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Chapitre 30: Chapter 24: Unexpected moments

I apologize to you all for my stupidity. I was supposed to do the script yesterday but because we drank and got drunk last sunday. I forgot that it was Monday the next day and I was toooooooo busy. AND ANOTHER THING!!


I thought No harem would win even me was excited about it because I like the dark route of No Harem but unfortunately, the harem won. 33 voted in No Harem, 35 in Harem, and 4 were unsure or people following the flow of what the outcome of the vote would be. This was the that I've gathered yesterday.

To my readers of my work who voted for No Harem. Please don't drop this :(. I will not make chapters that are purely sexual scenes but for the likes of such a scene I will separate it with a warning.

One more thing, hopefully everyone will accept the result. Don't worry because the concept that I will do for harem route is not forced, but there is a good reason about to it with maturity concept. The process will be slow because the story MAINLY FOCUSES on what will possibly happen in the future



*Engk! Engk! Engk

"Ughhhh" A sleeping Kai moaned from the loud noise of the alarm clock.


The alarm stopped its noise when Kai smashed the alarm clock without knowing it. Kai tried to get back to sleep but he couldn't because he couldn't.

"Sir Kai, you broke the alarm clock again for 3 times. I wonder if you will smack me if I'm besides you." JARVIS spoke.

"Ughh, what time is it? Oh perhaps I won't smack you if you're a beautiful girl trying to wake me up." Kai slightly opened his eyes while yawning for a second.

"It's 4:00 in the morning, Kai. A beautiful morning to start up your days, Sir." JARVIS replied.

"Thank you, Jarvis."

Kai went to the bathroom to wash his face, and then wore jogging pants, rubber shoes, a hooded sleeveless, and an earphone connected to his cellphone. Afterward, he left the mansion to start his daily routine.

"Good morning, Snow. Could you check my vitals for this morning? Oh also check if there's available contracts from New York before I go back there." Kai says but there's no reply coming from Snow.

"Snow? Are you there?"



Since there's no reply, Kai became paranoid and quickly picked up his phone to check if there's something wrong about on Snow. Kai saw while watching her pouting but her eyes has no expression.

"W-why are you pouting?" Kai asked.

"I'm trying to be jealous since trashy-jarvis stole my responsibilities to wake you up in every morning like a good girl to his Onii-chan." Snow

"I-i see, I didn't know you're trying to be jealous you, bakadere." Kai sighed and looked to his AI that seemingly cute.

But the thing is, she couldn't express her emotions because of her restrictions as an AI. However, Kai made a new resolution and project for her to observes and analyze the human emotions, and their interactions for the goal of understanding the human essence.

"How's the progress of our project 'Who am I', Snow?" Kai asked while stretching his limbs.

" 0.99%, Onii-chan. Researching the way of humans is so hard to analyze, and generating a sequence of algorithms to make a rules or program takes too much time to compute imitating the human beings. The mission completion is very low because being human, what is human, how human works; is hard to digest since human society is composed of many forms of individuals that have different philosophies, ideologies, and many more." Snow monotonic voice said.

"Hey, you can do it. I'm not Tony who is a genius in technology, but I'm happy with the progress you have, Snow. The project I gave for you is not imitating a human or be like human. I wanted you to show; what is being alive and who you really wanted to be. Just being you, Snow. If making myprogress takes much time, it is still a progress." Kai took a deep breath.

"Don't worry if JARVIS stole your role this morning because you are my personal loveable, Snow." Kai added and started to jog.

After Tony gave him an advanced artificial intelligence he called Snow. Kai have craziness about his head that caused by his dark history. However, because of familial love it lessened his mental problems because of his responsibilities as a leader to his pack. Unfortunately, he was a solo but Snow came to his life since he really hates when he don't have to talk with somebody during torturing, and playing his victims. He even stopped killing people but his sadistic tendency is still remained during working.

The sun rises upon his face. Kai didn't stop jogging around the Malibu. His sweats flows on his face because he conjured a weight that he put on to his legs placing a Chaotic Energy into it from materializing the energy and compressed towards the weight. Imagining a big heavy boulder giving him a hard time to run but it's not bad since it helps him to improved his speed. Only he didn't know that he used enchantment from his conjuration without knowing it.

He went to a subdivision area with full of joggers running at sidewalks. Having many joggers like him in the morning makes him want to socialize with them. While jogging towards at 12'oclock, there were 3 women smiling and talking with each other, are wearing sports attire that looks sexy because of it's sexy shorts and sports bra showing their voluptuous body attracting a bunch of different kind of men following them behind with their eyes looking to their body. Sooner or later, the 3 women noticed a flock of men behind them with lecherous looks on their faces. They soon paled and stopped talking but stick closely their bodies which makes the degenerates men behind whistled loudly. Seeing that, one of them stopped and looked towards them with irritated expression.

Meanwhile, Kai stops his momentum then starts towards them. Seeing the women tried to argue with them with helpless expression but the men didn't care about it as they tried to woo them. Other joggers saw the situation but stepped aside and didn't want to be part of it. However, Kai as one of the believers of thighs religion, he will not be scared but help the sacred beings on their troubles. (AN: what a simp.)

"Yare yare daze." Kai's voiced attracts them.

"What a disgusting creatures trying to surround beautiful creatures have no rights to face them." Kai added trying to be cool to impress the girls.

All of them stops and look towards him. Seeing a newly young man arrived trying to be cool makes them laugh.

"Shut up retard."

"Hahaha, what will you do ha?"

"Shut up, chuuni! You stole that line from Jojo!"

"Stay away from us, Kid. We're not even doing bad things to them."

"Hey guys, isn't he Tony Stark's dog?"

"Yeah, he was."

Hearing their words, Kai stopped his cool. His eyes became cold while he emits a scary intent.

"You know what? F.u.c.k it." Kai moved his hand to his back and revealed a black handgun to them. He conjured it when he moved his hands behind.

"Just choose, leave peacefully or feel the hard way?" Kai aimed his materialized Colt-45.

"Call the police!"

"You're kidding, right?"

"W-we are kidding, Kid."

"I-its fake."


"Ohhh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to press the trigger. I thought this was just a toy. Next time the bullet will hit your heads." Kai grinned.

The conjured pistol is not really a gun. He knows the concept of it but the bullets is not real, instead a compressed energy that could be the bullets used by his mana. It consumed a lot of mana if he will used all of it as a bullets. Although it's not real compared to real guns, it could also kill a person, only the flaws was conjuring to make a gun is not a good thing to conjured. He thought that if he wanted to have a gun based on mana, he need to make it manually made by materials that could resist the mana. If he does have it, it will double the firepower of his personal weapon.

He planned to make a gun that was based on his Chaotic Energy but he need to find a materials that could long lasted and resist his chaotic energy because during his weapon trials, he thought of to used his mana into his gun. However, he coated his mana into his gun after he fired it, his deagles exploded but the shots that has been fired destroyed the metal targets he used.

One by one the people left them, only the women remained. Afterward, the women went to him.

"Thank you very much for scaring them." A blondy said.

"You're the closest companion of Tony Stark, didn't you?" A busty Latina added.

"Yeah, why do you know?" Kai asked

"Well it's because you became the meme of the day when the public learned your brotherly relationship with Tony, and his mascot for badmouthing the senator like what he did. They called you, Tony's Puppy, The Bitch of Stark and Little Tony." A sexy black american lady told him.

Kai froze since his nightmare became true. What's more, he hated the way the media works.

"Look, the media even has reports on you." The Latina said, showing her phone to him.

"Good morning, America. As the morning report. The decision of the committee didn't pursue to continue confiscating the Iron man suit of Tony Stark. The hearing yesterday became a joke when too many unexpected happens inside of the hall. Jack Hammer did embarrassing moments due to shiting inside of the hall. The Citizens called the CEO as Jack Pooper which makes the other shareholders of the company dismayed. Besides, the teenager boy who came with Tony also became the source of troubles. We have an interview from Tony Stark during the Stark Expo. Let's hear it." A male newscaster reported.

Kai sweated as he watched the new transitions. In the video, he saw Tony in black with Happy Hogan talking to the female reporter.

"As you can see, being Ironman is a key to peace. This makes my responsibilities doubled as part of the owner of Stark Industries. However, I have no negative instances about it." Stark said.

"According to what we learned, is it true that there will be a new shareholder of your company after the bad events during your fight between Obadiah Stane?" The female reporter asked.

"Yes. Actually, he is not that known by the public but he was one of closest people in my life. You can call him my little brother but we are not blood related. I predicted that he didn't know about this thing but as a caring adult for him, it's my part to give him a good future by making him one of the shareholders of the company. Although it's not much since we handled all of the remaining stocks from the shares of Obadiah Stane. I decided to give it to him." Stark said.

The scene returned to the newscaster.

"From what Ironman said. We conclude that the new shareholder of Stark Industries was the young man who came to the committee yesterday with Tony Stark. It is even visible for the fact that how Tony treated the young man could be assumed he is the new shareholder of the company. Lastly, according to what we have researched from the background of the Young Man, he was one of adopted sons of the Russian couples who came from Russia to have a new life here in America. According to the peoplehe was the 'toyboy' of Tony Stark but since it was too immoral to judge him, the people can give your opinions and thoughts to our forums " The newscaster said.

Then he saw the comments section of the forum which was full of shits about him.

"How to be a billionaire in one day? Be the toyboy of a billionaire businessman."

"People, Tony Stark was a playboy billionaire. We can see their relationship was a brother and little brother relationship, so there's no wrong with that."

"The way Tony treated him yesterday at the hall was like a puppy. See how Tony handled him? It's funny."

"His name is Kaios Ivanov. I know him! He was the son of the owner of Mama Bear's Restaurant from Queens, New York. Their food was legit and homemade. It was fantastic and delicious! What's more? There's a picture of Tony Stark with his family and I heard that he was the major investor of their Restaurant. Now I know, but I couldn't say he was a toyboy. More likely, a genuine brothership."

"Nope he is not a toyboy. He is Tony's dog, look at this link and you can see the Kid always following Tony Stark wherever he goes, even the day Tony Stark proclaimed in his company that he will not produce any weapons in their company, the kid was also in there."

The forum was flooded by the comment section besides the news. Kai couldn't say anything based on what Tony said, He didn't know all of this.

"What the f.u.c.k." Kai muttered.

"So, are you the new shareholder?" The three ladies told him with hidden intentions behind it.

Kai lost his excitement when the three women looked at him like a money bag.

"Begone thots!"


Pepper entered the gym room and saw Tony and Happy spar.

"The Notary is here. Tony can please come and sign the transfer paperwork of Kai and mine." She informed him.

"Wait a second." Tony said as he evaded a punch of Happy. Then he used his elbow towards the nose of Tony.

"What the hell was that?!" Happy cried out.

"Ahh sorry, it's called Mixed Martials. I've trained for many weeks to develop it." Tony said.

The two continued then a loud voice stopped their acts.

"MR. STARK!!!!"

A newly arrived Kai still wearing his sports attire was gasping for his breath.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Kai told him.

"Wow, the news is so fast. Are you happy, Kid?" Tony said while grinning but he quickly blocked the incoming punch of Happy.

"Hey! Time out for a moment will ya?" Tony added

"I'm not!!!! Why didn't you inform me first instead of telling it to the media? You know that I hate it, Mr.Stark!" Kai said.

"Hey what's the problem with that?? You have money that you can spend for a lifetime." Tony asked.

"See I told you, Tony. You didn't listen to me when I told you needed to tell him first before you did that." Pepper sighed.

"Congratulations, Son!" Happy happily said.

"Ackkk" Kai scratched his head.

"Happy, give me the gloves. I want to punch, Mr.Stark!" Kai told him

"I'm happily obliged." Happy removed the boxing gloves and threw it towards Kai.

"HEY!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Tony became terrified by this.

"It's called Mixed Martials Arts. I developed it when I couldn't defeat my enemy, Stark." Happy grinned and left the ring.

"H-hey what's the problem, Kid? Stop that or I will not make you the new shareholder." Tony said as he quickly left the ring when Kai entered it.

"Ohhh!! It's okay! I will punch you first until you become beaten into a pulp. I will get the mustang of yours in the garage before I quit being your bodyguard. Come here, Mr. Stark!?" Kai chased Tony outside of the ring.

Tony went to the other side of the ring. Kai chases him, while Tony runs away from him since he knew Kai was a strong Martial Arts practitioner. The two continued chasing around over and over.

"Hey you two, stop him!" Tony informed Happy and Pepper who was watching them.

"Goodluck!" Pepper said while Happy nodded.

"Hey! What wrong with you, Kid! If you became rich, you could easily attracted beautiful ladies around you. You could even use it for your future then why the helll are you mad at me?!" Tony said while preparing himself to escape from the edge of the ring.

"Yo-you! I'm happy about it!" Kai said.

"Then why the hell are you angry about me?!" Tony replied.

"I wanted to be rich but not like this!? If you didn't inform the public about me being the new shareholder, I could enjoy the dream of every men. But you revealed it! The women whom I saved an hour ago didn't even say thank you to me but instead look me at like a money bag! Ughhh, I want pure! Pureee! Not a gold digger! Mr. Stark!" Kai said.

"Wh-what? I didn't expect you to be a lover boy, Kid." Tony laughed but quickly escaped to the other side.

Tony was fast but Kai didn't want to use his power to bully him. If he uses it, Tony might be die from it.

Meanwhile, Pepper and Happy still watching them with a happy expression.

"Alright, I stop! I quit! Give me your entire garage car collections including the antique, Mr. Stark. You lost your bet." Kai told him.

"Not so fast, Kid. I know you, you will get back to me again after you get all of my collections." Tony replied.

"You lost, Mr.Stark. We don't have an agreement that there's no turning ba-" Kai stoped when he noticed a familiar scent.

"See, you greedy bastard." Tony sighed and sat down besides of Pepper.

*Sniff* *Sniff* Kai closed his eyes as he sniff the air.

"Hey what's wrong, Kid?" Tony asked.

"Hey Peps, what's wrong about him?" Tony added.

"I don't know. He is sniffing?" Pepper curiously said.

"Like a dog?" Happy added.

"Hey, Kai. Why are you sniffing? Are you a dog?" Tony asked the same question.

"I'M NOT!?" Kai said but continues sniffing as the scent are near to them.

Kai followed the direction of the scent, and he looked towards the door waiting for that person.

Tony, Pepper, and Happy followed the directions he looking to. Then, from the edge of the wall. A beautiful red-hair woman arrived wearing a formal clothes of a secretary went to their place. Her long beautiful wavy hair was so attractive, a mole under her eyes and sexy body visibly shown.

Pepper, Happy and Tony looked at each other again with an answer from their heads.

"Well he is Kai. Seeing that from him is normal since he often do the same." Pepper said.

"So that was the reasons of sniffing because a beautiful redhair girl appeared." Tony laughed.

"Doesn't he sniffed like a dog?" Happy questionly said.

The new woman went to Pepper and shows her the transfer paper.

"This is the transfer paperworks for Kaios and for you Miss Pepper Potts." She said.


"Damn, I know the reason why his perverted radar works because the woman is so ho-" Tony spoke with Happy but his waist was pinched by Pepper.

"Alright alright. What's your name Lady?"

"Natalie Rushman." Instead of her being the one to introduce herself. Kai did ber job.

The undercover Natasha Romanoff in the name of Natalie Rushman stiffened for a moment but became alerted when she thought her undercover mission was failed. Afterward, Natasha looked towards Kai but she didn't expect that he was smiling with his visible expression traced with pure happiness on it.

Kai quickly ran towards her with a pure smile upon his face. His hands was wide opened wanting to hug her. His world was in slow motion that there are only two people in it, him and her. When he was close enough to her, he tried to give a big hug to Natasha. However…


Nathalie Rushman a.k.a Natasha Romanoff, quickly subdue him by grappling technique which locked his body and then she used her taser to stun Kai.

Kai's body electrified continuously until he lost his consciousness due to strong voltage power but fortunately Tony and the others quickly intervened the situation.

"H-heeyyy! STOP!!"



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