Reviews of Earth's Doom Starts with... Me? by mozza_mello - Webnovel



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  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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This is fucking lit, wtf. I did not expect to read such quality, omg. Damn, what a hook! 500 words in and our protagonist is already put in a confusing, but engaging situation, with the things that happen to her naturally exposing the World's situation and elements. And how I love a grey protagonist in a grey world. When some of her dark thoughts appeared after the initial confusion disappeared... a smile just popped onto my face as I was reading it. "Please fucking don't. Don't kill me." At this point, I just can't get over this part. I think it would've been even more awesome if you removed the dark humor that followed after it, but the joke itself is so fucking nice as well. At this point, there's nothing to nitpick. It's just a matter of waiting for this to pop off, and take over Webnovel. I'm glad I was one of the first to find this novel.

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LV 1 Badge

SPOILER-FREE, UNBIASED REVIEW: First comments: I genuinely feel like I would be a disappointment to society if I were to give a lower rating to this novel. I wish I could even rate it higher, this novel, gave me goosebumps with how incredible it is, the conversations, word choice, story flow, interactions, thought processes, world-building, characters, and so much more, are literally perfect. They have reached the level of perfection. I honestly can't give a short review, and yet the dozens of other reviews, all of which are 5-star ratings, should speak for themselves. Let me summarize my thoughts in a list, List of the positive(+), and the negative(-) parts of this novel: Here are the Good Parts about this novel: +Unique Plot: At no point in this novel does it delve into 'Cliche' or overused plots that, at one point were fun to read, but are now just plain boring. This novel makes use of an already interesting, yet not fully explored genre while taking its own twists and turns. +Story: I can genuinely say, that the story in the just above 10 chapters in this novel has already interested me further than reading hundreds of chapters in any novel in the top 10. It's so well designed and 'Everything just seems to fit into place'. +Writing style: The narration is in the form of First-Person, while occasionally displaying the thoughts and ideas of other characters, to give a wider perspective to the audience, to further realize the amount of effort gone into thinking about each and every single one of the characters, and plot points. +Chapters: I can't talk about the chapter without including things like the word count. Each chapter is sufficiently long and gives you the feeling of satisfaction once read. As I said earlier, every single part of the novel just makes sense. The author obviously has an incredible talent for writing. +Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation: I have come to know that the author isn't even a native speaker of English (to my knowledge, not 100% accurate, but I have reason to believe so); and yet every part of this literature is much more well made than any English Speaker or Writer I know. I'm not kidding when I say the writing style rivals some of the most popular novels out there, and this has barely even started. +MC (Female): Now coming to the novel's elements, without spoiling anything, I can say that the Main Character of the novel is not your average, dumb, protagonist that doesn't make any proper decision wisely, and just happens to randomly know information and have personalities that do not suit their regular behavior. In this novel, the MC is perfectly made, as if the author was talking about a close friend, and I respect that. +World-Building and Mystery: In my opinion, this is by far the best part of the novel, the Author genuinely knows how to convey information, conversations, thoughts, dialogues, interactions, movements, and other such things, without it seeming too clunky or information-heavy. Also, the Author brings out intriguing details and foreshadowing right from the beginning, while capturing the readers' attention, making them want more, even after the first chapter! +Pacing: To add to the previous point, the way the story is represented in this novel is extraordinary. Each chapter is Fast-Paced, having intense scenes and unpredictable scenarios, along with relatable actions that make you cheer for the characters, and not just the MC. However, even though the novel is Fast-Paced, there is no feeling of it being rushed or under-worked on, as each chapter is practically perfect, with little to no errors, anywhere you look! +Author-Kun: And lastly, and also most importantly, the Author of this novel herself. No, I'm not simply by writing such a long review, and this wasn't done only for review swapping, if that was the case, I would've just written a paragraph or two. I genuinely enjoy this novel, and even more so, respect the Author. She has helped me find mistakes in my works, and help me develop as a writer, even though she had no reason to do so or to bother talking to me while she was busy working on her own novel as well. And for that, Thanks a Lot! The Author is genuinely a great person, and any question you may have about the novel, characters, plot progression, story, or literally anything, feel free to comment on a chapter or leave a review, and I can practically guarantee she will reply positively. There is enough evidence of this lol. Negative points: (not really lol): -1 CHAPTER/DAY: Even though 1 chapter is more than enough lol, this novel isn't contracted, I can't really blame WebNovel as this novel is still really underrated, but probably not for long. But if it was, then the author would probably dedicate more of her time to this. Yeah, that's the only negative point, another thing could be the occasional once per chapter- spelling mistakes, which could also easily be dealt with with a proofreader. Thanks for reading this review, and thanks for reading the novel. Please keep releasing daily, Author-Kun!

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Aye aye! Author here! :D I want to say thank you so so so much to everyone who's reading this novel, because it really means a lot to me ;; u ;; //// In this novel, there will be no massive info dumps or walls of text. Instead, I hope you will have fun discovering about this new, unexplored world hehe! :D There will be hints scattered everywhere in each chapter, be it regarding the world, the characters' backstory and motivation, or what's in the future hehe! <3 Also, almost every side character here will be useful and have character development. Each one of them also has a backstory and their own ambition. So, if you like a novel where everyone matters and not just the MC, you might want to give this a try hehe! <3 I would really love to hear what you think about this novel, so comments, reviews, suggestions, constructive criticism are all very appreciated hehe! <3 Oh, I also draw sometimes and I'll put my illustrations in the chapter comments/my instagram page hehe! Thank you very much, and have a great day everyoneeeee <3

Voir 9 Réponses
LV 15 Badge

I have no doubt this would be a good read, but first, I would like to know if this is a completed novel since it doesn’t really say… hmm last update was two years ago, but I still would like to know if this is a complete novel. 🙏🏻😁

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LV 15 Badge

Been enjoying the book greatly. Hope the author's health improves and can come back to it!! Great job overall! The MC is being fleshed out nicely with flashbacks and the side characters are exposing backgrounds

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I have to say that i have to top up my coins especially for this story and it’s worth it.I have ‘No’ regret🥲🥲🥲🥲.It’s just that good guys 😭😭😭😭.

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Here to support fellow author-nim!! Ohmaigawd! I have to say this is a must read, even reading the beginning is already hooking me in, the world, the protagonist, the writing quality too! The MC is definitely a bom, quite smart and not the typical weak but strong and passionate FL(duh!) She know how to think rationally to save herself. Love it! the world building and system is also amazing! KYAA~ thank you author for creating such an amazing work! now i shall yeet away to read more💕

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This story is truly a hidden jem. I start reading because the reviews are so positive and i never regret reading this masterpiece.Now this has already become my favorite novel 🥰🥰.the romance is just the right amount not too focused but still have here and there enough too make me girnning like crazy and awakening my shipper soul lol🤣😏.Everything is just chef’s kiss👏🏻👏🏻.please keep producing this kind of quality work and please don’t drop this masterpiece in the future thank you🙏🙏.

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The writing style is so good! The way the story progressed was interesting as well. . . . . . . . . . . I really enjoyed this story and I love this!!!!

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Great story! Good pacing. Makes me want to read more. Well-written. Keep writing, author 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Great story, doubly so if you enjoy LitRPG!! Writing Quality: It is really clean and pristine. Very professional sounding. The vocabulary is congruent to the setting of the story. There are no unnecessarily complex or flowery language. Very succinct and clear. There is also a humor that the author infused in their writing which is very enjoyable. Cue EDSM! Stability of Update: Regularly updated Story Development: The story is developing nicely. It quickly sets up the main conflict and has a clear direction in mind as it progresses. Character Design: The characters are very smart. Not the usual cardboard cutouts. They are intriguing and you know their motivations clearly. World Background: The world building is great too. As the MC gradually gains experiences, the world too gradually unfolds around her, which is great to see. Overall a very enjoyable and FUNNN read. Thank you so much, author for the hard work. :D

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I honestly came to this story thinking it would be a way to pass the time for a day or two while waiting for stories I cared about to update but it has blown me away. I enjoy all the characters we've had presented to us and appreciate Chae. The story itself has intrigued me enough that I've included this book in the list of ones I check for updates on daily. The world is interesting and keeps me wanting to see more and learn more of it. Even the parts that feel predictable so far are enjoyable as they play out in interesting ways. Overall I really enjoy it but my favorite part is the author's interactiveness. They seem really great and are the main reason I decided to leave a review!

Voir 1 Réponses

FROM START TO FINISH IT WAS EXCELLENT! The characterization is amazing. The writing quality is op-notch. And he story was very gritting. And too many hotties! LIKE!

Voir 3 Réponses

Yo! This one is lit! I had fun reading it and I hate (not literal hate, okay?) the author for the consistent cliffhangers! I have to do other things but I'm like imprisoned because I just want to read and read! I had to warn people that they should be ready to read this without the guilt of doing other things or else, you'll be torn just like me. It is action-packed, the initial chapters are very webnovel style where it starts on the interesting part. Also, I really like the narration, our MC's thought process, and everything. I'm saying this as me being 100% honest! Overall, it is a good read! I enjoyed it! Kudos to the author and wishing this novel success!

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This book is hilarious. The main character is very relatable, and even when the reader is confused, she is right alongside them. The world is very interesting, and the side characters are very good. My favorite is definitely Dmitri. Even after knowing him for only a chapter, I felt disappointed when it looked like he was going to die. I will definitely keep reading. Keep up the good work!

Voir 1 Réponses
LV 3 Badge

Chae and Luke are so cute😍... also Jean-jean, also Owen, also eel😅 short everyone is so good😁 ... the plot itself is amazing 🤩 ...Thanks for this wonderful book

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For a novel that has the system tag, this is written well, and it isn't bombarded with RPG elements left and right. Overall the story has a very straightforward and clear direction. My only real criticism is how the protagonist ends up in this whole new world. The very early chapters seems extremely pushed, but the pacing gets more better from Chapter 3 and beyond. Great work author. Keep on writing.

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The language is neat and concise. The scenarios are set up well, and flow smoothly. the setting is clear to understand, and once you start reading, you keep anticipating the next scene. I usually love this genre.. and I think I found a keeper for my library! Try it, you wont regret it.!

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Where do I even start with this review... The author made a masterpiece with this. Not only is the female lead strong, but she also has quite a sense of humor. I'm currently in chapter 13 and I got so impressed with this, I had to stop my reading for a bit to review this. The fight scenes were so well planned and laid out. Each character in the book has a well-described personality that makes this book stand out from the fantasy books I've seen here. If you're contemplating starting this you should! This book makes you feel like you're living through every single moment! Ahh I'm ranting, I just love it that much and I highly recommend

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This book is absolute gold. Heck I just binged all the chapters in about half an hour. I never usually read books for that long without taking a break because it normally starts to become boring. With this book the plot is completely unique, which is a great thing because I see to many novels with overused plots these days. The grammar is absolutely amazing and I really admire the writing style it allows us as readers to get the full story in detail while also giving us insight on the characters thoughts. Absolutely amazing. I would give it a million stars if I could.

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This is an amazing story. And this is your first? This sounds quite sketchy. Anyway, I bet you had a wild ride writing this story, doing researches, and also nights where you were thinking about your story directions. The MC looks normal. Dimitri, it is alright and I also think those two are most probably going to be a couple in the future. And also a tip, stop writing a chapter at the title because this will confuse some readers, and the chapter numbers are automatic. Carry on, and you will probably get a comic adaptation one day.

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The synopsis is hooked & Unique...I loved every detailed scene in the story...The author's writing is well written...The author showcased very promising characters...Hats off to the author for bringing such innovative ideas into the story...Excellent work, Author! Kudos!

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This story is really well-written with little twists so far but lots of descriptions that make the events seem really. The characters are well-portrayed with their differences in personality clear and personal morals and ethics also clear. I would say that everything is done really well for a fantasy book, considering that usually webnovels focused on fantasy are more interested in the person levelling up, getting strong and yada yada. There are a few things that I think I should mention. There are a couple issues with the quotation. For instance (and because I'm on a phone and can't have double pages): “I ate some eggs.” I said, “my cats likes fish.” The period on the first piece of dialogue should've had a comma in its place, although not mandatory is commonplace. Secondly, the 'm' on 'MY' should be capitalized. This is a grammar mistake that happens on nearly every paragraph with this situation and it doesn't really hinder the quality of writing so it doesn't really need to be considered as 'Nooooooooooooooo'. Also, there are changes within the viewpoints and while this is okay as the settings are quite obvious, it won't be the case if the setting isn't as obvious. Switching the PoV is ok, there's nothing wrong with it, but just make sure that some like switching from third viewpoint to first viewpoint is done under the circumstances that the setting is completely different or somewhere in the stiry make a little marking for it. This hasn't come up yet, but I thought it should, just in case. Finally, I'm not entirely sure if it's known because sometimes it's not written like that, but after most ellipses (... Or ....) There usually should be a space. I'm not completely sure about quotations, but in a paragraph without quotations there should be a space. Sometimes this happens sometimes this doesn't. I'm not totally sure if it's a typo as sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. Overall, great story. Wolf is really really cute, Eel is creepy, and I hope hohoho dude shuts up for once (is he friggan psychopath santa???).

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Really enjoyed reading this story. The characters are very bouncy, and full of life, unlike so many boring characters that surround the protagonist in other stories. Also the author has a fun writing style that is enjoyable and light handed.

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Wow i really love that novel :) i just began to read it and it is such an addictive one, also i m french and the way the author wrote it it's very easy to read so i really appreciate it and enjoy it :) everyone should have a try it is really a good one :)

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I'm usually looking for more description in stories, but your writing style is so unique and the dialogue is so fun that it's just perfect the way it it! I do wish I'd get a bit more insight into the protagonist's thoughts because I simply love her inner monologue regarding the world she finds herself in. It's hilarious! Very well done!

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This novel is AMAZING XD I was hooked at the first chapter. The way the story started it awesome Really enjoyed it. Likeable characters, excellent setting and the plot is very intriguing. EXCELLENT!

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The synopsis and the story is really good! 🌺 The author's writing style can really grab the readers' attention 🍀 Just thinking about the lead character's adventure is very exciting! 🍁 Congratulations for a job well done and keep it up 💐

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Enjoying the story so far! It's a fun twist on transmigration. I'm very interested in where the system is pushing the main character. There are definitely some dark characters, so far I'm in love with the first general. Gotta love a crazy persona like his.

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LV 14 Badge

Where should I begin writing this review? Wait... I don't because this novel is a hidden gem and worth the read. Why should I waste my time in writing this review and not read it right away? It's so I can inform you people who are still hesitating to start reading the chapter already.

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I'm currently reading the third chapter. The story is a true masterpiece! The world feels like it can actually be turned into an actual video game some day since it has the sensation of an role playing game (rpg).

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This is a really amazing story! The plot is very good and the language is very well written. The description is superb!  The character is also well designed with all kinds of relationships. Can't wait to see how the story progresses. Keep up the good work author and thank you for producing good work for us to read! 

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This is fucking lit, wtf. I did not expect to read such quality, omg. Damn, what a hook! 500 words in and our protagonist is already put in a confusing, but engaging situation, with the things that happen to her naturally exposing the World's situation and elements. And how I love a grey protagonist in a grey world. When some of her dark thoughts appeared after the initial confusion disappeared... a smile just popped onto my face as I was reading it. "Please fucking don't. Don't kill me." At this point, I just can't get over this part. I think it would've been even more awesome if you removed the dark humor that followed after it, but the joke itself is so fucking nice as well. At this point, there's nothing to nitpick. It's just a matter of waiting for this to pop off, and take over Webnovel. I'm glad I was one of the first to find this novel.

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LV 1 Badge

SPOILER-FREE, UNBIASED REVIEW: First comments: I genuinely feel like I would be a disappointment to society if I were to give a lower rating to this novel. I wish I could even rate it higher, this novel, gave me goosebumps with how incredible it is, the conversations, word choice, story flow, interactions, thought processes, world-building, characters, and so much more, are literally perfect. They have reached the level of perfection. I honestly can't give a short review, and yet the dozens of other reviews, all of which are 5-star ratings, should speak for themselves. Let me summarize my thoughts in a list, List of the positive(+), and the negative(-) parts of this novel: Here are the Good Parts about this novel: +Unique Plot: At no point in this novel does it delve into 'Cliche' or overused plots that, at one point were fun to read, but are now just plain boring. This novel makes use of an already interesting, yet not fully explored genre while taking its own twists and turns. +Story: I can genuinely say, that the story in the just above 10 chapters in this novel has already interested me further than reading hundreds of chapters in any novel in the top 10. It's so well designed and 'Everything just seems to fit into place'. +Writing style: The narration is in the form of First-Person, while occasionally displaying the thoughts and ideas of other characters, to give a wider perspective to the audience, to further realize the amount of effort gone into thinking about each and every single one of the characters, and plot points. +Chapters: I can't talk about the chapter without including things like the word count. Each chapter is sufficiently long and gives you the feeling of satisfaction once read. As I said earlier, every single part of the novel just makes sense. The author obviously has an incredible talent for writing. +Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation: I have come to know that the author isn't even a native speaker of English (to my knowledge, not 100% accurate, but I have reason to believe so); and yet every part of this literature is much more well made than any English Speaker or Writer I know. I'm not kidding when I say the writing style rivals some of the most popular novels out there, and this has barely even started. +MC (Female): Now coming to the novel's elements, without spoiling anything, I can say that the Main Character of the novel is not your average, dumb, protagonist that doesn't make any proper decision wisely, and just happens to randomly know information and have personalities that do not suit their regular behavior. In this novel, the MC is perfectly made, as if the author was talking about a close friend, and I respect that. +World-Building and Mystery: In my opinion, this is by far the best part of the novel, the Author genuinely knows how to convey information, conversations, thoughts, dialogues, interactions, movements, and other such things, without it seeming too clunky or information-heavy. Also, the Author brings out intriguing details and foreshadowing right from the beginning, while capturing the readers' attention, making them want more, even after the first chapter! +Pacing: To add to the previous point, the way the story is represented in this novel is extraordinary. Each chapter is Fast-Paced, having intense scenes and unpredictable scenarios, along with relatable actions that make you cheer for the characters, and not just the MC. However, even though the novel is Fast-Paced, there is no feeling of it being rushed or under-worked on, as each chapter is practically perfect, with little to no errors, anywhere you look! +Author-Kun: And lastly, and also most importantly, the Author of this novel herself. No, I'm not simply by writing such a long review, and this wasn't done only for review swapping, if that was the case, I would've just written a paragraph or two. I genuinely enjoy this novel, and even more so, respect the Author. She has helped me find mistakes in my works, and help me develop as a writer, even though she had no reason to do so or to bother talking to me while she was busy working on her own novel as well. And for that, Thanks a Lot! The Author is genuinely a great person, and any question you may have about the novel, characters, plot progression, story, or literally anything, feel free to comment on a chapter or leave a review, and I can practically guarantee she will reply positively. There is enough evidence of this lol. Negative points: (not really lol): -1 CHAPTER/DAY: Even though 1 chapter is more than enough lol, this novel isn't contracted, I can't really blame WebNovel as this novel is still really underrated, but probably not for long. But if it was, then the author would probably dedicate more of her time to this. Yeah, that's the only negative point, another thing could be the occasional once per chapter- spelling mistakes, which could also easily be dealt with with a proofreader. Thanks for reading this review, and thanks for reading the novel. Please keep releasing daily, Author-Kun!

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Aye aye! Author here! :D I want to say thank you so so so much to everyone who's reading this novel, because it really means a lot to me ;; u ;; //// In this novel, there will be no massive info dumps or walls of text. Instead, I hope you will have fun discovering about this new, unexplored world hehe! :D There will be hints scattered everywhere in each chapter, be it regarding the world, the characters' backstory and motivation, or what's in the future hehe! <3 Also, almost every side character here will be useful and have character development. Each one of them also has a backstory and their own ambition. So, if you like a novel where everyone matters and not just the MC, you might want to give this a try hehe! <3 I would really love to hear what you think about this novel, so comments, reviews, suggestions, constructive criticism are all very appreciated hehe! <3 Oh, I also draw sometimes and I'll put my illustrations in the chapter comments/my instagram page hehe! Thank you very much, and have a great day everyoneeeee <3

Voir 9 Réponses
LV 15 Badge

I have no doubt this would be a good read, but first, I would like to know if this is a completed novel since it doesn’t really say… hmm last update was two years ago, but I still would like to know if this is a complete novel. 🙏🏻😁

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LV 15 Badge

Been enjoying the book greatly. Hope the author's health improves and can come back to it!! Great job overall! The MC is being fleshed out nicely with flashbacks and the side characters are exposing backgrounds

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I have to say that i have to top up my coins especially for this story and it’s worth it.I have ‘No’ regret🥲🥲🥲🥲.It’s just that good guys 😭😭😭😭.

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Here to support fellow author-nim!! Ohmaigawd! I have to say this is a must read, even reading the beginning is already hooking me in, the world, the protagonist, the writing quality too! The MC is definitely a bom, quite smart and not the typical weak but strong and passionate FL(duh!) She know how to think rationally to save herself. Love it! the world building and system is also amazing! KYAA~ thank you author for creating such an amazing work! now i shall yeet away to read more💕

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This story is truly a hidden jem. I start reading because the reviews are so positive and i never regret reading this masterpiece.Now this has already become my favorite novel 🥰🥰.the romance is just the right amount not too focused but still have here and there enough too make me girnning like crazy and awakening my shipper soul lol🤣😏.Everything is just chef’s kiss👏🏻👏🏻.please keep producing this kind of quality work and please don’t drop this masterpiece in the future thank you🙏🙏.

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The writing style is so good! The way the story progressed was interesting as well. . . . . . . . . . . I really enjoyed this story and I love this!!!!

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Great story! Good pacing. Makes me want to read more. Well-written. Keep writing, author 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Great story, doubly so if you enjoy LitRPG!! Writing Quality: It is really clean and pristine. Very professional sounding. The vocabulary is congruent to the setting of the story. There are no unnecessarily complex or flowery language. Very succinct and clear. There is also a humor that the author infused in their writing which is very enjoyable. Cue EDSM! Stability of Update: Regularly updated Story Development: The story is developing nicely. It quickly sets up the main conflict and has a clear direction in mind as it progresses. Character Design: The characters are very smart. Not the usual cardboard cutouts. They are intriguing and you know their motivations clearly. World Background: The world building is great too. As the MC gradually gains experiences, the world too gradually unfolds around her, which is great to see. Overall a very enjoyable and FUNNN read. Thank you so much, author for the hard work. :D

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I honestly came to this story thinking it would be a way to pass the time for a day or two while waiting for stories I cared about to update but it has blown me away. I enjoy all the characters we've had presented to us and appreciate Chae. The story itself has intrigued me enough that I've included this book in the list of ones I check for updates on daily. The world is interesting and keeps me wanting to see more and learn more of it. Even the parts that feel predictable so far are enjoyable as they play out in interesting ways. Overall I really enjoy it but my favorite part is the author's interactiveness. They seem really great and are the main reason I decided to leave a review!

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FROM START TO FINISH IT WAS EXCELLENT! The characterization is amazing. The writing quality is op-notch. And he story was very gritting. And too many hotties! LIKE!

Voir 3 Réponses

Yo! This one is lit! I had fun reading it and I hate (not literal hate, okay?) the author for the consistent cliffhangers! I have to do other things but I'm like imprisoned because I just want to read and read! I had to warn people that they should be ready to read this without the guilt of doing other things or else, you'll be torn just like me. It is action-packed, the initial chapters are very webnovel style where it starts on the interesting part. Also, I really like the narration, our MC's thought process, and everything. I'm saying this as me being 100% honest! Overall, it is a good read! I enjoyed it! Kudos to the author and wishing this novel success!

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This book is hilarious. The main character is very relatable, and even when the reader is confused, she is right alongside them. The world is very interesting, and the side characters are very good. My favorite is definitely Dmitri. Even after knowing him for only a chapter, I felt disappointed when it looked like he was going to die. I will definitely keep reading. Keep up the good work!

Voir 1 Réponses
LV 3 Badge

Chae and Luke are so cute😍... also Jean-jean, also Owen, also eel😅 short everyone is so good😁 ... the plot itself is amazing 🤩 ...Thanks for this wonderful book

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For a novel that has the system tag, this is written well, and it isn't bombarded with RPG elements left and right. Overall the story has a very straightforward and clear direction. My only real criticism is how the protagonist ends up in this whole new world. The very early chapters seems extremely pushed, but the pacing gets more better from Chapter 3 and beyond. Great work author. Keep on writing.

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The language is neat and concise. The scenarios are set up well, and flow smoothly. the setting is clear to understand, and once you start reading, you keep anticipating the next scene. I usually love this genre.. and I think I found a keeper for my library! Try it, you wont regret it.!

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Where do I even start with this review... The author made a masterpiece with this. Not only is the female lead strong, but she also has quite a sense of humor. I'm currently in chapter 13 and I got so impressed with this, I had to stop my reading for a bit to review this. The fight scenes were so well planned and laid out. Each character in the book has a well-described personality that makes this book stand out from the fantasy books I've seen here. If you're contemplating starting this you should! This book makes you feel like you're living through every single moment! Ahh I'm ranting, I just love it that much and I highly recommend

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This book is absolute gold. Heck I just binged all the chapters in about half an hour. I never usually read books for that long without taking a break because it normally starts to become boring. With this book the plot is completely unique, which is a great thing because I see to many novels with overused plots these days. The grammar is absolutely amazing and I really admire the writing style it allows us as readers to get the full story in detail while also giving us insight on the characters thoughts. Absolutely amazing. I would give it a million stars if I could.

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This is an amazing story. And this is your first? This sounds quite sketchy. Anyway, I bet you had a wild ride writing this story, doing researches, and also nights where you were thinking about your story directions. The MC looks normal. Dimitri, it is alright and I also think those two are most probably going to be a couple in the future. And also a tip, stop writing a chapter at the title because this will confuse some readers, and the chapter numbers are automatic. Carry on, and you will probably get a comic adaptation one day.

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The synopsis is hooked & Unique...I loved every detailed scene in the story...The author's writing is well written...The author showcased very promising characters...Hats off to the author for bringing such innovative ideas into the story...Excellent work, Author! Kudos!

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This story is really well-written with little twists so far but lots of descriptions that make the events seem really. The characters are well-portrayed with their differences in personality clear and personal morals and ethics also clear. I would say that everything is done really well for a fantasy book, considering that usually webnovels focused on fantasy are more interested in the person levelling up, getting strong and yada yada. There are a few things that I think I should mention. There are a couple issues with the quotation. For instance (and because I'm on a phone and can't have double pages): “I ate some eggs.” I said, “my cats likes fish.” The period on the first piece of dialogue should've had a comma in its place, although not mandatory is commonplace. Secondly, the 'm' on 'MY' should be capitalized. This is a grammar mistake that happens on nearly every paragraph with this situation and it doesn't really hinder the quality of writing so it doesn't really need to be considered as 'Nooooooooooooooo'. Also, there are changes within the viewpoints and while this is okay as the settings are quite obvious, it won't be the case if the setting isn't as obvious. Switching the PoV is ok, there's nothing wrong with it, but just make sure that some like switching from third viewpoint to first viewpoint is done under the circumstances that the setting is completely different or somewhere in the stiry make a little marking for it. This hasn't come up yet, but I thought it should, just in case. Finally, I'm not entirely sure if it's known because sometimes it's not written like that, but after most ellipses (... Or ....) There usually should be a space. I'm not completely sure about quotations, but in a paragraph without quotations there should be a space. Sometimes this happens sometimes this doesn't. I'm not totally sure if it's a typo as sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. Overall, great story. Wolf is really really cute, Eel is creepy, and I hope hohoho dude shuts up for once (is he friggan psychopath santa???).

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Really enjoyed reading this story. The characters are very bouncy, and full of life, unlike so many boring characters that surround the protagonist in other stories. Also the author has a fun writing style that is enjoyable and light handed.

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Wow i really love that novel :) i just began to read it and it is such an addictive one, also i m french and the way the author wrote it it's very easy to read so i really appreciate it and enjoy it :) everyone should have a try it is really a good one :)

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I'm usually looking for more description in stories, but your writing style is so unique and the dialogue is so fun that it's just perfect the way it it! I do wish I'd get a bit more insight into the protagonist's thoughts because I simply love her inner monologue regarding the world she finds herself in. It's hilarious! Very well done!

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This novel is AMAZING XD I was hooked at the first chapter. The way the story started it awesome Really enjoyed it. Likeable characters, excellent setting and the plot is very intriguing. EXCELLENT!

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The synopsis and the story is really good! 🌺 The author's writing style can really grab the readers' attention 🍀 Just thinking about the lead character's adventure is very exciting! 🍁 Congratulations for a job well done and keep it up 💐

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Enjoying the story so far! It's a fun twist on transmigration. I'm very interested in where the system is pushing the main character. There are definitely some dark characters, so far I'm in love with the first general. Gotta love a crazy persona like his.

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LV 14 Badge

Where should I begin writing this review? Wait... I don't because this novel is a hidden gem and worth the read. Why should I waste my time in writing this review and not read it right away? It's so I can inform you people who are still hesitating to start reading the chapter already.

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I'm currently reading the third chapter. The story is a true masterpiece! The world feels like it can actually be turned into an actual video game some day since it has the sensation of an role playing game (rpg).

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This is a really amazing story! The plot is very good and the language is very well written. The description is superb!  The character is also well designed with all kinds of relationships. Can't wait to see how the story progresses. Keep up the good work author and thank you for producing good work for us to read! 

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