Self-made spells:
Aere Perennius: makes any material last longer than bronze
Vitam Impendere Vero: Releases target from mind control cruses
Fiat Lux: Create a sun like fireball (Cruel Sun)
Incendia Verbero: Creates a Whip made from fire or fiendfyre
Atram Noctam Time: Absorb all light in an area, making it dark as night
Milles Morsus: Causes a thousand dog bites to appear on target
Aeris Perditio: Bruns energy stored in target's magical core
Protego Diabolica: Grindelwald's shield
Protego Angelica: Ludwig's version of Gellert's one (protects allies)
Inviso Mento: Makes you invisible (from Gellert's eye)
Cyclonus Transportus: Apparate with underage wizards
Ravenetho: summon a raven
Animata: target goes blind for 30 seconds
Frieshenda Shedayah: Unforgivable Curse, shed blood on target
Induco caelum necnon terra simul: hail of meteors to strike target
Auxilium: Heals target (High level)
Deflagrate muri tempi et intervallia, etenium, dissimulo fidelis arcanum: Fidelius charm
Used spells:
Abrecap benda: Break the chains
Abrumpo: Cutting Curse-Dark
Abscido Totalum: Severs All Limbs From Torso-Dark
Absolvo Ancile: Extremely Powerful Shielding Spell
Accio: Summoning Charm
Acenne Slaep Swylce Cwalu: Sleeping spell
Ackwele: Destroy
Ado pas sawle: Destroy this spirit-used to cleanse Horcruxes by destroying the soul without damaging the actual Horcrux-that is, the container
Adurna: Water
Aduro Flamma Atra Excessum: Dark Burning Spell-Creates a Black Flame Hot Enough to Destroy Horcruxes-Preferably cast by three people
Aegis Contego: Powerful Shield Charm
Aegis Vocare: Shield Charm-Weaker Than Protego
Aegresco Dormitare/Vivo Timor: Nightmare Hex/Curse-Dark
Aeolus: Whirlwind Curse-creates a whirlwind of scalding steam that can burn a specific target-needs absolute focus to do so
Aequor Tutela: Creates a Water Shield
Afeorme: Cleanse
Afflagrans: Flame Curse
Aguamenti: Creates a Jet of Water
Aguamenti Incendio: Creates a Jet of Boiling Water
Ahluttre The Seocness Thurhaele Braed: Healing spell
Ahreose Thaec: Roof fall
Alarte Ascendare: Shoots object into the sky
Aliesin: Release
Alino Capra: Spying Charm-creates invisible eyes that only caster can see through
Alohomora: Unlock
Amplificare Corpo: Charm to strengthen the body-Spell equivalent of Strengthening Solution
Anapneo: Clears Airway
Andlat: Death
Animare Salma: Corpse animation spell-basic Necromancy spell
Animi Adgredior/Arrestus Cardia: Heart Attack Hex/Curse
Animus Purgo: Purify Soul Charm-Charm used to cleanse darkness from a Horcrux in preparation for reabsorbtion
Animus Reddo Invalesco: Curse that destroys Horcruxes and turns soul piece into more magic for caster-Unlisted Fourth Unforgivable
Anteoculatia: Antler Jinx
Aparecium: Reveals Invisible Writing
Aperio Vere Animus: Soul Revealing Spell-Undoes Glamours, illusions and Polyjuice-Side effect of removing biases against target
Aperio Vere Instar: Form Revealing Spell-Undoes Glamours, illusions and human transfigurations-ineffective against Animagi and Polyjuice
Aqua Erecto: Water Charm created to battle Fiendfyre
Aqua Impleo: Drowning Curse-Dark
Aquamariam Inferio: Water Charm-Creates a burst of water
Aquaniam Tidalis: Wave Charm-creates wave of water
Arachiaxus: Spider swarm Jinx
Arania Exumai: Spider Killing Spell
Ardeo: Burning Dart-Shoots a Bolt of Fire
Ardeo Corpus: Incineration Curse-Dark
Ardor Castro: Burning Castration Cursed-Castrates victim while cauterizing wound
Arefacio: Drying Charm
Aresto Momento: Slows/Stops a Falling Object
Arget: Silver
Ascendio: Lifts the Caster into the air
Asshai: Cleanse-Parsel spell that removes poison or potions from food or someone's system, curing them of it's effects
Asheseyra: Bind Completely-Parsel Binding Curse that cannot be removed except by caster-Victim cannot move, speak or use magic, also used for unbreakable magical oaths
Astrice: I strike-Stunning spell
Atra nosu waise vardo fra eld hornya: May we be warded from listeners
Attero Atrum: Destroys Darkness
Attero Telum: Destroys Muscle and Bones in Target's Arms
Audr: Up
Aufero Patronum: Curse to send away a Patronus
Awendap eft wansaeliga neatu: Celtic Impediment Jinx
Avada Kedavra: Killing Curse-An Unforgivable
Avello Viscus: Flaying Curse-Dark
Avera Katana: Freezing Charm-Immobilizes Target
Avero Frigidaris/Glaciestum/Tempestas Glacialis: Freezing Charm/Hex/Curse-Creates a burst of freezing wind/Ice Storm
Baerna: Burn
Behaepse faest: Locking spell
Benelaeg gesweorc: Summons Mist
Beorn: Bear
Berbay Odothay Arisan Quicken: Animation Spell-animates any image or statue
Bjart: Bright
Bledem Bardem: Bleeding Breath Curse-Liquefies Lungs to the Point That the Victim Dies of Asphyxiation or Blood Loss-Dark
Bloedig Driemall: Eye-melting Curse
Boetq Istalri: Broad fire
Bombarda (Maxima): Causes an Explosion
Brakka: Reduce
Brimstream: creates a jet of water
Brisingr: Fire
Burbujee Cabeza/Ossigeno Maschile: Bubblehead Charm
Caducus Epastus: Flaying Curse that only affects Death Eaters
Caeco/Caecare/Caecus: Blinding Jinx/Hex/Curse
Castigo: Painful binding curse
Catena (ex Ferreus): Binds Target in Chains of Iron
Cave Inimicum: Warns of Approaching Enemies
Cavea: Cage Spell-Encases Target in Nearly Indestructible Cage
Censumosis: Dark burning curse that causes it's victims to feel as if their bones are on fire
Cero Ventus: Wind Charm
Chalybs Funis: Binds Target in Steel Ropes That Slowly Tighten-Dark
Chistian: Shield
Cistem Apario: Opens Chests
Clam Imperio: Subtle Imperious Curse-Does not allow full control, but target often follows suggestions
Calm Adamo Imperio: Love Imperious-Forces target to 'fall in love' with someone of the caster's choice-usually the caster
Clava Mocus: Bat-Bogey Hex
Coepia: Blasting Curse
Colloportus: Magically Locks Doors
Colorous Sillius-A spell that turns anything it comes in contact with Neon Pink w/ Neon Green Spots
Comburo Sanguis/Cruro Madidus: Blood-Boiling Hex/Curse-Dark
Comprimo: Compression Curse-Dark
Concalesco Ipse: Warming Charm
Condalesco: Causes target to believe they are being tortured
Confringio: Causes Items to Burst into Flames
Confundo: Confounding Charm
Congelo Corpus: Dark Curse That Causes Victim to Freeze From Inside Out
Conlingo Totalis: Binding Spell that combines Full Body Bind and Incarcerous
Contego: Reflection Shield-effective against Minuo-Created by Grindelwald
Contendo Talus: Bone-Crushing Hex-Crushes bones of area hit by spell
Consesco: Dismemberment Curse
Constructivictus: Binding Chain Jinx-Version of Incarcerous That Shoots a Chain of Steel
Contrarius: Contrary Jinx-causes target to speak opposite of thoughts
Contundo: Demolishing Curse-Dark
Cooperio Obstructis Magnus: Charm that hides all magic done in a certain area
Coracis: Siege Engine Curse-obliterates an expanse of space, size dependant on amount of power used
Crematora: Cremation Curse-causes target to burn to ashes in a matter of seconds-Dark
Cremocarnis: Flesh-Burning Curse-Dark
Creo Ovino (Multiplicius): Conjuring spell-conjures sheep
Crucio: Torture Curse-Must Enjoy it in Order for the Curse to Work Properly-An Unforgivable
Cruento Ornatus: Charm that stains clothing with blood-used for framing target with murder
Cruxus: Torture Curse-Similar to Cruciatus, but less powerful and Legal
Cume Thoden: Come, Whirlwind
Curatio Adura: Healing Spell-Specifically for Burns
Cuspis: Transfigures a match to a needle
Datia: Mists
Dauth: Death
Defodio: Creates Gauges in Target
Deloi: Earth
Demergo Puteus Onus: Gravity Curse
Deprehesio Magus: Allows detection of magical residues
Deprimo: Causes Extreme Downward Pressure
Depulso: Banishing Charm
Descendo: Causes Target to Descend
Disintegrata: Disintegration curse
Desisto Mutatio: Inertia Charm-used to stop or slow spells
Detrimentum: Hair-Removal Hex
Dextera Mortis: Wrist-Locking Jinx
Deyja: Die
Diabolus Inflammare: Fiendfyre-A Nearly Unstoppable Fire That Can Destroy Anything-Dark
Diffindo: Cutting Curse
Diffracto/Diffractum/Ossus Diffringo: Bone-Breaking Jinx/Hex/Curse
Diminuendo: Shrinking Spell
Diplopia: Double-vision Jinx
Diripo: Flesh-Shredding Curse-Dark
Discerpo: Severing Curse-More Powerful Version of Diffindo-Dark
Disruptium: Organ-Rupturing Curse
Dissumulo Veneficus: Charm cast on wand to hide it's magical signature
Doxio Thundaris: Electric Charm-creates a ball of lightning that can be used as a weapon
Draumr Kopr: Dream Stare /Scrying
Du grind huildr: Hold the gate
Duro: Turns Target into Stone
Effervo/Ebullio Caedes: Blood-Boiling Curse
Effugiat: Notice-Me-Not Charm
Eitha: Go, Leave
Eldrvarya: Burning
Engorgio: Enlargement Spell
Episkey: Healing Charm-Minor Injuries
Eradico Mens Mentis: Mental curse that destroys most Occlumency shields-Created by Salazar Slytherin
Eructare Ariolimax: Slug-vomiting Curse
Evanesco: Vanishing Charm
Everbo: Bludgeoning Hex
Everte Statum: Hurling Hex
Eviscero: Disembowling Curse
Exorior Quod Rapio Spiritus Ex Meus Foes O Umbra: Creates a Shadow Assassin to strangle a target
Exosso: Bone Eating Curse-Extremely Dark-if bones are vanished and replaced by Skele-Grow, the curse will reactivate and kills in one hour
Expecto Patronum: Patronus Charm
Expelliarmus: Disarming spell
Expulso: Blasting Hex
Extracto (Totalis) Osseum: Bone Extracting Curse
Eyddr eyreya onr: Empty your ears
Feoll bu brand: Causes Ceiling to collapse
Ferio Levitatum: Flight Charm
Fervefacio: Melting Curse-Dark
Fethrblaka: Bird
Ferula: Creates a Splint
Ferunculus/Tergeo Erump: Boils Hex/Curse
Fianto Duri: Shielding Charm
Finite Incantantum: End spell
Flagro Flagello: Flame-Whip Curse-Dark
Flauga: Fly
Flammasectum: Burning Curse that creates a stream of white fire-Dark
Flipendo: Knock-back Jinx
Forbearne: Fire Spell
Fortis Aegis: Creates a Golden Shield That Protects Against Curses and Physical Objects-more powerful than Protego
Frethya: Hide
Fulmina: Electric Torture Curse
Fumo: Smoke Charm
Furioso Infernus: Flame Hex-creates a large jet of intense flame
Freohr: Death
Fyrbendum faest: Locking spell
Finna: Find
Ganga: Go
Garjzla: Light
Gath du helgr freohr: Unite the Deathly Hallows
Gath und reisa du rakr: Unite and Raise the Mists
Gehalge: Heal
Gehaeftan: Restrain
Gemino: Duplication Spell
Gauisus Phasmatis: Cheering Charm
Gravitas Penna: Featherfall Charm
Haina: Harm
Hanaysa: Parseltongue-Release
Harayssa: Parseltongue-Destroy
Hasshai: Repair-Parsel Healing charm that instantly repairs broken bones and/or Tissue
Haurio: Shielding Charm-Absorbs Spells
Heill: Heal
Hearass: Hurt-Parseltongue Stinging Curse-Essentially has the same effect as a Stinging Jinx on the whole body
Heyshahassa: Parseltongue Open
Hilderand Fram Aerdeap: Shielding Spell-Shields From Death-Effective Against Avada Kedavra
Hljodhr: Silent
Hoaryaehexia: Shoots a Large Arrow of Silver
Homenum Revelio: Reveals any Invisible Humans in a Room
Homenum Reverto: Reverts any Animagus to Human Form
Ic Awoce The: I revive you
Ic I Tospringe: I open it quickly
Ic The Gehatte Searobend: Binding Spell
Ic the Purhhaele Pinu Licsar Mid Pam Sundorcraeft Paere Ealdan: Healing Spell
Ic The Withdraf: Stunning spell
Ic The Bebeode Thaet Thu Nu Slaepest: I command that you don't sleep
Ignis: Burn Curse-Dark Curse That Causes Severe Burns Over Target
Ilumeo: Truth
Imitorari Flammoviscera/Inflammo Venae: Hex/Curse that Causes Target to Believe Internal Organs are on fire
Immobulus: Immobilizes Target
Impedimenta: Impedes Movement- Freezes, Trips, Binds, Knocking Back
Imperator: Causes target to become very charismatic-Usually used on commanders on battlefields to keep army from retreating or cause them to attempt an impossible task
Imperio: Mind Control Curse-An Unforgivable
Impervius: Makes Target Repel objects
Imprimis Patrocinor: Small but Powerful Shield that Protects Against all but Unforgivables
Incarcerus: Ties up Target with Rope
Incendio: Burns Target
Incendus Ventus: Creates a Massive Ball of Fire
Indolentia: Pain Relief Charm
Infestus Apris: Creates a Swarm of Bees
Infractus Manus: Curse That Breaks Fingers-Extremely Useful Against Grindylows
Infra Video: X-ray Charm-allows user to see through walls and other solid objects-used on Moody's eye-created by Dumbledore in 1950's
Instigo Calvae: Hair-Removing Hex
Integropercuro: Healing Charm for cuts, effective against Sectumsempra
Interia: Dark Curse that causes internal damage and bleeding
Intende lich: Fire attack
Iren Faestnunga onlucap me: unbinds Chains
Islingr: Lightbringer/illuminator
Istalri: Flame
Jacio: Flinging Hex
Jierda: Hit/Break
Kalfya: Calves
Knifr: Knife
Kveya: Lightning
Kvistr: Branch
Kodthr: Catch
Lacarnum Inflamare: Creates a spurt of flame
Lacero: Lacerating Curse
Ladrin: Open
Lam: Hand
Langlock: Glues the Targets' Tongue to the Roof of the Mouth
Lapidibus: Petrification Curse
Lapso Accidere: Tripping Jinx
Latus Destructus: Lung Destruction Curse-causes crushed lungs-Dark
Legillimens: Mind Reading
Lepor Lepos Acidus: Wit-Sharpening Charm-Created by Rowena Ravenclaw
Letta: Stop
Lemures Maxima: Forces a Killer to Feel Victim's Dying Moments, No Effect on Innocent-Dark
Levicorpus: Hangs the Target in the air by the Ankle
Levious Severus: Countercharm to Severus Selious
Lif: Life
Lifa: Live
Liquefacio: Decomposing Curse-Extremely Dark-just under Unforgivables
Locomotor Mortis: Leg-Locker Curse
Losna: Release/Loosen
Lumos: Light
Ma'mor: Unlock
Maela: Quiet
Malthinae: Confine/Bind/Hold
Manin: Memory
Mimble-Wimble-Tongue-Tying Jinx
Minuo: Bleeding Curse-cuts the target while numbing the area so target doesn't know they're bleeding to death-Created during war against Grindelwald
Min srengest miht hate pe tospringan: Powerful unbinding Spell
Moi: Change
Mor'amr: Open
Morbus Egresco: Causes Target to Become Ill Extremely Quickly to the Point of Incapacitation-Dark
Mor'ranr: Peace
Mortalitis Caliga: Shoots a Mist of Acid-No Counter-curse, but can be blocked by Shield
Muffiliato: Anti-Eavesdropping Spell
Musica Anima: Plays a Song That Best Fits Targets' Soul (Featured in Growing Pains by SensiblyTainted)
Naedre fordripe: Snake, attack
Nagz: Blanket
Nentou Kujiko: Mind Crushing Curse-Destroys the mind of the target completely-Created by Yakuza for quick kills-Dark
Neo: Not
Nonauditorius: Deafening Charm
Nosu: Us
Nox: Darkness Charm
Obdormio: Instantly Sends Target into a Deep Sleep-Can Lead to Coma and Death Without Counter-Dark
Oblido: Crushing Hex-Dark
Obstringere: Binding Hex-binds target in ropes
Occludictus: Healing Spell for Cuts
Onbregdan: Summoning Spell
Ono: You
Onr: Your
Oro: Arrow
Orum: Serpent
Osdetero: Bone-pulverizing Curse
Partis Temporus: Splits a Magical Barrier
Patefacio Valetudo: Medical scan spell, Means Show or make visible the state of the body or the health
Pectus Oris Deflagration Onis Enim Tantum Aevum: Ancient Egyptian spell that destroys both body and soul-Dark
Pelleo: Bludgeoning Curse
Percutio: Striking Curse
Perfigo (Rapido): Puncture hex
Perfringo/Ossus Fragmen: Bone-Shattering Hex/Curse-Dark
Periculum: Creates Red Sparks
Petrificus Totalus: Full Body-Bind Curse
Phoenixius Infernitatum: Fire Charm
Piertotum Locomotor: Animates Statues/Suits of Armour
Pillovinus: Cushioning Charm
Pingo: Paintball Charm
Portus: Creates a Portkey
Praestigiae Cara: Beloved Illusion-Creates an Illusion of Target's Loved One that can talk to the target-Used for Distraction-Most effective if caster knows the loved one
Preda Venator: Curse that opens all of target's previous wounds-most effective on target that has often been wounded or taken serious wounds
Premo Navis: Artery Crushing Curse-Crushes a major artery and kills victim in less than a minute-Originally created for euthanasia purposes
Projectilius: Creates Solid Bolt of Magic-Used to Pin or Impale a Target
Projectilius Argentium/Argentum Spiculum/Silforgium: Creates Solid Bolts of Magical Silver
Protego: Creates a Basic Shield
Pulmo: Asphyxiation Curse
Pulmo Ferramentum: Iron Lung Curse-slowly turns lungs into iron, causing excruciating pain for the victim and inhalation speeds the curse up-death within 20 minutes unless an Inertia spell is cast within two minutes, followed by Reversal and Regeneration charms and a donation of magic
Pu fornimst adl fram guman: Remove sickness from this man
Pulmo Punctum: Slow Moving Unblockable Curse That Punctures Targets Lungs
Purnhaele licsar min: Heal thoroughly my wound
Rakr: Mist
Raudhr: Red
Rauthr: Misfortune
Recutio: Shield That Deflects Spell
Reducio: Shrinks an Object
Reducto: Breaks/Disintegrates Target
Reflectus/Resulto: Mirror Hex/Curse-Reflects Spell back at Caster
Reisa: Raise/Lift
Relashio: Makes the Target Release it's Hold
Remitto: Banishing Charm
Ren: Oath
Rennervate: Awakens Target
Reparo: Repairs Target
Resarcio: Healing Spell for Bruises-Speeds up Healing Factor
Reverto: Deflection Spell
Rictusempra: Tickling Jinx
Riddikulus: Boggart-Banishing Charm
Ruptispecktis: Eye Pain Curse
Ruptura: Rupturing Curse/Dolohov's Curse-Produces Thin Beam of Purple Fire That Causes Severe Damage to Internal Organs-Dark
Sabaki Mahou: Magic Draining Curse-Drains magic from target and adds it to caster's own, also adds a few years to caster's life-Dark
Sachera: Parseltongue-Die
Sachessa: Parseltongue-Stun
Sanerra: Parseltongue-Forget
Sang Quasso: Blood Bursting Curse-Dark
Sayahsess: Obey-Parseltongue Imperious Curse-Extremely Powerful and Resistant to Thief's Downfall
Sassesi: Remove-Parseltongue Disarming Charm-Removes Arms From Target
Schaduw Ninja: Curse that blinds target before having their shadow consume them
Scourgify: Cleaning Charm
Sectumsempra: Cutting Curse-creates sword like slashes in target-Dark
Selious: Sealing Charm
Searassa: Torture-Parseltongue Cruciatus Curse
Serpensortia: Serpent Summoning spell
Servio Obviam Incendia: Flame-Freezing Charm
Severus Selious: Severing Charm-Cuts person off of magic
Sheara: Shield-Parseltongue Shielding Spell-Eats Attacking Spells to Power Itself-the More It's Attacked, the Stronger it Gets-Does Not Protect Against Unforgivables
Sicco Pulmo: Saves Person From Drowning
Signum Translocus: Anti-Apparition Hex
Silassa: Silence/Quiet
Silencio: Silencing Charm
Silex Iacio: Stone-Throwing Charm
Skileshmorte: Tears Away Chunks of Flesh-Dark Curse (Created by Shiquresan in Sanguis Vita Est)
Skolir: Shield
Slytha: Sleep
Snaede: Cut
Sobrietus: Sobering Charm
Somnio Verus: Illusion Charm
Soporo: Modified Stunning Charm-Target cannot be Revived except by Caster-wears off after one week
Speculum Ardoris: Surrounds Caster in Flame Mirrors-Defensive Measure; With Different Pronunciation Turns into Offensive Spell that Confuses Targets and Makes Them Cast Spells
Spongify: Cushioning Charm
Spiculum: Stinging Hex
Stenr: Stone
Stupefy: Stunning Charm
Sugh: Dark Curse that drains energy from target
Suscitatio, Exorior Per Invocatio of is Quisnam Dico Vos Quod Exsisto Reus, Inferious: Inferi Curse-Necromantic Curse that reanimates the dead to serve as an army for the Necromancer
Svelt: Die violently
Sweffin: Sleep
Talus Ruo: Trip Jinx
Tarantallegra: Jelly-Legs Jinx
Tedrenas: Timely Rain
Tegeo: Cleaning Charm
Telum Conico: Shoots a Red-hot Spike at Target
Tenus Calculus: Transfigures object to stone
Terra Conrtremo/Terra Motus: Earth Shaker Hex/Curse-creates an earthquake of varying magnitude dependant on power used
Tharinna Imbicentra: Animation spell
Theyna: Be silent
Thrautha: Throw
Thrysta: Thrust/Compress
Thver stenr un atra eka horna: Traverse stone and let me hear
Thurhaele: Heal Thoroughly
Tormenta: Rack Curse-simulates pain of the medieval rack
Tospringe: Burst open
Transire Vulnus: Dark Healing Spell That Transfers Wound to Person of Caster's Choice
Treavam: Tree
Urinario: Urination spell-originally medical spell, but useful for pranks
Vampa Lancia: Flaming Spear Curse
Vanyali Ven: Magic Sight, allows caster to see Magic
Ven: Sight
Vera Verto: Turns Animals into Goblets
Veoht: Slow
Victus Nex: Variation of Stupefy-Keeps Target Down for Certain Time as Determined by Caster
Vipera Evanesco: Destroys Serpents
Viscera Eiecto/Extractum: Entrail-Expelling Hex/Curse-Dark
Visumagicus: Charm to see magic
Vomica: Lesion Curse-Dark
Vulnera Sanentur: Heals Wounds-Extremely Useful for Sectumsempra
Waise heill: Be healed
Weorp untoworpenlic: Binds target in chains
Wingardium Leviosa: Levitation Charm
Wyrda: Fate
Zar'roc: Misery/Pain
Zephyrious Seraphara: Whirlwind Charm