Tyra was taken aback by Ainsley's fluent dwarf language speaking skill, and so did the other guests.
All of them immediately looked at Ainsley as if she were a deity.
Jake was the first one to react and asked the baby.
"Ain, how did you know the dwarf language too? I thought there are too little elf and dwarf language tutors around us..."
So far, humans couldn't learn the elf or dwarf language without direct contact with the designated race.
Only the Elton academy, with so many teachers and instructors from races worldwide, could teach the students various non-human race languages.
This was also why many people wanted their children to enrol to the Elton Academy.
Basically, all mafia children's goal was to enrol at Elton Academy, while the noble children's goal was to enrol at the military academy or the human international abroad.
But there were still a lot of elites who picked Elton Academy over other academies.
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