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92.85% Gamer: Dimensional Mercenary / Chapter 13: Harry Potter 12

Chapitre 13: Harry Potter 12

"Seven sets of seven. Each ritual is to be done exactly three days after the previous." Said Perenelle. Her expression and tone serious, conveying how significant that was. "I cannot stress how important that is and under no circumstances you are to fail undergoing one every three days. The consequences would be dire at best."

"I understand." Michael nodded. It should take about five months to complete the rituals if his math was correct, and it was. He should be in Hogwarts during that time, so there shouldn't be anything stopping him from doing the rituals.

"Do I have to do them at a specific time, or can I start them when I want to?" Michael decided to ask before she could continue.

"No." Perenelle answered after thinking about it. "Not really. Time doesn't play a big part since they weren't devised with the planet's rotation in mind."

"That's good." Doing them during the night in the RoR, with the moon shining over him, would probably be the best. At least it wouldn't have any negative effects and no one would bother him.

"Now… firstly, before I even give you a brief explanation on the rituals, you have to know that you can't do them on your own." Perenelle's statement caused a frown to appear on his face. That wasn't what he expected.

"Technically, someone can perform them by themselves, but they need to have a mastery in Potions, Runes, and Arithmancy." She explained after seeing his expression. "And what from I know, you haven't even picked up Runes and Arithmancy, and you are far from being a Potions Master."

"If that displeases you that much, you can opt to do another set of rituals we've prepared. Three sets of seven, which you can easily do on your own. However, their effects would be lesser." That wasn't much of a choice in Michael's eyes. He needed every bit of power to handle what's to come in the future and beyond that.

"Seven sets of seven it is." Said Michael. If someone had to help him, then so be it.

"I figured as much." Replied Perenelle and summoned a book in her hands before handing it over to him. "You can find a detailed description on the rituals and what they will do for you in the book."

"When do we start?" Asked Michael. He only knew of three people that could help him with the rituals, and all of them were in the room with him at that moment.

"Now if you wish." Replied Perenelle with a small smile before turning to her husband. "However, Nicholas seems to have something to ask you."

The immortal Alchemist flinched at being addressed by his first name by his wife, but his eyes still shined brightly as he looked at Michael. "I'd like to see a bit more of the equipment and magical towers you showed us the previous time."

"And what would I get in return?" Asked Michael. Just from Nicholas' look alone, he knew the man was taken by what he'd seen in his memory. If they were so important, then he wanted something in return.

"Didn't you wish to be taught by me?" Nicholas asked back.

"Fair enough." Michael agreed with a tilt of his head. That was more than worth it, especially if Nicholas managed to replicate some of the things from his memories. They could be of great use in the future.

"Excellent!" Nicholas clapped his hand and produced a bunch of vials on the table.

"Bear in mind, I cannot show you how they were produced. Only of them being in use." Michael warned him.

"It does not matter." Nicholas waved him off. "Finding out how to replicate them would be just that much more exciting." Although finding out how they were created step by step would've made things simpler for him, he would also be very bored by that. As a creator by heart, figuring out how things were made was part of the thrill for him.

"Just think of as many different memories as you can, and I will extract them from you." Nicholas stepped closer to Michael and waited for him to nod before he began extracting memories from him. He stored them all in the vials he summoned and put those in a trunk he brought with him.

"That should be enough." Said Perenelle, causing Nicholas to pout, but he didn't object. "Now, I believe you've discovered a special room here in Hogwarts. If you wish to start right now, we can make our way over there." She continued.

"Okay." Michael agreed with that. It was already late enough for the moon to be out, so it was the perfect time in his mind.

He stepped out of the office, taking the lead with Perenelle following after him. Feeling a faint energy wash over him, Michael quickly turned around, only for the old woman to have disappeared. Focusing his Aura on his eyes, he was able to see that she was right next to him.

"Disillusionment Charm." Perenelle explained, and Michael looked down at his own hands. They were completely invisible, and he tried moving them around, but he still couldn't see them without using his Aura.

Michael's respect for her grew by that display. From what he knew, the Disillusionment Charm didn't make someone invisible. It just made the user take on the exact color and texture of his surroundings. Perenelle cast it silently and without a wand, yet it was still strong enough to make them both invisible.

Michael then turned around, leading her towards the RoR. He wasn't worried she won't be able to follow as she was a natural Legilimens. Perenelle could hear his thoughts, even despite his Occlumency and Aura, though they were nothing but faint whispers.

Another wave of energy washed over them, and Perenelle explained before he could even ask. "A silencing ward to let us talk freely."

"The first two sets of the rituals would focus on your body." Perenelle began informing him afterward. "The first set involves you bathing for seven hours in specifically prepared ingredients. They are the simplest, but still require a Potions Master to complete. The first set of rituals will boost the strength of your body, but their main purpose is to prepare you for the second set, which will increase its potential."

"The second set will be harder to complete, but with your Aura you shouldn't have that much of a problem. Though, I suggest picking up a few offensive spells and a defensive one."

Michael wasn't sure exactly what she meant by the last part. Either way, he didn't question her as he could figure it out by simply reading the books Perenelle provided him. Plus, he was already learning how to do the Shield Charm without the hand movements.

After pausing for a moment to let him process her words, she continued. "The third and fourth set will focus on your mind. You can't really increase those with ingredients, but Runes can do that for you. They might be a bit painful since the Runes will have to be carved on your body. Though, they won't leave any scars, I can assure you that. Those two sets will increase how fast your brain can process information and its potential."

Whether Michal got scars from the rituals or not didn't matter to him. As long as they were effective, he could care less if they disfigured him. His appearance simply wasn't important to him in any way.

"The fifth and sixth set will focus on your magic, increasing its power and growth. Arithmancy and a bit of Runes will do that for you. This time, no Runes will be carved on your body, however." Michael already had a perk that helped him with his magic, but adding more to it wouldn't hurt him. He could potentially become a very powerful magical user in the future with that.

"The last and final set will be about your soul and also the most dangerous one." Perenelle paused there, picking her next words carefully. "Honestly, tinkering with your soul is very dangerous. Most wizards don't dare attempt that, and at most, they do three rituals like Albus. You will be doing seven of them, and… if there is a mishap with even a single one, you won't come out the same from them."

"Do you believe there's a problem with the ones you've devised?" Asked Michael.

"No." Perenelle shook her head. "We took the longest time configuring them. Potions, Runes, Arithmancy, the last seven rituals involve all of that. However, the result will mostly depend on you. I can prepare the ingredients, the Runes and their placement, but the success of the rituals will solely depend on you."

"Then I will just succeed." Michael said simply. He'd survived much worse, and he will complete the rituals successfully. It was that simple.

"Being confident will be helpful, but do make sure that doesn't turn into arrogance because that will harmful." Replied Perenelle.

Michael nodded and asked. "What will you need to prepare the first ritual?"

"A large bath with a fire underneath it." Answered Perenelle. "Could do without the fire, but it will be bothersome."

"The room can provide us with that." Said Michael as they reached the entrance to the RoR. He walked in front of the wall three times and the door formed for them. The large bath with fire underneath it was there as requested, alongside a glass ceiling that let the moonlight inside.

"How intriguing." Muttered Perenelle, looking around the room in fascination. "Nick would be very interested in this room and how it was made. It would be a nice addition to our home."

Michael wished Nicholas could figure out how the RoR was created, but for a different reason. Like the Philosopher's Stone, it could be of great help in future worlds.

"I'll set up the bath. In the meantime, you can read up on the rituals or tell me about yourself." Said Perenelle as she pulled out a bag of ingredients and started throwing them in the bath. Michael picked up the book, deciding to read up on what he will be doing, missing that frown that popped on Perenelle's face.

After skimming through the first set, he found out what Perenelle meant when she said his Aura would be helpful with the second set. That one also involved him taking special baths, but the most important ingredient was the blood of a magical creature, one that he had personally slain. And the stronger it was, the more benefit he will get from the rituals. There were a dozen creatures in the book that were suggested, and another dozen which were to be avoided no matter what like Unicorns for example.

"Your bath is prepared." Said Perenelle. Without a word, Michael removed his clothes and jumped in without hesitation. She merely raised her eyebrow at his lack of embarrassment.

"Just remember, you have to stay in for seven hours, even if gets uncomfortable, you are not to leave." Perenelle advised him, and he nodded in return. It felt like hundreds of ants were crawling over his body and biting him, but he would endure it. Suffering in complete darkness while starving to death was much worse than this.

Perenelle then left, returning back to Dumbledore's office. Nicholas was already viewing one of the memories he got while Albus was waiting for her. She rolled her eyes at that, but she excepted as much. Her husband could be very eccentric when something caught his eyes. She'd learned that much after spending hundreds of years with him.

"Nicholas." Perenelle called out to her husband, snapping him out of the memory. He pouted at her, but again, didn't utter a single word of protest.

"I do hope you have discovered or have an idea how we could remove Tom's soul from Harry without hurting the boy." Said Dumbledore with a hopeful look on his face. He'd looked into anything he could find on his own, but had very little success in that regard. The Flamels, on the other hand, had much more experience than him and had very old books in their possession. There was a chance they knew something about this.

"A specialized ritual might be able to do it." Said Perenelle. "Though it will be dangerous and could potentially cripple him."

"Michael could try awakening his Aura, but we don't know how that will affect Harry, nor Tom's soul inside him. As we learned, Aura is tied to one's soul, but we aren't sure if that will that also end up awakening Tom's Aura." Said Nicholas. He was much more interested in the inventions from Michael's memories, but Aura also intrigued him.

"Or as we saw in the memory Michael provided us, someone could use the Killing Curse on Harry. However, we can't guarantee it will have the same result we witnessed. There are two souls inside him, so it will be a gamble." Said Perenelle. There was a chance the prophecy about Harry and Tom would protect the boy, but it was just that, a chance, nothing guaranteed.

"Is there really no sure to work method?" Questioned Dumbledore. None of the suggested made him feel confident.

"So far, no." Perenelle shook her head. "I can try looking more into the subject, but a human has never been a horcrux before. We know of many ways to destroy a horcrux, but they all involve destroying the object. We can test out a few methods on the other ones, to see if he could remove the soul without destroying the items." Nicholas was simply too fascinated by what he saw in Michael's memories, so there was no way he would spend that much time looking into this subject.

"Maybe something can be done about it with Aura." Nicholas suddenly said. "Michael had informed you about a special ability right?"

Dumbledore nodded. "He did, but didn't specify what it could be."

"Well, since we know that Aura is tied to one's soul, we could assume that each person would develop a different ability. Maybe someone could develop one that could help with Harry's case." Theorized Nicholas, giving Dumbledore a sense of hope.

"I will speak more about this with him." Said Dumbledore

Perenelle stayed quiet, not mentioning something both of them seemed to have forgotten. During the memory Michael showed them, they saw thousands of people covered by the white shroud. However, not a single one showed some extraordinary ability. There's a chance she missed it, or simply didn't understand it, which is why she didn't say anything.

"About Michael." Perenelle, however, had another topic on her mind. "There's something I wish to discuss about him…"


Meanwhile, in one of the coldest places on Earth, a horned, tall figure with dark purple skin and bat-like wings was slowly making his way through the snow plains. Dunozzuz, a Nathrezim, or also known as a Dreadlord, wasn't having a good time.

About ten years ago, he was summoned to this planet by Tom. The man sought power above anything else, and Dunozzuz was happy to give it to him. For a price, of course. Dunozzuz taught him how to use Fel magic, enhanced his body, and only wished for one thing in return, for Tom to bring the Burning Legion to this planet. He could've joined the ranks of the Legion since he had some promise, but then the stupid human wizard went and got himself killed, by a baby of all things.

Dunozzuz knew Tom had created phylacteries, but the wizard had used some butchered spell to do them. If he was a normal Lich, Tom's body would've just regenerated back, but nooo, the hairless monkey just had to create multiple phylacteries. What was he expecting? His body to regenerate in multiple different places?

The wizards of this world were so backwards in some ways like that, but they seemed to have their strengths. They didn't have the same power like the ones from Azeroth, but that was also due to how little magic there was here. The difference between the worlds was like an ocean and a pond. In Azeroth, one could simply drown by how much magic there was in the air. Even those who couldn't use it received a benefit from it.

Here on this planet, however, there was so little magic, one could barely even feel it some places. As much as he didn't wish to admit it, Dunozzuz had trouble using his more destructive magic here. The wizards of this place had learned how to manipulate that little amount of magic and were subtler in their ways. Some of their magic impressed the Dreadlord, and he could see how learning it could help the Burning Legion. Nevertheless, this planet had to be conquered. The magic in the air proved there was something here that their leader was very much interested in.

Dunozzuz had been disappointed by Tom's death, but he didn't think too much about it. There were other wizards with the same mentality as Tom after all. One of those that called themselves Death Eaters, as presumptuous as that was, could've made a good replacement. However, for some ungodly reason, those stupid humans believed him to be the reason for their master's death. They thought Dunozzuz tricked Tom into killing himself. Granted, they did have some reason to believe that as he showed himself to them a bit before that happened. He'd assumed their war was as good as over.

The Dreadlord made his made mind when they attacked him. Those annoying humans will die and their souls would serve as a sacrifice to open a portal for the Burning Legion. However, those pesky wizards proved to be… capable. Nothing compared to the magical users from Azeroth, but he was alone, and his strength lied in corruption and intelligence gathering. By his lonesome, he couldn't kill the stupid humans, as much as he didn't wish to admit that. However, Dunozzuz didn't need to do it on his own. He just had to find another group of stupid humans and make them do it for him.

With each step he made in the snow, Dunozzuz started to shrink down. His horns and wings disappeared, and his dark purple skin turned into a pale one. The Dreadlord's armor turned into those hard to move robes the wizards of this world loved to wear so much, just as he saw a settlement in the distance. There was one thing he had learned during his time as a Dreadlord and knew for a fact that it's the truth. Humans were oh so easy to corrupt.

With a dark chuckle, Dunozzuz entered the wizarding village in Siberia. His current human appearance was nothing like the one the Death Eaters saw him with, so no one should be able to recognize him here. Now, he only needed to find a few easily manipulatable wizards, and he could start making his plans. They would either assist him in sacrificing enough souls to open up a new portal for the Burning Legions, or help him connect the existing one to the infinite army of the legion. One way or another, this world will succumb.


Michael emerged from the bath exactly seven hours later as he kept using Tempus to check his time the entire time. He felt drowsy and sleepy, and for the first time in this world, it wasn't from mental exhaustion. At least it was the weekend, so there were no classes and he could take a relaxing nap. Before that, he checked his status.

[Michael Wynneiros

Body: 6

Mind: 7

Soul: 8]


Aura Manipulation(Adept)


Spell Casting(Adept)


Potion Crafting(Apprentice)

Sword Mastery(Expert)



Magically Gifted


Michael's stats hadn't changed from just doing a single ritual, but it had appeared under his perks. That at least made him feel better.

His Spell Casting and Transfiguration had reached Adept the moment he managed to cast a spell without the hand movements. The next level obviously required him to accomplish that with a wand, but the rank afterward eluded him. However, the training dummies did give him an idea, as he tried fighting the Master-ranked one once.

Occlumency had also increased in level during the past month, and Michael had started forming his mental barriers. They were nothing special, but were enough to protect him from inexperienced Legilimens.

Potions Crafting was still stuck at Apprentice, but he wasn't sure if he or Severus was to blame for that. After thinking about it for a second, he concluded. "Definitely the slimy Professor." He couldn't be blamed that he messed up some of the harder to make potions.

Nodding to himself, Michael mentally closed his status, just as a bed and a towel formed in front of him. He wiped himself clean and tucked himself in for the night, err day.

GrreedyGoblin GrreedyGoblin

My PC broke on Friday, and I had one very unhappy weekend. Anyway, I meant to ask you all this last time, but ended up forgeting. I don't particularly like the story's name, so if you have any better suggestions, please let me know.

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