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21.42% Their Girl Anna / Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Chapitre 9: Chapter 9

I was awoken to my front door beeping unlocked it sacred me so I woke up Jin saying" Jin wake up some one is in here!"

Jin Shot straight up ready to attack who ever it was stark naked I threw him his pants that he put on backwards. I grabbed my night gown and ran to the bathroom. Trying to get my clothes on at the same time looking for a weapon to hurt someone with I found my manicure scissors.

After awhile all I herd was "what the fudge man why are all you here!" Than a knock on my bathroom door.

I opened it and came face to face with a smirking Cl a laughing Namjoon and a not amused Jinyoung and Jackson.

I grabbed my robe off my door put it on and came out. "You have a lot of explaining to do." Jackson and Jinyoung said at the same time. I blushed even deeper knowing Jin and I just got caught.

     I smiled and said, "it's not what you think?" Trying to look as innocent as possible hoping no one looks in the trashcan full of condoms and wrappers

Namjoon laughed harder his dimples  showing in his mirth and said "that's what he said." I rolled my eyes at the dirty joke.

I was Feeling awkward that's when I asked them to leave my room CL stayed behind to go threw my closet I jumped in to my shower and washed up as fast as possible noticing that I had a couple new  Hickeys to hide.

I had a towel wrapped around me and my hair when I walked out of my room, I had forgotten CL was in my room I blushed CL gave a knowing look at me and said" I got your outfit for to days shooting. Now how was Jin? Was he as big as I have imagined him to be? "

I blushed and said, "I am not saying anything, I have the right to remain silent, whatever I say can and will be held against me. I have a right to an attorney if I can't afford one the Court will provide one."

She laughed and said "OK now we know you know your Myranda rights. Now put on these clothes and I will be your personal stylist today. Then maybe you will give me the dirty Details of last night."

I put on my clothes and she helped me with my hair and makeup. I loved it when she treated me like her little sister, I could feel her love for me with every  stroke of the brush in my hair and the gentle way she applied my makeup it was like having the older sister I always dreamed of.

Once I was finished I realized that she had me in BTS of0f the shoulder top and the jacket even said Jin on it I blushed hard thank my BTS jewelry and stuff was even on me. I hope Jin went home I am so embarrassed.

I stepped out of my room with CL and all the boys stopped talking I didn't see Jin. So, I let out my breath in relief than I smelled something amazing cooking in the kitchen and knew that's where he is I blushed hard he was going to get the wrong impression of me.

I took off the jacket before he noticed reviling my off the shoulder top I had already hid my hickey with make up.

Jinyoung was looking at me I raised my eyebrow and asked "Oppa you OK do you need a drink or something?" He replied with "no but I do need to talk to you." I nodded and took him to our office. I sat in front of Jinyoung and asked," is there anything wrong?" He started to rub the back of his neck pacing back and forth until finally he said "fuck it I will just show you."

He walked over to me pulled me up and kissed I widened my eyes and pushed him away from me yelling "Oppa!"

I didn't know he liked me as a friend, let alone anything else he has always been so cold with me. He sighed and said, "sorry, I just didn't know how to talk to you, you always are confident, and get along with everyone. I guess I am jealous of Jin too he gets to be with you and everything. I don't know, it just hit me how beautiful, and sexy you are when you sent that picture in group chat by accident. I just can't get you off my mind now"

I understood him he can't figure out if he is lusting after me or really likes me. A lot of guys are this way now I guess I will have to help him later though I could tell by that kiss I wasn't in to him. "

I gave him a hug and said "it's OK it happens more than you know, your probably just horny and need to release some tension, how about you and I hang out after shooting today? I will help you relax OK Oppa?"

He nodded and left the room. God I am turning into a slut. When will I be able to find my own love I know these boys don't love me they just want sex at least I was not deluding myself to think these men loved me I  don't love me and if I can't who can?

I left the office and went to my room, and took my birth control for the day. Noticing I had two more days till my period, thinking great welcome to my nightmare.

I went to the kitchen and saw Jin and blushed I really need to talk to him. No time like the present. I went up to him and gave him a back hug, asking, "Oppa after last night... do you think you can still love me? Like before? I know you feel awkward now but I hope you can still be my friend.

He just stood there like a statue not saying anything. I understood he doesn't want to really care now that he got what he wanted.

I let a tear slip and said, "it's OK Oppa I understand." I wiped the tear away I put on fake happy mask. There goes one of my best friends. I was hurting. Throughout breakfast unless you knew me well you would have thought I was OK. I laughed and joked around with everyone it was easy to pretend that I was OK than to actually show that I was not.

We filmed at a water park that day I had fun Jinyoung and I where on a team. Than it was Cl and Namjoon, Jackson and Amber. Cl and Namjoon won we went to a restaurant after we all had some pork belly and some soju. Jackson was telling everyone about last night and was going in to gross details..

Jinyoung and I didn't drink so we had sprite instead, the rest got drunk their faces turning red the more they drink,  Jinyoung took Jackson home and since Namjoon was not as drunk as the others he offered to take the other two home to my relief.

The night was crisp with the smell of rain to come I decided to walk home by myself. I was finally able to be alone and so I stopped at a vacant park and cried while sitting on a swing. Losing Jin was like losing my favorite family member, but it was my fault I had to be a whore and lose him why couldn't I just control myself.,

I finished crying and went home to the dorms Jinyoung was waiting for me at my door. I knew I looked like a mess but fuck it. I let him in and started some mint tea for us.

Grabbing two spoons out of the deep freeze I put them on my eyes to take away the redness and swelling from my eyes.

After the spoons warmed up I put them back, and grabbed the two light blue tea cups with delicate calla lilies painted on them, and brought them with the matching kettle to the living room on a serving tray where Jinyoung was waiting.

I placed the Tea bags into the cup and poured placing the finely painted saucer on top to let them steep.

Looking up at Jinyoung I saw that he was staring at me intensely. He asked, "what's wrong with you today? You laughed and smiled, yes, but none of it reached your eyes. Did something happen between you and Jin?"

I just smiled and said," I am ok, oppa. Even if something happened between us it's our business not anyone else's."

He nodded and said, "right there is why I like you, you don't gossip. Though I don't like how fake you are sometimes . You always smile and tell everyone your OK even though you're not."

He shifted his weight so that he was facing me more, "Every time I see you it turns my stomach. I don't know if I should slap the fake smiles off of you, or kiss you and make you smile for real. Though I saw what happened when I kissed you, you just looked shocked then pasted another fake smile on."

My smile faltered, his words hit hard, I knew I was a fake, I just hurt that someone else knows also how did this tall lanky man see threw me?

I sighed and picked up my cup removing the blue saucer that was damp with condensation and taking a drink the mint tea soothed my throat. Deciding to tell him the truth I gathered up my courage.

"Thank you for being so Frank with me. But I will tell you a secret if I didn't fake the smiles, or the laughs, people will see that I am a empty shell, that only on very rare occasions see a small speck of happiness. I than one way or another I mess it up and I am left in the dark abyss all over again." His face was of pure shock after I finished speaking, He than drained his cup and thanked me for the Tea and left me to be alone yet again.

My night ended with the smell of Jin's cologne  clinging to my pillows an empty hole in my heart that was filled with sadness and regret.

I woke up with a start my heart racing from the nightmare that I had,  and realized that that today was the start of my two week vacation.

My phone stared to buzz telling me that I have a message I looked at it was Jimin asking if I was free today.

I replied "yes" than went and did my morning routine. I was laying down on my couch, with cold spoons on my eyes, in a oversized pink wings tour sweater, and some shorts when I herd a knock on the door.

I got up and opened the front door to a smiling jimin,  he was short for most men if I didn't keep most women from noticing him, his dancers body human tastes most women specially combined with his perfect jawline his straight nose and smiling eyes he was a lady killer my favorite part of him though was his full lips they always seemed ready to be kissed, I asked him in, and then asked if he was hungry or thirsty.

He smirked at me the stated in a mater of fact voice, "honestly I am but not for food." cell came closer to me like a sleek panther playing with his prey, "When will you become my lover? I am not asking you to date me I am just asking you to fuck me." His circling me made me dizzy but in a delightful way after being rejected by Jin it was nice to be appreciated even if it was for my body.

I thought for a moment maybe this is a pick me up I need plus I don't really care at the moment I was single and he was single so why not? I was a 20 year-old American girl that was submerged into a  whole new culture maybe this is what they did here.

years I have lived here, forever it feels like but these few days have been the only one on one time with the opposite sex I have ever had,  usually one of the managers or my group mates are with me protecting me from male advances.

I locked my front door than walked over to him my hips swaying with every step as if I was about to do a sexy dance, when I got to him I slowly pulled my sweater over my head to reveal my large breasts that were Captured underneath.

His beautiful chocolate brown eyes went round in shock him thinking that I was going to deny him for the hundredth time.

I than kissed him slowly, unbuckling his belt and taking off his pants I than helped him with his shirt kissing down his chest until I got to his member. I sucked on his member until he was completely hard him holding on to my head helping me with the rhythm, he let out a loud animalistic moan and came in my mouth I sucked him dry.

I than took my shorts and panties off, than climbed on top of him, I inserted his member inside of me and fucked him hard and fast. Our moans intertwined with each other as we climaxed he held me close as we let out our final moans we stayed intertwined catching our breath. 

He started to stroked my hair saying, "thank you. You are awesome. Don't worry I won't tell anybody about this it's only between us OK." He than gave me a kiss on the tip of my nose.

I nodded than got off of him I went and took a shower. When I got out he was gone like all the others leaving me alone. At least he killed half an hour of my day.

I decided to cook some ramen when it was done my doorbell rang I opened the door to see a very happy alien with a cute box smile I let him in,  went straight to the food I giggled and asked,"so, my cute and sexy alien oppa, why are you here?"

He smiled and said," I had a feeling you were lonely and needed some attention."

I nodded, and went and got him a bowl of rice, and chop sticks he thanked me for the food and dug in.

When we where finished I went to the living room and we watched one piece together I decided he would be a perfect cuddle Buddy so I cuddled closer to him resting my head on his chest. His heart was beating fast I looked up at him and asked, "TaeTae oppa are you OK?" He looked at me and said, "uh.. Anna can I talk to you about something?"

I got off of him and looked him in the and said, "sure you can tell me anything!"

He looked at me point blank and asked, "do you find me sexy and desirable?"

I hesitated to answer him, I didn't want to change our relationship, he was the Speck of Happiness that is in my life, if I lost him I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

I looked in to his eyes and told him how I felt, " oppa you know that I'm not a very happy person? The only source of happiness Is You. I would be lying to you if I said, that I didn't think you were desirable. you are one of the most desirable men in my life, I love you More Than myself. I just don't want to lose you if I lost you... I think it would hurt more than my father forcing old men on me, or my family's Abuse and abandonment."

A tear slipped out just at the thought of him leaving me he was my best friend the one person I can truly be myself with he is the only person to know my true self.

He rubbed my tear away and kissed me gently on the mouth. I got a shock from this I didn't know he felt that way about me.

He looked at me and said, "I have always wanted to tell you that I like you but I was afraid that you wouldn't like me the same way. Your my best friend and I would like to have you as my girlfriend and lover also."

I thought about it and said" before I give you my answer I need to tell you about my week and if I don't look disgusting after and you still want me than tell me."

I told him about Jiyong and Daesung than I told him about Baekhyun and Jin and how I lost Jin as a friend I even told him about Jimin. I told him about how I slept with them to feel something other than loneliness and sadness. He listened and kept a straight face the whole time.

When I was done he looked at me and said, "from now on if you feel empty, and need to feel something, I want you to come to me even if it is for plain out hard core sex. I want you to know that you're going to be mine and no one else's. I don't care that you had sex with other men before me, as long I am the last man you have sex with. Now will you please take me to bed, so, I can erase the touch of the other men."

I smiled and kissed him hard while wrapping my legs around his waist looking into his beautiful eyes I replied, "I can't be your girlfriend Tae I love you too much but I will be your lover.  I am not ready for a relationship with anyone at the moment."

He carried me to bed while kissing me, I helped him with his shirt, than ran my hand down his chiseled chest, taking in the Sher beauty that was Kim Tae-hyun. I guess this was his awnser to not being my boyfriend but just my lover.

I kissed him again licking his bottom lip so I could gain access that he granted. Before I knew it my clothes and his where off, I gaped at his massive member wondering how he was going to fit inside of me.

He blushed and asked, "are you ok with this?" Not trusting my voice I nodded a yes. he crawled on top of me and started licking, and playing with my nipples, sending ripples down my spine.

with his tongue trailed it down my torso, and then he spread my legs and started to kiss down one leg than the other.

He started to licking and sucking my clitoris it felt so good and I moaned in my enjoyment, wanting more. He than inserted two of his long perfectly shaped finger's inside of me while licking and sucking I started to buck from the pleasure riding him, my orgasm came in ripples upon ripples but he just rode them out. He was satisfied that I was wet enough for him to gain entry.

It was pure pleasure taking all of him inside of me we rocked in sync with each other. Him being generous with his kisses on my collarbone and neck. Me wanting more of this man, holding each other as if it was the last time we would see each other. He came than I did knowing that I gave this other worldly man pleasure.

when we where done he held me close and said, "you are mine now and I don't want to share ever. I love you yeon-in"

I snuggled in to him and said," I love you too yeon-in and I agree no sharing from this  point on until I am ready for a relationship."

He started to nibble on my ear wanting a round two, so, I stared to rub my ass in his member. which got the reaction I wanted he than took me from behind while we laid on our sides.

It felt so good that he had me holding on to his encircled arms screaming his name in ecstasy. When we had our release I turned in his arms kissed him hard and long we only stopped to catch our breath.

Our night continued like this, sedating are carnal needs with each other until we couldn't any longer.

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