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78.37% Solo Leveling Through the Multiverse / Chapter 29: Author... is Lazy...

Chapitre 29: Author... is Lazy...

(A/N: not gonna lie... most longest chapter I ever wrote so... be cool)

After that night, Kira still continued his nightly 'walks' though he did feel someone was watching him and instantly lost whoever that was.

Though Kira got to give whoever was tailing him some credit, they never gave up even for a day, and just like that, 7 weeks went by.

During this time, to Kira, everything was just your 'normal' day but everyone else in Orario was anything but that. If they thought the past months were bad then these past few weeks became a bloodbath.

Within the day, everything would be perfectly normal but as soon as night falls, hundreds of flying demons will come out and survey the entire city.

The first night they appeared, panic and fear became prominent everywhere as they all thought monsters finally escaped the dungeon. Adventurers all readied their arms for an epic fight for their lives but even after a few hours went by, not one attacked much to their shock.

Though, despite not attacking, these flying demons hovered in the air, staring at them with their glowing red cold eyes. Every time those eyes stared directly at them, they all felt like they were being judged on the spot.

They all felt goosebumps but as soon as their eyes passed them, they all unconsciously sighed in relief for some unknown reason. In their minds, they just reasoned with themselves that it was just their imagination but that quickly changed when they saw a flying demon suddenly dived down on one unsuspecting adventurer.

At that, everyone got ready for a fight while the flying demon landed in front of them but as the cloud dust settles, the infamous mass murderer, Grim, was the one that emerged from it.


Everyone couldn't help but gulp in nervousness when they stood in front of him with his skull mask, black scythe, and his glowing red eyes.

They all trembled in fright but as they looked over their comrades beside them, it somehow gave them the momentary courage they needed and stood firm in front of him. They were about to rally the rest of the guys with them when Grim disappeared from their eyes.

They were all shocked but then they all felt their hairs at the back of their neck stand up when they heard someone behind them being choked. They all simultaneously looked and there they saw one of their comrades was being choked by Gim.

By then, the courage they amassed earlier dissipated like farts in the wind.

Before any of them could even speak a word, Grim wordlessly beheaded the guy without any hesitation much to their fright.

They all widened their eyes at this as they all trembled in their boots as Grim looked at them sideways then like a nightmare, he suddenly disappeared again. At that, they all looked everywhere in fright as they thought he would take out another one of them but after a few more minutes, nothing happened.

By then, they also noticed the hovering demons above them also moved away much to their curiosity and relief. They all thought it was only isolated to their area but the next day, everyone felt numb when they learned it was anything but that.

Far from it, Grim's range that night almost covered a large part of Orario much to the shock of anyone who learned this.

Everyone thought it was over but as soon as the night fell again, those flying demons started appearing again much to the frustration of everyone witnessing this. Many high leveled adventurers tried taking one out but like they had eyes at the back of their head, all of them would casually move out of the way.

By the time these adventurers stopped, the flying demons already disappeared as the sun dawned on them.

People from the guild investigated Grim's victims one by one and they weren't surprised when they learned each and every one of them has some sort of questionable history.

When the people learned this, they all got mixed reactions to this, at one hand, they can't help but sigh in relief knowing people like those would never be the same again but on the other hand, they grew scared sh*tless over this as in their mind, there may be a time when Grim would come for them next.

Either way, all of them couldn't help but ask themselves, how did Grim distinguished one from the other and what was his level. Someone as least as strong as him should be known throughout Orario already.

Weeks went by as the flying demons would always appear during the night and by then, everyone started fearing the night altogether.

Though during this time, bit by bit the people all over Orario started to notice that it was becoming even more peaceful than normal.


Currently, inside the Hostess of Fertility, Kira placed Goddess Hestia and Bell's foods over the counter. Though Bell is sitting on the bed while Hestia was beside him, expressing her worries and pride over Bell.

This was the time Bell finally became a level 2 adventurer but at the same time, Kira estimated he only had about 2 weeks left before he could go to a different world.

During these past few weeks, he has begun seriously purging everyone that his eyes judged as twisted much to the happiness of Lady Death.

Despite that though, Kira and Lady Death would regularly butt heads with each other.

Everyday Lady Death would usually annoy Kira to no end until he sends her a batch of bread goods and Kira, being a petty person that he was especially when it comes to his bread, would always slip in that one 'surprise' for her when he sends it to her.

At first, Lady Death was proud of her achievement that was until she unknowingly got to the 'surprise' bread that Kira got her. When she bit into it, her appetite for the day became nonexistent, and cursed Kira with colorful words.

Like that, both of them started pranking each other.

At one point, Lady Death changed Kira to a girl for an hour in revenge for Kira baking a bread shaped into something that looked exactly like The Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon from G*ntama. She only did it for an hour because the taste felt divine for her but the shape of it irked her to end.

Kira's only response that day was that it was worth it then continued relaxing in his girl form.

A week went by as Kira's nightly 'walks' still continued but this time he was finally at his final destination before the dungeon and that was the home of Ishtar Familia, Belit Babili, which comprised several buildings, and their emblem was a prostitute.

On that night, everyone there has a belief that Grim wouldn't ever visit this place but that crumbled down instantly as night descended and the whole area became covered with flying demons hovering above them.

At that moment, everyone on the street who saw this became pale white in which was a great contrast to the hundreds of flying demons with their glowing red eyes looking down on them.

If that wasn't enough, several armed giants appeared and blocked the entire road in and out of there.

Some brave adventurer tried to attack one of these giants but it didn't react in the slightest while it looked down with its red glowing eyes.

A moment later, that adventurer sighed in relief when the giant didn't do anything but as soon as he turned around to look at his comrades, the hairs at the back of his neck stood up while everyone beside him instantly grew pale as they looked behind him.

He hesitantly turned his face behind him and there he saw up close the face of the giant demon looking at him. Before he could utter a word, its face suddenly morphed into a maniacal grin then it moved away, drawn out its right arm, and punched down on that adventurer.



The ground shook due to the power of that punch but as the dust settled, they all saw that the adventurer was still standing there though the giant's fist was embedded on the ground just a few inches from him.

By now that adventurer turned white with fright though a moment later, the guy finally fainted as the giant retracted its fist and stood up straight while still looking down on them.


They all unconsciously gulped when they saw this. They finally realized there was no escape and that it could've easily killed every one of them by now.

After a few more hours, Kira finally cleared out all of the other buildings until he was only left with the last one, Ishtar's place.

With his command, every one of his shadows converged to his location.

People who saw this were all first confused but when they noticed the giants blocking their way were gone, they didn't dwell on it any longer and ran away.

This eventually led to them informing everyone that Kira was on Ishtar's in which the first one to react was the Loki Familia.

When Loki heard this, she quickly sent her children there while she visited the owner of the Hostess of Fertility. If her suspicions were correct then she was fairly sure that she knew who this Grim was but if she wanted to confirm it, who knew better than Mia herself.

What she didn't realize, there was one shadow gargoyle watching her with its ominous glowing red eyes.

Outside of the palace-like building where Ishtar resides.

Kira was currently standing outside as he gazed upon the structure then he looked at the sun slowly but surely rising on the horizon while in front of him were the remaining Ishtar Familia coming out with various weapons at hand and leading them were two women.

One of them is a huge woman with a frog-like face that only a mother could love while the other was a woman with brown skin and is well endowed. She wears revealing attire similar to that of Amazonesses though, despite their differences, both of their faces were contorted with rage looking at him.

He oddly felt light-headed but seeing that it was nearly dawn, he reasoned with himself that it was just his hunger getting the better of him.

With that in mind, he took off his hood and mask carelessly as he propped his scythe on his shoulders while taking one bread from his inventory.

By now, the one beautiful girl leading them with revealing clothes, Ishtar, started yelling at him as Kira stoically started eating.

"hahahaHAHAHA!!! I for one thought that Freya and her Familia was the one attacking but who would've thought that it was just some nobody wearing some ridiculous getup!! HAHAHAHA!!" Ishtar laughed out loud as her confidence grew thinking that they outnumber him a hundred to one.

When Kira first saw them getting out one by one earlier, he recalled his shadow as he didn't really want to scare them that they would resort to hiding inside like rats.

"I'll enjoy breaking you after this you trash," Ishtar commented as she grinned maniacally while the other woman with a frog-like face still has a frown on her face.

"YOU PUNK!! I WAS JUST AMIDST PLAYING WITH MY NEW TOY AND YOU RUINED IT!! I'LL F*CKING BREAK EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY!!" The Captain of the Ishtar Familia, Phryne Jamil yelled out in frustration.

"What? Cat got your tongue!? Hahahaha!!"

"Ohh!! He's pretty handsome! Dibs!!"

"F*ck off!! I saw him first!!"

"Hehehe!! Looks like we will have a new toy after all!!"

Most of them enthusiastically chatted with each other imagining what they would do to Kira but amongst them was a beautiful girl with long blonde hair, green eyes, fox ears, and a tail.

Her name was Sanjouno Haruhime and she felt helpless as she stared at Kira with worry. She knew first hand what these people would do to him.

At first, when she heard someone was attacking them, deep in her subconscious, she honestly felt her hero had arrived at long last but when she saw it was only one guy, she unconsciously sighed in disappointment.

Even though she persuaded herself that her hero would never come, she still can't help but dream that someday, she would finally meet him and take her away from this place.

"HARUHIME!! USE YOUR MAGIC ON ME! RIGHT NOW!!" Phryne's voice rang out as her glare on Kira hadn't lessened at all.

"Uh!.. Yes!" Haruhime answered timidly as she used her level-boosting magic 'Uchide no Kozuchi' on Phryne.

A yellow glow suddenly transcended at Phryne then as the light dissipated, Phryne's form was glowing with pale yellow.

"HAHAHA YES!! THIS IS POWER!! YOU MAY BE A HANDSOME FELLOW BUT YOU DISTURBED MY HAPPY TIME!!" Phryne shouted in glee then she wielded her battleax and sprinted at Kira without waiting for Ishtar's command.

"NOW!! DIE FOR ME!!!" Phryne yelled out as she jumped and brought down her ax at his head.

Kira was currently eating when she appeared but regardless of that, he bit down on his bread then he used his left hand to casually catch the ax inches away from his face.


The ground beneath him shook and cracked but Kira still maintained his expression while eating.

Despite the casual look Kira gave, everyone there watching widened their eyes and grew shocked when their Captain's attack did nothing to Kira at all.

Kira spared a glance at Phryne's eyes that immediately sent shivers at Phryne's back then she hurriedly made some distance between them.


Phryne unconsciously gulped while letting out cold sweats as she remembers the look of his eyes looking at her before. She instinctively looked at Kira again but when she did, she saw him storing his bread somewhere then he properly took hold of his scythe and looked straight at her.

At that moment she knew she just did something she shouldn't have. She hurriedly turned to the rest of her Familia to tell them to run away but as soon as she turned, she noticed the blade of the scythe already inches away from her neck.

By now, she was already pale white in fright as she wanted to plead for her life. Unfortunately, her mouth was slower than Kira's scythe as before she could open her mouth, all she saw was a blur then she felt the wind pass her.

In a blink of an eye, everything returned to normal but Phryne knew, it was anything but that. She hesitantly looked at her hands and there she saw thin lines started appearing all over her body.

"EVERYONE!! RUUUnnnn…" Phryne shouted suddenly at the rest of her Familia but much to the horror of everyone watching, they suddenly saw her whole body burst into nothing but blood like a balloon popping.

After a moment they stood frozen there in shock but they were all broken out of their thoughts when they heard Kira's steady footsteps coming closer to them while he placed his scythe back in his inventory.

As Kira stepped closer his shadow immediately expanded behind him then hundreds of flying demons and giant monsters emerged from it and followed Kira.

By now, everyone unconsciously took a step back as they saw the intimidating sight of Kira and his army going towards them. They were all ready to turn back and ran away but before they could, they all heard something big growling behind them.

They all simultaneously looked and there they saw 3-headed Cerberus blocking their path as it growled at them menacingly.

They all flinched when it took a step towards them while flaring its fire from its mouth.

At that, they were about to run away in any direction but again, they were too late again. The time they looked back at Cerberus, the rest of Kira's shadow monsters surrounded them all already.

They finally realized they had no way to escape this, they looked at the still approaching Kira with uneasiness.

Before Ishtar could so much as yell out an order, hundreds of Kira's Gargoyles descended on them and started pinning them down on the ground. Most of them resisted but if one gargoyle couldn't take it, one or two more gargoyles would assist it until they were all helpless in the ground.

All of them wanted to resist more but they all stopped suddenly when they noticed the giants on the side were now crouched down looking directly at them. Due to this, everyone immediately shut their mouths in fear all except one.

"GET OFF OF ME!! YOU DARE TO DO THIS TO ME, THE GODDESS OF BEAUTY!?" Ishtar yelled as she flailed wildly trying to move the Gargoyles pinning her down.

"YOU LITTLE SH*TS!! MY CHILDREN! DON'T JUST LAY THERE! HELP ME THIS INSTANT! AS YOUR GODDESS, I COMMAND YOU ALL TO GET THINGS OFF OF ME NOW!!" Ishtar madly screamed with all her might as all Familia members that were charmed by her started to exert their best to overpower the Gargoyles to no avail.

Kira looked at the delirious goddess in silence then he proceeded to approach Ishtar.

By now, Ishtar noticed Kira arrived in front of her, at that, she glared but suddenly she smirked menacingly when she noticed he was in range for her charm.

"I GOT YOU NOW!! NOW KNEEL IN FRONT OF YOUR GODDESS!!" Ishtar yelled out loud as her eyes glowed in purple and directed it as Kira's eyes.

A tense moment later, most of them being pinned down on the ground grew anxious at this. The ones that are similarly charmed by Ishtar, grew smug at this as they thought no man can resist their goddess while the ones that were there by coincidence or circumstantial, grew nervous at this.

Without changing Kira's expression, he got down on one knee much to Ishtar's delight.

"HAHAHAHA!! NOW RELEA-MMMMM!!!" Ishtar was suddenly interrupted when Kira's hand gripped her mouth.

The Gargoyles pinning Ishtar saw their king taking hold of her so they retreated back as Kira calmly stood back up while lifting Ishtar by her jaw.

"MMMM!! MMM MMM MMMMM!!" Ishtar wildly thrashed around doing everything in her power to break Kira's hold.

Kira's red glowing eyes looked into Ishtar's glowing purple eyes as she kept trying her charm on him to no avail. He stared at her for a moment and unconsciously said out loud to her face.


At that, Ishtar froze when she saw the contempt in Kira's eyes for her but before she could dwell on it more, Kira's hand that was holding on to her abruptly caught on fire as she silently screamed in agony.

"Scums like you should've really expected this from the start… when you feel your right …when you enforce your will onto others… when you dictated who should live… or die… someone would eventually come for your sins," Kira muttered calmly while Ishtar wildly thrashed in his hold.

"Since I came here, I came to a conclusion… it doesn't matter whether your mortals, Monsters, or Gods… in front of Death, we are all the same… and here I ask you to what end? You thought just because you're a goddess, you've entitled to slave any mortals you've come to fancy," Kira muttered as Ishtar's entire body was engulfed in red fire while she screamed in pain one final time.

"...Or even manipulate these mortals... like pawns in a game, right God Hermes?" Kira commented as he looked at the side while he continued his grip on Ishtar's burning body until he tightened his fist and crushed the remains of Ishtar.

At the side, a man wearing a feathered hat with blonde hair and orange eyes, Hermes, and beside him was a bespectacled woman with aqua blue hair and cyan-colored eyes suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Both of them narrowed their eyes when they felt the pressure from Kira. They felt like he was a monster in human skin while looking at them right now as they both concentrate their senses on him.

"'The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end (Leon Trotsky)' right?...but I won't kill you," Kira commented as he let go of Ishtar's remains as he looked straight at Hermes while his Gargoyles retreated back as most members of Ishtar Familia started to jerk around until they froze suddenly as their eyes became clear once again.

As Kira killed Ishtar, her charm on most of her Familia was destroyed as these people started to cry in happiness. The rest of the Familia that were excluded from Ishtar's charm like Haruhime started to realize what was happening so they all can't help but smile at this.

Even the death of their supposed Goddess, not a single one of them held any real loyalty or love for that twisted b*tch so despite being wary about Kira, they all slightly bowed in his direction in gratitude.

"Grim… or should I say Kira… what do you intend to do now?" Hermes said cautiously as the woman beside him, Asfi, got ready in case of any sudden movements.

Kira remained quiet and looked in a different direction as various Familias started coming over to them as the one leading them was the Loki Familia with Ais at the very front.

By now, Kira's shadow monsters started to retreat back to his shadow as he still kept his calm expression despite the hundreds of armed adventurers staring at him right now.

"Surrender now Kira… you're surrounded," A voice rang out as Mia and Loki made their way towards him as he calmly looked at Mia then at Loki.

Kira kept his silence and looked at everyone with an eerie calm expression on his face as every one of them that looked at his glowing red eyes grew anxious as they all felt that even though they vastly outnumber him, they all still felt they were the ones being pressured.

He abruptly held out his left hand that caused every one of them to flinch and got ready to fight him to their dying breaths if need be. They all tightened their grip on their weapons as they mentally prepared themselves for a fight of their life as Bell and his supporter were also there.

Bell and his supporter, Lili were just returning from their daily dungeon when they were informed about the attack on Ishtar Familia. When they heard it, Bell took off as well thinking that he could help others while Lili didn't want to leave Bell just like that so she followed him.

When they got there most of them recognized Kira, all of them were shocked, to say the least. In their minds, Kira was just a stoic and hardworking baker in Hostess of Fertility not someone as an infamous mass murderer.

As everyone got ready for the fight then they saw Kira's hand moving as they remembered the state of several buildings on their way here, they all can't help but gulp in nervousness.

Kira stoically looked at them all then before anyone could react, something materialized in his hands as everyone thought 'This is it!!' and then he took a bite... of bread.

They all froze for a moment when they realized the most feared mass murderer in Orario is currently eating bread right in front of them all while keeping his usual stoic expression on his face.

"Mia *munch* thanks for *munch* everything you've *gulp* done to me… I'm gonna miss the pub though but I gotta go," Kira said to Mia as he finished the bread he was eating.

"Heh, then come back-" Mia was suddenly cut off as she and everyone else thought he was about to give himself in.

"I won't… I still got a job to do… but I have but one thing to do before I go… so Mia, tell the others bye for me," Kira smiled lightly as he shook off the bread crumbs in his hand.

Mia and the rest of them widened their eyes when the meaning behind Kira's words like they'll never see him after this.

Hermes and Loki narrowed their eyes at him but before either of them or any else for that matter could react, Kira disappeared and took hold of Hermes' face then he appeared in front of Loki still gripping on Hermes' face.

Everyone widened their eyes at his incredible speed that not one of them could even react as Kira's other hand took hold of Loki's face as well and raised both of them in the air easily.

Ais, Asfi, and Mia grew serious at this as they prepared to save both Gods as most of the adventurers there also readied their magic and weapons.

Before Hermes and Loki could yell out for help, Kira proceeded to slam both of them to the ground.

*Thud!* *Thud!*

The force easily created a small crack in the ground then Kira moved away just in time to dodge Mia's punch. Then both Ais and Asfi looked at their respective Gods as they sighed in relief when they saw both Gods were just knocked out and looked straight back at Kira again.

"Heh… when they wake up, tell them sooner or later… their little schemes would eventually catch up to them," Kira said as he still had his calm expression on his face then he turned around when he noticed it the sun was about to rise.

Before any one of them could question him, he placed both of his hands in his pocket while he nodded at his former boss one last time.

"And morning, boss," Kira smiled lightly then he merged with his shadow and disappeared in his spot just as the first ray of sunlight could reach him.

At first, everything was quiet then a moment later, everyone couldn't help but sigh in relief as some of them started tending to the wounded like both Ais and Asfi. They took both their Gods and carried them in their shoulders like a sack of potatoes without any care.

Before any of them left there though, everyone couldn't help but look at Kira's previous spot.

To most of them there, despite the chaos that Kira caused there, they all couldn't help but be grateful for him. The former Ishtar Familia felt they just woke up from a nightmare as they all felt refreshed.

Even now, in Haruhime's mind, all the things that happened earlier were like a dream for her. She dreamt for so long that she could be finally free from her Familia and now, in just one night, everything changed because of Kira.

At first, when she was pinned down by the Gargoyle, she thought that was it and that she was about to die but as she saw Ishtar's death, something in her felt like the weight she was holding for so long was finally taken off her shoulders.

Right now, Haruhime felt for the first time... in a long time that she was finally free that she couldn't help but look at Kira's previous spot again.

"*hic* Thank you *hic*," Haruhime smiled beautifully as tears started forming in her eyes while she bowed gratefully

Mia silently looked at Kira's previous spot as she shook her head while a small smile formed on her face. She didn't mention it to Loki earlier but she always knew Kira's other identity long before she even suspected her baker but seeing Kira's determination every night, she couldn't help but root for him as he cleaned Orario all by himself and now seeing Haruhime's reaction. She knew this was his reason for doing this every night.

"Morning to you too punk," Mia couldn't help but mutter as she approached Haruhime.

…(The End)














.(why are you still scrolling down, it's over already)














(you can still turn back to your library now, no need to read any further)







(The End?)









Meanwhile at Kira.

He stood in front of the base entrance of the dungeon while he sipped from a drink in his hands.

"Well, this is it… time to finally clear this dungeon once and for all," Kira commented as he entered it while many passing adventurers took note of Kira's getup but since he wasn't wearing his iconic mask, they didn't recognize him at all.

On the first day.

Kira calmly walked through the upper floors like he was on a stroll as monsters that came across him made a path for him. Though on the 13th floor, Minotaurs started charging at him as all he did was summon his Gargoyles to take care of them while he continued his walk.

Other adventurers who witnessed this became slack jaw as this was the very first time they have ever seen something like this. Most of them wanted to talk to him but the minute they start to approach him, his Gargoyles would block their way.

Though when they looked at these Gargoyles, most of them recognized these things as minions of the infamous murderer. When they looked at Kira and his getup then at these things, they put two and two together as they all widened their eyes in revelation.

Kira continued in his way until he stopped and rested for a while on the 18th floor. He didn't visit the town there for less hassle as he built himself a hammock to sleep in.

Second day.

Kira made his way to the next floor while all adventurers that he somehow came across started making a path for him as they looked towards him in anxiousness. Though he didn't mind it as he continued on his way while eating.

On the 19th to the 23rd floor, he easily decimated everything on his way with the help of his minions though on the 24th floor, he realized the size of this floor was at least half the size of Orario. So tired of walking, he used his precious motorcycle to cover the distance while he led a pack of flying Gargoyles with him.

Meanwhile outside, when Loki and Hermes come to, they both have slight headaches and bruises at the back of their heads.

They were both resting when they suddenly got wind off Kira was inside the dungeon clearing everything on his path. When they both heard it, they instantly remembered Kira's words as they both announced to their Familia to gather everyone, they're going to the dungeon as soon as possible.

On the third day.

Kira proceeded to the 25th floor though he had to place back his motorcycle as the floor in this place mostly consisted of a huge waterfall that he estimated the end of this covered the next few floors down. The little patch of land here was designed to be some sort of maze of passageways.

He contemplated for a bit as he looked at the waterfall then at the maze then back to the waterfall. He nodded to himself as he proceeded to jump straight at the waterfall to the very bottom.

He took out a drink from his inventory then calmly took a sip while free falling at the deep dark depressing abyss below him.

After a few more minutes, he finally saw the bottom of it as he took out his red scythe then swung it while producing a wind blade towards his landing spot.




Kira successfully dived down straight to the very bottom as he found a large carcass of a monster just in front of him. It looked like a giant sea serpent but it looked like it was on a seal of some kind as it glowed eerily.

He swam to it and curiously tried to re-awaken it but that thing didn't even budge. After that failed attempt, he looked around for an exit though as he came up to breathe, he saw a giant wall while a small patch of land beneath it, and at the very base of it, it looked like a passageway.

When he stepped into that patch of land, the giant wall started rumbling until something broke free from it and landed in front of him.

A giant two-headed dragon appeared in front of him as it glared menacingly at him though that drastically changed when Vaga made its presence known behind him.

The two-headed dragon took a few steps back in slight fear as Vaga entirely emerged from Kira's shadow then without any warning all of Vaga's heads sent out a huge stream of fire at it. The dragon tried to fight it but after a few more minutes, it succumbed to Vaga's merciless fire.

After it died, all of Vaga's head flare their nostrils at it then Vaga smugly returned back to Kira's shadow much his curiosity as this was the first time he didn't call out to him but he didn't dwell anymore on it as he made way to the passageway.


Meanwhile outside, a large group of adventurers started to go to the dungeon all at once due to the insistence of Loki and Hermes to everyone. This group even included the Freya Familia much to the shock of most of them there.

Although most of them didn't know what was happening, it was obvious to them something big was happening in the dungeon as they all proceeded to enter the next floor as soon as possible like they were chasing someone in there.

On the fourth day.

Kira continued on his way though as he finally reached the very of the 37th floor, the entire place looked like a giant white palace. Everything from the ground, the walls, and to the ceiling, all of them are in white.

Even from where Kira was, he could make out large groups of armed skeletons walking about but seeing that he already wasted three days in coming here, he summoned his army in the get-go and charged ahead.

He destroyed everything on his way until he came across at the center of the floor but standing on his way a giant skeleton with no lower body while wielding a giant sword and behind it was a huge number of armed skeletons.

When he curiously looked at these monsters, he came up with something as he called out to his particular summon that might enjoy this.



Instantly, Cerberus came out excitedly while looking at the pile of walking bones in front of it then without Kira's order, it dived in enthusiastically as it destroyed everything on its way.

After a few minutes, the once intimidating number of skeletons were nowhere in sight and at the very center of it was Cerberus chewing a set of giant bones in its jaws.

Kira didn't dwell on it as he continued his toward the next floor while Cerberus reluctantly returned to Kira's shadow though before it did, it begged him to keep the giant bones in which case he did due to Cerberus trying its best to look cute and miserable.

He easily cleared the 38th floor without any trouble until he eventually arrived at the 44th floor that everything changed again. It looked like the inside of a volcano, as the walls, ground, and ceiling are colored burning red and distorted rocks lie on the ground across the floor while the monsters here were just a bunch of rock monsters.

He continued on his way until he reached the 50th floor, a floor like the 18th, there were no monsters here as he took his rest. Though at the 49th floor, he encountered the monster Rex of that floor, Balor, a huge demon-like monster with leathery wings and bull-like horns but as soon as it appeared, Chaos instantly came out and made that thing its b*tch.

While the group of adventurers consisting of high leveled adventurers is already on the safety floor between the floors of 28th and 36th. They only made it this far due to the monsters at the lower levels taking an amount of time to respawn meaning that they were not far behind Kira much to the prediction of Loki and Hermes.

On the fifth day.

Kira continued on his way to the 51st floor though as soon as entered it, his eye twitched in annoyance as the entire floor looked like it was a labyrinth. The walls, ground, and ceiling are flat which would seem like the structure was carefully measured as many corners and crossroads exist across the floor.

Seeing the work in front of him, he opted to use his summons to solve this labyrinth as he would exchange with them as soon as they got out while he took out a chair and relaxed.

After a few hours, Kira sensed one of the Gargoyles wanted to exchange with him so he did, and in an instant, he was in front of the passageway to the next floor but as soon as he came down, his annoyance came back.

The 52nd floor was the same as the 51st floor, it was a labyrinth.

In the end, he spent the day going through labyrinths until he finally made it to the 58th floor that looked like a vast room though it was crawling with a large number of red dragons that stood on the height of 10 meters.

At that point, he brought out his red scythe while his army appeared behind him as Vaga stood beside him.

Meanwhile, the adventurers just arrived at the empty 49th floor though they noticed the smoking remains of the monster rex on that floor meaning they were getting nearer but all of them couldn't help but think if this was really done by a single person.

On the sixth day.

Kira made his way to the 59th floor where he met a unique monster that has a body of a monster on the bottom half while a body of a woman with heavenly beauty on the upper half.

At first, he was curious about it then a moment later he held out his palm towards it then a compressed red fireball started to appear. Before the monster could utter a sound, Kira sent out his fireball to it, and the instant it hit, its entire body was engulfed by red fire.

As the light receded, the smoking corpse of the monster was in front of him as he continued on his way though as soon as he stepped inside the 60th floor, the entire place was different from before.

The ceiling, walls, and the ground are covered in ice as fierce icy wind plagued the entire area.

Kira continued on while his shadow army followed him along though the monsters here started to overpower his Gargoyles. The monsters here are humanoid golems made up of a crystal of some kind. These things could easily tank any of Gargoyle's hits but not his giants though as they started to decimate everything on their way.

He spent quite a lot of time finishing everything as he proceeded to the next to the last few floors left.

61st to the 68th was all the same though the monster rex on the floor 69th was bigger than anything he ever saw in this dungeon. The entire thing was made up of giant crystals like the one before but this time, it was 50-meters tall.

Kira didn't let it have any time to see him as he directly called out to Vaga, Cerberus, and Chaos as they sent out a giant stream of fire directly at its head while Kira went full-speed at it while his red scythe was caught on fire.

The giant was distracted for a bit as Kira steadily approached it at its sides.

As the stream of fire of all of Kira's minions finished, Kira finally arrived at its feet but he didn't slow down as he used his momentum and started to spin his fiery scythe then swung it multiple times at its feet as red blade beams started to appear to seamlessly go through its legs.

When Kira passed through the giant, he didn't let up as he started to pour more fire on his scythe until it became three times in size while he commanded his Gargoyles to approach its face with their fastest speed.

A moment later, red lines started to appear at its legs then like a giant tree falling down, it came crashing down as the entire area shook. The giant started moving its arms to sit up but before it could even know what was going on, a batch of shadow Gargoyles started flying to its face.

As the giant curiously looked at it, though as soon as it came close enough it suddenly became covered in black smoke as Kira appeared with his burning giant scythe at the ready. Before it could even react, Kira swung his scythe vertically right between its eyes then disappeared again.

Kira appeared at the back of the giant with his army beside him. He spun his scythe a few times as the flames on it dissipated while it returned to its original size then he turned around with his shadow monsters giving way to their king.

At the same time, the giant started to fall but this time, it was cleanly cut through in the middle.

*Thud!!* *Thud!!*

Its fall shook the ground again as Kira made his way to the last floor.

At the adventurers' side, they finally reached the 60th floor. They were only able to keep up their pace due to the path Kira carved for them in the way.

By the time they arrived there, it was full of smoking monster corpses much to the numbing feeling of every adventurer there. But to Loki and Hermes, they forced all of them to hasten their speed as soon as possible much to the curiosity of others as they still marveled at the speed of Kira killing everything on his way.

While Loki and Hermes felt anxiousness and excitement bubbling into them as they were right in their assumptions about Kira's final thing to do as they implore everyone to quicken their pace even further as they both fear not witnessing the battle and death of the strongest monster they ever knew.

As the seventh day arrived, Kira's skill to go to other worlds became available again but that wasn't his focus for now as he stood in front of a pitch-black abyss leading to the 70th floor.

Kira conjured a small red fire to illuminate the way though as soon as he entered the 70th floor, there wasn't even a single monster here, just the dark that envelops everything though that changed quickly as he noticed a giant dragon eye looking down on him from above.

He curiously looked at it before the darkness receded but as he looked closer, he realized the cause of the darkness was because of its gigantic wings covering the entire area.

As its wings folded themselves, Kira could finally see its structure. It was the biggest monster he ever saw as it stood in the height of 100 meters while its whole body was covered in black scales.

The infamous final boss in this world, the One-eyed black Dragon(OEBD).


As it roared at Kira, the whole area started shaking as the adventurers on the 66th floor actually felt and heard that roar. Though when Ais heard it, something within her somehow kind of snapped as her whole body was enveloped by her magic then she suddenly ran ahead of them all.

Back to Kira and the Dragon.

The giant Dragon unfolded its wings and flapped them towards Kira's direction as hurricane-like winds arrived at him.

Kira calmly took out his red scythe then planted the butt of his scythe to the ground as to resist being blown away. Though as soon as the wind dissipated, Kira saw a giant stream of fire headed in his way.

He widened his eyes in surprise as he sent out his flames to counter but the instant it collided with his flames, it easily ate his flames as it didn't manage to slow It down.


The ground shook as an explosion enveloped the spot Kira once was. As the light dissipated, the Dragon stared down at the crater it produced though when it saw no signs of Kira, it snorted smugly as it turned around to go back to its slumber.

Just as the Dragon turned around, it heard something coming its way to it. It curiously looked at it and the exact time it turned, it saw Kira burning in red fire all over his body then before the Dragon could react, Kira slashed at its only remaining eye without any mercy.


It roared in agony as it wildly thrashed around while letting out its fire all around hoping to hit Kira with it.




The entire area lit up as explosions started going out everywhere while Kira looked on in a safe distance while drinking a red vial.

The left side of his clothes was burnt while his left arm had severe degree burns. He narrowed his eyes on it as he knew he couldn't kill it with his current abilities.


Name: Kira Kagami

Level: 103→149

Job: Death Monarch

Title: Monster Slayer

HP: 29,284/29,284→30,782/33,884

MP: 55,245/55,245→40,286/59,845

Strength: 519→565

Agility: 539→585

Vitality: 230→276

Intelligence: 217→263

Sense: 217→263

Points: 0 →762[8 months(720)+ 2 weeks(42)]

He saved up quite a lot of points in case of situations just like this as he still remembers what happened when he battled with Chaos. With that in mind, he focused on Strength and Agility again.

Strength: 565→(+435) 1000

Agility: 585→(+327) 912

Points: 762 →0


[Due to Strength reaching 1000, the player is awarded by the skill: Hercules' Strength]

[Hercules' Strength:

-Temporarily boosts strength 12 times the original. Duration: 6 minutes. Cooldown: 24 hours]

At that, Kira instantly used the skill with no hesitation as he ordered one of his Gargoyles to fly above it while he ordered Vaga, Cerberus, and Chaos to follow him in charging at it.

Cerberus and Chaos immediately changed into their burning form like Kira while Vaga drew all of its heads then released a combined stream of fire to get its attention.


Vaga's fire hit it squarely at its back though not a scratch could be seen as the Dragon stopped for a moment and turned towards Vaga's direction.


The Dragon quickly flew in Vaga's general direction and spewed out a steady stream of fire covering everything. Vaga was instantly engulfed in fire as it slowly reformed back while Cerberus ran quickly at the dragon side as soon as it landed.

As soon as the Dragon touched the ground, Cerberus sent out its own fire on it while running around it, which drew the dragon's ire though due to Cerberus' enhanced speed, it couldn't even touch Cerberus.

While it was distracted, Chaos in its burning state, started forming four swords made up entirely of its fire. As soon as it was finished, Chaos directly flew at the back of the Dragon and stabbed it at the base of its wings.

The Dragon's scales proved to be too tough as it took Chaos to repeatedly stab it until it finally went through its hide.


The Dragon roared in agony as it suddenly turned around catching Chaos and Cerberus in surprise.

In that moment of surprise, it used a speed disproportion to its size and took hold of Chaos on its jaws while wrapping Cerberus with its tail. It then proceeded to squeeze and slam Cerberus repeatedly to the ground while trying to close its jaws with Chaos inside of it.

Growing irritated, its throat started to glow while pinning Cerberus to the ground with its claws then it aligned its jaws directly at Cerberus as well.

Though at the final moment before Kira's summons burned to crisp, a Gargoyle was finally directly above the unsuspecting Dragon.


The Gargoyle instantly turned into black smoke as Kira appeared in his burning form while using gravity and the fire in his feet to head straight at the dragon below him with his giant burning red scythe at his sides at incredible speed.


Meanwhile, at the very entrance of the 70th floor, Ais, while panting, finally arrived just in time to see a red meteor headed straight at her sworn enemy.

Before she could even utter a sound, the meteor seamlessly went through the neck of the Dragon as the ground broke its fall with a giant explosion engulfing everything with it.


Ais unconsciously held her arm in front of her while planting her sword at the ground below her as the shockwave and winds came crashing everywhere trying to blow her away.

As the dust settles, the other adventurers finally catch up with Ais as Loki and Hermes concentrate at the center of the explosion.

Nobody spoke as they all looked on with bated breaths at the aftermath of the battle. Even when they were on the floor above this one, they all could already feel the tremors and sounds of explosions from this floor.

After a moment, the once dark atmosphere surrounding the entire floor started to dissipate as sunlight coming from above started lighting everything up. The barren battlefield filled with nothing but rocks and boulders started to change as grass was miraculously emerging everywhere.

The craters that filled most of the area started to be filled with clear water.

All in all, they stood there shocked at the immediate changes throughout the area before they all could calm down, a section of the wall started crumbling apart until they saw a clear path to the outside.

Ais, Loki, and Hermes were the first ones to snap out of it as they proceeded to approach the center of the explosion from earlier while some of them started to follow them as they looked everywhere at wonder.

When they finally arrived there, they saw what was supposed to be a crater was a lake with crystal clear water though as they concentrated at the bottom, they saw the carcass of the mighty black dragon there, headless.

As Ais looked at it, her hands began to tremble as her grip on her weapon loosen, and eventually dropped it to the ground while tears started to form in her eyes.

Loki and Hermes stood there with shocked expressions on their faces as they both thought of at long last, the three Great Quests are finally completed while in their time.

They all stood there as all of them couldn't help but feel liberated after many years of fighting.

Eventually, a teary Ais looked at the sole individual sitting at the other end of the lake casually eating and drinking. She instantly bowed gratefully at the half-naked Kira while shouting at him in clear joy and tears running down on her face.

"*hic* THANK YOU *hic*!!"

At that, everyone finally saw Kira there as they couldn't help but follow Ais's example and bowed to him gratefully as well including Loki and Hermes.

"THANK YOU!!!!!!"

This shout got Kira's attention as he curiously looked at their smiling faces. He was pretty surprised when they followed him here as he stood up and shrugged off the crumbs on his hands.

He smiled lightly at them as he placed one hand in his pocket while his other hand waved at them.

Before any of them could utter another word, Kira cut them off while wearing a carefree expression on his face.

"Yo!... and see you all later," Kira suddenly said to them as a portal behind him appeared then he proceeded to turn around and walked towards it without sparing them a glance any further until he fully inside the portal, the portal closed entirely by itself leaving them there looking at his previous spot.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11

Good Evening Gentlemen!!

I may go on break for few days because to tell you all the truth...

I am.... POSITIVE-------LY LAZY!!


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