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64.7% Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel) / Chapter 65: Chapter 64 - A Surprise Unlike Any Other

Chapitre 65: Chapter 64 - A Surprise Unlike Any Other

---Fortress of Solitude, Later that Day---

Getting prepared for the meeting happening in thirty minutes, the women made themselves presentable as they wanted to attend. Eri decided she wanted to attend the meeting with everyone else. Situating ourselves around what Mina dubbed The War Table, we had our pre-meeting discussion so we all went in on the same page.

"Shouldn't we invite Sonico?", Selena asked looking at the empty seat.

"It's the middle of the night for her.", Momo said, "We don't want to wake her up for this. I will take notes for her so she can read up if she chooses."

"Fair enough, so what exactly are we going to be talking about?", Ivy inquired of me.

"We need to settle on an official universe to make our stand in. The people of Earth 15 want us to make it there, but I don't think that gives us enough time.", I stated.

"Agreed, that is too short of a window to coordinate an effective strategy to combat Prime and Nekron.", Maxima added, "We can't go in with no strategy, that will only lead to needless causalities."

Voicing their agreement, I said I agreed with them as well. For the inhabitants of Earth 15 though they saw it as us leaving them to die. Looking at it from that perspective it was harder to be upset with them. Setting that aside for now, Selena told me to stay away from Mera.

"Out of all the Heroine I have met, she is the most likely to kill someone over getting to cozy with you.", Selena stated, "I know you will likely find more women that are drawn to your caring personality, but she isn't a good fit."

"Can we be sure that Mera is like ours?", Raven asked.

"That's a good point.", Ivy said, "We can't make the assumption she is."

"Fair enough, but do you want to risk getting a trident to the chest?", Selena inquired.

"Not really.", all the women said.

Shooting them a grin I already knew I wasn't going to pursue her. Having seen that her jealousy had gotten the better of her in several universes, I wasn't going to risk having people killed for being nice to me. Now the Wonder Woman I met in that unknown universe, she might be someone I want to get to know. Giving them the information on who we would be meeting with, they nodded their heads and got comfortable. A few minutes later our meeting began.

Introducing the different universes to each other, they exchanged pleasantries before getting down to business. Informing them of the universe Prime was currently in, I gave them information regarding the energy signatures to look for from the Black Lanterns. Moving from there I went straight to the plan I had to use the Tear of Extinction or Void Wind. Those that were familiar with the two powers looked at me nervously.

"Those are not forces mortals should mess with.", Wonder Woman (New Earth) said.

"Agreed, using them is effectively suicide.", Mera (Earth 15) agreed.

"Did you all forget we are going up against the Entity of Death?", the Corpsmen from multiple worlds spoke up, "We don't have the luxury of waiting."

"What's the cost we are talking about?", Batman (Injustice) asked.

"Potentially becoming a warped individual that seeks to kill everything...that about sums it up.", Wonder Woman (Universe ???) stated.

"We studied the Void Wind briefly off planet.", Zod said, "That planet is now devoid of life, and we lost our people there. They are not forces that should be taken lightly."

"I understand your concerns, but it's our only shot at permanently hurting him. If we beat Nekron he goes back to his dimension completely unscathed, that is unacceptable. We can't kill him, but we can certainly make him think twice before doing it again.", I stated.

"What do you mean you can't kill him?", Wonder Woman (Universe ???) asked.

"Well he is literally the Death Entity, you can't kill him because he isn't alive in the sense we understand. He is the counterpart to the Life Entity, and at this point it's the only weapon we have against them. As you all are aware the Black Lanterns can infect normal people, and change them into Black Lanterns. We need every advantage we can get because the alternative is many of us putting people we consider close friends and family down.", I said, "Once my ring is fully powered I can revert them from Black Lanterns to White Lanterns. The issue currently is getting it fully charged, the Life Entity I have in my ring is a patch work of the ten destroyed universes so they are extremely weak. Thanks to the Guardians of the Universe in the universe I went to today the ring is able to severely harm them, but not change them."

"How we make that happen then?", Batman (Earth 22) asked.

"I need to either meet with other Life Entities, or charge at various Lantern Batteries as the Life Entity can absorb energy from them.", I replied.

"I think I speak for our Universe's Lantern Corps when I say that we are more than willing to help with that.", Sinestro (Universe 15) stated, "We already have the Black Lanterns showing up in our universe so we are desperate."

"You do?", the other universes asked.

"We have had several breaches in the last few months.", Mera (Earth 15) said, "We lost our Speedsters, Superman, and Supergirl."

"That isn't good.", Supergirl (Injustice) stated, "That means you really don't have anyone strong enough to help."

"They do...", I stated with a grim look, "They have someone we might be able to bring into this."

"Who?", everyone asked.

"Darkseid, he is about the only person that could potentially fight them head on living in your universe.", I replied, "He will likely help if only to prevent the destruction of his universe."

"Is there something about him that makes him uniquely gifted to help?", the Heroes from Earth 15 asked.

"So...the person you know as Darkseid is only an Avatar. The real Darkseid exists outside your dimension, and is out of the reach of Prime...I think.", I stated.

"Then why didn't he help on the other worlds?", Kara (Girlfriend) asked.

"He can't make the Avatar's with a snap of his fingers, it takes time. I know he is likely alive in those destroyed universes because the Life Entity is still alive for that. If all life were to be eradicated the Life Entity would die, the fact they are alive means some people from that universe are still living.", I stated.

"You mean there may be survivors!?", everyone asked.

"Yes, there has to be at least 1.", I told them.

"How do we locate them?", Superman (New Earth) questioned.

"We don't, there are several layers to each universe and each layer is massive. Trying to locate them could potentially take months, and if they are any of our counterparts they will likely stumble into Universe 15 at some point.", I said, "For now I would keep an eye out for them."

"Understood.", the Earth 15 group said.

"Now then...can the Earth 15 provide any information about the Black Lantern's we may need to know? Anything you have that might increase our odds of winning are very welcomed.", I stated.

Letting them take it from there, they went over their findings and information. Asking questions for clarification the other universes took notes to come up with strategies to handle this threat. Sitting silently mentally noting all the information, I waited for Universe 15 to pitch their idea to make a stand on Earth 15. When the time, the pleaded with the other universes to make a stand on their world. As expected the Batmen had issues changing the plan so suddenly as it left only a few weeks of prep time.

Listening to them go back and forth, I mute our side so I could speak with my harem. Asking them for their input on where they stood, they said they would accept whatever I decided. They trusted my judgement, and knew I could do something. Telling me not to hold back on their behalf I nodded my headed and turned on the microphone again.

"Everyone...there might be an alternative solution, but it requires a whole lot of trust from everyone.", I said, "We have the option of moving civilians out off world to the Phantom Zone of my reality. They will be far from danger here, and will be in a place where they can't be hurt."

"Hmm...", the Earth 15 group said.

"In the event we can't hold we can fall back with no real repercussion.", I stated, "It is as safe as we can get with such a short window of time frame."

"That works.", they agreed, "It will be upsetting to flee our universe, but if the people are safe that's what matters. What about the other universe before 22?"

"Aside from Universe 16, the other universes would like not take us seriously. They would think we were crazy or idiots. If we work with Universe 16, we have two shots before we have to worry about the others.", I said, "If we can't hold out in either universe, we have to fall back to Universe 22 either way."

"That is a fair point, are you going to make contact with them?", they asked.

"Yes, I can do that tomorrow.", I replied.

"We can start working on evacuation plans.", Batman (New Earth) and Superman (New Earth) said, "We will handle that part, and coordinate with Universe 15."

Thanking them, I said I would work on enlarging the projector for the Phantom Zone Portal so we can move people faster. Leaving it at that I ended the call, and sighed.

"Well they accepted that easier than I would have thought.", Selena stated with smirk, "I got the impression they would have just gone along with what you wanted."

"I think they did.", Melissa said, "Clark's the only one that can fight Prime head on, anyone else would be killed. So...about this Phantom Zone Projector expansion, can I help you? The technology fascinates me, and I want to-"

"You don't have to explain.", I chuckled, "You can help me absolutely."

Getting up to go work on that, Nemuri and Rumi stopped me for a moment. Telling me they wanted to discuss something I felt a bit nervous as I felt I knew what they were going to tell me. I hadn't been looking because I wanted the surprise, but so soon was a bit hard to take. Bracing myself for the topic I waited for them to talk.

"Our parents want to meet you.", they said.

Blinking several times I sighed with a bit of relief. Looking at me with confusion I said I thought they were going to tell me they were pregnant or something like that. Laughing they said they honestly hadn't checked, but would just to harass me now.

"So your parents want to meet me?", I asked.

"Yes, particularly our mothers.", Nemuri replied, "They want to make sure we found a good man."

"Isn't that a dad's thing?", I chuckled.

"You'll understand when you see our mothers.", Rumi said, "Our dad's are strong men, but our mothers really run the show behind the scenes. Their relationship is very much like ours...just with less people, and we aren't as scary as our mothers."

"Scary?", I questioned.

"Every boyfriend I ever introduced to my mother ran from my home after meeting my mother.", Nemuri stated.

"My dad had to throw the boys out...I never found out why, but the boys passed out meeting my mother.", Rumi added.

'Well if they gave birth to you both...I can imagine that they aren't your average woman.', I thought, 'I have no idea how our children will turn out...'

Asking when they wanted to meet, I was told lunch tomorrow for Rumi and dinner the day after for Nemuri. Asking what brought this on, they told me that their parents learned of our relationship and us living together. Apparently someone tipped them off, and prior to the tip they only knew they were talking to someone. Now that they knew it was me, and we were living together they really wanted to meet.

"So...are there things I should not say?", I asked.

"Probably best not to say...you know about us wanting children.", they said, "Our parents may not take so kindly to that."

"I can understand that.", I chuckled, "Alright, I can handle that."

"So what is on the docket for the rest of the day?", Selena asked interjecting herself.

"Well I was thinking of checking on Harley and her family to see how they were settling in.", I stated.

"Perfect, let's go!", she said grabbing my arm.

---Moon Base Colony---

Officially open to the public now, the Moon Base Colony was populated mostly by scientists from around the globe. In addition our family company had been contracted to build bases for several countries on the Moon, and on Asteroids they wanted me to bring into orbit. The countries had come separately so I assumed that it was likely for government testing purposes.

Heading to the housing district, we went to see Harley and company. Finding her outside playing with her daughter and sister, all traces of her crazy former life were gone. Having dyed her hair back to blonde she looked much happier living here. Seeing us Harley excused herself to come greet us.

"Heya Ivy, Selena, and Sups.", she said with a smile, "What brings you to our neck of the woods?"

"Just wanted to check in on you, and make sure everything was going okay.", I stated.

"Yep, everything is super nice here!", she replied nodding her head, "Your universe is a lot more laid back, and relaxed than our old one."

"I know.", I laughed.

"Yah know, I wanna thank you for giving me a second chance to be a normal person.", Harley stated with a smile, "It's been a blessing to spend time with my daughter with no fear being hunted down or hurt. We can actually live and make memories I never thought I could have."

"You are making me choke up Harley.", Selena sighed with a smile.

"So...when do I move in with you?", Harley asked.

"Say what now?", I questioned.

"Yah know, the whole joining your harem thing that Ivy and Selena have been telling me about.", she replied, "They keep asking me to bring it up to you."

Looking back at the two of them, they looked away like they weren't pay attention.

"You sure you want too? I am sure you can find a nice guy on this world.", I stated.

"I am sure, it will be a lot of fun having kids together.", Harley laughed, "Hope you can keep up!"

Giving her a smile I said I would arrange something so she could live here during the day, and sleep at the Fortress during the night. It was so she could be around her daughter more often. Saying I needed to childproof the Fortress, I wanted make sure a child couldn't get hurt in our home. If something happened I would feel terrible. Agreeing to that, we stayed to hanging out for a bit before returning home.

---Next Afternoon---

After my usual patrol I met Rumi at her parents home. Living only twenty minutes from U.A, they lived in a cozy neighborhood that was relatively quiet. Flying past several different stores in the area, I waved to them with a smile before touching down at their home. Confirming that I got to the right address I looked at her home closely.

Rumi's family was upper middle class, and lived in a pretty nice home on a decent plot of land. The yard was well kept, the flowers looked tended too, and moreover her parents had an adorable Shiba Inu. Seeing me he ran over and started yapping at me. Petting him on the head with a smile I called him a good boy before waving to Rumi who was waiting on me.

"Good, you are right on time.", she said, "Come on in."

Taking my shoes off before stepping on the hardwood, Rumi gave me slippers to use in the home. Thanking her we went to living room where her parents were waiting. Her father was a beast of a man, and he was extremely muscular. Seeing two horns on his head I assumed his Quirk had something to do with a Bull. Her mother had rabbit ears like Rumi, but she wasn't nearly as muscular or strong looking. That said her mother gave off an aura that screamed 'protect me' which I assumed was how she won fights easily. In addition to that...her mother was well endowed, explaining where Rumi got it from.

"So...your the young man our daughter is seeing.", her father said staring at me.

Bowing my head respectfully, I introduced myself and thanked them for taking the time to meet me. Giving him a firm handshake while looking him in the eyes, he nodded his head with approval.

"Good!! Finally she brings a man that acts like one!!", he laughed, "Those other people you proper years ago were boys, it's nice to see you have chosen well."

"Dad!", Rumi huffed.

"Don't huff at me, you know exactly the boys I am taking about. I never liked them, and I stand by my decision.", he stated, "They are a bunch of good for nothing leeches now, they quit trying and expect the rest of us to support them!"

"Now dear, there is no need to bring up the past with him here.", her mother said.

"Very well, so how did the Guardian Angel: Superman meet our little girl?", he asked.

"Please call me Clark, there is no need to address me by my Hero name.", I chuckled, "As for how we met, that is quite a story."

Telling them of the day she showed up at me house, and the crazy adventures they watched Rumi's reactions to my story. Shifting between anger, happiness, and shyness her parents seemed content with the responses. Telling her own version after that, she made it seem like I practically begged to date her. I would remember that later tonight when she came to me for attention, and make her pay for it.

"That is a wonderful story, it sounds like you have quite a bond.", her mother said, "So...you both are dating and living together right?"

"Yes.", I answered.

"Are you having sexual relations with our daughter?", her father asked.

"We are intimate, but as to what extent that is I must refrain from saying for her dignity and mine.", I stated, "What we do behind closed doors is for her and I to know. I mean no disrespect by being purposefully vague."

"I see...", her mother said staring at me, "Dear, can you make some tea and Rumi can you help him?"

"Mother, I-"

"Please go Rumi, I want a word with him.", her mother said.

Nodding her head Rumi and her father left for the kitchen. Once they were out of ear shot the smile on her face fade as the face of a stone cold killer came out.

"So you are sleeping with my daughter...you intend to marry her, right?", she asked, "I won't have anyone toying with my family..."

"Yes, ma'am I intend to propose at graduation. If I propose any sooner it will cause her unwanted issues.", I replied.

Looking me in the eyes as I answered she waited a few moments after I spoke to sigh. Relaxing she sat back in her seat nodding her head in approval.

"Good, you aren't like the other boys that she brought back. Those little pricks wanted to sleep with a bunny girl, and have bragging rights about it. If you were like that I was going to beat the shit out of you like I did them.", she said.

"She said they fainted?", I questioned.

"Hehe...I am much more than a housewife and bunny girl. I used to work as Geisha's back in the day before I met her father. A woman has to defend herself against would be attackers, and I can still handle my own in a fight if I need too. Your the first young man she has brought that didn't eye my breasts the moment you walked in, and you genuinely care for my daughter. She is happy alongside you so I am content to leave her there. You can provide her a very comfortable life which is all I ever wanted.", she stated, "My husband likes you already as you have shown him you are a man with your gaze and firm handshake. We give you our blessing to pursue Rumi, and make her your bride."

"She was so worried about you both giving us so much flak.", I chuckled, "This is about what I expected from you."

"Hehe well most of the boys she tried to hang out with wanted in her pants so I can see why she felt that way. As rabbits we have a tendency to want to have a lot of sex, and it's a problem if we aren't careful. It's more than an addiction, we bond to our partner so it's important to only sleep with the person you want. For us, trying to switch to another man is almost impossible...I know it's very difficult.", she said with a sad expression.

"I assume you had a relationship before your husband?", I asked.

"Yes...it's why I was so hard on boys Rumi brought around. I met a young man in college, and we clicked almost immediately. We went on a few dates, I slept with him, and we had a happy relationship for nearly a year before I found out...found out he had been stealing and cheating on me. I was devastated when I found him in our bed with another woman.", she said gripping her seat, "It felt like my heart was crushed, and I became a recluse for nearly two years. Breaking up with him was hard...all my urges said to forgive him and just fuck, but I knew he didn't love me like I thought he did. I met my husband a short time after coming back into public, and well you see where we are."

"I am sorry you had to suffer like that.", I told her.

"It's okay, I learned a hard lesson that my children won't have to learn.", she replied with a smile.

"Children?", I asked, "How many siblings does Rumi have?"

"Sixteen.", she giggled, "With four more on the way."

"...twenty...", I gulped.

"Well we are rabbits, this is pretty normal.", she laughed, "You getting cold feet?"

"No, just hadn't considered that.", I said, "She doesn't talk a lot about her family."

"Oh that's because her and her siblings all have a rivalry of sorts. Most of them are bull headed like their father, but the youngest two are level headed and are studying hard.", she said.

Coming back with the tea Rumi and her father returned half expecting to see me on the ground. Seeing that I was still conscious, and in one piece Rumi gave me a smile. Taking a seat next to me she served me tea as her parents started asking questions about my main job as the heir to the Wayne Corporation. Answering questions that I could without giving trade secrets away, we enjoyed ourselves right up till the time we needed to go.

"Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me. I promise to take good care of Rumi, and I hope I get to meet you again in the future.", I said shaking her father's hand.

"Absolutely, we will be seeing each other anyways. Someone has to help watch the kids.", he laughed.

"...kids?", I asked with confused look, "What kids? We don't have kids yet. Rumi, what is he talking about?"

"Well...I kind of wanted to wait till after the Prime issue was settled.", Rumi stated scratching her head.

"Are you saying your pregnant?", I inquired.

"About two weeks along...", she replied, "I kept it a secret because I didn't want to-"

Kissing her and giving her a tight hug, her parents gave us a big grin. Stunned by the reaction, Rumi clammed up tightly as she accepted the gesture.

"So you aren't mad?", she asked.

"I knew you wanted kids, I am not mad.", I chuckled, "I am super excited about this, but...I am also terrified because I know that between our genes the children are going to be ridiculously strong and stubborn."

"I resent that statement!", Rumi shouted striking me.

"Haha!", her father laughed, "They really are like us!"

"Dear...please keep your mouth shut.", her mother said with a scary look.

"Yes dear...", he said with a gulp.

"So does the sudden parent visit have something to do with that?", I asked Rumi, "Does that mean Nemuri is also-"

"I can't tell you that.", Rumi said, "I assume you know the answer though."

"Oh boy...Nezu is going to have my head.", I sighed, "Oh well, I am happy to be a Dad!"

The feeling of euphoria that I felt with the news was unbelievable. In my past life I had never had the opportunity to make a family. To be told that I was going to be a Dad...it really meant a lot. Now I understood the feeling all those people I helped felt, this was something worth doing whatever it took to safeguard.

Thanking Rumi for blessing us with kids, she panicked and started to tell me not to say something like that. Turning beet red she looked over at her parents who were giving her a smirk.

"What!?", she snapped.

"I am happy you found yourself a good man that loves and cherishes you.", her mother said, "Don't you let his kind nature get the better of him though."

"I know.", Rumi said giving me a hug.

Leaving the house together, I took Rumi back to the Fortress to spend some time together. Since I knew Rumi wouldn't have been happy just cuddling, we spared for a while before sitting down to relax together. Laying on me as she took a nap, I felt a new resolve to take Prime and Nekron down. Having seen the results of war in my last life, I wouldn't allow them to reach my world no matter the cost.


Author Update:

Sorry on the chapter delay...been busy with work and at night I have been playing Doom and Shadows of Mordor. I blame Steam for making the deals too good to resist, and my inability to say no to playing them lol.

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