[2640 words]
[Three Weeks Later]
[G-2, Paradise Sea]
G-2 was the third-most fortified base under the Marines, right behind Marineford and G-1.
The base was in the first half of the Grand Line with thick steel walls, mounted cannons, tens of warships and nearly ten thousand troops on standby.
With such an economy, the presence of a Vice Admiral was certain; however, this was a special occasion, warranting the leadership of someone even higher.
Another gargantuan force was also present, enough to divert the attention from the wide mass of soldiers. There were only three, yet their massive frames dwarfed everyone else—Giants!
They each towered over 65 feet tall (~20 meters)!
Rain doused the base, gracing it with a humid due while thunder echoed in the distance. A light fog blanketed the island, hiding the indomitable spirit of the marines.
[G-2 Image (in Discord)]
[Research Facility, Marine Science Unit]
A grand room in the shape of a bunker with thick walls and a ceiling that touched nearly fifty meters in height.
A vast array of devices and items were laid onto solid-steel tables. Smaller rooms were built within, each holding live subjects in rather precarious means.
At the far back was an extremely tough chamber, layered with multiple levels of security. But that was a given as it housed the greatest terror of G-2.
"WORORORO!" a laugh boomed the dark halls. "You little monkeys are still trying to poke me with your little toys."
The prisoner was strapped down to the ground, all his limbs were bound by metal straps heavy enough to hold up mountains.
Many fluids in the form of IVs were connected to his forearms, constantly supplying liquids to keep the beast weakened and tranquilised. Enough to put down the largest of Sea Kings for weeks on end.
"Incredibly, you're awake even with all these suppressants," a scientist murmured with shock evident on his face. "I suppose we should attribute it to your Oni heritage."
Kaido, who was sleepy-eyed, did not seem to want to go fully out.
"Just wait till I burst out from these chains," he said in a low voice, "the first thing I'll do is pop your head like a grape."
The scientist paused and took a deep breath. "That day will never come, don't you know who's guarding this base?"
Kaido responded with a dull laugh, one that echoed throughout the entire marine base.
[Exterior Outpost]
G-2 had many smaller watchtowers built around it with marines keeping eyes in every direction.
"Hey, Shinrai, just sit and play some cards," a marine exhaustively said.
Another man chuckled, "Yeah, sit down, relax. You think any pirate is ballsy enough to come here?"
"We have a powerhouse on our side; newer recruits like you are always so uptight!"
Shinrai was a very young man who recently rose through the ranks and had become a captain after graduating from the Elite Training Course at Marineford.
He was a by-the-books kind of person.
His meek personality was telling him to sit but the instincts he had trained at the course were telling him something else entirely.
'Hundred-Beast Kaido, The temporary Seventh Division Commander of the Rocks Pirates... there's no way we can hold him so peacefully,' he thought.
Shinrai's bright turquoise eyes scanned out the window of the tower, running across the sea and through the hazy fog.
He thought he saw something prompting him to pick up a monocular to check.
A glance revealed the obvious vessel: 'A ship?' he thought.
It was a small galleon on the distant horizon, racing towards the base. Shinrai was unsure of what to think, after all, it was just one ship.
The Rear Admiral was on the edge of his seat from approaching victory, excitement budding on his weathered face. Yet his joy was interrupted by his young subordinate, "Umm, sir, we have a stray boat headed our way."
The older man stood up with an annoyed expression and swiped the scope from the recruit's hands, murmuring under his breath, "You're seeing things, kid, there's no one out–"
A body suddenly fell to the ground with a resounding thud.
"Kolololo, Rear Admiral, don't play around, you'll scare the greenie."
Another marine ran over, kneeling by his downed superior. "H-His eyes… they're completely melted! It even went through the skull!"
The man failed to speak anymore as he saw a bright flash of red shoot into the outpost.
There were two beams of volatile energy, bending and bouncing across the air. One by one, they pierced the soldiers.
Bodies fell with loud thuds, bringing silence to their post.
*Thump* Shinrai could not help but slam his back toward the wall. The world around him collapsed as all of his colleagues were dead within seconds.
His eyes were lost, completely overwhelmed by the turn of events. He fell to his knees, his breathing erratic.
Moments went on as Shinrai finally found some courage to get up.
His breathing got a little better as he began to look for the emergency button. "There it is!" He saw the red button encased with a glass cover, rushing toward it.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
The young marine froze in his steps.
*Gulp* He felt the voice as if it was right behind him. 'I didn't feel anyone enter the room!' the recruit thought, slowly turning around.
What met his eyes was a towering shadow of a pirate, one nearly twice his size. His presence alone placed the shadow of death upon the marine.
"I-I-I'm not afraid of you!" he managed to utter, channelling every ounce of courage he had left.
The invading pirate's deep-red eyes reflected amusement as he saw the defiance emanate from the striking rookie. "Then you will die braver than most."
Shinrai did not know what hit him as his body was flung into the far room, resembling a rag doll.
*Crack!* The momentum alone left the recruit broken, his screams void due to being knocked out instantly.
Damien, who had turned his attention away from the outpost, reached for a snail in his pocket.
"The outposts are clear, go ahead and take down their comms," he ordered.
The Sin Incarnate then casually walked over and took a seat at the Rear Admiral's position, enjoying the coming carnage.
[Communication Headquarters, G-2]
An explosion rang through the rusty walls, followed by the wails and tears of fallen marines. Panic ensued as deep tremors echoed through the concrete floors.
A man brought out a snail with great difficulty, "T-This is the Communications Unit, we've been breached! I repeat, we've bee–"
*Splatter* A mushy substance remained where his head should have been, drippy with blood and brain matter.
"Majajaja! They can't even put up a fight!"
A few downed marines could only look up, unable to talk; fear reflected in their shaky pupils.
Majin, the massive pirate, made his way to the core of the room.
"What a giant snail," he muttered.
It was a good fifteen feet tall with an equally giant shell. The device was responsible for relaying and holding up the connection for any snails within the premises, acting like a beacon.
Majin clenched his reddish fist and threw it forward.
The snail uttered a pathetic cry as its shell shattered to bits, letting its gooey inside flood the floor.
"What a messy man," came a dry voice from behind him.
Pablo, who was around a third of Majin's size, did not seem all that scary. Though his dual-pistol loadout was enough to leave behind a trail of bodies.
Then came a slight tremor, catching the attention of both pirates.
Majin turned his attention to the man who had waltzed into the room. He donned a white cape with golden epaulets.
Pablo sucked on his cigar, greeting the marine, "Good day to you, Señor Vice Admiral Bollox."
The bald officer could only growl in anger, eying the two enemies, "Damn pirates, I knew something was afoot. I'll be sure to personally execute you two for the blood you've shed!"
The man did not speak further, instead choosing to rush ahead with a fist ready to punch.
"Iron Body: Slam!"
His burly fist smashed forward, aiming at the gargantuan Majin.
Though his grin turned to a frown as he felt a dull ache.
He flinched as a ginormous piece of flesh suddenly shot forth, nailing him in the stomach—it was a tail.
The Vice Admiral was sent flying, soaring through the air and across the room. He bounced a few times off the metal floor before digging his feet into the ground to a stop.
"Damn..." he grunted from the stabbing pain. Not only was he struck by a massive appendage but it was spiky, nailing him right in the liver.
Bollox spat out a healthy dose of blood, cursing under his broken breath, "Ancient Zoan…"
The one attacking was a giant dinosaur nearly 6 meters tall (~20 feet) and four times as long.
It had a wide, heavily armoured skull and a large tail club. Thick bony spikes decorated the prehistoric beast, giving off quite a menacing appearance—the Ancient Model of the Ankylosaurus!
[Ankylosaurus Image (in Discord)]
Bollox inhaled a voluminous breath and recovered from the pain, straightening his posture.
*Fwwm* A thick coat of Haki was soon wrapped around his arms as he took upon a hand-to-hand stance.
The marine appeared a meter above the armoured beast, launching a Haki-clad fist.
Alongside the resounding crash was a wave of pain, not from the victim but rather from the attacker—Bollox's strike failed!
He retreated to the air, reaching for high ground, only for a thick and spiky tail to arc toward him at rapid speeds.
In a moment of thought, the marine engaged in a defensive posture, "Iron Body!"
The bald man was knocked back once more, bouncing off the very concrete until finally reaching a stop by being engraved into the wall.
Bollox got up without any wounds beyond some bruises, ripping the walls apart and rushed ahead once more.
The marine's footsteps were loud and resounding, creating a drumming beat from the metal floor.
"Hehe, this is fun," Majin grinned through his Dinosaur form, whipping his thick tail once more.
As it was mere inches from Bollox's face, inches from turning it to mush.
With a woosh, the veteran marine weaved under the tail and wrapped his burly arms around it, flexing his muscles.
"Iron Body: Atlas Shoulder Flip!"
His body locked up its muscles, pulling at the tail with great power. As intended, Majin was slowly flipping over with a thud, rocking the dinosaur out of consciousness for a brief moment while unveiling the weaker underside.
"Die, pirate!"
Bollox shot his finger near the heart, aiming to kill.
A bloody future echoed in the Vice Admiral's mind, prompting him to flicker away.
The concrete slab hit by the bullet began to sizzle, melting from the inside out.
Bollox appeared a good ten meters away, annoyingly looking at the disruptor and saw the rather tiny Pablo holding up a pistol.
"The overgrown hippo is not your only opponent, Señor."
[The Other side of G-2]
"What the hell happened to our comms?" came an annoyed yell from another top marine.
"Bollox went to check it out, I'm sure it's nothing."
The duo conversing with one another were two esteemed Vice Admirals, Velvet and LaGuardia.
"Such things shouldn't happen at G-2, what will I say to the boss!?" Velvet roared out his frustration.
LaGuardia, who was a rather overweight man, waved his hands, "Calm down, Velvet-kun, things like this happen all the time; it must be the storm."
Velvet, the lanky marine, had rose-coloured hair with a thick beard. His eyes were soon drawn to a spectacle taking place outside his window.
"And is that fire also supposed to happen?" he angrily questioned.
LaGuardia blinked, peering to the outer window.
What he saw was a huge blaze that suddenly erupted. It was bright enough and hot enough to melt the very metal that the base was built on!
"Maybe it's part of our commander's welcoming ceremony," LaGuardia murmured.
"You idiot, let's go!"
The two of them rushed beyond their posts, jumping out from the window and landing with a dull boom.
Blistering heat assaulted the pores on their faces, forcing them to squint their eyes while spanning their Haki.
"Just two pirates?"
"No, Bollox is also fighting two, so a grand total of at least four daredevils."
Velvet did not speak, rather he reached for the rocket launcher on his back.
A giant pellet thundered out, rushing at the invaders near the inner regions of G-2.
It streaked through the sky, meeting the pirate's skull. Like a grape, the head exploded.
Though against Velvet's thoughts, it was not an explosion of blood but rather that of some liquid which rained down in all directions.
"Logia?" the Vice Admiral muttered with a solemn voice.
LaGuardia shook his head, tasting a sole droplet that happened to land on his mouth. "It's saké, the good kind," he critiqued. "A special Paramecia."
The pirate whose head had exploded, began to reform as the golden-brown liquid swam back in, "Hehe, it'll take a little more than that to kill me off~"
He then looked at his partner, "Let's do that."
The Super Rookie Voyd Nomu reeled back his liquidy arms and unleashed a spectacle of his own.
"Saké Golden Shower!"
The marines narrowed their eyes as the golden liquid filled the ashy skies, resembling rain.
Ignio Kaen, his companion, suddenly made a move—he snapped his finger.
"Rain of Fire!"
The raining golden liquid suddenly burst into flames with the snap of Kaen's finger.
The inferno lit up the gloomy sky of G-2, raining hell on earth! The orange dawn brought upon its own glory, pouring onto the nearby marines.
The heat was no simple flame, rather it was enough to burn through skin and flesh within mere seconds.
Hundreds upon hundreds of soldiers were met with the fiery showers, raising their arms in protection.
*Sizzle* In a quarter-second, the hair of their arms burnt, then the flame charred their skin and exposed the pink layer below.
Next was the seeping of igniting saké, entering into their bloodstream and burning them inside out.
"My arms!"
"I-It's hurts, put it out! IT HURTS!"
Hundreds of soldiers were scorched alive, their blazing bodies running across the field hoping to find some kind of relief.
LaGuardia and Velvet flickered through the air, dodging the hellfire and appearing a safe distance away.
"They made a mess in the inside of G-2, but did they forget we have nearly 10,000 marines stationed just beyond the wall!?" Velvet roared in fury.
"We have to put out the fir-"
It was alongside a sharp hissing sound followed by the rumbling of rock.
The air was sliced, the ground was cut and a deep chasm opened up, splitting and opening up the earth much like a ravine.
Both Vice Admirals were brought to a halt with grim faces.
The veterans felt all their senses firing.
The noses were assaulted by the stench of charred humans while their ears were filled with the wails of burning men. The air tasted metallic and it was humid to the touch.
Yet their eyes, ignoring the blazing sky and dusty air, were locked onto the dark figure standing atop a towering boulder.
Velvet recognized the man's identity with ease—dark skin, dark hair, tribal marks and grasping a dark blade with a purple electric pattern.
"The Evil Omen of the Fourth Division." The Vice Admiral's face scrunched up with seriousness, "It's safe to say that we should be expecting the Sin Incarnate as well."
To Be Continued…
Author's Corner.
Majin: Ankylosaurus.
Kaen: Ignite-Ignite Fruit.
Pablo: Narco-Narco Fruit.
Nomu: Saké-Saké Fruit.
Who's your favourite of the four fodder thus far?
Images are available on Discord alongside other niche details: https://discord.gg/aJHHHPvb6q
[3055 words]
Check Discord for a new giveaway to add a Super Rookie into the story who will meet a bad ending.
G-2 was laid out in a simple form—a giant outer platform which houses 10,000 troops. A wall separating this outer area from the inner core led to the Research Station.
The inner part was where Vice Admirals, Bollox, Velvet, and LaGuardia were, facing the Fourth Division.
On the other hand, the edges of the outer shell were lined with tents and army barracks with tools, supplies and beds. Six Vice Admirals at the head of the troops, three of them, Giants.
The Marines had little room to breathe due to the recent inferno and distant rumblings.
The most veteran soldier present, Vice Admiral Lonz, took to the helm. "Looks like there is a disturbance in the inner plaza, but our duty remains to block up the threats from the front!"
The giant's voice bellowed through the mass of soldiers, calming them down.
"Don't lose focus now otherwise we'll bring shame to our Justice!"
The thousands of marines raised their weapons, crying out with spirit.
Explosions and eruptions went off in the background, though it did not leave the outer marines to waver, after all, they had a more menacing task before them.
*Gulp* A marine heaved a shaky breath, his eyes glued to the sole human figure within vision.
Even under the hazy fog and the smoke from the fires behind them, they made out the person—a towering man standing a good 500 meters from their formation.
The intruder did not move, however, his voice somehow carried over and resounded in the minds of the sea of marines. "I don't enjoy taking life… I'll give you 30 seconds to move out of my way."
The ultimatum brought a mix of emotions to the thousands present.
The duty of the marine was to serve and die for their sole purpose: maintain the authority of the World Government, even if it meant rushing into sure death.
The mortality rate was sky-high, especially in recent times.
It was therefore the purpose of the Captains, Commodores and Rear Admirals to reinforce the spirit of their armies.
"F-For the good of mankind!"
"Death to the pirates!"
"He's only one and we're ten thousand strong; justice will prevail!"
Lonz was fairly satisfied by the response and waved his giant axe around, generating a burst of air.
"The enemy is the Sin Incarnate of the Rocks Pirates, no matter what, he will not pass through us!"
Thousands of hearty roars went off as the marine morale was scraping the clouds.
The battlefield spanned half a kilometer, 1 vs 10,000.
Damien, who felt the drizzle on his skin, could not help but shake his head.
The truth of the matter was that most of these men were about to die. Their families and friends would never see them again.
The ominous clouds brought the ambience of impending disaster. The wind picked up, sending shivers down the Marines' back.
At the same time, Damien's stationary body began to move.
From a slow walk to a hearty stride. Moments passed as the pirate's speed picked up, zooming through the wide patch of wet grass.
Five hundred meters of distance was covered within moments.
"He's comi–"
The marine could not even finish his yell before he was swept away from the sheer momentum of the pirate, sending him to the sky!
Hundreds of bodies went flying, almost like a bowling ball mowing down a sea of pins! Blood sprayed, limbs tore, bones broke.
A collection of grunts and cries echoed through as Damien's towering body ran them all down, resembling an unstoppable force!
A single punch without any Haki was enough to send a man flying a good hundred meters, bursting past dozens of his comrades.
A courageous marine tried to slash at the pirate, only to see his trusty sword shatter into pieces.
"A penny for your thoughts," Damien muttered, grabbing the marine from below. With a little bit of force, the soldier's body was picked up from his feet and into the air.
A deep metallic light went off as the pirate wrapped his human-whip in a coat of Haki.
Damien spun the dangling seaman, eliciting a sharp whistle and released him like a boomerang, sending flying and toppling hundreds of marines on the way.
"I won't let you destroy my justice!" A brave Rear Admiral rushed ahead, his arms shining with basic Haki.
He slammed the fists onto Damien's chest but to no avail.
The pirate lost interest as he saw the marine try the same thing again. Instead, he grabbed his arm, dislocated it at the bend and used the protruding elbow to jab it into the throat of another marine who had snuck in behind him.
The torn carotid sprayed a geyser of blood, dousing the wet grounds with a fresh coat of scarlet.
Damien turned to see himself being surrounded by a good hundred soldiers.
"Obliteration Pulse."
It took almost no effort as nearly five hundred men were turned to bits and pieces of meat. The huge crimson bubble spreads further and further, turning anything in its path into particle-sized debris.
One of the Giants named Aegor ran forward, sending tremors through the ground, "You're mine, Sin Incarnate!"
The air cried as the giant sword slashed down, leaving a trail of ripped air.
Damien lightly hummed, letting go of Rear Admiral's remains while reaching out with his other hand.
It took little difficulty to hold the momentum of the giant who weighed a good 40 tonnes.
'L-Let go!"
The pirate did the opposite—he pulled the blade with a huge burst of force, causing the giant to stumble forward.
Damien then grabbed Aegor's arm with both of his hands, using the man's inertia to his advantage.
"Up we go…"
Under the shocked eyes of the spectators, the 60-foot Giant (18.3 m) was picked up off his feet and into the air!
With a show of force, the Sin Incarnate went on ahead to toss the overgrown marine, shooting him toward the distant wall.
The giant mass of the Vice Admiral mowed down a good thousand marines before being engraved into the high walls, leaving it in shambles.
"Omega Beams."
Another hellish nightmare arrived before the Marines could recover.
They watched as the twin beams of destruction zoomed out from the pirate's eyes.
"He missed me!" a man cried out in relief as the rays zoomed past him.
Though before he could even understand what happened, he was already dead.
Boom! Bzz! Sizzle!
The omega beams bounced and ricocheted off the air in all sorts of awkward angles, cleaving through a mass of marines in the process.
The casualties piled up, reaching four figures right away.
Alas, his slaughter spree had finally bore fruits.
"!!!" A red flash went off in Damien's eyes, halting his actions and forcing him to retreat a few hundred meters.
The very ground underneath where he stood suddenly trembled, resembling an earthquake. It was like a sinkhole, causing the very foundation to collapse on itself!
It took all but five seconds before a giant pit spanning 100 meters (328 ft) was all that remained.
The Sin Incarnate stood unfazed and glanced at the silhouette which had appeared.
"I was wondering how many marines I had to take out before you'd show up."
A thin smile appeared on the infamous pirate's face as the shadow cleared up. Naturally, it was the true powerhouse stationed at G-2.
Sporting uniform-brown coloured clothing and bulky frame. Topped with a well-ironed white marine cape draped over his shoulders.
A simple, short hairstyle, slicking back his dark hair that mixed well with the perpetual scowl etched on the marine's face.
"Did I catch you at a bad time, Admiral Basara?"
[The Ruins of the Communication HQ of G-2]
A dull rumble shook the earth.
Bollox gave a rejoicing grin, "You hear that? The Admiral's on the move. No matter who you brought, it's over for you."
Majin, who was in his Ankylosaurus form, did not seem to care.
He whipped his spiked tail which was more of a thick club than anything.
In return, Bollox raised his arms in an X-shape right before he was swatted back a good dozen meters.
His Observation spiked, dodging an incoming bullet.
"I told you, you aren't facing just one enemy."
Bollox growled, looking at the unassuming Pablo.
The drug master gave a wretched grin, aiming both his pistols, "These bad boys are named 'Mustang' and 'Sally', say hola to them!"
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
The pistols unleashed a flurry of bullets, shooting ahead at the speed of an automatic rifle!
To make things worse, Majin soon arrived behind the Vice Admiral, lessening the space he had to work with.
Alongside the brutal assault of the gargantuan dinosaur and hail of bullets, it wasn't odd when one such projectile embedded itself in Bollox's thigh.
His eyes instantly widened, falling to his knee, "What the hell!?"
"Numbing bullets, mi amigo."
"Ugh!" Bollox held the wound as it began to sizzle.
"With a pinch of venom."
Majin did not wait, swiping his ginormous tail at the downed Vice Admiral.
As expected, Bollox was shot across the ruined room, smashing into a solid steel wall.
'I'll kill them both!' he cursed in his mind, forcing himself to stand.
The next bullet nailed the marine in the chest and moments later, his furious disposition turned a full-180.
"I'm sorry I exist…"
Pablo smirked, pinching his moustache, "Depressants."
He turned to his hulking partner, "Now, Majin!"
Loud steps broke out as the dinosaur raced on ahead. Every step left 10-inch deep craters from the sheer weight, singing a tune of imminent demise.
A far wider crater appeared under the hind legs of the extinct herbivore as he launched into the air, spinning at great speeds and sending torrents of air out.
"Majin Missile!"
Bollox did not even look up while his entire body was nailed by the odd dozen spikes, each driving deep into his body.
His heart, lungs, liver, everything was pierced moments before his body collapsed from the weight and momentum, resulting in an instant death.
Pablo blew at the smoke emanating from his pistols, "Let's go meet up with Señor Indra."
"Do you think you can take us both, pirate?"
Velvet and LaGuardia stood side-by-side, their glorious capes cast a wide shadow.
Indra, their sole opponent, stood across from them both, a single ravine of his craft separated the two sides.
"You would be wise to remain on the other end of the chasm."
Velvet's face scrunched up at the threat, his flintlock shining a vibrant black of Haki.
"Justice Barrage!"
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Hundreds of shots hollered, soaring through the air and at the trajectory of a headshot. They totalled a good three hundred bullets!
With a single, elegant motion of his sword, Indra popped every oncoming projectile.
"One-Sword Style: Beautiful Death."
A gorgeous image of a peacock was born, falling through the sky under Indra's blade.
It screeched out, furling the razor-sharp feathers and driving them forward.
In response to the incoming threat, LaGuardia growled and his body began to change. Fur exploded from under his clothes, large claws and powerful teeth—a grizzly bear!
The two animals clashed, sending out a booming shockwave to echo through the plaza.
Indra then shifted his weight while mid-air, using LaGuardia's power to weave through the sky, all the while dodging Velvet's bullets in the process.
"One-Sword Style: Dance of the Dead."
He took on the embrace of wind, weaving through the air at a speed faster than the human eye could track.
LaGuardia roared out in anger as tens of cuts began to appear all over his furry body. Blood splattered and skin was torn open with clean cuts that increased in depth and frequency.
Velvet, a ranged fighter, huffed a frustrated breath, using his Observation Haki to pinpoint the target.
"He's too fast!"
"!!!" However, at that moment, he felt dread as the world froze around him.
Indra had appeared a meter from him, the sword in his hand was pitch black with Armament Haki. It carried a beautiful air of vibrant nature, even a tune of forestry ambience following the blade.
The wolf-like face and his eyes indicated the final part of the hunt.
"You're target was me…"
Indra did not wait for Velvet to react, slashing without mercy.
"One-Sword Style: Theory of Life."
The Vice Admiral saw a bright flash of light, followed by a welcoming sensation.
The sun suddenly shone on him, gracing him with a warm ray of light. Birds flew around, grass grew and trees bloomed; a fresh breeze assaulted his dazzled face.
Velvet was suddenly in a mangrove, one especially gorgeous cherry blossom tree at its center, shining bright.
*Drip* *Drop*
Water gently fell from the roots of the tree and into a pond below—a breathtaking image.
"How beautiful," he muttered, his eyes closing for good.
At the last moment, the water turned red, followed by the collapse of the Vice Admiral—death from decapitation.
[Attack Image (in Discord)]
LaGuardia froze at the sight of his dead brother-in-arms, "Velvet! You bastard, I'll kill you myself!"
Indra, instead, sheathed his sword.
"Huh, you think I'll let you get away!?"
"Majin, Pablo, take on the Vice Admiral while I go secure the package," Indra directed without giving LaGuardia any more of his time.
"Si, Señor."
"Okay, boss."
LaGuardia roared, attempting to chase after the disappeared Indra.
"Majajaja! You can fight us, teddy bear!"
"I should have found a way to kill you when you were still a rookie, Sin Incarnate."
The Admiral stood tall, his arms crossed over his chest. The very air around the man was heavy, filling all enemies before him with a sense of dread.
Basara gazed at the carnage surrounding him, a good 5,000 deaths with countless wounded in critical condition.
"Zephyr may have failed, but I will be sure to take you out!"
His anger transformed into a display of extreme power.
The island groaned as pieces of earth were snatched away, accumulating into a mountain floating in the sky. It took but mere moments to become what the Admiral envisioned – a sword of Damocles.
Such was the might of the Mountain-Mountain Fruit.
"Trembling Earth: Excalibur!"
The size was nearly 450 meters tall and 40 meters wide!
[A/N: 450m ≈ Empire State Building to the tip.]
The atmosphere wailed in torment as the gigantic structure was sent raging down upon Damien. Howling winds erupted under its sheer size, creating tornadoes even.
The impact was monumental.
The dense earth sword shot down, drilling into the earth like a toothpick through bread.
Earthquakes coursed through G-2, forming thunderous tsunamis to rage through the nearby seas. It was simply beyond what could be considered the scale of a natural disaster.
Basara stood tall under the fog of dust and debris, narrowing his eyes. "You actually took it head-on," he muttered under his breath.
The Admiral's eyes were locked onto the giant sword wedged deep into the ground with only its grip and handle protruding out.
An explosion went off at the mountainous sword, sending boulders over ten meters in depth in all directions.
The nearby marines cried out as many of them were taken out by the raining earth.
"You must stop wreaking havoc on this island!" the Admiral calmly stated.
Damien appeared not too far from the Admiral, not a scratch on his regal attire.
Basara frowned before shaking his head and readying to fight, "Unlike Garp, I do not like to test my foes. Come, young pirate!"
He then disappeared in a flash, and just as suddenly appeared behind Damien. All in less than a tenth of a second.
A black fist smashed forth.
*Fwoooo* Yet it hit nothing but air, sending off a booming shockwave of its own.
Basara scowled, recognizing the application of Future Sight at first glance.
Understanding the disparity in Observation, the esteemed marine opted for a more wide-scale attack.
*Rumble* All of a sudden the entire island below started to warp and mould at the Admiral's discretion, bending to his will.
"You think I'll just wait for you to complete your attack?" Damien murmured, shooting forward.
His arm shone a gleaming black as a bubble of Ryuo was added in and crashed upon the Admiral's chest.
'Iron Body.'
Basara used the absolute version of Iron Body as a black coating was applied onto it, furthering its defensive capabilities.
The punch connected with a thunderous bang.
A sharp pain over his ribs was significant but the deeper tremors in his body were something unexpected.
Basara's body rocketed through the air as the dusty air cast darkness over the man's face and hid his expression.
The air shrieked under the man's momentum, drumming at his ears. "Emission of Armament Haki," the Admiral muttered, still being shot back.
The man's eyes then sharpened enough to cut through the air like a blade as another tremor broke out from below.
Giant chunks of pure earth shot out, but they were visibly liquid and unlike what one would expect.
Basara's body caved into the sheet of earth. *Boing!* The odd thing was that the rock did not shatter, rather it gave way and acted almost elastic!
A drop of blood streamed out of the mountain user's lips while his body came to a stop, "Zephyr did not report such advanced Haki."
"..." A look of conviction flashed in Basara's eyes, followed by him casually walking out from the spongy rock.
The ground below once again started to terraform as huge blotches of land were raised; giant balls of earth.
Huge amounts of air were displaced as the newly crafted structures cast a shadow that encompassed all of G-2!
"Trembling Earth: Ravaging Earth Storm!"
Damien's face was entirely blackened from the lack of sunlight caused by the display, much to his shock.
Basara was floating in the air with dozens of mountainous accumulations of earth, hovering at the Admiral's thoughts.
They were more than enough to neutralize an island and then some, fitting the reputation of being the Powerhouses of the Navy.
'So this is an Admiral's strength,' Damien thought, clenching his hands.
To Be Continued…
Author's Corner:
The bout with Basara begins while the Fourth Division works on a separate mission.
Images are available on Discord alongside other niche details: https://discord.gg/aJHHHPvb6q
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