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72.56% Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills? / Chapter 82: Into the Muddy Waves!

Chapitre 82: Into the Muddy Waves!

[Warning: Chapter gets dark at the end.]


Chapter 78: Into the Muddy Waves!

Jutsu of the day:

<Gamer's Mind>

Making sure Yours truly doesn't start a massacre.


Time: 17th March, Year 78

Location: Mitsu's Cabin, near Land of Waves



It has been over 3 months since I helped Yuki-hime take back her throne. The land of Spring had a lot to offer, so it didn't take them long to get back on their feet with all the help I provided.

And man, let me tell you… Yuki-hime didn't make it easy for me the past 3 months… Damn her teasing and her perfect knockers! But I pulled through… I didn't lose my rationale!

But I did get my fair share of squeezes out of it! Heh~ That will teach her! Haku wasn't happy though... *Nervous laugh*

Though Yuki-hime and my relationship will never cross that line. She wanted to be my older sister/best friend figure who teases their younger brother, but failed miserably. And honestly… I felt no romantic attraction towards her…

Although my attraction for her body was a whole different matter. But, as I said before, I want to make sure I do this right in this life!

So, before anything else, I want to properly start my relationship with Hina.

Thinking about my Hina-bunny, a smile graced my face. I remembered her last letter, where she stated how she, Naruto and Sasugay beat Kakashi's bell test, and how Naruto pranked the crap out of the Cyclops for always being late.

I chuckled inwardly at the thought. But my musing was broken by a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said loudly.

Hearing my affirmation, Fuzzy came into the room, "Mitsu-sama, we will be reaching the docks in 10 minutes. And as you said before, the docks are under Gato's control…"

I carefully looked at Fuzzy. His behavior and personality has changed a lot during the 3 years we have been traveling.

I couldn't quite put my finger on the reason for such changes. But…


Name: Fuse Daisuke

Level: 99

Loyalty: 99%


His loyalty kept me from being too suspicious of him. I had kept an eye on him from time to time and was sure about his complete and fanatical loyalty to me.

Though after staying by my side for so long, he has developed some resistance to my behavior and acts like some old man who is 'too old for this shit'.

But yes, his loyalty was unarguable.

Now, for his level… I was surprised at first. But after remembering how much 'Divine Intervention' I gave him, this seemed fair? Not to mention he was also my go to practice dummy *Cough* Partner, I meant partner.

But yeah… His strength rose exponentially since we started traveling. It might seem impossible for someone with no background to get so strong... But he was MY minion after all. The best background this world could offer.

Oh well, having a strong minion was always good after all. Umu, umu.

I looked at him, as he stared back at me with confusion.

"You have grown really strong Fuzzy."

"Thank you, Mitsu-sama. It was mainly due to the divine dreams I get. And sparring against you and Itachi really helped me develop a lot faster." He said with admiration clear on his tone.

"Is that so?" I asked him softly. 'He still gets divine dreams? Huh? Its been almost 5 months since I last pasted a skill on him...'

"Indeed, it is, Mitsu-sama. And I am not really that strong. Itachi can match me if he goes all out with his full body Susanoo and those cheat eyes. And with you healing him with your bloodline vitality all the time, he is starting to stabilize his eyes." Fuzzy smiled saying that. His eyes shone brightly.

There it is… His fanatical eyes…

But when he faces my enemies… Those eyes turn so ruthless.

This also helped me resolve my fears. Seeing no reason to be overly paranoid of someone who was literally your worshiper, I told him, "Yeeeep! But you know why we are here in the Land of Waves, right?"

He nodded and turned a bit serious, "I saw the information Tobi brought. And I can't help but feel disgusted! Now I understand why Mitsu-sama was in such a hurry to get here and had ordered us to buy and bring so much food with us.

You truly love the ordinary people, don't you Mitsu-sama?" He smiled fondly before remembering something, "But you do end up getting into wars… Will it be okay this time?" his voice laced with worry.

I coughed at his comment.

"FUZZY! I don't start the wars! I only go to war torn places to liberate them! Because these people who know pain shall be saved by me from the Season Unending, known as war. You have been with me since we started all this, you tell me how many wars have we ended?" I declared proudly, while pushing down some memories of me doing some shady things that led to a war down the gutter.

Fuzzy kneeled on one leg and bowed, "Forgive me, Mitsu-sama. I know the best how you saved so many people. At first, I thought you simply wanted to conquer the lands by helping the people. But I see that Itachi was right, you simply want to free all people from oppression.

I was so short-sighted. But I promise you, my Lord, I will do my best to help you on your journey for World Peace, this I swear!" Fuzzy had a flare in his voice as he made the oath.

'World peace?! When did I say I was going for world peace? I mean… Yeah… I will try to unify the 5 great nations… and stop this nonsense cycle of hatred… But World Peace? Damn… I was worried for nothing, whatever my mother fed him all those years ago is still in effect.' I thought as I shook my head.

"Well, good that you understand. Now go and deal with the procedures at the dock. We will be going straight to the Daimyo's house."

Fuzzy bowed before leaving, as I started getting ready for my meeting with Yoshimoto Suzu, the powerless daimyo of the Land of Waves.

[A/N: From this point on, the information is not cannon, as there is no information in cannon about the daimyo or any leader of the Land of Waves. But to be recognized as a country, I believe it does need a Daimyo or at least a Chief, so from this point on it's my SSSrank author magic in effect.]

Now I had some ideas about Yoshimoto Suzu.

She was 9 years old, and was the daughter of the late Daimyo.

She has no political power, and her country being poor with no military of its own, she was unable to hold any power that came with her position. She was a title holding puppet.

Her advisors had no choice but to give Gato free reign when he started his business 1 year ago.

At first, the advisors made a deal with Gato, as he promised to start many trades. But alas… how wrong they were.

Now the country was powerless, has no money to ask for help from other villages, and was living under Gato's mercy. The ruling class has no power to help any of their citizens. The citizens were completely under Gato's filthy control.

Well, I already had plans to get rid of Gato, but after all the reports I got, my eyes only saw red.

The anime being a child-friendly one didn't even show 1% of the atrocities this pig had done in this country… The people of the Land of Waves were nothing but slaves and toys for Gato and his goons…

All the slaughter, rape, slavery, this bastard even sells people to Orochimaru for experiments… And so much more…

Yes, I found out that the Snake Bastard was still alive through this... Bastard used his curse mark on one of his Sound 4 to revive himself.

But he wasn't the main concern now... Gato was.

This disgusting piece of wasted air will be tortured till he breaks, before I heal him to torture again.

My rage at the moment was only suppressed due to <Gamer's Mind>. The only reason I was still calm and not going straight into the bug's base to start a massacre.


Sometimes I hate the world… and my rationality… I have so much power… But I am unable to simply eradicate all evil…

Because if I do so… If I kill indiscriminately, what would be the difference between me and them? And it will only raise more issues in the politics down the road...


But still... What Gato has been doing... Makes me so furious.

I am pretty sure, without <Gamer's Mind> I wouldn't ever think so rationally, but I was glad to have it. Because only with rational thoughts was I able to save 3 countries without political backlash. The Land of Waves won't be any different.

Not to mention I have become unbelievably strong.

Taking a deep breath, I willed for <Appraisal> to appraise myself.



Name: Kaneko Mitsu

Title: The Golden Prince, Savior.

Level: 99

Rank: S

Age: 12

Bloodline: Kaneko Clan (Many different Bloodlines perfectly integrated, including, Senju, Karatachi, Kazahana, etc.)

Bloodline Limits: <Wood>,<Ice>, <Lava>

[A/N: <Ice> from Doto, <Lava> from Dodai, a Jonin of Kumo]

Chakra: 18,492,211

Chakra Affinity: Fire (100%), Wind (35%), Water (100%), Earth (100%), Lightning (100%), Yin (25%), Yang (100%)

Chakra Control: 88%

Status Ailment: <None>

Skills: <87 Skills Available>


<Fire Release: 43 jutsus.>

<Water Release: 52 jutsus.>

<Wind Release: 22 jutsus.>

<Earth Release: 38 jutsus.>

<Lightning Release: 21 jutsus.>

<Wood Release: 16 jutsus.>

<Ice Release: 14 jutsus.>

<Lava Release: 6 jutsus.>

<Kenjutsu: 18 Jutsus>

<Taijutsu: 12 styles, 62 Jutsus>

<Others: 32 Jutsus>


[A/N: Those who think the number of Jutsus should be higher, please know. Mitsu only adds Jutsus that he thought he might need. There is no point in taking all available Jutsus after all. Some are pointless.]

Hmm… My level has been stuck on 99 for a while now… But I was surely getting stronger. Lv. 99 didn't seem to indicate my true level.

For this, I thought of 2 possibilities, one, level 99 is the highest this appraisal skill can calculate, and even if someone has a way higher levelm they will still be shown as 99. Which was the most probable cause.

And the other was, 99 being my limit. Which clearly wasn't true.

So my appraisal was indeed limited at the moment in terms of gauging levels… Sigh… I really oughta strangle Sissy for this…

Now how do I fix this?

Honestly, I had no idea. Yes, the appraisal window can change at my will, and I did try to will for my level to be shown higher, but that didn't change anything… I was clearly wrong with my evaluation…

Gah! This is a problem for future Mitsu!

Shaking my head, I finally went out to the bow of my ship. It had been over 15 minutes, so the ship had already docked. But when I went out, I frowned to see 7 men being tied down on the dock. Their faces were bloody and bruised. Honestly, they seemed barely alive.

I noticed Haku, Yukina, Itachi, My butler and Fuzzy standing near the goons giving orders to the servants and sailors.

The girls had disgusted faces. While the guys seemed angry.

Sigh… Something happened just as we got here, huh?

Approaching them, I asked, "So… let me guess… They wanted Yukina and Haku as payment for docking?"

They looked at me with a surprised face.

"How did you guess that, Mitsu-sama?" Ichi asked.

"It's not that hard to guess… After all… You all read the file Tobi compiled." I spat my words in disgust.

They all turned silent, but disgust was evident in their faces as they eyed the goons.

I patted Yukina and Haku's head as I said softly, "Don't worry… We will liberate this land, I promise."

That brought a soft smile on their faces. They bowed in understanding.

"What should we do with these… degenerates, my lord?" Old man Hisashi asked, he was furious at what happened earlier.

The old butler treated all the maids and servants as his own children, Haku and Yukina included. So, something like this seriously angered him. What father can stand such behavior to their daughters?

"Old man, don't worry, I will not let them touch any of my own… And as for these bugs… Get me any information you can. Then hold them prisoner. We will give them to the victims of this land to deal with."

My butler bowed in understanding.

I then ordered the servants to prepare the supplies and told my party to follow me to the Daimyo's house.

There was no transportation available, so we were on foot.

I started getting angry again as I observed the state the people were in…

So many children looked skin and bones… Some adolescent girls were trying to sell their bodies in the open in exchange of food… Homeless people lying unmoving on the ground, whether they were dead or alive was unknown.

Many of the houses looked damaged. And no, not from disasters or due to the passing of time… But seemed to have been damaged intentionally.

Many children came near us begging for some food. While a girl of 9-10 offered me her mouth to relieve myself in exchange for some food. That completely broke my heart. The way she asked... She was used to it...

*Hitched breathing*

The people of this land… Weren't in fear of their life due to war… No… They were being treated as slaves, as playthings by DEMONS!

I could hear choked sobs coming from Yukina and Hisashi… While Haku looked pale and shocked at the scene… Ichi and Fuse looked outright murderous, but kept silent but their hands were shaking.

I... Too had no words...

The emotion I was feeling at the moment was beyond imagination.

Fuck my plans of having a proper reason to help these people. Fuck every God that let things end this bad. AND FUCK GATO!

I stopped and tilted my head towards the sky as I took a deep breath.

"Itachi… Fuse…. Forget the plan. Create as many shadow clones as you can, and spread around the village. When you see a goon…

No mercy.

Old man, go back with Haku and Yukina, and order all the servants to start distributing food. Haku, take care of any trouble makers when we distribute food. If they are Gato's men you know what to do.

I will go alone to meet the Yoshimoto girl and start fixing this hell hole." My voice was frigid yet calm.

But those who knew me... were shaking at the tone.

No one dared to say anything and got to work.

I looked at the children that were still surrounding me, but they looked terrified after hearing my voice.

So I gently smiled at them that didn't reach my eyes.

"You guys tell your friends there will be food soon, okay? This oniichan promises you there will be food. So can you be good children and wait till then?" I asked softly.

Some of them nodded, but that 10 year old didn't seem convinced. She had already learned that there was no free lunch in the world. As she asked nervously.

"D-do I need to help you relieve yourself now, my lord?"

I clenched my fist. My whole body was shaking.

With a shaky hand, I patted the girls head, who flinched at my action. That one reflex revealed a lot…

"No… You can pay me by taking care of these children and making sure they get their food, alright?" I asked with my most gentle tone.

She looked unconvinced, but nodded nonetheless. She then took the children and went to tell their friends.

I gritted my teeth at the thought of these children being abused like that…

Even in Hot Water, children were at least spared from such atrocities… But this DEMON!

<Gamer's Mind> affected me again as I calmed enough not to destroy Gato straight away… No… He deserved much worse.

'Pray to whatever God or Demon you worship Gato... Because no one can save you.'



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

Yeee... Sorry about the dark tone, but there were hints about such atrocities in some of the works. And I felt like I should interpret it as such, instead of sugar coating it.

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

LuminouShadow LuminouShadow

This will be continued in the next chapter.

GATO you are getting flayed.

Load failed, please RETRY

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