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81.81% Ben 10; Omnitrix Reload / Chapter 35: Chapter 31: Shadow's

Chapitre 35: Chapter 31: Shadow's

"You heard me." Sunny states while squinting her eyes. "I'm doing what you lay out for them." She looked at Max, that was dumbfounded. "Something that I got used to. So, can I leave?"

"Right...you can go." Max hesitates.

Sunny turns her back to everyone.

"Oh. And Gwen." Gwen squinted her eyes. "The offer still stands. And I'll let you know. I won't be easy." She flies to the top of the cliff.

"Ok. What?" Benita voiced while they watched Sunny disappear.

"It seems she has a change of heart." Max grins.

"You did this?" Gwen questioned, taking a glance at Will.

"Do what?" The boy questioned, only for her glare to harden. "Ok...I said what I had in mind. The blunt truth."

"Yet, She didn't listen to me." Gwen folds her arms. "She's an adrenaline junkie!"

"You have a right not to trust her. But she became a bigger person. Today." Max voiced. "That means something."

Gwen sighs.

"She may have, but I won't be fooled easily." Gwen paced past Glover and Benita.

"Backup?" Benita voiced.

"Ben." Max cut her off. "Let them talk it out."

Benita looks back at Gwen pacing along the beach before looking at Max.

"If you say so."

"While you here. There's food waiting back on the RV. I like a talk with Anthony."

"I ate something..." Max raised a brow. "Yet, I can't turn down food. " Benita heads to the RV.

"Anthony. Come here." Max called the boy that approached him. Max takes a knee before planting his hand on the boy's shoulder. "What you did here today. I'm very proud of you." Will grins before looking down at the sand. "You don't know how much I'm." Max smiled while the boy avoided his gaze while biting his lip. "Your father would be very proud of you."

"I-yes. Yes, my dad will."

Mr.Tennyson chuckled before patting him on the shoulder.

"Am I interrupting?" Peridot voiced, getting their attention. "I never expressed the timeline."

"No. Not at all." Max stood to his feet before patting his jeans. "You're ready?" He asked Anthony.

"Yes." The boy answered.

"And I also like the girl. If she's busy, that is." Peridot continued.

"I'm here." Benita pushed open the RV door.

"Excellent! Have you brought the book?" Will reached his hand behind his back before revealing his notebook. "Everything is in order. Follow along." She waved before pacing toward the beach house.

"Stay here with Max." The boy ordered before patting Zed. "And you did well." Zed looked up at him before Anthony's head for Peridot.

The boy and Benita followed the curious green gem.

"You three. Be safe." Max voiced.

"We will." Peridot waved before continuing on course.


Climbing the hill. Gwen marched along the grass underneath her shoes, eyeing the Lighthouse. Until the white fence and Sunny on her back came to view.

Ben's Cousin approached Sunny before towering over her.

"You came. And I thought you wouldn't show." Sunny remarked while keeping her eyes closed.

"What was that?" Gwen folds her arms.

"Come again?"

"You heard me. How come you changed your tune? Afraid your excitement will be taken away?"

"How did you know? It's almost like you know me." Gwen looks down on Sunny.

"Your so fake."

"Believe what you want. If you can't take it, don't bother coming here. You're just wasting my time."

"You're going to teach me." Sunny ears flicker. "And that threat still stands. Try anything funny or whisper a word-"

"Let's be realistic here. Everyone is a monster. It uses you as you use it. Poetic if you ask me." Sunny states while opening her eyes to Gwen's pink ones looking down at her. "This going to be fun."

Sunny grins.


"You two wondering what's on our schedule?" Peridot types on her tablet in hand.

"I hope it's laser tag." Benita comments. "Or Rugby. Whatever floats your boat." She pocketed her hands.

"That unusual activity is not on our list. Yet, I'll inform Steven for replay value." Peridot clears her throat. "Anyway, I would like a preview of The Onmitrix and Onmi-hex capabilities. To do that, I set up a course."

"And this course is?" Anthony questioned.

"It's a surprise." The boy and Ben exchange glances. "The crystal gems provided the support I needed. I would've moved it elsewhere, yet it was destroyed."

"Destroyed?" Benita voiced. "You were hoping you had alien insurance?"

"That phrase has been thrown around a lot. And at this rate, it matters well be possible."

Benita pouts.

They grew closer to the beach house while Anthony paced along with Benita.

They climbed the steps before entering Steven's Beach house.

"Benita! Will! I'm glad you came." Pearl voiced while wiping the counter. "Would you like any refreshments?"

Amethyst waved, sitting on a stool by the kitchen. Benita gave one back.

"No need." Garnet appeared while Peridot, Benita, and Anthony approached the three. "What we're doing would slow them down."

"And we wouldn't want that!" Peridot states. "Would you be so kind?"


"Sweet!" Amethyst hops out of the stool, following Garnet. "I can't wait!"

"I'm coming! Hold on." Pearl voiced while scrubbing the counter with a rag.

"We can't leave without you. Take your time. P."

The three followed Garnet and Amethyst to the door past the pad.

Standing in front of it. The boy noticed a diamond symbol on the door with different colors within.

"This course will be easy. And straightforward." Garnet mentioned before facing Will and Benita. "It's something you know. Don't be nervous."

"It's hard not to...What's behind door number one?" Benita commented while rubbing her hands together. "I hope it's a new station, X. "

Anthony kept to himself while glancing at Amethyst, that looked away.

"I don't know. This Station X. But I assure you. You'll like it." Pearl followed up while Benita sighed.

"What a great way to shut down my hope and dreams."

"Relax. You'll enjoy this and my brief about the interspecies in Will's notebook." Peridot voiced.

"Now you have my interest." Benita grins.

A bright light gains their attention to the door that opened to a white abyss. Benita and Anthony squinted their eyes.

"Cool!" Benita commented.

Garnet entered. Followed by Amethyst.

"Shall we?" Peridot eyed the kids before entering the white abyss.

"Please! Let it be Inari Village." Benita paced to the door only to look back at the boy.

Anthony blinks.

He reopened them within the eyes of someone tall.

"Hey, what's the matter?" A soft voice entered his head. He noticed a Little Anodite girl sitting against the wall, behind the energy field, wearing a metal bracelet. "Shitting your pants?"

"And look who's talking." The figure remarked. "You're the bottom of the barrel. A runt. Incompetent."

"Woah, let's not use big words. You don't want to hurt yourself." The girl grins.

"You're going to tell me...Everything."

"What are you going to do? Beat me? I took worse."

"I'll let you go."

The anodite girl raises a non-exist brow.

"Will?" The voice of Pearl brings the boy to reality. He felt two hands on his shoulders and noticed her face beside his. "Will you continue? I can bring you back."

"I'm fine." He noticed Benita within the door marveling at the white void.

The boy walks into the door embracing the White void. Similar to Virgo's.

"I'm glad you can make it." Amethyst smiled.

"He just. Has cold feet." Pearl answered while the boy looked over his shoulder at her. "Nothing too serious." The door closes behind her.

The white void succumbs to brown tiles along the floor and the blue brinks along the wall.

Blenchers sat along the basketball court while the windows above it presented branches of trees.

"This is. Just like-"

"Our Gym!" Benita exclaimed, cutting Anthony off.

"Well, your grandfather helped. We wanted you two to feel right at home." Pearl answered.

"Yet, something is off." Benita places her hand under her chin.

"It is?!"

"That goal there." Benita points to the basketball goal across the court. "It's broken. The glass and all. This whole place is trashed. Actually."

"Really?" Amethyst questioned. "This is your kind of fun?"

"I wish. Nearly the end of the year. I heard there was a fight. Something with mutants."

"I'd heard of these so-called mutants." Peridot comments before planting herself on the second-row bleacher. "Is there a way to distinguish them? Symbols? Genetics Markings?" She looked at the crystal gems while Benita gave Anthony a glance. He shook his head. "There could be among Beach City."

"No. Haven't seen a mutant in my lifetime." Garnet answered. "Now. Let's do what we're here to do."

"Oh! Of Course!" Peridot clears her throat. "This course is simple and familiar among you two since you are earthlings. It's dodgeball. Do I need to explain?"

"You're fine. Peri. Let's get on the court." Amethyst places her hands on her hips.

"Wait!" Benita called out. "There are only two of us."

"I will be on your team." Pearl voiced while placing her hand on her chest.

"Playing without me? Now that's just hurtful." Everyone followed the voice to Bismuth walking across the court. The boy faced her while standing closer to Benita.

"I called Bismuth. At the last minute." Peridot mentioned while Bismuth eyed the guests.

"There they are...Benita and Will, I'm taken." She crouched to their level. She pulled out her fist-bumping Benita's. Only to stop at the boy. That only nodded. "New blood and a much-needed vacation. A combination that never gets old." She rises above them.

"You're so in our team!" Amethyst called out. "Come on. Join us!"

"That wouldn't be fair."

"Oh, it's fair alright." Benita voiced over. "With us together, We're the powerhouse." She side-hugged Anothoy, who gave her a side-eye.

Bismuth cracks a grin.

"Let's see how you do in court."

Two split copies of Pearl separate from the original before staying with Garnet's Team.

The boy, Benita, and Pearl took the right end of the court while the others did the opposite.

Eight dodgeballs took their place in the center of the court. While two more copies of Pearls stood by the original.

"Don't worry about the environment and the red spheres!" Peridot put a whistle around her neck. "There practically! Indestructible." Peridot mentions before a green flash takes the boy's vision.

"That's how I like--Aw! Come on! I want four arms, not SpiderMonkey! E. Ah." SpiderMonkey voiced, looking down at herself.

Will noticed Bismuth grinning while Amethyst cupped her mouth.

"You can always give up. You know! I have the heavy hitters!"

"Yet. Swift offense beats strength any day." Pearl comment. "Just so you know."


Original Pearl= OG Pearl

Clone Pearl= C Pearl

3 and 4 C Pearl= Garnet's Team


Peridot blows the whistle around her neck. Everyone but Garnet and Amethyst rushed to the center.

Whip-covered spikes pulled the ball from Will's sight. Amethyst gathered momentum before hurling it at him.

The boy ducks while the ball soars. Another followed, yet the boy Smoke dashed back to safety.

"Forfeit!" Pearl three voiced while dodging a ball.

Anthony picks up the ball eyeing Bismuth. He hurls it while she side-steps.

"Almost...Not!" She hurls hers with a toothy grin.

The boy dodges her attempt.

"On your left!" OG Pearl redirects a ball from the boy's blind spot.

"Ah! What!" Amethyst shouts.

"Thanks." Will voiced.

"No. Problem!" OG Pearl hurls it at Garnet, and the ball soars past her head.

"Ugh!" Pearl four flies back, hitting the floor.

"Bullseye!" Spidermonkey cheered.

A pearl from Anthony's team spun from a ball before getting hit on the hip.

"HA! Sit down!" Bismuth comment.

"Well, what do you two think?" OG Pearl spun from a ball before hurling her own.

"Not. BAD!" SpiderMonkey caught a ball only to fly off her feet and onto the floor.

"Ah. That sucks." Garnet states before heading for the bleachers.

"Garnet!" Amethyst shouts.

"Focus. We got this!" Bismuth mentioned.

Anthony dodges a ball at the last minute. That slapped against the wall.

Bismuth hurls another while the boy shifts Red Riot. He prepared to catch the charging dodgeball, yet another bullet right pass.

He catches the first ball causing him to slide to the edge of the court. The second hit his gut.

"Yes!" Amethyst cheered while Red Riot exited the court.

A clone Pearl: entered back on the court. The red man took a sit on the bleachers.

Watching the game.

'I know I wasn't the only one who saw that?' A voice roams his mind.

'Saw what?' Another voiced.

'It seems our little gem friend kidnapped someone.' Rogue states. 'Shocking that you dropped that darling act.'

'Keep talking.' The gem threatened.

'Enough. Both of you.' Edge steps in.

'Do you remember who you are?' Red Riot questioned, watching SpiderMonkey save OG Pearl.

'A Jasper. That's it.'

A whistle entered the court.

"You're back in!" Peridot announced.

Red Riot raced back onto the court.

"HA!" Spidermonkey catches a ball. "What do you say? I'm such a kind person."

"Thanks." Red Riot picks up a ball. "How's it looking?"

"That Bismuth chick. E. Ah." They see Bismuth grinning. "She's planning something."

"Atomic!" Bismuth tosses the ball before striking with her hammer-shaped hand. The ball flies into the ceiling only for Garnet to appear, delivering a spin kick. "Javelin!"

The ball became a blur. Spider Monkey and Red Riot dive from the impact. That gave a frightened crash. Echoing the room.

Red Riot turns from his hands to see the ball fly across the room before disappearing.

"Sweet! Jesus!" Spider Monkey cries out. "How about not killing us! Ninjas from the Gem Village!"

"Sorry. About that." Garnet states across the court.

"You're forgiven because that was sick! E. ah."

The battle continued until Edge, Spider Monkey, and Bismuth.

Edge flips from a soaring ball while Spider Monkey hurls all four back at Bismuth.

Bismuth deflects them with ease and a grin on her face.

"You two have an element of surprise, yet you can't get a hit."

"Crap." Edge blue and grey ink zips onto a ball before falling into his hands.

"WOO! You got this! You two!" Pearl cheers.

"By that! She means tasting defeat." Amethyst cried out, getting a glare from Pearl. "You will totally lose."

"If you do, it's a learning experience. You won in my heart learning it."

"You're really boosting my confidence." Spider monkey remarked while clicking her tongue. "Use the thing." She said under her breath.

"I have a plan." Edge grunts.

"Time!" Peridot blows the whistle while Spider Monkey times out. "You all did great! I have everything I need."

The symbiote that soon took shelter in Will sat along the bench with Benita taking a breath.

"Excellent." Pearl chirped before summoning bottles of water from her gem. "Refreshments?"

Benita took one while the boy only shook his head.

"Ah! That's good." Benita sighs before dumping it on her head, causing her short hair to stick along her face.

"That was a blast! You two would've been fine additions to the Gems. Besides." Bismuth sat along the floor, crossing her legs. "It's been quite a while since I last saw an Arachnichimp."

"An Ara who?" Benita cocks her head.

"That pal of yours. Matter of fact. I almost had a few of them fur-balls scraps my ship clean before I gave them a good talking-to. Haa. Met a good friend that day."

"Knowing you. You were very persuasive." Pearl returns the water bottle back to her gem.

"I'm touched."

Peridot clears her throat.

"I would like to keep my end of the deal." She stretched her hand to the boy.

That passed his notebook.

Everyone gathered around the small green gem. Anthony and Benita look over her shoulder.

Peridot flips the page to Red Riot.

A drawing of his calm and Rage state and a few notes on the side. She taps on the face of the page.

"A Rogsapien. Features similar to Humans like yourself, yet their red complexion and Height differ. These Rogs are raised in a hostile environment on Planet Zora: formally primal and slowly adapting. The last time I saw them. Nearly had a spear made of bone driven through my neck."

Peridot taps the drawing of Rageful Red Riot.

"Their Rage is not to be taken lightly, especially from the young. Yet, they can be countered." She writes the info beside the boys, Before moving on to Impulse.

"A Tempo. Can amplify any voluntary sound with the help of their Earlopes. Live in Planet Cadence, Aka Planet Dread."

"Uh, Why's that?" Amethyst cocks her head to Peridot beside her.

"You sing? You know what? Don't answer that." Peridot writes in the book. "They can lose their temper and easily break if What Steven calls it "Drop some sick beats." In a pattern form, they will tell on themself. Listen long enough."

"You know." Benita starts. "You all look like you would break out into song. No offense."

"That's not entirely true." Pearl starts.

"No." Garnet cut her off. "She's right." Pearl blushes while Garnet calmly folds her arms. "And I'm not stopping."

Bismuth chuckled.

"Old habits. Die hard."

"Anyway, An Tempo is a challenge. A group. That's merely impossible. They could change the pattern of sound to affect their allies. They can be twice as strong, or a tired one can be fine the next. They called it. The Flow."

"Well. That can be useful." Benita mentions.

"I'll mention. The last." Peridot states, flipping through pages. "I can finish rest and give your studies at the end of the day."

She clears her throat, stopping at Avalanche.

"A Vregai. I don't know much about them. They are the silent type. That protects plant life and organisms. In Planet Gaia. Nearly extinct if I last check."

"Extinct?" Will said under his breath.

"I can't answer that. I only saw appearances and heard rumors." She joints something down. "You all are done for the day." Peridot remained focused on the book while Amethyst stood to her feet. "And I appreciate the cooperation."

"Yeah!" Amethyst stretched. "That was fun while it lasted." She climbs down the blenchers, followed by Pearl.

"Would you two like sandwiches?" Pearl questions the children dropping onto the floor. "With all that hard work, you're bound to be hungry. Plus, it's the afternoon."

"Afternoon?" Benita cocks her head. "Dang, time flies by."

The boy raised his hand.

"We're fine." Will states only for Bismuth to follow up.

"Believe me, Kid." The boy looked back to Bismuth, still seated on the floor, cracking a smirk. "She makes a mean sandwich...It's the Greatest in Galaxy."

" It's not that good." Pearl voiced while pressing her fingers together.

"Uh." Benita clears her throat. "I would like to give it a shot." She eyed Will.

'I'll let you know when something is wrong.' Edge voiced within the boy's head. 'You got to eat.'

"Sure." The boy sighs. "I'll like one."

"Great!" Pearl beamed before heading out the door with the kids in tow.

They re-entered the beach house to see Amethsty lying on the couch.

Benita sat on the stool, resting her arms along the counter while Anthony sat alongside her.

"How about grilled cheese?" Pearl voiced, searching the fridge. "I could add turkey or ham. And then add my own spices to it."

Benita raised a brow.

"How about both?"

"Turkey. For me." Will adds as they hear the screen door swing open.

"Steve-O, where've you been?" Amethyst called, getting Steven's attention. "We could've used an extra player."

"Hey, Amethyst. Sorry, I couldn't join. Ronaldo is searching for Petra as we speak." Steven sits beside Anthony.


"Oh!" Pearl turns on the shove setting all the needed things. "That girl is Sadies dog. If I recall: You found anything?"

"Nothing. I was hoping one of you did." Steven sighs. "That Jasper, that night...You think it's related?"

"Let's not think that now. Petra is still out there. I know she is."

The boy continued watching Pearl gather the sandwiches, only to notice Benita side-glancing at him before looking away.

Sizzling and hissing gains Will's attention. Back to Pearl.


"Oh. Sure. Thanks." Steven voiced before staring at the duo. "How's your break? I mean, Connie has one as we speak. So I figure...."

"Nothing. Too exciting." Benita spoke. "If you count fighting robots, aliens, and a side of mutants as a Hobby. I'm doing swell."

"Don't forget. We're semi-celebrities." Anthony adds. "And the next generation kid show." He sighs.

"Same." Steven rests his elbow on the counter. "Lapis heard rumors that the Crystal Gems went all over the galaxy to spread our memento "We're Family. A Gem is as precious as it's polished."

"Deep." Amethyst voiced, still lying on the couch.

"Hmm. That's a lot of pressure." Benita adds while Steven grins.

"Your right about that. But that only means we have the power to change...Shape the world. Well...the galaxy."

"Yeah." Benita sucks in her breath before giving a light smirk.


Sounds of waves crashing filled the night sky while Benita and Will approached the RV.

"Hey, Could we stay out here a little longer?" Benita mentions gathering the boy's attention from the RV.

"Uh. Sure...Never knew you were a beach type." He said under his breath.

"Hey!" She lightly shoves the boy. "I'm not afraid to get sand between my toes! But I must admit, once my shoes hit the scorched lands. They're gonna be the Great Ninja War."

"So you're a Ninja, now? I thought you were a samurai addict."

"Can't Ninjas get some loving?"

The boy chuckled under his breath.


"Hey, where did you get this baby?" She grabs the sunglasses from the boy's shirt before putting them on.

"That. I forgot I had it...Steven and I race to the factory. Beat him. Steven gave me those as a reward. I still don't know how he gets so high up."

"Well, he's coming along. So we'll find out eventually."

Benita returns the sunglasses while the symbiote consumes them.

"Wait, what did you just do?"

"I return them to Edge."

"Like the Bag of Holding?!! Or We can say Goo...because it is carried by a parasite."

"Don't test me!!" Edge emerges from Will's shoulder.

"Sorry! Sorry. I forgot you got feelings."

Edge growls.

"Yes. A Symbiote of Holding." The boy interferes, causing the symbiote to return to dormant. "I have the Forever Blades from the attack. And now my notebook."

"Have you carried any food?" Benita questioned. "I mean. You need energy..." The boy looks away. "No way! Don't tell me you never thought of that?!"

"I did."


"Just. Now."

"With my help, Junior."

"I'm older than you."

The boy lightly pushes Benita causing her to chuckle.

"Anyway, Junior. Among the elites. What character would you be? Boxer? Commando? Oh, Wait! Don't answer that. Your so a ninja."

"I'm not that good."

"You could've fooled me! You up and vanished like its second nature. At first glance, I thought you were Doshi."


"Rogue Ninja from Wind among foes. Everyone considers him a ghost. He's here and there before disappearing into the wind."

"Ha! I see what you did there." Will chuckles.

"Your Doshi to my Hamura." Benita shrugs her shoulders before pocketing her hands.

"Your Hamura to my Doshi. Whoever they are."

The boy eyed the boardwalk revealing the ghost town once more.

"Are there any other surprises I should know?"

"How many girls are you going to sway? Loverboy."

"Stop." The boy looks away, blushing. "It's not even like that."

"Come on! After the end of this, I think. You're gonna need a phone book."

"Let's not assume. Ok? They like me, but not like that."

"Not how I see it." Benita gave a smug grin.

"Alright. What would I need to do to skip this conversation?"

"You see that?" She snaps her fingers at the abandoned factory hosting the party. "We can crash it." Will raised a brow. "I mean. You wanted to stay an extra day, and I want to have fun before getting to Hero time...There was a-."

"Alright!" The boy cut her off. "Fine. Let's go." Benita smiles. "I don't know how but come on."

The boy shifts into Zero before scooping Ben into his arms. He took flight.

Taking to the factory, they remain silent before landing at their destination. Zero shifts back to Will while He and Benita peek from the caved-in wall staring into the party.

Electro music bounces while Teens dance, drink, and play games. They noticed Sour Cream on the platform doing his thing.

"What an eco-friendly environment...Chips and punch. That'll be gone before you know it. " Benita remarked.

"And How do you know it's Punch?" The boy questioned.

"I don't. That's the fun part."



A green flash revealed to be Fourarms and Impulse entering the party.

A few teens glance at the newcomers while Sour Cream grins and waves.

"That Alien helped set up this wicked party! Show your thanks. And get back to the groove."

A few teens threw nods at a teeth-biting Fourarms giving one back.

"Having second thoughts, Hamura?" Impulse whispered.

"Shut. Up."

They make their way to the table of snacks.

She took a chip from a bowl before planting it into her mouth. Her black lips turn into a smile.

"It's salted! My favorite!" Fourarms digs in.

"Alright. Save some for the others." Impulse tries a chip. "What did they put in this thing?" He grabs a hand full.

"Save some for the Goo of Holding."

'Kill me.' Edge voiced.

"Oh! Hey!" A familiar voice gathered their attention to Jenny approaching them. "I heard what you did for Sour Cream. Much appreciated."

"Um." Four arms stare at Jenny with her mouth full.

"She said you're welcome." Impulse states. "Sorry about that."

"There's nothing to be sorry bout. I mean, who wouldn't? My grandma put her feet in these." She took a chip. "The only person who would come close is God."

"Amen!" Four arms states making Jenny grin.

"So, it seems Steven found you two a place to stay. Judging by your appearance, your far from a Gem."

"No. We came to visit." Impulse voiced.

"Well. This is sure will bring more excitement to Beach City. I'm hoping to get a boyfriend at the end of the year. Bonus points for aliens."

Impulse tones her out as the electro music fills his thoughts. He bobs his head and taps his feet. Leaving a smile on his face.

"This music is great!" Four arms shout, breaking his train of thought. "Come on!" She grabs his hand, dragging Impulse to the dance floor.

They stood in the center while Four arms towered over everyone. The two begin getting down.

Fourarms do the robot while Impulse two steps with the Mid-beat.

"Having fun?!" Fourarms shout through the blaring music. She swings her four arms in the air.

"What do you think?!" Impulse spins on his heels before shifting his feet with a massive grin.

The beat grew strong while the two dancing aliens grew closer.

Impulse and Fourarms rolled their body before pointing at each other. They spun before switching their feet.

The blue hair alien eyes glow.

Fourarms and Impulse begin break dancing.

Among them, teens cheer and stare in shock while the two aliens never miss a beat.

"OH! HO! We got agents in the house!" Sour Cream announced.

Fourarms and Impulse spun on their back before resting on their elbow and winking at one another.

They kicked to their feet while the music stopped.

The cheers continued as the two alien's eyes remained locked with one another with warming smiles. Impulse glow ceased while he stumbled back in a daze.


Walking along the sand. A half-moon shines onto Beach City.

"What was that?!" Benita cried out.

"I don't know." Will sighs into his hands while Benita taps his arm.

"Dude, I don't know what you did, but with something like that can help us. I mean. A sudden confident boost like that. I mean someone like Fourarms, I thought I had it, but like something like that..." The boy remains silent. "Will."

"I'm fine. With having fun...but I can't lose focus. Not like that." Anthony looks at his gloved hand.


The boy looked up at Benita with her hands in her pockets.

"I have your back as you have mine." She smirks. "We are all here for a reason. And fun is part of it." Ben pats his shoulder. "Come on."

They continued before seeing the cliffside.

The boy came to a halt. His hair rises.

"Ben." Anthony voiced as Benita came to a halt. She looked over her shoulder.

The girl tense, hovering her hand over her watch while eyeing the beach filled with the sounds of crashing waves.

"Crap! It's not ready!" Benita hissed, eyeing the watch.

"Behind me."

Benita raced behind the boy, clinging onto him.

"Ben!" Anothony brushes her off, only for her to cling to him tighter. "Give me room."

The boy staggered as the beach. Begin to spin.

"You don't know. How needed you are." Benita whispered. "Sleep."

Anthony's arms hung while his eyes flickered. His body fell numb, yet Benita kept him supported. Her head rested on his neck.

"Sleep." His vision went black.

The boy rocketed to consciousness after being hurled onto the boardwalk by a Hooded Stranger.

He tumbled across the planks coming to a halt.

'BOY!!' The Symbiote cry rings within his head as soon as millions of others.

His gloved hand press among the board before his vision returns to the alley.

Garnet kicks the Hooded Stranger onto the brick wall that tumbles onto the ground.

The attacker remained standing while the gem rushed.

It weaves from Garnet's strike that drove into the wall before headbutting her into a stagger.

Taking this opportunity. The Stranger grabs her face and slams her into the ground. Opening cracks.

Garnet aims her Gauntlet before it rockets past the attacker's head. He kicks the gem out of the alley with inhuman strength causing her to tumble before quickly rolling to her feet.

The gem looks over her shoulder at the boy.

He stood to his feet, panting before Garnet snapped her focus back on the attacker.

It wipes dripping blood from its mouth before licking its lips, causing his veins to pulse a sickly orange.

The boy covered his bite wound before burning it close with a teeth-clenching hiss.

"Run!" Garnet ordered.

"I don't like to chase." The Hooded Man states.

His white eyes burn from the darkness causing the boy to stagger.

"Go! Get the others! I'll hold him." Garnet ordered once more.

The boy leaves a blue line.

Racing to the cliff. A grey hand reaches out, grabbing onto the visor of Grid. The attacker flashed his daggered teeth before biting into the blue runner's shoulder.

Grid screams echo the quiet beach.

The hooded man maneuvers the bleeding alien into a shield.

The gems and the Tennysons arrived.

"Let him go!!!" Chromastone roared.

The attacker remained quiet.

"We can talk about this." Steven voiced. "You don't want to do this." Steven inches closer while everyone surrounds the two. "What do you want?"

"The boy." The hooded Man states.

"We can't do that. Maybe-"


The attacker hurls the boy through the portal. Screams filled the boy's ears.

He tumbles once more before rolling to his feet.

The Hooded man entered the portal after the boy, only for Chromastone to leap onto his back while their exit shut.

The man hurls the alien toward Anthony. She tumbles across the cement floor, and the boy rushes to her aid.

"You could've taken us to somewhere nicer." Chromastone stood to her feet while The symbiote took the boy's place.

"Ben." Edge comments.

"We can take him."

On the other side. Of the warehouse. The hooded man paces toward the two.

"Let's kick this dude's butt. On the other side of Friday." Chromastone fires a colorful beam from her hands.

The attacker leans, letting the beam soar past his head.

The attack continues while the man dodges every beam leaving a blue line before rushing.

Chromastone rolls from the attacker's strike. The attacker turns to the symbiote delivering a sliding kick.

Edge back handspring dodging the kick before flipping to his feet.

The symbiote flips into a flying heel kick.

The hoodie man dodges his heel before grabbing the symbiote's face. Slamming him into the ground.

Sprewing debris.

A crystalized fist lands across the attacker's jaw, causing him to tumble before rolling to his feet.

"Hurt. Does it?" Chromastone remarked.

The attacker's black vein face revealed a teenager with white eyes like Anthony's. His long tongue parts from the teeth of a symbiote.

The hoodie teen rushes in a blur.

He reappeared.

Chromastone leans back, seeing the attacker's sharp nails almost takes her head off. She steps to the side and ducks from a slash.

"You're a bit-"

His head rockets into her face before his fist follows up.

Her body skips across the warehouse before crashing into a forklift.

A fireball hits the attacker back.

He snaps his head over his shoulder to Nova's barrage of Firebeams.

He zooms out of the way. Seeing Nova keeping his distance.

The Ghastly Teen close in on the firey alien. Nova takes to the sky dodging his claw slash.

"Ben!" Nova shouts while firing, down at the Teen, zooming around the room.

Zero takes Nova's place before releasing a wave of ice breath down at his target.

The attacker emerges from the onslaught in mid-air with his fist drawn back.

"It's futile." He said ghastly from his razor-sharp teeth.

Zero phases out of view, only for the attacker's fist to connect to his gut.

The Frost Phantom's air escapes his lungs. He soars to the ceiling before falling back down.

Zero crashes to the floor, wheezing.

"You're done?" The teenager questioned while his shoes gently touched the ground.

The attacker leans back as a beam from Chromastone soars past his face.

"I'm not!" She continues firing while he causally moves from her attacks. "You don't scare me." Chromastone fires above their attacker, causing the ceiling crane hook to drop.

He catches it before two green flashes reveal Fourarms closing in.

Her fists connect to the attacker's face and chest. He flew across the room.

"Will!!" Fourarms shouts to the shocked Nercofriggian. "Let's end this!"

A green flash reveals Diamondhead, pressing her hands on the ground.

A Diamond cone traps the attacker while She looks over her shoulder at Zero.

"Let's give it all we got!" Zero snaps out of it. "I'm not going down without a fight!" Her yellow eyes shimmered.

The attacker breaks from the cone, rushing Diamondhead. Spike after Spike emerges from the ground while the attacker punches each one to shreds.

Another suffered the same faith, only for a Raging Diamond Riot to appear with his fist drawn back.

The Ghastly Teen weaves past his fist before grabbing his arm. He hurls him over his shoulder.

A green flash caught the attacker's attention.

Fourarms punch lands causing him to stagger. The Ghastly Teen brought back his own, but for her to disappear with the green light.

"RAAGH!" Diamond Riot sneaks a punch.

The attacker spun on his feet, rolling a hook.

Only for Diamond Riot to duck, landing a blow to his gut before giving an uppercut.

The attacker stumbles back, only for Cannonbolt to come crashing into his spine. He flew towards Diamond Riot, using that momentum to suplex him into the ground, breaking the floor.

The attacker covers up, blocking the roaring strikes from Diamond Riot before using Soinc's scream.

The fusion flies onto a second-floor platform.

The Ghastly Teen stood to his feet before dodging Heat Blast's punch.

She cartwheels, swinging her kicks, forcing him back.

Heatblast plant her feet.

Her fist soars by his ghast face as she spins into a backheel kick; that the attacker blocks.

Their attacker grips her leg before slamming her into the ground, causing her to bounce from the floor.

Heatblast air escapes her lung before a hand bought; her back to earth.

Her face caved into the floor.

A swinging hook from the ceiling crane smacks the Ghastly Teen across the room.

He catches himself in mid-air. Staying afloat.

Heatblast and Nova fire a beam.

The Ghastly Teen weaves.

He appeared in front of the two, grasping both of their throats.

"Kneel!" His command echoed through the destroyed warehouse.

His white eyes shimmered while the Fiery duo dropped onto their knees with widened eyes.

The room grew dark while his bright white eyes were all it was left.

An animalistic roar filled the void before his razor teeth came down.

The Ghastly Teen falls onto his shoulder, sliding across the room before flipping to his feet.

"Throwing down with children is the newest low. Even for you." A woman coated in diamond remarked before smirking. "How about you stop running. And I'll give you the fight you want."

The attacker growls before running to a portal behind him.

"Hey! I'm not done with you!" The coated woman raced after him.

"Hotstuff! Don't be so stupid!" Another feminine voice called while an anodite hovered past the fiery duo into the portal. That closed.

Nova and Heatblast remained on their knees, panting. Eyeing the exit door that was portal.

Minutes flew by. While their firey bodies crackled.

Heatblast drops onto her hands and knees, shaking like a leaf.

"Ben?" Nova voiced, still in shock.

"I'm fine...Just give me a minute." Her breath shook.

'Are you fine?' Edge voiced while Nova kept his eyes on Heatblast. 'Will.'

"Uh? Yeah?" Nova blinks his eyes. "W-who was that guy?"

'Someone out to get us like everyone else...or more importantly, he's like you.'

Heatblast gazed at Nova.

Nova gazed at Heatblast, which changed back to Benita.

"How? How did you do that?" Nova questioned while Anthony took his place.

"I need...to tell you something." Benita looks away.

"Benita! Anthony! Do you read me?!" Max voiced into their earpiece.

"Max?" The boy talked back into his.

"Are you hurt? Is it still pursuing?"

"Where are you?!" Gwen followed up.

"A...warehouse. The guy nearly killed us, but some people drove him off." The boy looks around while Benita avoids his gaze.

"I need you to be clear."

"Alright. One moment." Will paced to Benita. "First. Let's handle this."

"Alright." She bites her lip while the boy heads to the door.

Anthony exits while the cold air smacks against his skin.

His eyes land on a starry night.

Before him was an empty parking lot surrounded by fences. The green hills encircled the warehouse standing before it.

Benita walks past the boy taking in her environment. She begins pacing about.

"Warehouse Four." The boy eyed the yellow number alongside the building. "Is this the same guy we fought in the future?" He said under his breath.

'Right on. I can only assume. That boy learned this trick of ours, but as of now. He got cats out for blood.' Rogue mentioned.

Anthony looked over his shoulder at Benita standing at the gates to their exit.

He approached while the girl pulled the gate, only for it to shake in place.

"Crap." She noticed Anthony. "We're locked in. A little help?"

"That fight took a lot out of me."

"Right." She gazed at her charging watch. "Let's hope that thing doesn't come back."

Benita paced past him while the boy eyed the road behind the gate.

He followed after Benita.

"Did you get a reading on him?" Gwen voiced within the boy's earpiece.

"I think it's the guy we met when you two met your mirrors." The boy replied, getting a sigh from Gwen.

"I knew it. Sunny got your location, but we're only going by what she said. So rest a little."

"And keep your guard up." Garnet voiced after Gwen.

"Understood." Anthony voiced back, seeing Benita approach him. "Let's wait it out. They're on their way."

"Great. The calvary." Benita spurts out. "Do you wanna paint our nails while we wait?"

"Sounds like a great idea." The boy sat on a parking block near the gates while Benita balanced on it.

The boy sighs while pulling off Max's leather glove feeling the sweat on his taken hand.

"You're going to tell me what happened back there?" Anothony questioned while Benita paused from balancing on the block.

The girl clears her throat before looking over her shoulder.

"Right." Her grin shakes. "What if I say? I'm not your Ben?"

"Come again?"

"Ok." She faced her back to the boy. "I'm not your Ben."

"Benita. You're standing right here."

"Y-yes. Of course."

"Benita." The girl followed the boy's voice.

Anthony gazed; blankly while Ben avoided his gaze.

"J-just listen to me!" She clenches her fists. "I came from a universe where Grandpa is Grandma. Gwen is Glenn. You are you. I met you at high school!"

The boy's heart begins to race.

"He didn't have powers, but you were always there. Every fight. No matter if we like it or not, like someone I know. He's as stubborn as you!"

"STOP!!!" Anthony roared, clenching his teeth. "This is. NOT FUNNY!!!" He raised his voice, staring draggers into Bentia's.

"You think this is a joke?!" Benita cocked her head, staring blankly while her eyes stabbed into the boy. "I thought everything was fine...When I land. Eyes on Grandpa and Gwen, I felt wrong, like they were out of place. Yet, I tried to ignore that! But those two grew on me, And you did too!"


"PLEASE!!!" She boomed, cutting the boy off. "Just Shut up! And listen to me!" Anthony fell quiet, seeing a drip of blood fall from her hands. "I felt so out of place, but you are the only one keeping my sanity in check!! Call it love or play favorites! I don't care! You were familiar, and I chose to stay close!"

"ARGH!!" Benita gripped her short hair while her eyes watered up. "I thought this was easy!" Her voice shook.

Her cries filled the quiet night while the boy only watched.

'You should listen.' Virgo voiced, causing the boy's hands to shake.

Anthony's mouth stays ajar while his eyes cast to crying, Benita.

He shakily stood up to his feet before giving Benita a hug.

"It's alright." The boy stutters before clamping his mouth shut.

"I wanted. A second chance." Benita said in a stuttering mess, causing Anthony's lip to quiver. "I can't."

"Stop it. You're stronger than you think."

Her cries made the boy do the same.

This lasted minutes until the cries were drowned by silence.

"Did you always know this?" The boy forced out, wiping his wet eyes.

"It all came flooding in the day. I killed Enoch...And my Cousin."

His eyes widen.

Honking erupts the night while the two snap their heads to a bright light coming down the road approaching them.

They see a figure with curly hair sticking out one of the windows, waving; from the RV.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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