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70.58% Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel) / Chapter 71: Chapter 70 - A New Weapon

Chapitre 71: Chapter 70 - A New Weapon

---Several Days Later---

Having let the Heroes and Villains recover with the aid of my medical equipment, all of them were eager to begin our comeback. Focusing on helping the Alliance several of them decided to move to Universe 15 to assist further. The former inhabitants of Universes 1,2, 8, 9, and 11 stayed behind to assist me with preparing out equipment, and develop what I referred to as Project De-Immortality.

"So the time finally has come...", Mera said gripping her trident.

"Are we sure that this is safe?", Wonder Woman asked.

"It's not like we have a choice.", Cyborg stated, "Clark is right, if we don't send a clear message Nekron will only do this over and over till he wins. We already watched several universes burn to the ground, it's our duty to make sure this doesn't happen again."

"Agreed, I don't want to watch more worlds go to shit.", Fury growled, "So where is the Tear of Extinction?"

"We will have to go to the Royal Throne Room, the Tear of Extinction was kept in the throne. Aquaman demanded it be stowed there to dissuade potential thieves stealing it.", Mera stated, "The automated security should allow me to pass."

"Wait, I thought you weren't going?", Iris snapped.

"I have to go...", Mera said weakly, "If...if they turned my people to the living dead, it's my duty to put them down. I...I won't make someone else do my job!"

"If you are going then so are we.", Kara told her, "We are all any of us have left from our universe, we do this together."

"Thanks Kara.", Mera replied with a smile.

"Are we going to have to worry about the Karathen?", I asked.

"You know that much...", Mera laughed with a smile, "No, if she is still alive she should recognize me and allow us to pass."

"What's a Karathen?", Mina and Dorothy questioned.

"A beast nearly two miles in length with unbelievable power and rage when provoked.", Wonder Woman informed them, "The most Atlantean Weapons could only make her stumble, she fought valiantly on my world against the Supermen but was slain by Nekron."

"Oh...", Ochaco and Toru gulped, "That...that's a really big monster."

"It sounds like Godzilla!!", Itsuka shouted.

Itsuka was a huge fan of the Kaiju movies that I had been producing, and was excited to see a real one in person. Asking if she could take a camera to take pictures, I saw no reason to say no as long as she didn't snap pictures of the fallen Atlantean people. It was already a lot to ask of Mera to take us there...I didn't want to push her too far.

"Let's get the gear on, and head out.", I said.

---Universe 2, Near Atlantis---

Touching down on an island near Atlantis, Zatana and Raven put a barrier around the main group so they could breath underwater. Making our way to the city it wasn't long before we started to see corpses of fallen soldiers strewn along the sea floor. The light atmosphere that had been there when we started was quickly replaced by a solemn atmosphere. Judging by Mera's reaction she knew several of these people that lay on the sea floor.

Most of the soldiers still had some flesh and organs attached while others were only skeletons and equipment. Many of those that had faces looked at us with tormented faces of fear and pain. My girlfriends scooted closer to me as the sight made them severely uncomfortable as the closer we got the more civilians we saw.

"This...this is worse than any horror movie I have seen...", Sonico said, "This is...there are no words to describe this."

"I know...", Mera whimpered, "And I...I am the only that got to live."

Reaching the outskirts of the city we came face to face with a legion of undead Atlanteans. Looking like they were from the Pirates of the Caribbean, they slowly marched over towards us. Preparing to fight them Mera was about to engage when they began to speak to her.

"It burns...", several of them moaned.

"Why did you abandon us...", several soldiers said.

Hearing their words Mera froze up gripped with fear and guilt. Watching several children stumble forward asking where their parents were Mera broke. Falling to her knees she released her trident and began to cry.

"I...I am so sorry!!", she cried, "I am so sorry I couldn't save any of you!! My life should have ended that day, but I lived while you died a horrible death!! None of you should have died in such a manner!!"

Everyone, including Cyborg and Robin, all couldn't move a muscle either. This wasn't something any of them were prepared to deal with nor could they had they been. Stepping forward I placed my hand on Mera's shoulder.

"Mera, you can't blame yourself for what happened. Only one man is responsible for this, and you know exactly who he is.", I said firmly, "You didn't do anything wrong nor should you be burdened with the guilt of surviving while others didn't. There wasn't anything you could have done that would have made a difference. The enemy you fought came here full of rage and anger towards all life, no one was going to stop them here. You did everything you could."

"But I...I could have-", Mera cried.

"Mera, you did everything you could in the moment.", I said softly, "No one can blame you when you did your best to save them. There are only a few people that are perfect, and no one here is one of them. We all make mistakes and we all have our regrets. Beating yourself up over something you had no control over...the people that loved you wouldn't want you to suffer like this. They would have wanted you to keep moving forward, and see that beautiful smile on your face."

I knew only a fraction of her pain. For months I beat myself up over the death of my parents. Every day when I wasn't doing humanitarian work I played scenarios out that I could have done to safeguard them. Many nights I laid there crying because I felt like I had failed my parents, and that I wasn't doing enough to live up to their legacy. I was only telling Mera what I wished I had known back then.

"Your people and your family loved you enough to save you from sharing their fate here Mera.", I stated, "What would your family think if they saw you torturing yourself for something you couldn't have fixed? Would they be happy you caused yourself to fall like this over them?"

"I...I don't-"

"Mera", I said softly, "You know deep down that your father and mother would have wanted you to live a life of happiness. Aquaman saved you because he loved you, and couldn't bare the thought of you suffering his fate. Your people followed you into battle because they believed in you. You still have a chance to finish this battle that you all started, you can make their sacrifice worth it. All the blood, sweat, tears, and sadness they felt use it drive you forward. Use all that you have learned to beat the enemy that brought this upon your people."

Looking up at me she gave me a soft smile.

"How...how does a teenager like you get to have that level of wisdom?", she laughed.

Removing my hand from shoulder I walked forward towards the undead. Repeating the same words over, and over it looked like they were only repeating their last words over and over. Pointing my Lantern Ring at them I gave them all a soft smile.

"All of you, I give you a peaceful end. Travel to the next life in peace, and may your life be full of the happiness stolen from you in this life.", I said, "Farewell."

Releasing the cleansing light from the ring, the undead began to crumble away. Releasing their resentment they looked at Mera full of happiness.

"Your Grace...please continue the fight in our place.", the soldiers said fading away.

"Queen Mera, please show that man the power of Atlantis!!", her people said as they disappeared.

After most of them had vanished, her undead father stepped forward with a smile on his face. Approaching him, Mera embraced him tightly and cried in his arms.

"My dearest daughter, I am sorry I left you to bear this weight alone. Live on as a proud daughter of Xebel, and make your ancestors proud!", he said, "I have always been proud of you my darling daughter. Don't shed another tear for your father...please let me see that smile of yours."

Wiping her tears away she gave him the smile that he remembered. Telling her to stay well he looked to me with a cheesy doting father smile.

"Young man, I leave my daughter to you. As the last Atlantean and as my precious daughter, please ensure that this smile never fades. It is Atlantis' most precious treasure.", he said before becoming serious, "I noticed that you managed to push back Nekron's forces, but he will return in force. Kryptonian, take the power of our homeland and slay that monster on behalf of all of us. Also...please put our King to a peaceful end, he will likely be among the horde coming for your world."

"I understand sir, please rest easy knowing that I will avenge all of you.", I said.

"Thank you Hero.", he said before crumbling away.

"Goodbye Father.", Mera whimpered, "...and thank you."

With our path cleared we advanced towards the palace. Now that were no corpses around us the mood lightened up, and the women started joking around again.

"Isn't our boyfriend the best?", Fury teased the others, "He knows just what to say, and it comes from the heart. Understand now why we love him?"

"Maybe...", Mera jabbed.

"Wait...what!?", Fury gasped stopping as Mera walked by, "What did you say!?"

"Honestly, I do find him attractive but I want to put my former husband to rest before I jump into a relationship. I owe my former husband that much.", Mera stated with a serious look, "I couldn't lay with another man knowing that my deceased husband was suffering under Nekron's control."

"That is a good goal.", I said, "You'll have your chance to put him to peace in a few weeks."

"I know, and I...I will be ready to do it. It won't do to have you spare me the duty again.", she said with a smile, "Thank you though, I appreciate you giving my people a peaceful ending. Will they really reincarnate?"

"They will.", I promised, "The Presence will make sure they have a good life, I am sure."

"How do you know that?", Batwoman and Selena asked.

"I have met him, remember? He isn't the type of person to let good people suffer over and over. Once he gives us our life, it's on us to use it the best we can.", I stated.

"Interesting...", Batwoman said, "Sounds like you know that first hand."

"No, Clark is simply stating the truth. The Presence wouldn't allow them to suffer a second tragedy like this in a second life.", Spectre stated.

Entering the palace we made our way to the throne room. Leading us there from memory we wound up in a massive marble chamber with two thrones in the center of the room. Walking to the throne on the left Mera went to retrieve the Tear of Extinction, but it was gone. Thrown into a panic she check the other throne, but it too was empty.

"That can't be!!", she shouted, "Only a small number of people knew of the Tear!! None of them would have stolen it away!!"

"Mera calm down, when was the last time you saw it?", Cyborg asked.

"It was two weeks before Prime arrived. We had just used it to test recreating the spark for the Life Force.", Mera said, "Maybe it's in the laboratory!"

Rushing out of the room, we followed after her as she ran to the labs. Throwing the doors open she frantically looking for the Tear she quickly found it, but was devastated that it was destroyed.

"No no no!!", she shouted, "We need this to slay Nekron!!"

"I bet he knew about the Tear, and took care of it before it could threaten him.", Melissa stated.

"Agreed, I wouldn't hold that thing too long either.", Christy added, "That Tear is giving me the chills just being near it."

Noticing that it was starting to turn Mera's skin black, I took it from her. The moment my hand grabbed it though I felt a pain shoot through me that took my breath away for a moment. Feeling a negative, dark presence seep into my mind it tried to tell me to go on a rampage. Forcing them presence out of my mind, I wasn't about to let this object take control of my mind.

Having the armor absorb the Tear, it turned the entire suit darker. Feeling an ominous aura pouring from the suit, I sense where Nekron was and where the Black Lanterns were. Judging by their reactions they had no idea that I could see them which was odd. Assuming this had something to do with the Death Force, I didn't try pushing it further.

"How does it feel kid?", Spectre said, "You have absolute power over death, all immortals can be slain by you now and end up in the Graveyard of the Gods. Not only did you obtain the Tear of Extinction, but resisted the effects of the Death Force. While you have the mental fortitude to withstand the Death Force for now, till you are able to do so while in a weakened state I suggest also acquiring the Life Force as well."

"Life Force?", Ochaco asked.

"It's the opposing force to the Death Force. It is what allows life to flourish, and usually is what allows the Earth to flourish unlike many worlds.", Spectre told her, "Combining that power with your White Lantern Ring would overwhelmingly put Prime and Nekron in a bad position. Using the Death Force and Life Force you may be able to kill Nekron permanently."

"What!?", we shouted.

"I didn't say anything as no mortal has been able to overcome the ominous aura that the Death Force has. All mortals before you have become twisted, evil individuals in a matter of minutes of holding something connected to the Death Force. You have built up a tolerance to such effects in part due to the Negative Speed Force, but it mainly due to your overwhelming mental training.", Spectre said, "Call me impressed that you overcame the temptation so easily."

"I don't have time to deal with such annoyances, I have an enemy knocking on my door!", I stated, "It doesn't matter what I have to do, I will protect my family and the innocent."

'Minor annoyance...the man that made the Tear went insane after using it once! Just how powerful did The Presence make you!?', Spectre thought, 'There isn't a person you couldn't kill now...once you have the Life Force you will be the most powerful mortal in existence. How will you use these overwhelming powers? I look forward to seeing how far you push yourself Kryptonian.'

"If we need the Life Force, the easiest place to locate it is within the Poseidon's Trident. Aquaman should've had when you all fought Prime, but now that he is an undead he shouldn't be able to hold it.", I said.

"It should still be here then.", Mera replied.

Breaking up to search for it, we searched every nook and cranny we could find for it. Since the battlefield was large it took some time to locate it. Ochaco and Toga found the Trident buried in the sand after accidentally tripping over it. Shouting that they had found it, they started running over towards us. Behind them the sands shifted around revealing a massive tentacle.

"Uh...guys, is that the sea monster you were talking about?", Itsuka gasped watching the beast rise from the sand.

Rising up from the sea floor, the Karathen roared at us in anger. Sensing that it was still alive Mera tried to reason with it, but it appeared to be in a frenzied state. Teleporting us out of the area, back to the island, the Karathen breached the surface not more than a minute later. Swinging it's massive claws at us, the women dove out of the way.

Catching the claw before it hit the ground, I increased my mass to the point that it couldn't lift me. Since it could no longer move far now, I shouted to the women to calm it down. Nodding their heads, the rushed forward to speak with it.

"Damn why couldn't you get a smaller sea monster!!!", Harley shouted.

"I am sorry, next time I will do that.", Mera laughed, "It's easier to get around underwater, I never expected to run up to her."

Sensing the group running up it's arm the Karathen went to smash them with it's other arm. Seeing the wind up Kara and Maxima broke off to pin the other arm down. Getting close to it's face, Mera started pleading with it to stop fighting. It took a second, but it settled down hearing her voice.

"Mera?", the Karathen said telepathically to us, "You are alive! I thought you were more of the undead!"

"Yes, I am alive.", Mera laughed, "It is good to see you my friend."

Letting its arms go, the sea monster relaxed to talk with us. Apologizing for the attack she said she thought we were going to attack her. Stating that we were only after the Trident, I explained what the purpose was for.

"Would you be interested coming with us to my world? There is little left here for you.", I said.

"You want to bring this back!?", Mina shouted, "People are going to freak out when they see her!!"

"She usually lives in the deepest parts of the ocean, humans won't find her.", Mera said, "Please come with us Karathen."

"Of course, I will gladly accept the offer.", she said so with a snap of my finger I sent her to my world.

---UA High , a few days later---

Confirming that she arrived safely, the Karathen had retreated into the Pacific to rest and heal. She was quite badly injured so having a safe area would help her heal faster. I would have offered to heal her, but I didn't have anything that big. In addition, I didn't tell anyone about her being here as the UN would flip.

Sitting down for lunch as usual, Asui seemed to be in a sour mood. Noticing that as well Ochaco asked if everything was alright. Replying that she was, Asui lazily looked at her food.

"I don't think her date went well.", Itsuka whispered to Momo.

"So how was your date?", Dorothy asked not hearing Itsuka.

Hearing the word date, Asui's mood dropped like a stone. Throwing her meal away she left the table to go somewhere else.

"Good going!", Mina teased, "Look what you did now!"

"Sorry, I just wanted to know!", Dorothy sighed.

"Her date didn't go well, and neither did mine.", Jiro sighed, "The guy didn't show up at our meeting spot. On the way home I saw him flirting with another girl!"

"Oh shit!", my girlfriends said, "Do we have to go kick his ass?"

"No, it's fine.", Jiro laughed dryly, "I appreciate the offer though. Asui's date...he took her to a decent restaurant, and bailed when the bill came."

"Oh...", Toga and Toru said, "That's cruel."

"Moreover, Asui found out he is dating several women...none of them know about the others.", Jiro informed us, "Asui had to clean dishes till closing to cover the meal because she couldn't reach her parents."

"She could have called us, we'd have helped out.", Momo said with reassurance.

"She didn't want to bother you, she was embarrassed.", Jiro said, "Both of us hoped the boys would have been sweet like Clark, but they weren't."

"I'd have kicked his ass.", Bakugo said, "I may be an ass, but even I wouldn't pull shit like that."

"Kacchan is right, you shouldn't have let them do that to you.", Izuku added.

"Hey!! If I need your help extra I will tell, but that won't happen!!", Bakugo snapped.

"I should go apologize, I didn't know.", Dorothy said.

Running after Asui my girlfriends and their classmates went off to find her. Flying around the school looking for her, I found Asui alone on the roof. Having climbed up here I doubted anyone knew she was up here at the moment. Touching down on the roof I found her curled into the fetal position.

"Asui, I heard about your date.", I stated, "I am sorry he was a shit bag."

"It...it's not your fault.", she sniffled.

"You're a good friend, I should have checked him out to make sure he was a good guy.", I apologized.

"A good friend...", she laughed dryly, "So even you don't like me."

"Asui, you know I didn't mean it like-"

"He called me a slimy toad when he ran out.", she said, "It was so...so embarrassing! We were in a restaurant, and he called me that as he ran away. All I wanted to do was crawl into a hole, and hide. Everyone stared at me as I walked to the back, I had to clean dishes to pay for the meal!"

"You could have called for assistance.", I told her, "None of us would have judged you, we'd have judged him and kicked his ass."

Telling me she didn't feel right asking for my help, she felt my time was better spent elsewhere. She knew all the activities the women and I did, including the romantic dates and bedtime activities. My girlfriends only left out who the additional women were for Nemuri's job security, and several times they almost spilled the beans without thinking.

"All I wanted was to find happiness like them.", Asui sniffled, "Is it that hard to ask for? They have known you since childhood, and you ended up together. I wanted a nice guy that cherished me like you do them. Hearing about all the dates, romantic things you do for them, and seeing the extent you will go for them...I am jealous."

"You can't force these things. If you jump into every relationship thinking it will be like ours, you are going to get hurt. There are a lot of decent men in the public eye that are utter shit bags behind closed doors. I don't want to see you be another one of those statistics.", I stated, "You deserve to be happy just like everyone else does. That idiot doesn't know the first thing about you if he called you that. You are an intelligent, kind, and honest person with a big heart for those in need. Don't let some chump tell you otherwise, I will knock them into orbit if they do."

"You...you mean that?", she asked looking at me.

"Of course, and if you want to how about I take you on a proper date?", I suggested, "I will take you somewhere nice."

"Really!?", she said lighting up, "What about the others?"

"I am sure they won't mind. Truth be told, they have told me to see if there was any romantic feelings between Jiro, you, and I. They felt like you wouldn't meet any guys here since all the good ones are spoken for.", I laughed.

"Could we maybe go now? We only have a half day today for the conferences happening with the teachers.", she pleaded.

"Already demanding things.", I laughed.

"I didn't mean it like that!", she giggled.

"Sure, let me let the girls know.", I said.

"Actually...why don't you bring them too?", Asui stated, "If...if we do date they would be there with us too."

Giving her a smile I called the women to tell them the plan. Saying that I was thinking of taking us to get pizza, I heard them running up the stairs to the roof in moments. Pizza, especially from a good Italian restaurant, was one of their favorite foods so I knew it would make them come running.

"Did you say pizza!!", Mina shouted throwing the door open, "Let's go!!"

"Agreed, I could go for a nice Mediterranean Pizza.", Momo said.

"Stromboli!!", Toga, Ochaco, and Toru stated.

"Don't for a meat trio pizza!!", Mina and Itsuka shouted.

"Ahem, I hope you aren't leaving us behind.", Nejire and Melissa said, "We would like seafood pizza too."

"Haha alright, let's get going.", I chuckled.

"Can I...maybe tag along too?", Jiro asked.

"Sure!! The more the merrier.", Ochaco and Momo said.

---Hawaii, Pizza Parlor---

Taking a seat at our usual table we placed our orders immediately without needing a menu. We had come here often so we could almost walk in, and they'd put our order in without asking.

"You guys must come here often.", Jiro said.

"Once a week, usually Fridays.", Toga informed her, "He usually picks it up, and we watch a movie on a big movie screen."

"We watch all sorts of movies from romance to comedy, and everything in between.", Itsuka chuckled, "The monster movies are the best though."

"How big of a tv?", Jiro asked.

"The normal tv is a 108in television, but the movie screen is the size of a three story building.", Momo answered.

'Damn...that's a big screen.', Jiro and Asui thought.

Talking about the inside of the Fortress they talked about the kitchen, bathrooms, guest rooms, and the master bedroom. Having never really told them about it being off world, the two were very interested in seeing it for themselves. Serving us our food I thought the women were going to drool all over the table. Taking a bite of the pizza, they all moaned with delight.

"The crunchy crust, the gooey cheese...", Mina gasped.

"It's so good!!", Nejire giggled.

"It is pretty good.", Asui and Jiro teased.

"Pretty good!?", the others shrieked, "This is the best pizza ever!"

"Sorry!", they apologized with a laugh.

Chuckling at their reactions I paid for our meal immediately as usual, and chatted with them about where they wanted their lives to go. Asui wanted to be in the Coast Patrol that operated in Japan's territorial waters. She wanted to catch drug runners, and arms dealers. Jiro was considering assisting with search and rescue teams. Her Quirk was perfectly suited to broadcasting messages to survivors.

"Those are great goals.", I said nodding my head.

"Maybe you two could join the agency too!", Toru snickered, "Though it looks like you'd want more than that."

Choking on their drinks the two looked at Toru.

"Oh don't be shy now, our classmates aren't here to judge you now. We've known for a while you have been interested in getting to know him.", Toga said.

"I wonder why...you tell them everything we do.", I sighed.

"Oh it started before that.", Momo teased, "The first day you walked us into class, the two of them ogled your six pack and pecks."

"You promised not to say that...", Asui said covering her face.

"What!?", I questioned, "I don't remember them doing that."

"Jiro snapped a picture.", Itsuka jabbed, "She has it as her wall-"

"Don't tell him that!!", Jiro shouted, "We had a deal, and you weren't supposed to say anything!!"

"Yeah, why are you bringing this up now.", Asui questioned.

"Let's face it, you aren't going to find a guy like Clark out there.", Dorothy said acting like an astute teacher, "You both have tried dating several guys since we met, and none of those relationships panned out. All of them ended up with you heartbroken now this last one was the last straw. You two need a good, supportive boyfriend that will treat you right."

"It's not like we hate you, the two of you are our bestfriends.", Ochaco said, "Clark has been interested in you for a bit, and you have been interested in him for a long time now too. You don't have to start at our level immediately, we have known him forever so take your time."

"Is that true, have you thought about us for a while too?", Asui asked.

"Both of you are cute, but obviously I didn't want to say anything given the repurcussions. If you two join...I will be dating all the girls in Class 1-A.", I snickered, "It's not a bad thing I think, but...you know Boom Boy is likely to point that out."

"That's okay, we already ignore him anyways.", all of them said.

"It's your call, I don't mind keeping things casual for now till you decide.", I stated.

"We can do that.", the two said, "What does casual mean though?"

"We hang out, and do things together. Obviously you don't need to participate in the nightly activities, but you do come on our adventures and enjoy our mini vacations.", I replied.

"That would be great!", they said, "Could we...maybe exchange numbers?"

"Wait...they didn't give you my number?", I asked.

"No.", they stated, "They said we had to ask, and that was a difficult question to ask."

"Sure, let me give you my number.", I chuckled, "You both want to come over for a bit?"

Nodding their heads they accepted the offer immediately. Once we finished eating, we headed he for the day.

---Fortress of Solitude---

As expected the two about fainted when they saw our home. Staring at the space shuttle, titanic, and other historic items they immediately asked how I got them here. Telling them I transported them here manually or that they were reproductions, they continued on into the base till they came face to face with a T-Rex in it's enclosure.

"You...you have dinosaurs!?", they said looking back at me.

"Yes, isn't it cool!!", Mina laughed.

"What if they try to eat you?", Jiro gulped.

"We don't go in that enclosure, we go in the plant eating animal one. Only Clark goes in the carnivore, and they run away from him.", Momo chuckled.

Showing them the tv room and the movie room, the two were blown away by the quality of everything. Showing them the kitchen, labs, gym, guest areas, and our shared bedroom they seemed really happy.

"This ten times the home you told us.", Jiro stated.

"Well how would you explain it?", Itsuka questioned.

"...fair point.", Jiro said, "I wouldn't have believed you."

"Follow us, we will show you the hot tub!", Toga giggled, "Come on!!"

Once the group was out of sight, Blackfire and Maxima came out of the gym asking who the other two were. Informing them of things they didn't seem fazed as they had heard of Asui and Jiro from the others. Asking me if we were going out on patrol tonight, I said we would be going to Universe 15 to check up on them. Nodding their heads, they said they would tell the others so we could get ready to go.


Author Note: Hope you are all having a great day!!

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