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5.46% Douluo: My Spirit Is a Spirit Ring [Completed] / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Do or Die

Chapitre 17: Chapter 17: Do or Die

After Tang Jiu announced his spirit power level, he snapped his spirit ring martial spirit onto himself and two purple spirit rings emerged from his body.

At this moment, it directly blinded the opponent's eyes.

"What? Spirit Grand Master?"

Both Sox and Kasha were dumbfounded, how was this possible? Yesterday it was one spirit ring, and today it turned into two spirit rings!

How on earth did this come about?

Did he go to the spirit Hunting Forest last night?

I don't think so. He was under constant surveillance!

Zhang Feng's head was even more dizzy, in a state of disorientation, a 6 year old spirit Grand Master, there was no justice!

Tang Jiu's eyes narrowed, what he wanted was this shocking effect. Don't think he was playing it cool, he was actually creating a psychological gap for the other party.

Taking advantage of the fact that all three of them were dazed, Tang Jiu immediately used his spirit Bone skill, Berserk!

As the saying goes, it's better to hurt him with ten fingers than to break him with one!

He swooped towards Zhang Feng, who was the weakest, and swung his hammer violently.

"Get out of the way!"

When Sox saw Tang Jiu's sudden attack, he too realised the problem and immediately yelled towards Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng instinctively turned to run away, he was on the verge of tears, why is it always me who gets hurt?

His brother had been killed by a punch and a kick, he certainly didn't think he was a match.

Unfortunately, his physical quality was already not as good as Tang Jiu's, and his speed was even worse. Tang Jiu had also turned on berserk, increasing his speed by 30%, and just as he turned around, Tang Jiu's hammer had already smashed heavily into his back.

Just as he heard a click, Zhang Feng's entire spine was smashed and he died on the spot.

"Damn it, the first spirit technique, Shadow Raid!"

As a Agility spirit Master, Kasha was much faster than Sox, and immediately summoned her Centurion spirit Technique, her body turning into a shadow and rushing towards Tang Jiu's.

"Dad, you're here? Great!"

Tang Jiu suddenly shouted in surprise, and Kasha's body that had just rushed in front of Tang Jiu's body was like an electric shock, folding back at an even faster speed, looking around warily, her face green with fear.

Her body hovered high in the air, not even daring to come down and search for Tang Hao's figure.

But this look almost made her angry, where was there anyone around?

And at this moment, Tang Jiu had already rushed out a few dozen metres towards the front, turning back and not forgetting to mock, "Did it scare you to death? So little guts? You still dare to kill me?"

"Damn it, little brat, I'll skin you alive!"

Kasha gritted his silver teeth, his anger almost burning his sanity.

They had come to assassinate Tang Jiu, and this very moment they met, they were directly killed in seconds by a person, and she was even scared to shrink back by a single word.

This had caused her to lose face!

"Chase! If he doesn't die today, we will die!"

Sox roared in fury and frantically chased after Tang Jiu.

"I'm a miracle talent destined by heaven, killing me will create heaven's wrath!" Tang Jiu was running away while still forgetting his mouth.

"Heaven's wrath? I am ready for one" Kasha flew behind Tang Jiu, getting closer and closer.

"Is that so?"

Tang Jiu said with a heated smile, "I pray that you are condemned by the heavens so that you have one less spirit ring than others!"

"Bullshit, how could my spirit ring be less ....."

As Kasha was saying, suddenly her pupils shrank, once again frozen in the air, Sox not so sure, busy asking, "Kasha, chase him!"

"I... My thousand year spirit ring is gone! The spirit skill is gone too!"

Kasha's face was pale, had he really been condemned by the heavens?

This was too evil!

What's even more terrifying was that her spirit power had been decreased by three levels, directly dropped to level 30, if not for her good heart, she would have collapsed by now!

Sox fixed his eyes and sure enough, there were only two spirit rings left on Kasha's body, he was shocked but immediately comforted, "Baby, don't be afraid, it's probably a special spirit ring skill! There's something odd about that Millennium spirit Ring that suddenly appeared on this kid."

Kasha immediately agreed with this, he couldn't help it, was he going to believe that he had really been deprived of a spirit ring?

"First spirit Skill, Shadow Surge!"

Kasha's speed steeply increased, her body was like a shadow as she swept towards Tang Jiu, this time even if the sky fell, she wouldn't stop again, saying that she would pester Tang Jiu no matter what and wait until Sox came over to finish him off.

"You go to hell! Look at my spirit bone skill, Meteor Flying Hammer!"

Tang Jiu had long since taken out an 800 pound hammer from the twelve golden hairpins, confusing the enemy, and turned back towards Kasha with a flying hammer.

"You have spirit bones? Ridiculous! You can't fool me this time!"

Kasha gritted her teeth and roared, not slowing down at all, but when a hammer suddenly appeared in front of her, her face changed dramatically and she just wanted to change direction, but she found that her suppressed spirit power and spirit ring had returned.

This directly increased her to speed faster than before, as well as causing her to be severely distracted.

"Not good!"

By the time Kasha reacted, the war hammer was already in front of her, and it was simply too late to dodge it.

She gritted her teeth and used her hand to try to pry the hammer away to avoid being hit in the chest, but as soon as it made contact, she felt a huge force crush her arm straight away.

Kasha screamed in agony and went straight through the air and down.

Her arm was shattered, and that's not something a normal person can take!

"Silly! I've told you I'm going to throw the war hammer, but you didn't believe me!" Tang Jiu laughed out loud, he had lied to her twice, and the third time he told the truth, she really didn't believe him!

Kasha was so angry that she almost vomited blood, her eyes were bloodshot, she wanted to cut Tang Jiu to pieces!

"I'm about to unleash my spirit Bone skill again, watch the Meteor Flying Hammer!" Tang Jiu shouted and turned back to make the action of throwing the hammer again.

When Kasha saw Tang Jiu's movement, she was scared to death, if she was hit by the hammer again, she might be killed!

"Third spirit Skill, Shadow Shift!"

Kasha immediately launched her Millennium spirit Skill, her body was like a shadow, landing directly on the ground, but there was a hammer at this time!

"You've fallen for it again! This time I'm really throwing a flying hammer!"

Tang Jiu unceremoniously threw the hammer in his hand and smashed it towards Kasha, while the spirit Ring Martial Spirit set to Kasha, distracting her once more and suppressing her speed.

Although she was highly concentrated, the distance between them was too close, only ten meters apart, so it was too late to use her spirit skills.

This time, she miscalculated again, thinking that the two hammers weighed about the same and that it was just another broken arm, so at least she could still fight, but this one weighed 3,500 pounds!

It was a struggle for her to hold it, not to mention the increased berserk strength and speed by Tang Jiu.

The hammer broke her arm without a hitch, and grazed her ribs with unrelenting force, and Kasha fell to the ground with a howl, several ribs broken, completely incapacitated.

If the hammer had been more accurate, it would have killed her in seconds!

Tang Jiu secretly sighed in pity, then looked back at the stupid bear running over, a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth.

Three people surrounded himself, one dead and one disabled, just in time to send this last one on his way!

Sox was worthy of being a man who had seen life and death before, he did not go over to check on his wife's miserable condition, but only said comfortingly, "Don't worry, when I kill this little beast, I will take you back for treatment, it will be fine!"

"En! You be careful, he's too treacherous!"

Kasha's delicate face was covered in cold sweat, her lips were trembling with pain at the moment.

Tang Jiu chuckled and said, "Are you guys preparing your last words for your deathbed? I can let you all talk for a little longer, don't say I didn't give you a chance!"

"I'll smash your head in!"

Sox's eyes were red, his beautiful and gorgeous blonde wife, who was almost killed by Tang Jiu, how could he still want to talk nonsense to Tang Jiu.

With an angry roar, his yellow spirit ring shone, "First spirit skill, Powerful Bear Palm!"

This was a spirit skill from the two hundred year old spirit beast, the Black Bear, which could increase its strength by 35%, but it didn't add up with the number of spirit rings like Tang Jiu.

But this way, the increase in power provided was also terrifying.

The swinging arm wheeled up with a whistling wind sound.

"Then let me show you the fear of my second martial spirit, spirit Ring Restriction!"

Tang Jiu put his spirit Ring Martial Spirit on Sox' body immediately, and at this moment, Sox' spirit power dropped by 3 levels and his thousand-year spirit ring disappeared.

"How is this possible?"

Sox' face changed wildly.

"There's something even more impossible than this, the first spirit skill, Evil ring of speed!"

Tang Jiu immediately activated the first spirit skill of his Ring martial spirit, a purple light shone on Sox' body, his speed immediately dropped a bit while Tang Jiu's speed increased by a fraction.

Tang Jiu's spirit Ring of White Feather Wind Eagle already had a speed bonus, and after adding the speed extracted from Sox, his speed was now a huge cut above Sox's.

With an easy dodge, he dodged Sox's attack and lifted his foot and tucked it into Sox's thigh.

"Your martial spirit, is it a spirit ring?"

Sox's heart snapped at this moment, limiting spirit rings, limiting spirit power, limiting spirit skills, and also limiting physical attributes, this was simply not something that could be achieved by a spirit ring skill.

Moreover, at this moment, Tang Jiu only had one spirit ring on his body.

Combining all the bizarre phenomena, Sox could only think of this one possibility!

"Nice brain! However, it's too late, if the Agility spirit Master hadn't been injured, you would still be able to force my masterstroke too! Unfortunately, now you can only be played to death by me!"

"The first spirit skill of my spirit Ring martial spirit is to extract your speed and backfill it to me, my current speed is similar to that of a Agility master, and I still have a thousand year spirit skill, you only have two hundred year spirit skills, no matter how you count, you are still at an absolute disadvantage!"

At this moment, there were only the three of them here, so Tang Jiu stopped hiding and had a go at it. Seeing Sox and Kasha's stunned expressions, he felt immensely relieved.

I'm level twenty-six, but I've defeated a siege of three people, and I've even killed the other side back!

On top of that, the other side had two spirit Elders!

A true battle across levels!

After Tang Jiu finished his mouthful, he lifted his leg and kicked towards his opponent, his current spirit Ring Martial Spirit restricted those higher than himself for a maximum of two minutes, and when on Kasha he had used it for more than a minute.

In other words, the time that could limit Sox for 30 seconds or so!

"First spirit Skill, Berserk!"

"Spirit Bone Skill, Berserk!"

Tang Jiu unceremoniously fired up, his strength skyrocketing and his speed instantly increasing by 30%, the power of the kick increased exponentially.

"Second spirit Skill. Wild Bear Vajra Transformation!"

Sox didn't reserve his strength and fired up, his body becoming even more formidable under the increase of his spirit skill, just like an explosive bear.

The mighty bear paw fiercely slapped at Tang Jiu's attacking leg.


Sox then felt a wave of destruction hit him, the bones of his bear paw were almost shattered by the kick, the opponent's strength was too great!

The bottom line was, without the increase of the Millennium spirit Skill, he was too disadvantaged!

Tang Jiu scored a hit, his body accelerated forward and blasted at Sox' stomach, Sox was quite experienced in combat, his stomach shrank and both bear paws slapped down towards Tang Jiu's head as if he was trying to slap a watermelon.

But Tang Jiu wouldn't be so stupid to die with him, now his speed was much faster than Sox's with the increase of his berserk skill, a broken step side avoided his attack, and the most ferocious fighting technique in the military body fist was used.

Disjoint Technique!

With speed, he grabbed Sox' wrist and twisted it with force, breaking Sox' arm directly with a click.

Then a whip leg was drawn to Sox' waist.

The 8400 pounds of strength, with terrifying speed, kicked Sox's waist solidly, despite his Beast Martial Spirit possession, such damage was far beyond his tolerance.

Sox's body flew backwards seven or eight metres in the air and hit the ground heavily, spitting out blood, obviously his internal organs were shattered and he would not survive for long.

Level 26 Grand Master versus Level 38 spirit Elder, victory! Time taken, 3 seconds!

Tang Jiu was even impressed with himself.

Seeing Sox's miserable state, Kasha was extremely frightened in his heart, gritting his teeth and looking at Tang Jiu pleadingly, "Spare me! I'll tell you everything!"

"Are you trying to tell me that you are from the City Lord's Palace? Or are you being instructed by the Lord of Notting City? I guessed it the moment I saw Zhang Feng!"

Tang Jiu walked away to build up his hammer and said sarcastically.

Kasha was visibly stunned, she didn't expect Tang Jiu to even guess this, and then hurriedly said, "Do you want to go and take revenge? I can take you there and help you deal with the City Lord!"

"The City Lord is a level 42 spirit Ancestor! You can't deal with him alone!"

"Besides, he's very close to the Martial spirit Hall, and the spirit Hunters Forest Enforcement Corps lives in the City Lord's residence!"

Kasha spat out information about the City Lord's Mansion, constantly increasing her leverage to save her life.

"I am going to go to the City Lord's Mansion, or else I won't even dare to show my face in public in the future!" Tang Jiu felt that he still had to go, or else with the identity of Tang Hao's son, he would be hunted down everywhere he went.

"You've agreed?" Kasha had a delighted look on his face, but in his heart he was thinking of how to cut Tang Jiu to death by a thousand cuts!

Tang Jiu smiled and nodded, "However, I don't believe you!"

Tang Jiu swung the hammer, fearing that she would return any killing strokes, he flew straight through with the hammer.

"No! ~~" Kasha shouted, not understanding why Tang Jiu would refuse, but she only shouted before the hammer smashed into her stomach, leaving her completely lifeless.

Tang Jiu carried the hammer and gave Sox a complementary blow before he was satisfied and began to search the two for their belongings, to his dismay.

The two men hadn't even brought any money with them when they went out, probably because they thought it was too easy to kill him and went back afterwards, or they didn't want to leave any more clues for Tang Hao to know.

Tang Jiu cursed his bad luck and returned towards Notting City with his hammer in hand.

"I never hold grudges, I avenge them on the spot!"

Anyone who wants their own death, they all die!

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