Is all I could think of while traveling in space wasting more energy than I can absorb from this helmet. (10%... 9%...)
I am flying amid the dark of the universe in the direction of a huge nebula of fire.
I just found out how to pass trought it thought. I cant absorb well Nova energy, but it serves wonderfully as an energy field.
So I am just floating in nothingness for now. Why not spy on what the other Maria are doing?
(Activating real-time information input to Maria 2)
I kick the ground and plant one of my feet on the ground. Another feet and I am solid like a tree. Now for the final trick I, ( redirecting 47% of life fuel to the ground) A wave of green explosion spreads through the ground from where I was. I feel like my soul is being sucked out of me, is that how humans feel on Monday mornings?
The world starts to lose colors... should it be the contrary? Then I start to lose control over my body and notice that it is just me dying, not the planet.
The world starts to fade, but it is not like when I am on battery saving mode, there is no black room of consciousness... it is... more like... sleeping...
(Conection to Maria 2 lost. Impact with the fire galaxy in 5...4...3...2..
Oh my, I hope I survive this.
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