There was no way the weak and frail Jacky, who often indulged in alcohol and lust, could defeat the furious Kenneth. Soon, he was beaten so badly that he was screaming in pain and curled up on the ground, his hands covering his hands, unable to get up again. He kept begging for forgiveness.
"Stop!" Clinton finally couldn't stand it any longer and stepped forward.
Kenneth kicked Jacky and questioned coldly, "What? Are you going to intervene now?"
Distressed, Clinton said, "My son has already admitted defeat and begged for mercy!"
Kenneth sneered, "So what? He deserved death the moment he threatened me with my family and lover!
"And Mr. Gray wants him dead, so he must die here!"
Then Kenneth suddenly raised his leg and stomped on Jacky's neck.
"No! Stop!" Clinton roared with fury. He was about to rush forward to stop him, but it was too late.
With a crisp sound, Kenneth's foot crushed Jacky's neck!
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