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87.87% Black clover: Reincarnating as the strongest character / Chapter 145: He might still be ali-

Chapitre 145: He might still be ali-

"You half-dead bastard!!" yelled the devil as he glared at Licht.

[Blow Away]

In an instant, Licht was pushed away by an unknown force and soon crashed into the ground.

"That didn't go well," commented Sekke.


As those words came out of the devil's mouth his wounds started to heal up.

"This bastard is annoying," said Yami with a frown.

"Want to deal with him together?" asked Sekke.

"Not much choice. I need someone to act as my shield if my life gets in danger," replied Yami.

"Don't worry Yami-san I will make sure to bury your body in a nice coffin."

"Heh, if I die then I will kill you and make you die along with me."

[Storm of Blades]

[Wall of Flames]

A wall of flames appeared around Sekke and Yami which was followed by a volley of weapons raining down on them from above.

"NOELLE!!!!" yelled Sekke making the Royal snap out and point her lance at the flames.

[Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Roar]

The spell that she prepared before entering the room was fired almost instantly the moment Sekke called her.

The giant water dragon immediately got into action and dealt with the flames.

Once it was done it rose and devoured the weapons that were approaching Yami and Sekke easily dealing with them.

"See, even Noelle can deal with this guy's attacks. I think you are getting rusty," said Sekke.

"Huh? What did you say? Me, and rusty?....Alright, dumbass. The game's on! The one who defeats that pasty shit gets 10000 yuls from the loser."

"Are you challenging me at such an important time...Of course, I accept it. Get ready to lose."

"Hah! Like hell that will happen," said Yami as mana gathered around his sword and his body.

"Mana skin along with reinforcement...damn, you are serious."

"Of course I am. You better prepare those 10000 yuls."

"Hah! Right back at you," replied Sekke as a mana skin appeared around him as well.

"You bugs, done blabbering?" asked the devil.

Yami and Sekke didn't say anything and just focused on the devil.

The devil found that amusing. Two insolent humans betting amongst themselves about who will defeat him, a high-ranking devil, one that massacred an entire race without even lifting a fing-.

While he was in his thoughts, Extase glowed and immediately grew in length and pierced through the devil's chest without any difficulty.


The devil yelped in surprise as he saw the sword piercing through his chest.

He was about to curse the humans but the moment he looked up he saw Yami right in front of him with the dark mana-cloaked sword.

[Dark Magic: Dark-cloaked Lightless Slash]

The mana slash released by the blade traveled forward and struck the devil pushing him out of the sword.

"Oi! Don't sabotage my attack!" complained Sekke as he saw Yami attack the devil when he was about to cut the devil in half.

"Ya snooze ya loose dumbass!!" replied Yami as dark magic covered his blade once again.

He focused on the devil and was about to continue cutting him. His dark magic was somehow effective against the devil and he was gonna take full advantage of that.

[Dark Magic: Dark Clo-]

[Bronze Creation Magic: Weapon Make- Gaster Blaster]

Before he could complete the spell a mana beam engulfed the devil from above.

"Oi dumbass!! Stop hogging my prey!!" yelled Yami.

Sekke simply ignored his squad captain and started running toward the devil.


With just a word the mana beam and the bronze skull disappeared.

This made Sekke and Yami narrow their eyes at the devil.

'At least he looks injured.' thought Sekke.

"This devil is a troublesome one," commented Vritra.

'Well, everything that we did today was troublesome.' replied Sekke.

"True that."

Sekke and Yami both landed in front of the injured devil, but Yami was a moment faster.

[Dark Magic: Dark-cloaked Avidya Wild Slash]

Multiple dark magic slashes came out of the blade and flew toward the devil making various slash marks appear on the devil's body.

"Tch, that's shallow," said Yami with a frown.

"His magic resistance is high," said Sekke as he grabbed Yami's collar and pulled him back.

[Iron Spear] [Reverse]

In an instant multiple iron, spears appeared on the ground where Yami was standing earlier.

"*Phew* That was close," said Yami as he sighed in relief.

"Focus back, he is healed once again," said Sekke as he let go of Yami.

"You two are getting on my nerves."

[Lightning Spear] [Water Javelin] [Crack Up] [Bind]

The devil who was now irritated by the human duo used multiple spells at once.

The ground below Yami and Sekke cracked open making their balance stumble and a second later black vines appeared out of the ground and bound the two of them, stopping their movements for an instant.

The lighting and water spears that were floating above the devil then launched towards the humans who looked totally defenseless.

"Die you two!!"

[Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Roar]

[Briar Creation Magic: Briar Tree]

Charla and Noelle who were watching from the sidelines immediately took action once they saw the attacks heading toward Yami and Sekke.

The water dragon immediately headed toward the water spear and easily dissolved it in its body, while the briar magic blocked the lightning spear before it could even reach Yami.

"Don't forget about us!" yelled Charla.

"Take this!" yelled Noelle as the dragon continued towards the devil.


The devil used his magic to make the water dragon attack Noelle. The dragon did turn back, but since it was still connected with Noelle's water lance, the tsundere gained control and made the dragon turn around and chomp down the devil.

"That's how you play a reverse card!! Good job my student!" exclaimed Sekke as he used Extase to free himself and Yami out of the bind.

"Thanks, prickly queen."

"Hmph, don't think that I did this to help you. It's just that it seems like your dark magic is effective against the devil," replied Charla.

"...A welcome would have been fine as well," replied Yami with a deadpan look on his face.

"...The tsundere are multiplying, it might be an avenger-level threat," said Sekke.

[Blow away]

The devil who was trapped in the water dragon's body used his magic to destroy the water dragon freeing himself successfully.

"You!! You all will-"

Before he could finish Licht appeared from the side ready to attack the devil.

[Earth Wall]

An earth wall erected in front of Licht stopped his attack.

The devil immediately jumped away and took off into the skies.


[Flame Magic: Phoenix Flare]

An intense stream of flames engulfed the devil out of nowhere making the other look in the direction where the attack came from.

"Don't you dare attack Licht," warned elf Anna as she glared coldly at the devil.


The flames disappeared in an instant revealing a charred devil who looked royally pissed.

"You all just keep on increasing and get in my way."

"Charla-chan! Long time no see!" called Fana as she saw Charla.

"Not now Fana. We need to deal with that devil first," said Charla.

"Eh? New enemy? So we aren't fighting Sekke Bronzaza and the humans?" asked Fana

"We are on the same side, so mind the friendly fire," said Noelle.

Sekke ignored the conversation that was going on around him.

The ki from the devil got messed up once the flames vanished and he could tell that the situation was about to turn serious.

Yami was in serious mode as well. He was staring intently at the devil with a spell ready.

Licht who was in his half-sleep state also took a distance from the devil. He glanced at Yami and Sekke.

Sekke and Yami who were able to read ki quite well caught onto a different ki and immediately glanced at the elf leader.

Licht who saw that he got the attention of the duo gave a nod.

Sekke's and Yami's eyes widened in surprise once they saw the nod.

'Did that bastard....' thought Yami

'...just communicated through ki?!' thought Sekke.

Both of them were shocked at the elf's ki mastery but soon kept that at the back of their minds.


A bright orb appeared in the middle of the room and started glowing brighter.

[Dark Magic: Black Hole]

But before the attack could even occur Yami rushed toward the center of the explosion and used his magic to absorb the mana gathered in the orb.

"That despicable dark-"

[Bronze Creation Magic: Countless Swords]

Multiple swords appeared above Sekke and started firing toward the devil.

The devil looked at the incoming attack and immediately flew up even further trying to dodge the attack.

[Storm of Blades]

The weapons from both users started clashing destroying each other.

"...Yami-san, we doing it his way?" asked Sekke.

"...that creepy elf dude did give us a plan....but, it sounds like a hassle," replied Yami as he took a puff of his cigarette.

"My thoughts exactly," replied Sekke.

The black bull duo contemplated for a while longer before they looked at each other and gave a nod.

"Oi! Creepy elf dude!!! The plan you told us!!! F*ck that!!!" yelled Yami while looking at Licht.

"Yeah!!! How the hell are we going to determine who killed him if we coordinate!! I need to beat this muscle-headed brute!!!" added Sekke and pointed towards Yami.

"Huh?! Are you beating me? Did you lose a screw-up there dumbass?" asked Yami.

The two started bickering amongst themselves once again making the others look at the duo with both shock and frustration.

Licht looked at the two swordsmen whom he communicated with using ki bickering and didn't know what to think of them. The two were too calm for such a serious fight.

The others had similar thoughts as well but had the dilemma of whether to voice out their concerns or not.

The devil on the other hand was getting pissed at them.

'To openly ignore a superior being like me...I will kill them so badly that even their souls will shiver from the outcome.' thought the devil as he pointed his finger at the duo.

But the instant he raised his hand in their direction, the whole arm was chopped off without even a moment's delay.

"Don't think we forgot about you," said Sekke who was now standing close to the devil.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, you pasty shit! You are just a 10,000 yul bonus for me," commented Yami who was in mid-air with dark magic radiating out of his katana.

[Dark Magic: Dark-cloaked Lightless Slash]

Yami swung his sword and fired a dark magic slash at the devil who was still shocked at the speed of his hand getting chopped off.

But soon an eerie shiver struck his body as he felt the dark magic slash coming closer.


His wings opened wide as he tried to fly away.

Keyword word being tried.

"And where the heck do you think you are going?" asked Sekke as he grabbed the devil's face.

Sekke smirked and started applying force in his grip making the devil squirm around trying to free himself.

[Blow Aw-]

"You speak too much," commented Sekke as his hand turned to bronze and then formed a gag around his mouth.

Sealing the devil's ability to speak, Sekke pointed the devil's back toward the incoming dark slash that successfully cut through one of its wings.

The devil winced in pain at the loss of its wing and glared hatefully at Sekke.

But that didn't even phase the dark lord as he simply slammed the devil's head into the ground.

Sekke looked at the head that he just slammed into the ground and saw the devil glaring at him.

He was about to slam it once again, but out of nowhere a strong burst of mana came out of the devil's body sending Sekke flying and destroying the bronze gag around his mouth.


The familiar words came out of the devil's mouth once again and in an instant the devil was back in perfect shape.

The devil immediately took flight and glared at all the pests that had been annoying him for a while.

[Blast Away]

Words filled with anger came out of the devil's mouth and all the people standing in the room were blown away by an unknown force plastering all of them in the wall.

"Just because I let you all live this long, you bugs think that you are a match for me."

Sekke and Yami jumped out of the cracks where they were plastered and dusted off their clothes.

"Looks like his switch finally flipped," said Yami, lighting another cigarette.

"The hard part starts now, I guess," said Sekke as he glanced at the devil, who was glaring at all of them.

Yami put his lighter away and made eye contact with the devil as well.

The two swordsmen then looked at their surroundings and took a deep breath.

Licht did the same and closed his eyes as mana skin appeared around him.

Taking that as their cue, Yami and Sekke closed their eyes as well and their mana skin appeared around them as well.

The devil looked at the three bigger pests and wondered if the three of them were prepared to die since they were so openly standing with their eyes closed.

But suddenly the three opened their eyes at the same time and started running towards the devil at full speed.

"What are you bugs planning now?" asked the devil as he looked at the three swordsmen who were approaching him.

Sekke's grimoire started flipping as mana gathered in his body.

[Time Debuff Magic: Fast Forward x 4]

Sekke's speed increased dramatically which caught the devil by surprise.

Taking full advantage of that opening, both Licht and Sekke appeared near the devil with their swords charged with mana.

Sekke and Licht pointed their swords at the devil, ready to stab him and explode him with mana blasts from their swords.

But out of nowhere, mana exploded out of the devil's body pushing both Sekke and Licht away.

This gave enough time for the devil to take flight and escape the attack.

Sekke glared at the devil while Licht emotionlessly looked at him.

"That's it, this is getting annoying. I am finishing this," said Sekke as mana flared around him.

[Mana Zone: Bron-]

"Don't do it my other half," said Vritra in a serious tone.

Sekke stopped his attack and waited for Vritra to explain.

"That devil has a spell to reflect attacks. If he reverses the mana zone, you might get trapped in your bronze magic. You will be as good as dead." explained Vritra.

The mana around Sekke started to calm down feeling which the devil unconsciously sighed.

"...You have one thing wrong Vritra...If one spell can't work then you have to just get creative to assert dominance."

The mana around Sekke turned violent once again as a smirk appeared on Sekke's face.

[Mana Zone: Unlimited Bronze Works]

The world around Sekke got filled with mana as bronze started to form on the ground and the walls of the room they were in.

"Let's do this, devil."

Hearing the confident tone from the human who used some weird spell that gave him the chills, the devil was about to use his magic to negate the spell before it could do anything.

However the moment he opened his mouth to utter a word, a single sword appeared out of nowhere and pierced his mouth preventing him from speaking anything.

The devil's eyes widened in shock as he looked at the sword that was in his mouth.

Blood started dripping out of his mouth which snapped him out of his trance making the devil grab the sword and pull it out of his mouth.

But the moment he touched the sword, multiple spears appeared out of nowhere and launched towards the devil impaling themselves in various parts of his body.

Pain surged in the devil's body as he looked at his hands which now had an impaled spear in them.

Realizing what was happening the devil glared at Sekke who just looked back with an unimpressed gaze.

"....Boring, that's why I was holding back before. Well, Yami-san, better prepare the 10000 yuls," said Sekke as he started at Yami who had a dark magic-cloaked katana ready for action.

"Huh, what the hell are you talking about. 10000 yuls is for when you kill that pasty shit. He looks very aliv-"

Before Yami could finish a giant bronze leg appeared above the devil and crushed the devil under its feet.

Yami looked at the giant bronze leg with an expressionless face before he gazed back at Sekke who was staring right back at him without a word.

"...He might still be ali-"

As those words escaped Yami's mouth an even bigger bronze leg appeared above the previous one and crushed it below its feet along with the devil.

Yami looked at the leg with an expressionless face once again before he started back at Sekke.

'...This damn dumbass.' thought Yami as he stared at the dark lord.

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