He heard a soft thud and she didn't answer anymore. He sighed with worry, it's already past one in the morning where she's at. He was debating if it's a good idea to call Luke but decided against it last minute. The guy would be working in his company in the near future. He doesn't want to abuse his authority over the poor guy.
He grinned with the notion that Jess was being jealous of Nicole. 'I guess there is something good that came out of her stopping by his apartment.' He strode back to the barn to check on her daughter who was getting training from his grandfather on how to properly detangle a horse mane.
This unplanned trip to his parent's farm was not something he wanted. But seeing Lucille's face lit up when she saw the horses and learned she could ride them was worth the frigid atmosphere between him and his father.
Opa - grandfather