Following Noah's yell, the helmsmen of the top families of Oregon beside him also yelled one after another, "The Hummers of Oregon are willing to pledge allegiance and obey your orders, Master Alonso!"
"The Keiths are willing to pledge allegiance to you and obey your orders too, Master Alonso!"
"The Thompsons are willing to pledge allegiance to you and obey your orders too, Master Alonso!"
"The Marlins are willing to pledge allegiance to you and obey your orders too, Master Alonso!"
For a while, these helmsmen pledged allegiance one after another.
Except for these families of Oregon who had already discussed this privately beforehand, everyone else was astonished!
No one had expected that the Campbells, the most powerful family in Oregon, would voluntarily give up the position of the overlord, which the winner would obtain, to Paul Alonso, the head of the Octa Faction!
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