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63.63% 7 Spirits Overgod! - Douluo Dalu Fanfic / Chapter 7: Innate Spirit Rings!

Chapitre 7: Innate Spirit Rings!

Above Star Luo Empire's large palace, gigantic black clouds were starting to form. Every person that saw this from below couldn't help but have an ominous feeling.


Staring at the orange lion phantom behind Dai Xingchen everyone in the hall couldn't help but be extremely shocked. Although it wasn't Evil Eyes White Tiger, everyone in the hall believed that it couldn't be a weak Martial Soul.

As for Grandpa Hei he was feeling quite conflicted. Although Dai Xingchen seemed to have awakened what looked like a powerful Martial Soul, he knew that because the boy had not awakened Evil Eyes White Tiger instead things might get complicated for him from now on.

Seeing that everyone was fully focused on the lion phantom behind him, Dai Xingchen immediately lowered his head and closed his eyes, he then started feeling the new warm power that appeared within his body. He was sure this was spirit power.

He then quietly muttered: "Daisy...."

Daisy then replied from within his body: "Innate Full Spirit Power Rank 30 my lord's chosen."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen became completely shocked a he thought: "How the hell did it get to thirty?!... Doesn't matter, I'll ask Daisy for the details later, for now I have to think of a way to implement my plan."

In truth Dai Xingchen did not wish to awaken a high spirit rank during his spirit awakening ceremony. However knowing that he possessed two martial souls he was sure that he would awaken with Innate Full Spirit Power.

Dai Xingchen knew that if he awakened with Innate Full Spirit Power the elders would just try to intensify the conflict between the princes, which was something Dai Xingchen did not want to happen. And even if he did not awaken Evil Eyes White Tiger just the fact that he was Innate Full Spirit Power he would immediately still be seen as a threat to the other princes. This would result in the people who were supporting the other princes to want to secretly get rid of him.

Simply put even if Dai Xingchen had no intentions of taking the throne just the fact that he possessed potential greater than the other two princes is enough of a reason for the other princes supporters to want him to disappear. After all Star Luo is an Empire that values strength above all else. As such the elders of Star Luo hold the belief that only the strongest should become Emperor. As such if Dai Xingchen chose not to pursue becoming Emperor he would be judged by the Elders as a threat to the other princes who were pursuing to become Emperor just from his potential. And if Dai Xingchen did decide to pursue becoming Emperor he would still be viewed as a threat by the other princes supporters. These views also naturally applied to the other princes as well. No matter what each prince is a threat to the other princes.

These were the rules that applied to Star Luo Imperial family's children ever since it's beginning. You have no siblings only enemies and only the strongest can stand tall while the others can only be stepping stones. This had been Star Luo's rules since it's founding, something that not even the Emperor can meddle in.

Realizing this Dai Xingchen thought long and hard for a solution. Eventually he came to one conclusion... He had to get himself expelled from the imperial family. This was the best outcome that could avoid further conflict. The other solution was to become so strong that he could single handedly overwhelm the entire Star Luo Empire with his might to the point where they would have no other choice but to listen to his words.

Since the latter was something he could not currently achieve he decided to go with the former. And the best way with the highest chance of him getting himself expelled from the imperial family was to show weakness! And the best chance to show weakness was when the time came to test his spirit power.

Daisy then said: "My lord's chosen I must remind you that once you implement your plan. Your spirit rank will stagnate once you cultivate to spirit rank 10. And it will only breakthrough rank 11 once you get your first spirit ring like any other spirit master. In short I just wanted to say that you're giving up an advantage here my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen simply nodded hearing Daisy's words.

Seeing this Daisy just simply sighed.

Dai Xinchen then took back his Martial Soul which resulted in his body returning to normal, he then raised his head to Grandpa Hei and said: "It seems my Martial Soul is a Lion Grandpa Hei!"

Hearing the third prince's voice everyone in the hall suddenly awoke from their trance at seeing Dai Xingchen's Lion Sin of Pride.

Grandpa Hei: "Ah y-yes it seems to be so third prince. Now why don't we move on to testing your spirit ra..."

But before he could finish his words, Dai Xingchen suddenly interrupted him.

Dai Xingchen: "Ah before that can I have a moment to catch my breath Grandpa Hei? I seem to feel a bit dizzy after awakening my Martial Soul."

Hearing this Grandpa Hei simply turned to the Emperor to see what he decides.

Dai Baihu sighed then nodded and said: "Alright one minute."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen gave a slight smile. He then sat down cross legged and took out a forehead protector that he had made himself from his pocket.

Seeing the forehead protector Grandpa Hei couldn't help but ask: "Third prince that is?"

Dai Xingchen just smiled and replied: "Just something to dry off the sweat on my forehead Grandpa Hei."

Grandpa Hei then simply nodded and turned to the elders behind him to discuss something.

Dai Xingchen then wore the forehead protector on his forehead. He then looked around the hall and saw that everyone had started discussing amongst themselves and were not paying attention to him. They all seem to be discussing his Lion Sin of Pride.

Dai Xingchen's expression then became serious as he quietly made a hand seal.

Dai Xingchen thought: "Strength of a Hundred Seal Activate!"

He then began storing his spirit power into the seal on his forehead.

Now since Dai Xingchen had just gained spirit power, his spirit rank had not yet fully consolidated and stabilized. As such now that he was storing his newly awakened spirit power into his Strength of a Hundred Seal his spirit rank began to quickly decrease.

Rank 29

Rank 28

Rank 27

Rank 26


As this was happening Daisy was doing her best using the primordial pagoda's aura to hide the energy fluctuations coming from Dai Xingchen's body caused by his spirit rank constantly decreasing.

Rank 5

Rank 4

Rank 3

Rank 2

Daisy then interrupted.

Daisy: "That should be enough my lord's chosen."


Dai Xingchen was unaware that when he began storing his spirit power into the Strength of a Hundred Seal, the gigantic ominous black clouds above Star Luo's palace also began to slowly disappear. The very moment his spirit rank dropped to 1 the black clouds had completely vanished.


Dai Xingchen then exhaled.

Seeing this Grandpa Hei then approached and asked: "Have you rested enough third prince?"

Dai Xingchen then stood up, smiled at Grandpa Hei and said: "I'm good Grandpa Hei."

Hearing this everyone once again gathered around Dai Xingchen.

Granpa Hei nodded then said: "Then we shall proceed with testing your spirit rank."

Grandpa Hei then took out a crystal ball from his storage spirit tool and said to Dai Xingchen: "Third prince please place your hands on this crystal ball."

Dai Xingchen then placed his hand on the crystal ball.


An extremely dim light then started to shine from the crystal ball. After a moment a number appeared within the crystal ball.


Seeing this everyone became silent.

As for Dai Xingchen he showed a slight smirk as he thought: "Exactly as planned."

Then suddenly....

"IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Shouted Dai Baihu.

Zhu Zhuhua then muttered: "That can't be."

Dai Weisi also thought as he stared in shock: "How... How is that possible?! Such an overbearing scorching heat actually came from a Martial Soul with an Innate Spirit Power of 1?!"

The 9 year old Dai Mubai also shouted: "There must be a mistake! The spirit power testing tool must be broken!"

Dai Baihu then commanded: "Immediately replace the spirit power testing tool!"

Dai Xingchen then tested his spirit power on several other spirit power testing tools.

However the results were still the same.

Innate Spirit Power Rank 1.

By this point everyone in the hall could not help but accept the facts in front of them. The third prince of Star Luo possessed terrible potential to be a spirit master, they all thought.

By this point Dai Baihu couldn't help but rub his nose bridge as he felt quite stressed. After a moment he turned to Grandpa Hei and said: "Protector Lao please escort the Third Prince back to his room, the elders and I must discuss something of utmost importance."

Grandpa Hei then bowed and said: "Understood Your Majesty."

Dai Xingchen then raised his head and stared at the now stressed Dai Baihu and thought: "Forgive me Father but I truly believe this is for the best."


Back in Dai Xingchen's room, Grandpa Hei quickly turned to the third prince and said: "Child stay here and keep silent. I have to go back and listen in on what the elders and his Majesty are going to discuss about, do you understand?"

Hearing his words Dai Xingchen simply nodded and said: "I understand Grandpa Hei."

After nodding to the boy, Grandpa Hei quickly opened the door and left the room.

After the door closed, Dai Xingchen immediately asked Daisy: "Daisy explain why is it that I have Innate Full Spirit Power Rank 30?"

Daisy then began to explain: "As you are well aware my lord's chosen the highest rank that a spirit master's spirit rank can reach once they awaken their Martial Soul is rank 10 which is also known as Innate Full Spirit Power. However there are some exceptions to this rule, one of which is when a spirit master awakens a Supreme Martial Souls."

Dai Xingchen then said: "I know about that. The Seraphim which is a Supreme Beast Spirit can bestow a spirit master with an Innate Full Spirit Power of 20 upon awakening it."

Daisy: "Yes however your two martial souls are even greater than that my lord's chosen. For your two martial souls are classified as Ultra Supreme Martial Souls."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen asked: "Ultra Supreme Martial Souls? What does that signify exactly?"

Daisy: "It signifies that your Martial Souls possess the potential to surpass even the gods."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but be startled as he muttered: "Surpass the Gods?...."

After a moment Dai Xingchen shook his head and said: "We'll discuss more of this later Daisy."

Daisy: "Understood My lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen then took out a small mirror from his Requip Space. He then removed the forehead protector on his forehead. He then raised the mirror to his front and stared at his face on the mirror.

On his forehead was a blurry diamond shape mark that was barely visible.

Seeing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but smile as he muttered: "Even though I've reduced my spirit rank to 1, I've at least established a good foundation for my Strength of a Hundred Seal."

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen remembered: "Oh yeah I haven't checked what my Sword Martial Soul had become have I?"

Dai Xingchen then sat down cross legged and closed his eyes.

After a moment Dai Xingchen muttered: "I can feel it."

He then raised his left hand which was now glowing with blue light and released his second Martial Soul.


A bright blue light then flashed.

When Dai Xingchen opened his eyes he saw a blade floating above his left palm. The blade seemed to have a length similar to a short sword, it's shape resembled that of a Khyber knife, it had a black blade and a silver edge and it's hilt seemed to be completely wrapped in white cloth.

Seeing the blade Dai Xingchen couldn't help but mutter: "This... Is this Zangetsu? But... why is it so small?"

Daisy then said: "I believe it is due to your low Spirit Rank my lord's chosen. Once your spirit rank increases I am sure that the Zangetsu Blade's size will also increase along with it."

"I see...." Said Dai Xingchen.

He then grasped the Zangetsu Blade's hilt and showed a slight smile.

Dai Xingchen then thought: "I wonder how strong my Absolute Blade Arts will become once I execute them with Zangetsu?"

Dai Xingchen then thought of something and decided to infuse a bit of his Mysterious Energy into his Zangetsu Blade.

And suddenly with a flash of blue light the Zangetsu Blade grew a bit larger.

Seeing this Dai Xingchen's eyes shined as he thought: "It seems I can also empower my Martial Souls with my Mysterious Energy."

It was at this moment that a golden ring of light suddenly started to rise from below Dai Xingchen.

Staring at the golden ring that rose from below him, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but be shocked.

Dai Xingchen: "Daisy what is this? How did I get a spirit ring?"

Daisy then replied: "That is your Innate Spirit Ring My lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen: "Innate Spirit Ring?"

Daisy: "As you are well aware my lord's chosen two souls had merged with your Zangetsu Blade. The Innate spirit ring is basically the manifestation of the skills and abilities those souls once possessed."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but think: "My sword Martial Soul turned into Zangetsu.... Could it be....."

Dai Xingchen: "Daisy let me enter the special realm!"

Daisy: "Understood my lord's chosen."

And with flash of black light Dai Xingchen disappeared from where he stood.


Inside the primordial pagoda's special realm Dai Xingchen could be seen standing in front of a training dummy. In his hands was none other than the Zangetsu Blade.

Dai Xingchen then infused his Mysterious Energy into the Zangetsu Blade once again.


And just like before a golden spirit ring suddenly rose from below him. He then closed his eyes and began to focus his concentration on his innate spirit ring.

Dai Xingchen: "I can.... sense it.... three spirit skills."

He then opened his eyes and thought: "My current spirit power is still too low. Let's see if my Mysterious Energy can act as a substitute for spirit power."

He then infused his Mysterious Energy into his innate spirit ring as he focused on one of the three spirit skills.

"Ha!" He then swung his Zangetsu Blade towards the training dummy.

And suddenly a crescent shaped blue energy slash was unleashed.


The training dummy was blasted to pieces.

Seeing this Dai Xingchen's eyes grew wide with shock as he muttered: "It's really.... Getsuga Tensho!"

Dai Xingchen then continued to train with his Zangetsu Blade.


After several hours of training Dai Xingchen could now be seen lying on the ground and heavily panting.

Dai Xingchen: "Hah...Hah...Hah..."

Daisy then appeared beside him and said: "It seems the amount of energy your Zangetsu Blade's innate spirit skills require is quite large my lord's chosen."

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen remembered: "Daisy does my Lion Sin of Pride also possess an Innate Spirit Ring?"

Daisy nodded: "That is indeed so my lord's chosen."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen immediately activated his Lion Sin of Pride Martial Soul.

His body then became taller, his arms up to his shoulders as well as the lower part of his neck then became covered with orange fur.

After activating his Lion Sin of Pride, Dai Xingchen then infused Mysterious Energy throughout his entire body.

And just like with the Zangetsu Blade before, a golden spirit ring then rose from below him.

Seeing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but smile.


After an hour of testing the Innate Spirit Skills of the Lion Sin of Pride, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but frown.

Of the three spirit skills bestowed to him by the Lion Sin of Pride's Innate Spirit Ring, he seems to only be able to use one.

Daisy then says: "It seems that the main reason as to why you can't use the other two spirit skills is due to the fact that the amount of Mysterious Energy you possess is insufficient my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen then deactivated his Lion Sin of Pride and said: "Yeah it seems that I have to wait until my spirit power increases before I can use them."


Back in Douluo, Dai Baihu had just finished discussing with the Elders about what to do with Dai Xingchen now that he has awakened with a measly Innate Spirit Power of 1.

At this moment the Emperor of Star Luo could be seen rubbing his nose bridge once again.

Zhu Zhuhua then approaches him and says: "Well at least they agreed to let him stay with us for another 3 months."

Dai Baihu sighed: "Yeah.... But I just can't believe it. How is it possible that one of my sons only had an Innate Spirit Power of 1?"

Since Dai Xingchen had awakened an Innate Spirit Power of 1, the Elders of Star Luo naturally tried to convince Dai Baihu to expel him from the imperial family. After all in an Empire like Star Luo that valued strength more than anything else, a prince with an Innate Spirit Power of 1 was not only considered an embarrassment but also a disgrace.

Dai Baihu thought hard about it and eventually decided that expelling Dai Xingchen from the imperial family might indeed be the right choice. If he allowed Dai Xingchen to stay as the third prince, chances are he will have to carry the burden of being the imperial family's disgrace for the rest of his life. But if he were to expel him, then Dai Xingchen would have the opportunity to live a normal life without any heavy burdens. In fact Dai Baihu could even secretly send him a large amount of wealth so that he could live an easy life.

Zhu Zhuhua then hugged her husband and said: "Don't worry Xingchen is a smart boy he'll be able to take care of himself."

Dai Baihu then sighed once again and said: "I just feel like..... I failed Jiayi. I'm now even forced into a situation where I have no other choice but to expel our son from our family."

Zhu Zhuhua sighed: "Look at the bright side. Once he is expelled from the imperial family, he won't have to be forced to fight his brothers."

Hearing her words Dai Baihu couldn't help but nod: "You're right.... Expelling him from the family will indeed spare him from such a fate."

Zhu Zhuhua: "Actually even if we expel him from the family it doesn't mean he has to live away from us."

Hearing this Dai Baihu couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean Zhuhua?"

Zhu Zhuhua: "Since Xingchen has already been promised to Zhu Zhuling, we could secretly have the Zhu family adopt him as an official son in law."

Hearing this Dai Baihu thought for a moment then said: "But will the Zhu family agree to such a thing?"

Zhu Zhuhua then showed a devious smile and said: "Leave that part to me. Don't forget my influence within the Zhu family isn't weak my dear husband."

Seeing her devious smile, Dai Baihu couldn't help but give a forced smile. How could he forget how terrifying his wife can be.

Dai Baihu thought: "Knowing my wife she probably has enough dirt to blackmail all of the high ranking members of the Zhu family."


When Dai Xingchen left the primordial pagoda's special realm, he couldn't help but ask Daisy about something that's been on his mind ever since he awakened his martial souls.

Dai Xingchen: "Hey Daisy were the nine souls that entered my spiritual sea beings from anime worlds?"

Daisy: "That seems to be so My Lord's Chosen."

Dai Xingchen: "You didn't know?"

Daisy: "Unfortunately no my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen then asked: "So were the two souls that fused with my sword martial soul the two halves of Zangetsu?"

Daisy: "No my lord's chosen. The two halves of Zangetsu counts as only one soul."

Dai Xingchen: "Then that means....."

Daisy: "Yes there are still slumbering souls within both your Zangetsu Blade and Lion Sin of Pride. I predict that when these slumbering souls awaken your two martial souls will also undergo a type of Second Awakening like transformation."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but think: "I see so there are still such things within my Martial Souls."


A week after Dai Xingchen underwent his spirit awakening ceremony rumors of the third prince possessing an innate spirit power rank of 1 started to spread throughout Star Luo. At first people didn't believe this, but after realizing that the Imperial Family had not released any news regarding Dai Xingchen's spirit awakening ceremony, people couldn't help but start to believe.

Two weeks after the rumors started spreading, the Zhu family suddenly announced big news. The Zhu family head's niece Zhu Zhuling unexpectedly awakened with Innate Full Spirit Power, and it was even stated that her Martial Soul was a superior variation martial soul! A puma with white fur that emanated lunar light. It was said that this puma martial soul even had a crescent moon shaped mark on it's forehead similar to the one on Zhu Zhuling's forehead. As such the Elders of the Zhu family named this martial soul..... Crescent Moon Lunar Puma!

During these three weeks Dai Xingchen had discovered that his Lion Sin of Pride had unexpected side effects. One specific side effect was regarding his cultivation.

Simply put when he cultivates under the sunlight, his cultivation speed becomes ten times faster. However when he cultivates during the night, his cultivation speed becomes one fourth of it's original speed. Thanks to the former part of this side effect Dai Xingchen was able to quickly reach the spirit rank of 8 within only these three weeks.

Another thing that occurred was the fact that Dai Xingchen's Super Soldier Physique and Mysterious Energy had both greatly improved. Daisy estimated that his Super Soldier Physique even without opening the first gate, was now capable of allowing Dai Xingchen to face off against an elite Rank 25 Spirit Grandmaster with two hundred years spirit rings. As for his Mysterious Energy, the amount now seems to have grown to a level equivalent to that of the spirit power possessed by a rank 21 Spirit Grandmasters.

When Dai Xingchen asked Daisy how it was that his Mysterious Energy increased, Daisy stated that it seems to increase whenever he cultivates under the sunlight, which led Dai Xingchen to believe that this must be a side effect of his Lion Sin of Pride as well.


During these past few days the members of the Zhu family were having a major headache. They had originally planned on getting rid of Zhu Zhuling who they had viewed as their 'burden' due to her weak constitution by marrying her off to the third prince of Star Luo making her the imperial family's problem instead. But now things had been turned upside down. Zhu Zhuling had awakened with Innate Full Spirit Power and possessed a superior variation Martial Soul while as the third prince had revealed terrible potential to be a spirit master by awakening an Innate Spirit Power of 1.

Realizing the current situation the Elders of the Zhu family had planned to cancel the engagement between the two but before they could do so, they were suddenly visited by Zhu Zhuhua who unleashed her most terrible ultimate weapon against them..... BLACKMAIL!

Due to Zhu Zhuhua's blackmail, not only were they unable to cancel the promised engagement between Dai Xingchen and Zhu Zhuhua, but they also had to promise to adopt Dai Xingchen as their Zhu family's official son in law. Seeing the current situation the elders of the Zhu family couldn't help but sigh. Zhu Zhuling was now the number one genius among their family's younger generation and yet she was now actually officially engaged to the third prince of Star Luo who possessed horrible potential as a spirit master.

By this point the head of the Zhu family couldn't help but look up at the ceiling and mutter: "Could this be karma?"

They had originally planned on dumping Zhu Zhuling to the imperial family but now the imperial family was dumping Dai Xingchen to them instead.


At this moment Dai Xingchen could be seen sitting on the palace gardens reading a letter sent by Zhu Zhuling. On his forehead was a forehead protector. He had decided to wear one from now on to hide the blurry Strength of a Hundred Seal mark on his forehead.

After reading the letter Dai Xingchen couldn't help but smile.

Grandpa Hei then approached and said: "You seem quite happy today."

Dai Xingchen then said: "I'm just relieved that the Zhu family's elders are now finally taking good care of Zhuling."

Grandpa Hei nodded: "With the shocking potential she revealed, it would be impossible for them not to make her their top priority."

A guard then suddenly came up to Grandpa Hei and whispered something in his ear.

Grandpa Hei then turned to Dai Xingchen and said: "Child I must go there are some matters that I have to attend to."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen simply nodded and said: "I understand Grandpa Hei."

Granpa Hei then nodded back and left.

After Grandpa Hei left Dai Xingchen decided to walk around the palace's garden looking for a good place to cultivate under the sunlight.

As he reached a secluded spot within the garden, a teenage boy suddenly stood in front of him.

Seeing who it was Dai Xingchen was somewhat startled: "It's you?"

"So you do remember me, that's right it's me Chou Haozhu!" Said Chou Haozhu.

Dai Xingchen then tilted his head and said: "Was that your name? Sorry I kinda forgot."

"Brat you!" Shouted Chou Haozhu as he gritted his teeth in anger after hearing Dai Xingchen's words.

Dai Xingchen: "Oh so um... did you need something?"

Chou Haozhu then stared at Dai Xingchen with excited eyes as he said: "Brat today I'm finally gonna have my revenge on you for what you did to me three years ago!"

Dai Xingchen: "But that was an accident."

Hearing this Chou Haozhu shouted: "Accident?.... BULLSHIT! You fractured both my hand and my jaw!"

Dai Xingchen then thought of an excuse: "But I was three."

"YOU!..." Hearing his words Chou Haozhu's face began to turn red as he was once again reminded of the embarrassment of being so badly beaten by a three year old child.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" Shouted Chou Haozhu as he released his morning star martial soul. Below him two yellow rings also started to rise.

Seeing the two yellow rings Dai Xingchen was somewhat surprised: "You've achieved Spirit Grandmaster?"

Chou Haozhu then sneered: "That's right, and it's all thanks to you. Because of what you did to me three years ago, I worked extremely hard to cultivate and find a way to get back at you. It was because of this that I eventually became the number one genius among my family's children. I became a fifteen year old Rank 21 Spirit Grandmaster thanks to you HAHAHAHA!"

Chou Haozhu then said: "At first I was really hesitant on getting my revenge on you, after all you were a prince."

Chou Hazhu's sneer then became even wider: "But now that it's been revealed that you're nothing more than trash that possesses an Innate Spirit Power of 1, I'm sure the Imperial Family won't care if I break some of your bones."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen was completely calm as he asked: "Are you not afraid of attracting the Guards with what you're about to do?"

Chou Haozhu simply maintained his sneer: "Guards?.... Hehe I gave them some gold and told them to take a break!"

Dai Xingchen: "I see...."

Seeing Dai Xingchen's calm face Chou Haozhu became quite irritated.

Chou Haozhu: "Don't think I'm an idiot! I know better than anyone that you posses superhuman strength."

"Which is why I made sure to hire some insurance." Said Chou Haozhu as he snaps his fingers.


Suddenly over a dozen large men appeared and surrounded Dai Xingchen from all sides.

Daisy then commented: "Most of them are Spirit Grandmasters while as three of them seem to be Spirit Elders my lord's chosen."

Seeing the situation Dai Xingchen couldn't help but give slight smile as he thought: "Well looks like I have a rare chance to cut loose."

Chou Hazhu then said: "Now let's see if you can still be so calm whe.... Huh?"

Before Chou Haozhu could continue his words, Dai Xingchen had already vanished from where he stood.

Phantom Flicker Movement!

Appearing behind Chou Haozhu, Dai Xingchen immediately performed a spinning low kick, successfully throwing the viscount's son off balance.

Leaf Gale!

"Eh?.." Muttered Chou Haozhu who had absolutely no clue what just happened.

But before his body landed on the ground, Dai Xingchen delivered a powerful kick infused with Mysterious Energy straight to his back.


Sending the viscount's son colliding with the nearby trees.


"Ugh." Muttered Chou Haozhu as he was now holding his back in pain.

"This?!!" Exclaimed the several large men after seeing what had just happened.

By this point Dai Xingchen then turned his head towards the over a dozen large men and smiled.

Seeing this the large men immediately knew that Dai Xingchen was taunting them.

One of the three Spirit Elders then stepped up and shouted: "What are you all afraid of, he's just a brat!"

After saying those words the Spirit Elder suddenly became somewhat fat as his entire body became covered in fur. He had released his Martial Soul.... Hamster!

Three spirit rings then started to rise from below him.

1 white 2 yellow.

Inferior spirit ring combination!

Seeing this Dai Xingchen also didn't hesitate to release his Martial Soul.

A massive orange lion phantom then appeared for a split second, then Dai Xingchen's body completely changed to his Lion Sin of Pride form.

The Hamster Spirit Elder's third spirit ring then shined.

Hamster Spirit Elder: "3rd Ring Spirit Skill - Rolling Crash!"

The Hamster Spirit Elder then became a ball of fluff and started rolling towards Dai Xingchen at great speed.

As the rolling ball of fluff came towards him Dai XIngchen did not move and instead simply stood there with a smirk.

When the ball of fluff was close enough, Dai Xingchen simply raised his right hand and successful stopped the ball of fluff in it's tracks.

Must know that Dai Xingchen's Lion Sin of Pride grants him a massive boost to his physical attributes. Coupled with his Super Soldier Physique, stopping an ordinary spirit elder with an inferior spirit ring combination was quite easy.

"This?!" Everyone who was watching were once again shocked.

But there was no one more shocked than the Hamster Spirit Elder. Must know that this was his strongest spirit skill.

"How is this possible?!" Muttered the Hamster Spirit Elder.

Dai Xingchen then sighed and said: "You truly are impressive Mr. Hamster.... I originally thought that I could stop you with only one finger, but to think I would have to use one hand instead. You should rejoice in knowing that you've forced I, the third prince of Star Luo Dai Xingchen to actually use a hand against you."

Hearing his words everyone watching was suddenly dumbfounded.

Daisy sighed: "It seems the Lions Sin of Pride's side effect has kicked in again."

Indeed one of the side effects of the Lion Sin of Pride was the fact that whenever Dai Xingchen used it, it made him somewhat arrogant. In short it literally made his pride flare up.

"You brat!" Hearing Dai Xingchen's words completely enraged the Hamster Spirit Elder. He tried his best to push back Dai Xingchen by constantly rolling forward, but it was to no avail.

By this point Dai Xingchen had had enough and smacked the ball of fluff away.


"Ugh!" The Hamster Spirit Elder had landed on the ground.

The Hamster Spirit Elder then turned to the other large men and shouted: "What are you all still doing? Hurry and attack him already! Don't forget Young Master Chou is paying us a large sum of gold for this!"

Hearing his words the over a dozen or so spirit masters launched a barrage of attacks against Dai Xingchen.


Dai Xingchen easily dodged all of their attacks with his phantom flicker movement. What's more each time he would dodge an attack he would sigh and shake his head as if clearly disappointed at his enemy's attacks. Which naturally ticked off the over a dozen spirit masters.

One of them then said: "Dammit, this kid's making fools of us!"

Another one then said: "Concentrate your attacks at one point!"

By focusing their attacks onto one trajectory, they were able to create a large chain of energy attacks.

Seeing this Dai Xingchen smiled and nodded: "Now that's more like it."

He then raised his finger and a gold spirit ring suddenly appeared below him. The golden spirit ring then flashed as he muttered: "Innate Ring Spirit Skill - Cruel Sun."

A marble sized ball of flame suddenly appeared in front of his finger.

Seeing this one of the Spirit Elders who had not yet taken action sneered and said: "Hah so what if you had a spirit ring? You think that marble sized ball of fire could..."

But before he could finish his words, the marble sized cruel sun then rushed towards the chain of attacks. Easily overpowering the energy attacks with it's scorching heat.

Seeing this the last spirit elder couldn't help but exclaim: "What! That marble sized ball of fire was actually able to overpower that chain of attacks?!"

When the marble sized cruel sun finally arrive at the front of the group of Spirit Grandmasters, Dai Xingchen muttered: "Pride Flare...."


The marble sized cruel sun shined brightly as it flared up and unleashed a massive amount of heat onto the group of Spirit Grandmasters.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Shouted the Spirit Grandmasters who could all feel the unbearable scorching heat.


When the smoke cleared the over a dozen or so Spirit Gandmasters had fallen unconscious from the unbearable heat.

Dai Xingchen then laughed in satisfaction: "Haha very good, the fact that you all simply lost consciousness from that makes you all barely qualified as my early morning punching bags. You should rejoice!"

"This brat.... Damn!" Cursed the three Spirit Elders.

The Hamster Spirit Elder then said to the other two: "We'll have to work together against that brat otherwise we'll all be beaten unconscious too like the others!"

Hearing his words the two spirit elders nodded to each other. They then released their Martial Souls.

One spirit elder then grew a pair of kangaroo ears along with a kangaroo tail. His Martial Soul was undoubtedly Kangaroo.

As for the last spirit elder, a pair of brass knuckles suddenly appeared on his hands.

Their spirit ring configurations were similar to the Hamster Spirit Elder's.

1 white, 2 yellow.

Seeing the three spirit elders who were now looking intently at him, Dai Xingchen said with a smile: "It seems you three also wish to be my early morning punching bags. Well no need to be shy come at me as much as you want."

The Kangaroo Spirit Elder: "Tch! Don't be so arrogant brat!"

He then jumped up high and shouted: "2nd Ring Spirit Skill - Furious Kangaroo Descent!"

He then descended down a kick filled with power at great speed towards Dai Xingchen.

The Hamster Spirit Elder then quickly appeared behind Dai Xingchen and wrapped his arms around the boy's body.

The Hamster Spirit Elder: "2nd Ring Spirit Skill - Hamster Lock."

The Hamster Spirit Elder's arms then became harder as his hold over Dai Xingchen's body became even tighter.

The Hamster Spirit Elder then sneered and said: "With this there's no way you'll be able to dodge!"

The Brass Knuckles Spirit Elder also rushed towards Dai Xingchen.

The Brass Knuckles Spirit Elder: "3rd Ring Spirit Skill - Great Power Knuckle!"

The brass knuckle on his right hand then became covered in thick yellow colored energy.

As for Dai Xingchen he simply smiled at the sight of all of this.

When the kick and the fist were just about a meter away from him, he immediately used the Mysterious Energy within his body and increased the heat emanated by the Lion Sin of Pride.

"Ugh!" By this point the Hamster Spirit Elder felt that his arms had been dipped in scorching lava, resulting in him loosening his hold over Dai Xingchen.

Dai Xingchen then focused his Mysterious Energy into his right elbow then delivered an elbow strike to the Hamster Spirit Elder's gut.

"Ugh!" The Hamster Spirit Elder was then forced back by Dai Xingchen's elbow strike.

Dai Xingchen then quickly raised his two hands, with his left hand catching the kangaroo spirit elder's kick and his right hand catching the brass knuckle spirit elder's punch.

Dai Xingchen was then pushed back by about half a step.

Seeing this the two spirit elders shouted: "IMPOSSIBLE!"

By this point Dai Xingchen sighed as he said: "How shameful of me to be actually forced back by half a step by insignificant fodder such as you two."

"BASTARD!" Shouted the two spirit elders.

Dai Xingchen then tossed the kangaroo spirit elder away as he jumped up in the air.

He then fully focused his Mysterious Energy to his legs and feet then delivered a super fast spin kick towards the brass knuckle spirit elder's face.

Leaf Whirlwind!


As he was descending down he delivered another kick towards the brass knuckle spirit elder's abdomen.


Easily sending him flying.

When the Hamster Spirit Elder finally recovered from Dai Xingchen's elbow strike he suddenly saw Dai Xingchen rushing towards him.

Dynamic Entry!


Dai Xingchen had successfully delivered a jump kick to the Hamster Spirit Elder's face. Completely knocking him out.

When Dai Xingchen landed he immediately turned towards the direction of the kangaroo spirit elder and smirked.

"3rd Ring Spirit Skill - Kangaroo Wild Rush!" Shouted the kangaroo spirit elder as he rushed towards Dai Xingchen with his full speed.


The kangaroo spirit elder's body then became completely covered in yellow light as his speed and momentum seem to have increased by more than double.

Dai Xingchen then simply pointed his finger towards him and....

Dai Xingchen: "Innate Ring Spirit Skill - Cruel Sun."

His golden ring once again flashed as a marble sized cruel sun was shot from his finger at great speed straight towards the kangaroo spirit elder.

"HAAAAAAH!!!" Screamed the kangaroo spirit elder as he was about to collide with the marble sized cruel sun. With his current speed along with the speed of the marble sized cruel sun he just couldn't dodge.


The kangaroo spirit elder was sent flying the moment he collided with the marble sized cruel sun.


Crashing on a tree, the kangaroo spirit elder was also completely knocked out. A small part of his chest seem to also be badly burned.

By this point all of the spirit masters brought by Chou Haozhu had been beaten unconscious.

The entire fight lasted only a little over a minute.

By this point Chou Hazhu had finally gotten up again. As he walked towards Dai Xingchen with eyes full of rage, he shouted: "Brat I'll make you pay for... Wha?!"

Chou Haozhu had finally laid eyes on the current situation. All of the spirit masters he had hired to help him were all on the ground completely unconscious. Some of them even had terrible burn marks on their bodies.

When Dai Xingchen finally noticed Chou Hazhu he simply laughed and said: "Does Young Master Chou also wish to be one of my early morning punching bags?"

By this point Chou Haozhu was already shaking in fear: "N-No.... T-T-This cant be!.... H-How could you possibly...."

But before he could finish, Dai Xingchen had disappeared from his sights once again.


Dai Xingchen had kicked Chou Haozhu on the chin, sending him flying up high.

As Chou Haozhu was still in the air, Dai Xingchen quickly turned into a blur and appeared behind him.

Shadow of the Dancing Leaf!

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen noticed something.

Dai Xingchen: "Hmm?.... He's already unconscious."

Realizing this Dai Xingchen decided to cease his attack. There was no point in attacking an unconscious opponent.

Dai Xingchen then simply landed down on the ground.


Chou Haozhu's unconscious body also simply landed on the ground.

Staring at the unconscious Chou Haozhu, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but sigh as he muttered: "And here I thought I had a chance to try the Front Lotus."

Seeing that all of them had been completely knocked out, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but smile as he nodded and said: "They truly were descent quality punching bags for early morning exercise."

After saying that Dai Xingchen quickly used his Phantom Flicker Movement and disappeared from the garden's secluded area.


Appearing outside the garden's secluded area, Dai Xingchen immediately deactivated his Lion Sin of Pride.

By this point Dai Xingchen was grimacing as he covered his face with his hand.

Dai Xingchen: "I can't believe I said those things."

Indeed! As an elite soldier in his previous life, being put in a state where he couldn't completely control his pride made Dai Xingchen feel quite uncomfortable.

It was at this moment that he suddenly heard a voice call out to him.

"Third Prince!"

Raising his head Dai Xingchen immediately saw who it was.

Dai Xingchen: "Grandpa Hei?!"

Grandpa Hei then approached him and asked: "Third Prince I've been hearing loud noises coming from this part of the garden is everything alright?"

Dai Xingchen(cold sweat): "Um.... it was... Chou Haozhu. He was sparring with his friends in the garden's secluded area. Yeah that's it."

Grandpa Hei: "Ah yes I have been hearing rumors of Viscount Chou's son being hard working lately."

Dai Xingchen(cold sweat): "Y-Yeah he was really hard working. In fact I even saw him passed out on the grass due to being exhausted from all the hard work he's been doing."

Grandpa Hei nodded: "Yes it is indeed nice to see Star Luo's younger generation being hard working."

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen heard another voice coming towards him.


It was Zhu Zhuling with a slight smile on her face. Behind her were five female elders from the Zhu family escorting her.

Seeing her Dai Xingchen couldn't help but smile as he said: "Zhuling."

And like always Zhu Zhuling immediately clung onto Dai Xingchen's arm.

However the moment she did so, something felt different for both Dai Xingchen and Zhu Zhuling.

They felt as if the energies in their bodies were somewhat.... connected.

Daisy: "It seems you and Zhu Zhuling possess a spirit harmonization rate of 100% my lord's chosen."

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