not something I could escape.

There was even a fight between Norreys and Wulls about whose daughters were more beautiful. Honestly, both were ugly as the flies in swamps so taking advantage of the situation, I escaped from them, leaving them to their bickering.

However, even after escaping from them and returning to my tent, I met with Greatjon and Mors waiting for me in it.

"My lord," They greeted me as I entered the tent, "We wanted to talk about something important…"

"Can't it wait until the morning, I'm tired and want to rest?" I rubbed my temples exasperatedly but seeing them still fidgeting before me I sighed, "Speak then but make it quick."

"We would like to renew our marriage offer, in the light of my uncle's actions during the Siege of Pyke," Greatjon said in one breath.

Did these fuckers just blackmail me, or was I seeing things? The nerve of them… "So you are saying I need to marry your cousin because of your uncle's saving me?" I asked.

Greatjon and Mors tried to refuse my claims but I raised my and stopped them from speaking. I looked at Mors and said, "The marriage will happen after six moons. Now, leave. We will talk about the details later."

A smile graced Greatjon and Mors's faces as they began laughing. "You won't regret your choice, my lord. My girl is what you need!" Mors said.

As they left my tent, I stripped my garments and began thinking about this offer. Despite being a forceful choice, it was actually a good opportunity because if I had chosen someone of my own free will, it would have created a rift between houses but I was choosing Umbers for the marriage because I owed my life to Mors and was going to marry his daughter. That was something that could be accepted by my vassals.

Contrary to my expectations, the rest of the journey went rather calmly after receiving the news about my coming wedding. I was expecting them to rave about Umbers but they accepted it after a few brawls. I don't think I will ever understand the mindset of these men but their habits were something I rather liked.

After Moat Cailin, every lord parted from the main convoy and went on their way with promises of coming to the wedding. A few weeks later, we arrived at the Winterfell with Benjen. Maester Luwin and Dacey Mormont were ruling in my absence so it was them and our children who greeted us.

The children were lined up in a row with their direwolves and were waiting for us but when they saw me, they even waited for me to come and jumped forward and hugged me. I laughed seeing their behaviours while Maester Luwin sighed.

"Father, did you kill any squids!!?" Bran asked with his chubby face.

"Bran, who taught you those words? You shouldn't speak like that." I scolded him with a frown on my face. Killing people was not something children should talk about.

"I'm sorry, father," Bran lowered his head and apologized.

I nodded my head and turned around. Asha was standing behind and looking at Bran with a venomous look on her face. Looks like colourful days were awaiting us.

Anyway, Benjen and Dacey left Winterfell a week later with their children, Cregan and Beron. The reason for them staying that long was all documents I needed to handle and, of course, I wasn't going to do all the work by myself so I punished Benjen and Dacey with this job for Benjen's folly which was telling Umbers to blackmail me with what Mors did for me during the war.

I only learned that thanks to his loose mouth when we were drinking ale before a campfire during the journey. The fucker even laughed to my face while telling it.

Anyway, my children didn't welcome my marriage when I told them about it and all the residents of the castle suffered for it. Jon didn't mind me marrying but Robb sulked all day while the little ones were nightmares.

I tried reasoning with them but what can you expect from children? In the end, I left them to their own devices. I'm sure Berena, my future wife, could solve this "little problem" when the time comes.

However, the only problem I had was not marriage as the end of the war meant the beginning of another politicking era. The North was self-sufficient for the time being and people were happy for it. Already, nearly fifteen million gold dragon coins were spent for the increased population in the North. I can even say that there were more babies than adults in some houses. Those who were born at the end of the Robert's Rebellion were going to become grown men ready for war.

On the other hand, the Night's Watch was also having a great time compared to the last few years. After the New Gift was returned to its owners, the land was ploughed once again and the protection of it was ensured by the lords. Night's Watch was gaining food from those territories and its eyes were finally back to the North.

However, it wasn't enough because Night's Watch was still at its weakest point in history as they lacked manpower and skill. I ignored the threat from the North until this time but it was beginning to show its face. Ten years were left for the problems to resurface.

However, I had plans to solve it. Jeor Mormont was elected as the new Lord Commander before the war began and he was someone I knew closely who would be inclined to my ideas. I wrote a letter to him explaining my idea; every house of the North was going to send a hundred men to the Wall and they were going to serve in the Night's Watch but only as a temporary duty. These hundred men were going to change every year. And the North was going to fund the Night's Watch on repairing one of the castles.

My main purpose by lending men from all houses was to train those men. With the increased population, there were going to be many green boys and they needed to be trained so this was the best opportunity for them.

On the other hand, my aim with repairing the castle was preparing the Wall for the return of the Others. I couldn't tell my vassals that the White Walkers returned as they would brand me as a mad person so I was going to slowly prepare for it.

However, there was also a human side of this long game. Things were changing in King's Landing. Again, another Master of Coin was fired from his position. However, Master of Laws, Martyn Cassel, was firmly holding onto his position and was loved by the Hand of the King and the king himself for his just and quick actions at his job.

Of course, he was reporting to me on the occasions of the small council from time to time but I was also spying on the Red Keep with my wargs. Thanks to Martyn, there was a stable order in the city, unlike the canon. A tenth of his men were members of the northern army that stayed in King's Landing after Robert's Rebellion. Thus, he had loyal men at his service.

My wargs were also keeping an eye on some special individuals who came with me to the Tower of Joy. Although all of their families served House Stark for centuries, I didn't know what sort of men they were and what they would do with this information was a mystery to me so my wargs were keeping an eye on them against unwanted situations.

However, my wargs were not limited to only Westeros as they were slowly moving towards Essos. Of course, their first mission was going to be stealing the plans for glass making. I mean I know it is made by heating the glass but the process was foreign to me so I don't think it was possible for me to uncover its method.

Aside from that, my new Valyrian steel sword's pommel was being prepared in Deepwood Motte. Galbard told me he would present it at my wedding with Ice's pommel. I was planning to give the new sword to my heir and start a tradition. It was going to pass from heir to heir.

Of course, I changed its name and now, it was known as Narsil. Ehehe, no one will know its meaning but as long as I knew it, it was enough.

The next five moons were rather calm in the castle. Asha was getting used to the place. Her father and uncles were in our convoy during the journey before being escorted by Umbers to the Wall and she must have heard many things from them about us. However, I was intending to make her a true Northerner and influence her mind to my liking.

Asha was repulsive to the children at first but now, she was glued to them and they were doing everything together. Asha was a free-spirited girl and was against the norms of Westeros. She was probably thinking that I was going to force her to act like a southern lady but I did the opposite of it and gave her sword lessons with Robb and Jon.

Jon and Robb were coming off as decent swordsmen even at this age and I was sure they were going to be a force to be reckoned with as it was me who was training them personally from time to time.

Robb grew up rather early because of his mother's loss and the pressure I put on him as my heir. I was letting him sit with me while I gave judgement in the great hall. Robb and Jon were also the first ones to accept my coming marriage and help in preparations.

Benjen and Dacey also came rather early to help me in preparations. Dacey was a woman so she was kinda trained for these things and, indeed, I appreciate her help.

Guests were already beginning to arrive but the first ones to come were Umbers and there plenty of them. Greatjon's brothers and his children and his uncles were with him. Of course, the first thing I did when I saw them coming was searching their group for my bride-to-be.

My eyes caught a fair girl and I was sure that she was Berena. I must say she wasn't the most beautiful woman but her beauty had the uniqueness of the North.

However, what caught my attention was her face. Her hazel eyes were shining under the pale sun of the North. A pair of thick but elegant black brows was adorning her face. Her nose was small and short but perfect for her face. Her supple and pink lips were forming a perfect union with her rosy cheeks. Her black and long hair was flowing in the cold breeze of the North.

She had a willowy, queenly figure but that didn't prevent people from appreciating her supple chest that was threatening to become free from her corset. The only thing short of her slim waist was her small ass which was firmly covered with her clothes.

However, there was something else that caught my eye and that was the axe she was carrying on her waist. Looks like my new wife is a true northern woman.

As they descended from their horses I greeted them warmly. I hugged Greatjon like a brother and whispered to his ear, "I think you brought the wrong girl, I wasn't expecting someone this beautiful."

"I told you, you won't regret it." Greatjon laughed and replied.

I parted from Greatjon and greeted the rest and at last, came to Berena. I kissed her hand and said, "My lady, it is an honour to meet you."

"My lord," She tried to greet me courteously but I don't think she is that good at womanly arts.

While we were greeting each other, my children were sulking behind but they stayed silent as I already warned them that the first one to make a scene was going to receive the biggest punishment. I just hoped that this calm atmosphere would continue until the end of the wedding.

We moved to the great hall and dined as the sun was already falling behind the mountains. It took a week for all of the guests to arrive. There was even someone who looked rather roguish from Skagos.

The wedding started with a ceremony before the weirwood of Winterfell in the night. All nobles lined side by side and watched the bride walk before the heart tree. Mors was escorting her to the weirwood. I was already before the weirwood and fidgeting rather nervously. This was my first real wedding, after all.

The road was lit with the yellow light of lanterns. And all nobles were carrying a torch in their hands. Styr was standing beside the weirwood and he was holding a bowl and the horns of a goat who was trying to free itself. None knew what he was going to do and even I was surprised by what he asked but he said this was the oldest but forgotten tradition of weddings for the first men.

Berena was wearing a quite exquisite gown. She was looking like a southern lady. Her gown was white but despite the cold, the redness of her face was creating the perfect contrast with her gown. She was carrying a cloak with the stitches of a chained giant on it.

On the other hand, I was wearing a black and white doublet adorned with dragonglass. A pin in the shape of a direwolf was decorating my chest. A fine work of a cloak was on my shoulders with a Stark direwolf on it.

Mors and her daughter stood before the heart tree as I looked at Berena's nervous face. She nodded her head and told me that she was okay. So I started the ceremony.

"Who comes before the Gods this night?" I asked. It should have been my father who asked this but I was the eldest of the house.

Mors cleared his throat and answered, "Berena, of House Umber, comes here to be wed. A woman that is grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessing of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?"

"Eddard, of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount and Warden of the North. Who gives her?" I asked.

"Mors, of House Umber, who is her father… Berena Umber, do you take this man?" Mors asked with a cracking voice. Berena was his only living child so it was normal for him to be emotional.

"I take this man!" Berena answered.

We joined our hands and knelt before the heart tree and bowed our heads in token of submission to the Gods. Silent prayers took place in the whole Godswood and we rose to our feet after it ended. Mors removed Berena's cloak as I also removed mine and placed it around her shoulders.

She was expecting me to carry her to the feast but I turned to Styr and nodded my head. Styr came forward while dragging the goat. I took Berena's hand into mine and held one of the horns of the goat.

"Stay still," I said to Berena, silently.

Styr took out a dagger and quickly sliced the throat of the goat. He held the bowl below it and let it bleed onto it. When the bowl filled, I let the goat fall to the ground.

Styr soaked a brush, made from horsehair, to the blood-filled bowl and sprinkled the blood onto our faces while yelling some words in Old Tongue. There were many who wanted to object in the crowd but the one doing it was a green man so they didn't say anything.

When the bowl was emptied, I turned to Berena with a big smile on my face. I grabbed her legs and took her into my arms while yelling for the feast, "Now, it is time for the feast!" Yelling sounds continued as we marched to the great hall.

A rather lively atmosphere was dominating the hall as everyone laughed, drank and ate. Hornwoods and Glovers were having an arm wrestling while Umbers, mountain clansmen and the Skagosii were having a drinking contest. I even let Jon and Robb drink a cup of ale.

Suddenly, I heard a voice from my side, "What was that goat cutting?"

I turned my head to see the confused face of Berena, "Styr, the green man, said that it was a tradition in times of old but it was forgotten after the coming of Andals. He said the South forgot it after the invasion of Andals but we forgot it because of the constant food crisis. But now, we have a surplus of food and the North won't starve ever again."

Berena scrunched her small nose and said, "I was thinking you would be more like a southron but you have more North in you than us."

I laughed at her words and whispered to her ear, "Don't worry, I will show you the true North tonight."

She punched my arm as I laughed. While we were joking amongst ourselves, the hall trailed into silence. I raised my head to see what was going on but I realized everyone was looking at us sheepishly.

Oh shit…

"Bedding!!!!" A sound resounded in the hall as everyone began shouting.

Before I even could realize what was happening, I was pulled by a few women towards the bedding room. At first, it was only my doublet but then my boats and pants fell into their hands. They even took my undergarments before I was pushed into a room and then my new wife was pushed onto me.


Likewise, she was naked as much as me. Her beauty was revealed to my eyes, finally. Her silken black hair was flowing down to her waist as I was feasting on her supple breasts with my eyes.

Her eyes darted on me, roaming over my naked chest and going down to my member. A mischievous smile graced her lips. I couldn't hold myself anymore so I just devoured those lips while grabbing her small but delicious ass.

She moaned into my mouth when I squeezed her ass. The taste of wine was still lingering on her mouth and that made me hornier but we had a part as she was breathless. I pushed her onto the bed and smiled like a devil.

I knelt before the bed and began kissing my way up to her legs. In the end, a long but slow lick to her cunt took a surprised but happy moan from her. I let my tongue dance around her lips before starting to play with her clit.

My tongue slowly entered the valley between her lips and explored the pleasure cave of hers. She held my hair pressed me into her crotch and I continued to play with her clit while exploring her cave and soon she came as rubbed her pussy as a man possessed.

I smirked and seized her hard nipples with my mouth and continued to play with her folds. She was biting her lower lips with closed eyes while holding onto my hair.

My cock was already hard and aching. I couldn't hold myself anymore so I climbed on top of her and slowly guided my cock between her lower lips. She threw her legs behind and locked me between them.

Her nails were trailing blood on my back as I felt the walls around my cock tightening. I pushed myself hard into her and took her maidenhood as she cried in pain. After a while, she whispered into my ear that I can move now.

That was the last string of the rope as a beast possessed me and I began pistoning into her. She cried out in both pain and joy as moans filled the entire castle. I kissed her supple lips and my tongue wrestled with hers.

After a few minutes, I came into her and let myself fall to the bed. However, she wasn't sated with me cumming only once as she climbed onto me. She supported herself with her hand while her other hand grabbed my member and guided it inside her.

This night was going to be a very long one...


Hey readers! This was my take on a northern wedding so how was it, in your opinion? Also, I tried to keep the lemon short as this will be only their first day. However, if you are not satisfied I promise to write longer the next ones. Also, do you prefer long chapters or short chapters?

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