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81.08% Solo Leveling Through the Multiverse / Chapter 30: Still no update on Solo Leveling...

Chapitre 30: Still no update on Solo Leveling...

Kira arrived in that same space like the first time he crossover, it suspiciously looked like space with all the stars, and all that, except this time he could see two pathways connecting into two unusually bright stars.

He curiously looked at this as he contemplated that maybe it was the previous worlds he just came from. The thought of going back to either world does sound enticing but he felt that now is not the right time.

Though he was still pretty annoyed that the giant black dragon wouldn't budge the same as the Leviathan. Awaking monsters from his dungeon was a whole lot easier than those two. With his dungeon, he got it on the first try but that giant black lizard took him by the tenth time to give up and just eat something first.

He was shaken from his thoughts when he heard his system going off.


[Hidden Mission:'Dragon Slayer' (Completed)]

[Kill the One-eyed Black Dragon]

[Rewards: Skill-Shadow Manipulation(Pride of Fullmetal Alchemist) and the title: 'Dragon Slayer']

That took his attention but he did remember not seeing any world mission back then.

He curiously looked at his new skill though it was pretty old, he still remembers the anime especially the homunculus there. These homunculi are depicted as the seven deadly sins created with the help of the Philosopher's stone and out of everyone there, the one with the scariest one was Pride.

He thought to himself if he somehow became prideful of himself but after a moment, he didn't really feel any different. He scratched his head waiting for something but nothing changed.

After dwelling in it more, he shook it off as he changed his clothes as his usual get-up was destroyed except for his skull mask that is.

He took a plain white shirt and a hooded black long-sleeve trench coat though he can't help but get curious at Lady Death's reaction towards his last creation he gifted to her before walking through the portal.

He checked his status first before he opened a new portal.

Name: Kira Kagami(Current Image)

Level: 149→152

Job: Death Monarch

Title: Dragon Slayer

HP: 33,884/33,884→34,184/34,184

MP: 59,845/59,845→60,145/60,145

Strength: 1000→1003

Agility: 912→915

Vitality: 276→279

Intelligence: 263→269

Sense: 263→269

Points: 0

Money: 22,456,129,844 Vallis

-Will be adjusted to the current world currency

Multiverse Travel function:

Available Worlds:

-MHA(Home World)


[World Destination: Random]

-Once per year of the Player→Once per 6 months of the Player.


Shadow Form: [MAX Level]

Shadow Step: MAX Level]

Longevity: [MAXLevel]→Pseudo Immortal: [Level 3]

Bloodlust:[MAX Level]

Master Scythe Arts:[Level 13]→Grand Master Scythe Arts:[Level 16]

Inferno:[Level 78]

Death's Eyes: [MAX Level]

Soul Extraction: [MAX Level]

Soul Summoning (3/4):[MAXLevel]

Baking: [Max Level]

(New) Shadow Extraction (190/560): [Level 76]

(New) Shadow Exchange: [MAX Level]

(New) Hercules' Strength: [Level 2]

(New) Shadow Manipulation(FMA): [Level 1]

(Bonus) Cooking: [MAX Level]

He nodded and created a portal in front of him though, he looked back at the two bright stars one last time then he turned forward and walked to the portal without any more delay.

During the night in a secluded forest somewhere, a portal suddenly appeared then a moment later, Kira walked through it calmly.

He curiously looked at his surroundings but all he saw were trees with no apparent civilization on sight. He tried to find something that would discern what world this was but nothing.

Though seeing as no one was in sight, he thought of using his new skill, shadow manipulation but before he could try it, he heard loud distinct screams coming from somewhere.

Kira narrowed his eyes when he heard those as he silently merged with his shadow and head straight towards there.

After a few minutes, he finally arrived at the source of the screams. It was a medieval village on fire while it was being surrounded by some sort of knights blocking anyone from escaping.

The remaining people are now arguing and begging the knights but not one of them even replied to their plea.

Kira silently walked towards them but at the same time, the shadow beneath him started expanding as time passed by.





One of the civilians tried to push through but without any warning, one of the knights near him, sucker-punched the civilian in the face as he fell to the ground.

"ARGGG!! YOU'LL PAY FOR TH*Shing* Gulp*"

That civilian would've continued with his loud mouth but he was cut off when that knight unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the neck of the civilian.

"...BY THE ORDER OF THE EMPIRE, THIS VILLAGE HAS BEEN CHARGED WITH HARBORING AND SUPPORTING THE TRATORIOUS ORGANIZATION CALLED THE NIGHT RAID… IN LIGHT OF THIS EVENT, THE EMPEROR HAS SEEN FIT TO LAY DOWN THE APPROPRIATE PUNISHMENT FOR THIS TRANSGRESSION!!" One of the knights stepped forward and yelled out while reading out from a piece of paper then he nodded to the knight with his sword pointed at the civilian.

"I-if I may ask sir… what would this punishment be?..." An elder civilian hesitantly came forward while his legs were shaking.

The knight with the sword nodded back at the leading knight then without any warning that knight withdrew his sword and swung it directly at the civilian in front of him.





"...That would be… death," The leading knight commented then nodded to the rest of their squadron as they all unsheathed their swords much to the fear of every civilian looking at them.

Before the leading knight could give the go sign and the civilians began to panic and run for their lives, they all heard someone walking towards them.

They all unconsciously looked at the individual who was walking and saw his normal clothing with no weapon at hand but despite that though, everyone couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

All of the knights there felt the pressure like there was an army standing in front of them but above all, when they looked at the individual's glowing red eyes, all of them without exception felt a very cold shiver down their spines.


"H-HALT!! YOU ARE DISTURBING OUR DUTIES ORDERED BY THE EMPIRE!" The leading knight unconsciously gulped first as he yelled at Kira.

Despite his shout, Kira still calmly walked to them with no change to his expression. He kept looking at every knight with his glowing red eyes much to their discomfort. Every one of them felt something was going to happen and they were not gonna like it as all of them couldn't help but tighten their grips on their weapons.

*Step* *Step*

As time passed, all of them finally realized something scary. The ground Kira was walking on, was filled with nothing but darkness but what was worse was when they all saw numerous glowing eyes in them.

By now, the knights fully directed their attention on Kira while ignoring the civilians as they all took this as a chance and ran away from there.

Kira arrived just a few meters away from the tensed knights then he looked at the burning houses all around him as a scary gleam could be seen in his eyes.

"*Sigh* I really hoped this time I could relax this time… but no matter, I still got a job to do," Kira commented while ignoring the knights in front of him much to their annoyance.

The leading knight was about to yell at Kira again but he instantly stopped when they all noticed the shadow beneath him... moving on their own.

"With all of the sins you all committed… tell me… do you fear death?" Kira calmly asked while looking at them all with his glowing red eyes.

Before any of them could dwell on his words, the shadow beneath Kira expanded to them as well then from the shadow, countless spikes emerged from it and impaled all of them by their arms and legs in the air.



The civilians who saw this couldn't but sucked a mouthful of air at the scary sight in front of them while the knights all cried in pain.

Kira calmly walked to the burning village while ignoring the scream of every knight that was impaled in the air.

"Killing for the sake of the Empire?... That's your excuse right?" Kira commented while looking at the man walking towards him from the burning village.

The man was tall and muscular wearing a mask over his face wielding a flamethrower of some kind while on his back was a mounted gasoline tank.

"It's not an excuse… it is our duty as soldiers of the Empire to carry out orders," The masked man named Bols replied while leveling his flamethrower at Kira.

"Orders huh… if that's the case, nothing personal then," Kira muttered as he held out his right hand as his black scythe materialized.

Bols narrowed his eyes in concentration as he remembered Kira's shadow though when he momentarily looked at his shadow, Kira suddenly disappeared.

"I'm just doing my job," Kira commented as he appeared at the left side of Bols.

Bols instinctively retreated back in surprise as he held out his left arm as Kira swung his scythe and effortlessly took Bols' left arm.


Bols immediately retreated back as he tried to suppress his pain while everyone watching them widened their eyes at this, though the knights currently impaled became pale white. All of them thought that with Bols on their sides, they could still survive this but seeing Kira casually injured Bols was very discouraging.

"My job is…" Kira muttered as Bols aimed his flamethrower at Kira and fired his biggest flames he could muster.

Kira calmly looked at the fire heading towards his way as he held out his left palm in front of him just as Bols' fire reached him.


The knights and Bols drew a sigh of relief when they all witnessed Kira being engulfed by the fire but they noticed that those shadow spikes haven't withdrawn yet but instead from those very shadows, big red eyes started emerging from it.

At that, everyone felt chill on their spines as the dust settled, Kira emerged from Bols' attack with no injury to himself.

"DAMNIT!!" Bols grew slightly fearful at this as he unhooked the gasoline tank on his back and prepared to throw it at Kira but before he could touch it, Kira seamlessly appeared in front of him with his hand on Bols' neck.

"To get rid of people like you," Kira muttered as he effortlessly lifted Bols in the air while his hand started to catch on red fire.

Bols was taken by surprise as he tried to shake off his hand while he aimed his flamethrower at Kira again and fired at point-blank.

As Bols' fire engulfed Kira, Bols noticed that the hand gripping on his neck was still there. When his fire dissipated, Bols widened his eyes in fear.

As the smoke dissipated, Bols saw one of Kira's hands was in front of the nozzle of his flamethrower but again, there was injury. If he didn't see Kira's hand was slightly smoking, he might've thought that Kira somehow dodged him.

Kira then proceeded to crush the nozzle of the flamethrower with ease then threw it away from Bols.

"Burning people is what you do right," Kira muttered as the red fire on his hands started to spread at Bols who was desperately trying to get rid of Kira's hold on him as he felt the extreme heat of those red flames.

Just as Bols thought he was going to die, Kira spoke again.

"But unlike them… you felt remorse, so I'll give one piece of advice… retire," Kira commented as he proceeded to dislocate Bols' other arm then the fire on Kira's hand started to recede while dropping Bols on the ground writhing in pain.

Bols tried to make himself stay conscious as the pain he is feeling right now was unbearable while forcing his head to turn to Kira. He wasn't an idiot, he knew if Kira willed it, he should be dead already.

"Remember my words… Bols," Kira said as he turned back and walked straight to the impaled knights still in the air.

"It's better for your wife and daughter to see you alive," Kira said as his shadow started moving on their own again and started to decapitate every knight one by one in front of all to see while Bols widened his eyes in fright when he heard Kira.

"Rather than follow these knights," Kira commented as the heads of every knight started to fall at Bols' feet much to his increasing anxiety and fear.

At that, Kira proceeded to walk out of there while leaving Bols all on his own as the civilians who saw him started to make way for him as many of them bowed slightly in gratitude.

With that, Bols also silently walked away as well as the civilians started to put out the fire all on their own and without the interference of knights, they quickly did it then almost all of them started to pack to get out of the village.

They knew even if the village is safe for now, the Empire's forces will come knocking on their doors again.

As morning finally started to rise, all of them got out of their homes with luggage of their stuff and began to get out of the village.

Though while everyone was busy with their move, Kira was relaxing in a hammock in the forest near that village. He hasn't taken any rest since he took out that black dragon then coming to this world so made himself a hammock and relaxed while one of his shadows guarded him.

By the time Kira got up and yawned, it was already noon so he opted to take his lunch while walking away.

As he ate while walking, he contemplated this world in general, where the group of the protagonist slowly died one by one.

Though the first order of business is looking for a place to stay, as he kept walking aimlessly in the woods.

He kept walking until he found a cliff in front of him. He stood at the very edge of it as he saw the wide forest below him and not an ounce of human civilization nearby until he saw two women walking side by side at the very base of the cliff below him.

He looked at them carefully as the woman at the right was a beautiful busty girl with purple hair while the other one was a petite girl with pink hair styled in twin tails.

They were walking towards the base of the cliff like there was something beneath him so he grew curious and sent one of his gargoyles to check it out discreetly.

When he saw his gargoyle in position, he exchanged with him in the sky, and there he saw, it was a giant fortress directly at the bottom of the cliff he was standing on just a while ago. Before gravity could pull him to the ground, he exchanged again with his gargoyle and appeared at the cliff again.

He curiously looked at his surroundings as he contemplated something so he brought out his system and looked through his item shop. While looking at it, he noticed it even included furniture and stuff so, with that in mind, he stood up and summoned his minions to help him in making a house for him.

As he started giving orders to every one of his minions, he might've disregarded the fact that he was building his new home right on top of an infamous assassins' base but he was too engrossed with the idea of building his own home to care.

Several days after that, the people in the capital had just gotten news of Bols' incineration squad being killed in one night by an unknown individual that could control the very shadows themselves.

At first, they were all skeptical about it, that was until Bols himself finally returned to the capital and told the details himself. At that, some sensible people in the capital grew serious at this but unfortunately, they all prided themselves for their strengths to care about it while a certain blue-haired general was excited by this news.

Though at the day Bols returned, he officially retired from duty and as the high-ranking officials saw his injuries, they granted him his request quite easily. On that day, Bols finally took off his mask and eagerly joined with his family to enjoy a quiet life.

Despite Bols' humiliating defeat against Kira, Bols couldn't help but feel a certain gratitude to Kira for sparing him even with the sins he committed.

While on the Night Raid's hideout, every one of them started to feel irritated at the sounds coming from above their hideout like there was someone constructing there.

They didn't investigate it because of the numerous targets there were being assigned until at the dead of the night while everyone was sleeping, they all heard it again. The women inside opened their eyes with bloody murder as they all felt like killing whoever was up there making that racket.

With that in mind, Najenda, the leader of the group, ordered them to take care of it, whatever it takes then she returned to sleep.

While some of them didn't want to bother with it as they went back to their rooms, the pink-haired sniper Mine and the blonde thief Leone were all out for blood while following them was the dark-haired assassin Akame, just in case.

As they trekked over there in the middle of the night while wearing their sleeping wear which made Mine and Leone temper soar through the roof as Akame stoically followed the two.

After a few more minutes, they finally arrived at the source of the sounds but they all widened their eyes in surprise when they saw a newly built house overlooking the cliff just in front of it.

In Mine and Leone's mind, they question if anyone with a right mind would even consider living here, away from human civilization. Though they lived here, it was out of necessity so seeing someone actually built something akin to a house all the way out here was more than surprising.

Though in Akame's mind, she is thinking something really important to her that demands her utmost concentration above all else.

She… could smell someone was cooking in there and with her enhanced nose, she could easily determine that whoever that someone is… they're good, no better than anyone she knew that could cook, including herself.

With that in mind, she didn't wait up for Mine and Leone's inner monologue and directly ran over with great haste as she could smell the food getting more divine the nearer she goes.

While Mine and Leone were shocked by Akame's actions, they still followed Akame to the unique house in front of them.

As they got closer, they could now discern it as something mostly made up of glass and wood while everything was lit up with lights. When they finally arrived at the very front of the door, they could see the interior of the house through the glass as all of them couldn't help but feel it looked cozy inside.

(Brought to you by Google)

Before Mine and Leone could finish their wandering eyes, Akame directly knocked at the door with no hesitation on her part as she felt her stomach beginning to awaken. Though her actions took Mine and Leone by surprise they still both readied their Teigu for anything.

After a moment, they finally heard someone coming to the door much to the slight agitation of both Mine and Leone while Akame couldn't wait to eat that divine food she has been smelling.

As the door opened, both Leone and Mine widened their eyes as they felt they just saw an angel singing in the background with just the right amount of light illuminating his face as they both gazed at something akin to a picture-perfect boyfriend standing in front of them.

Don't get them wrong, they weren't really looking for a boyfriend but still seeing as someone like Kira, they both felt it wouldn't be all that bad waking up with that face.

While the two were back in their thoughts, Akame came forward to Kira and bowed slightly to show her sincerity in her request.

"My name is Akame, Please!! Let me taste the food inside!" Akame politely asked as some drool started to appear at the side of her mouth.

Kira, looking at the protagonists of this world, was surprised, to say the least as he didn't expect they would meet them soon but thinking about the location of his newly built house, it does make sense to him.

"Sure, the name's Kira by the way," Kira replied while stepping aside to let Akame come in then they both proceeded to go to the kitchen while leaving Mine and Leone at the doorstep still in their respective thoughts.


By the time Mine and Leone woke up from their thoughts, they could finally smell something divine and that Akame was missing beside them. Without any more hesitation, they both followed the smell as they saw a beautiful kitchen and dining room with Akame and Kira sitting there and eating their hearts out without a care in the world.

"Akame!! Stop that! We don't even know the guy!" Mine shouted at Akame while Leone went forward and tried to stop Akame from eating any further but Leone failed miserably as Akame growled at her.

"Damnit! Maybe there's poison on those things! Mine, shoot their plates!" Leone backed off Akame then looked at her other companion.

"Right!" Mine nodded then aimed her Teigu at their bowls but before she could fire both of them abruptly stopped eating.


"Ahhhhhhh," Kira and Akame burped at the same time as they leaned back on their chairs in bliss.

Mine and Leone's eyes twitched in annoyance at the both of them as the food on the table swiftly disappeared and the previous aroma of the food they smelled earlier went away just like that.

"Ahh that hits the spot, thank you, Kira," Akame bowed slightly in gratitude.

"Mmm, don't mention it," Kira nodded at Akame while a can of Cola appeared in his hands and drank from it.

Both of them continued trading pleasantries like two close friends while completely ignoring the Mine and Leone on the sides but after a few minutes, Mine's temper couldn't take anymore and finally lash out.

"ENOUGH!! Who are you?! What is your purpose here?!" Mine yelled out to get the attention of Akame and Kira.

"...relaxing," Kira curiously answered Mine as Akame finally remembered their objective.

"GRrrr, Answer the question, now!" Mine shouted again while leveling her Teigu at Kira's face while Akame and Leone prepared for a fight.

"Oh… no reason *Sips* *Ahh* I wanted to build my home somewhere quiet then I found this place," Kira answered nonchalantly as he continued sipping his drink.

"So what we heard from our base, was probably you building this place, right?" Leone asked just to make sure.

"Yup," Kira calmly answered as he finished his drink then took the plates and went toward the kitchen while ignoring the three ladies.

All three of them stared at Kira's action with cautiousness as he proceeded to wash the dishes in the sink.

As time passes, no one has spoken something as a tense atmosphere fills the area as Kira finally finishes washing the dishes.

"Do you… know… who we are?" Akame finally asked stoically as she gripped her sword.

"Hmm? Oh, you guys are still here…" Kira replied while turning back to them much to Mine's increasing frustration but she quickly stopped herself when she felt a weird feeling from her Teigu.

"Yes, now, answer us," Leone asked as she narrowed her eyes at him as her hands started turning to claws but the exact time she did it, she felt her instincts screaming at her to run right now.

"Oh, Night Raid, right?" Kira calmly answered them as he wiped his hands with a piece of cloth while Akame unsheathed her sword and prepared to attack at the moment's notice.

"If it makes your mind at ease, I wasn't really looking for you guys when I built my house here," Kira commented as he could see them preparing to attack.

"Oh yeah, fair warning, you damage my house... you die, that's all, other than that, goodnight to you ladies," Kira warned them first as the shadow beneath him covered the entire house in an instant when he said that much to the three ladies' wariness but like a dream, his shadow returned to normal in a blink of an eye then he proceeded to go outside.

The three ladies watched Kira do some stretching outside of his house as they followed him outside cautiously.

After a moment Kira stopped and looked at them calmly as the three ladies flinched at his now glowing red eyes.

"You all should go back to your hideout," Kira commented as a black hooded long sleeve trench coat suddenly materialized on him much to the surprise of the assassins.

Before any of them could voice out their opinion, Kira's shadow extended but this time 5 gargoyles emerged from it and kneeled in front of Kira much to their shocks.

"Guard this place," Kira turned slightly at his summons as they nodded simultaneously then they flew at the roof of his house.

Kira turned around and prepared to exchange with one of his gargoyles spying on one of many villages that his summons had visited but Mine's voice stopped him momentarily.

"...Are you with the Empire?" Mine asked hesitantly as they tightened their grip on their Teigu.

"No," Kira replied as his grim mask materialized on his hand.


"Then, where are you going?" Leone cautiously asked while she couldn't help but gulped in nervousness.

"...My Job," Kira slightly turned towards them as he placed his Grim mask over his face then in an instant he disappeared in his spot while a familiar gargoyle appeared in his place. It looked at them at first then it also flew towards the other gargoyles who were tasked with keeping watch of the house.

The three ladies looked everywhere but they couldn't find Kira at all but they did notice those gargoyles seemed to be watching them eerily quietly.

Without finding anything, they all decided to return back to their base as they still wanted to sleep but all of them couldn't help but get curious as to where Kira went.

As morning rose, Najenda called out to everyone as she was still curious who was the one that was making all that loud noise above them.

Though as Leone, Mine, and Akame recounted everything that happened there, all of them couldn't help but feel wariness towards Kira.

For Leone and Akame, they expressed that when Kira looked at them before disappearing, they felt like they were in front of an invisible army standing beside him like a King to his servants. It even got to the point that Leone, especially when she used her Teigu, felt despair and powerless in front of him.

Mine on the other hand, never felt her Teigu, the Roman Artillery; Pumpkin, so full before last night. Her Pumpkin's energy is solely dependent on her feeling of danger and when she saw Kira placing his mask on himself, her Pumpkin's energy soared like never before.

With their experience on account, Najenda decided for all of them to visit Kira as soon as possible and might as well recruit him on Night Raid, if he was telling the truth about not being affiliated to the Empire that is.

So with that in mind, she gathered all of the members currently in the base and made their way towards his house.

After a few more minutes of climbing, they eventually arrived at his unique house but as they got closer, they saw Kira laying down on a hammock between two trees on both sides while facing the cliff.

When they saw him, Najenda came forward to him as Kira's back faced her while the rest of them held their Teigu in the ready.

"Kira, right?" Najenda asked politely first but seeing no response she thought it was a yes.

"We are the Night Raid and I'm the leader of this assassin group, Najenda. I would like to invite you in our group is going against the corrupt Empire itself." Najenda said but seeing Kira's silence, she thought he wasn't interested so she continued to coax him to join.

"The main function of our group is to handle reconnaissance and assassinations within the capital of the Empire. Though, the members of our group are also in charge with the retrieval of any Teigu discovered all in order to boost the combat effectiveness of the Rebel Army." Najenda enthusiastically said.

"When HQ doesn't have any orders for us, we open our group as an "assassins for hire" firm to the general public. However, we don't take just any job from just anyone as we often investigate both the client and target's background first."

"From what I heard about my three companions who you met yesterday, your power could greatly help us in our endeavor," Najenda exclaimed.

"As the leader of Night Raid, I sincerely invite you Kira to our group," Najenda finishes as she looks straight at Kira's back.

All of them waited for a while for his response but after a few more tense minutes, Kira still maintained his silence over the matter much to their disappointments.

"If we can't change your mind... I guess our business here is finished," Najenda sighed in defeat as she turned back but before she could tell the rest of them to go back, Akame rushes in.

They are shocked at Akame's actions as they prepared their Teigu in case of a fight but instead, Akame just approached Kira carefully and looked suspiciously at Kira's unmoving figure on his hammock.

She slowly looked at his face as her suspicions were proven to be correct after all but to the rest of their eyes, they saw Akame's stoic face as they already imagined the worst and hurriedly made their way towards him as well.

Most of them thought that Kira was already dead while some of them assumed he was badly hurt and was clinging to life as they speak.

Though when all of them saw Kira's face, Najenda's face twitched violently that she even entertained the thought of borrowing one of her comrade's Teigu to kill him on the spot.

While the rest of the group tried to hold their laughter except for the stoic Akame but even she couldn't help but smile at her boss.

During Najenda's preaching earlier, it didn't even cross their minds that Kira was currently sleeping peacefully without a care in the world.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11

Good morning Gentlemen!!

I have made this poem just for you all

(´͈ ᵕ `͈ )












Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

I just finished Sweet Home,

Where the f*ck is season 2.


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