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4.18% Douluo: My Spirit Is a Spirit Ring [Completed] / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: God is not Fair

Chapitre 13: Chapter 13: God is not Fair

"I don't want an external spirit bone!"

Tang Jiu jumped in shock, rushing to see if his body had any extra parts belonging to a pig that shouldn't be extra.

"Great, you don't want it then the spirit bone is for me!"

Flender reached out, fishing out the spirit bone from the carcass, ready to tuck it into his arms.

"Flender!" Master glared angrily, "Put the spirit bone down! That's Xiao Jiu's, you didn't even lift a finger, how dare you take the trophy?"

"He said he didn't want it!"

Flender muttered, now his stomach was turning blue with regret, the probability of dropping a spirit bone was only one in ten thousand, he didn't expect this berserker stabbing pig to go crazy and drop a spirit bone directly, just now if he had made a move, Tang Jiu would have taken the spirit ring and he would have taken the spirit bone and master would have had nothing to say.

But now it was really embarrassing to take. He really wanted to slap himself twice now, for the sake of a thousand gold coins, he lost a spirit bone, he lost a lot this time.

"So it's a spirit bone!"

Only then did Tang Jiu understand that it was a spirit bone dropped by a Berserk Stabbing Pig, not an external spirit bone. He snatched it from Flender's hand and took a serious look. It was a leg bone.

Flender was quite unhappy and grunted, "Brat, finished absorbing the spirit ring? What's the spirit skill? Could it be a useless spirit skill?"

Hearing Flender's tone, Tang Jiu cleared his throat and said, "It's just a waste skill, Berserk."

"Instantly only increases strength by 45%, can be added according to spirit ring! For each additional ring, the power of the Berserk skill will increase by 10% more! If you have a second spirit ring, the increased power of the Berserk skill is 55%! The duration is 5 seconds. What a trash skill."

The corners of Flender's mouth twitched, this increase was almost as great as his third spirit ring! However, he bristled disdainfully and said, "5 seconds! It's a bit short!"

Tang Jiu's face darkened as he grunted, "Although the duration of the spirit skill is short, I can keep using it, it's just a waste of spirit power!"

"You will die of exhaustion!"

Flender grunted disdainfully if spirit power could be used infinitely then spirit skills would not be that precious.

Master, however, did not dwell on this issue, spirit skills still depend on who uses them. Just now Tang Jiu first used the Disorder Hammer to stack power then finally released the spirit skill increasing its power and flinging the hammer in this hand, it could be said that he had already used the explosive type of spirit skill to its limit.

"Little Jiu, now that you have absorbed a thousand-year spirit ring, your power should have a permanent increase, how much has your power roughly increased to?"

"Che, how much can it be? Originally his base strength was 1300 pounds, increasing to 2000 pounds is the limit!" Flender grunted this was almost a 50% increase and he felt it was already overestimated beyond belief. (T/N: Changing Kgs to Pounds)

Tang Jiu chuckled and said, "Sorry, my strength grew to 3,000 pounds!"

"What? That's like a 2.3 times increase!" Flender sucked in a breath of cold air. He never heard that the attributes of body speed, strength and defence could increase this much?

Tang Jiu's strength wasn't what shocked him it was his growth, if every time he gained a spirit ring it would exponentially increase his strength, it would be simply terrifying!

"Don't believe me?" Tang Jiu pulled out the war hammer, which had been severely deformed, from the berserk prickly pig's skull, then yelled.

"First spirit Skill, Berserk!"

As soon as the purple spirit ring lit up, Tang Jiu's strength immediately skyrocketed to 4,300 pounds as he flung the hammer in his hand, only to hear a clanging sound as the hammer smashed straight through the trunk of a meter thick tree, securing itself into the tree like a nail.

Flender was completely shocked, this was a war hammer, not a spear.

Tang San also opened his mouth his first spirit ring was only 400 years old, how could he compare it with a 1600 year spirit ring skill?

Only the master was full of smiles, "This is not even the limit!"

"What?" Tang San looked at the Grandmaster in surprise, it isn't even Tang Jiu's limit?

The Grandmaster pointed at the spirit bone in Tang Jiu's hand, "This spirit bone is also power-type, it will increase the strength of his body after fusion and will come with a terrifying spirit skill. Hopefully, it will retain the skill most important to the Berserk Stabbing Pig!"

Only then did Tang San understand, yes, there was still the spirit bone!

"Brother, it's alright. I'll definitely give you the spirit bones from the next spirit beast I hammer to death!" Tang Jiu said with a smile.

Tang San rolled his eyes. Do you really think you can have a spirit bone every time you hunt and kill a spirit beast?

The spirit bone was the left leg bone. Tang Jiu followed the master's instructions and used his spirit power to pull the spirit bone to fuse with his body, as the spirit bone entered his left leg, he felt another immense power transforming his body, not only that, the bones of his left leg seemed to have become even stronger.

When Tang Jiu finished fusing and opened his eyes, Master looked at Tang Jiu nervously and asked, "How is it?"

Tang Jiu smiled, "Not bad, the strength increased over 33% directly to 4000 pounds!"

"Another percentage increase!" The corner of Flender's mouth twitched again.

"Percentage increase?" Tang San was puzzled.

The master explained, "Spirit rings, Spirit bones, have two types of increases for physical attributes, one is a fixed increase and the other is a percentage increase.

The difference between the two is that the fixed increase is constant and will not change as the spirit master grows.

Now, the 33% increase of Xiao Jiu's spirit bone is 1,000 pounds of strength but when his basic strength reaches 10,000 pounds, the increase of strength brought by this spirit bone will be 3,300 pounds!

So, a percentage increase is the most coveted way for a spirit master to grow.

Little Jiu, his spirit skill is a percentage increase and the spirit bone also gives him a percentage increase. After those two stacked, it's not as simple as one plus one, that growth rate is terrifying!"

Only when Tang San heard this did he understand why Flender was so out of words. If every single spirit skill and spirit bone of Tang Jiu was like this, It's unimaginable!

"Dean Flender, would you like to know what skill my spirit bone have?" Tang Jiu smiled at Flender.

"Don't tell me that you obtained another Berserking Skill!" Flender grunted not in a good mood, "A spirit bone with Berserk skill is the most coveted thing by a strong attack-type spirit master, I don't believe your luck is that good!"

"Then I'll let you down again, it's Berserking!" Tang Jiu squeezed his eyes.

Flender covered his forehead and tried to walk away, "I need a moment to rest!"

"Aren't you going to hear what my berserk skill really is?" Tang Jiu shouted.

"I don't want to hear it!" Flender was depressed and walked off quickly into the distance.

Thousand-year-old spirit bone, berserk skill, how much could it be sold for if it was put in the auction house, 500,000? Or a million?

"Berserk instantly increases body speed and strength by 30%. Duration one minute. Sorry, another skill with a percentage increase. I'm lucky you didn't make a move back then, otherwise, this spirit bone would definitely have been yours, I am very lucky. Thank You!" Tang Jiu shouted at Flender.

Pfft! ~~

Flender felt like a mouthful of bad blood was about to spurt out.

This spirit bone was well worth two million gold coins!

"You! I'll strangle you to death!"

Flender wanted to dig the spirit bone out of Tang Jiu's body, this kid was too infuriating! I'm a spirit saint. You dare mock me.

Looking at Flender's rise in spirit power, Tang Jiu said, "I still need a spirit ring. If you help me hunt it, the spirit bone if fell will be yours and the spirit ring will be mine!"

Flender's nose turned up in anger, "You think spirit bones are cabbages."

Tang Jiu laughed, "Don't you think my luck is incredible? I've come across all the good things today, if another spirit bone drops, won't you be so angry that you'll vomit much blood to fill up a pool?"

Flender didn't need to think about it, he knew he would, his heart was ready to leak!

The spirit bone would fetch at least two million gold coins, he would be able to solve Shrek Academy's financial crisis in an instant! Shrek's funds were so tight now.

"Argh, fuck it!" Flender thought about it and finally agreed, Tang Jiu's luck today was atrocious, he might really get another spirit bone.

"What other spirit rings does this kid need?" Flender looked at Grandmaster.

Grandmaster laughed, "Around two-thousand-year-old spirit beasts of the Speed Department, Crested Serpent, White Feathered Wind Eagle or Golden Winged Mantis."

"Speed Type! Isn't he an attack-type master?" Flender frowned.

"It's not for his Bullet Ant martial spirit, but for his spirit ring martial spirit! He has the strength, what he lacks most now is speed and agility." Grandmaster explained.

Flender froze, "Aren't twin martial spirits supposed to concentrate on cultivating one martial spirit to its limit first?"

"I am different from others!" Tang Jiu laughed.

Flender's face darkened, here he was, showing off again. I shouldn't have asked.

Flender didn't say anything either, summoning his martial spirit and went inside the forest. There really weren't many two thousand years old spirit beasts. After all, this wasn't Star Dou Forest, it was just a forest where humans kept spirit beasts in captivity.

The crested serpent was indeed nowhere to be found but Flender did find the white-feathered wind Eagle. This two metres long beast was just under two thousand years old, a pure speed-type spirit beast with white feathers and a sharp beak. It relied on speed to instantly penetrate the body of its prey.

In terms of flying speed, it was faster than both the Crested Serpent and the Golden-winged Mantis which were both flying-type spirit beasts.

"That's it, hopefully, I can get a spirit bone!"

Flender nodded excitedly and rushed forward flapping his wings attacking with his claw.

A sharp bird's cry rang out and a flash of fear appeared in his green eyes as its wings rolled up and a tornado blew towards Flender.

Flender broke the tornado with a dismissive claw attack. He was not in hurry to kill the white-feathered wind eagle but wanted the eagle to feel subjected to extreme fear so as to increase the probability of dropping spirit bones just like Tang Jiu enraging the berserker pig.

Flender was like a cat catching a mouse. He deliberately attacked the Eagle lightly to reduce its speed rather than seriously injuring it.

After ten minutes, Eagle's wings were severely injured and its speed was less than a tenth of what it started with.

Flender shouted to Tang Jiu, "It's up to you next, try for the spirit bone!"

Tang Jiu knew it was his turn to strike. He directly flung his hand to put the spirit Ring Martial Spirit on the White Feather Wind Eagle's body. After his previous absorption, the maximum spirit ring he could bear now was close to 2000 years.

As soon as the spirit ring martial spirit was put on, the White Feather Wind Eagle let out a sad cry and fell diagonally from the sky to the depths of the forest.

Tang Jiu carried his deformed hammer and ran furiously towards the place where the White Feathered Wind Eagle had fallen.

Flender followed behind him, hovering in the sky and when Tang Jiu found the falling Eagle Flender shouted, "I want a spirit bone, spirit bone, spirit bone!"


The white feathered flying eagle's head was flattened, with humility in its eyes.

"Where's the spirit bone?

Flender hurriedly lifted the white-feathered wind eagle but did not see the glittering and gorgeous spirit bone only a carcass full of feathers and suddenly his face turned ugly.

"Brat, where's your luck?" Flender looked at Tang Jiu.

"My luck is good but It's you? Since the spirit bone is yours, it naturally won't fall!"

Tang Jiu didn't forget to strike, "Next time, I can't hunt spirit beasts with you! In your entire life, have you never got spirit bones when hunting spirit beasts? I can't be affected by your bad luck."

"Brat, believe it or not, I'll beat you to death!" Flender jumped in anger. This bastard was too damaging and specialized in stabbing people in the heart.

Tang Jiu also ignored Flender. Master was here, how could Flender do anything to him now?

Sitting down with crossed legs, Tang Jiu quickly used his spirit power to pull the purple spirit ring onto his body. This time he summoned the spirit ring martial spirit.

He had already absorbed a 1600 year spirit ring and with the addition of a thousand-year spirit bone, his body had long been able to withstand it.

After the spirit ring gave another boost to Tang Jiu's body, he clearly felt a substantial increase in his body's agility.

Three minutes later, the spirit ring absorption was complete, and a purple spirit ring surfaced on Tang Jiu's body.

"Brat, don't tell me that you got another percentage increase this time as well!" Flender grunted.

Tang Jiu said, "My spirit skill this time is very special!"

"Is it a special trash?" Flender mocked Tang Jiu but seeing Master's eyes that were about to kill he could only resentfully rub his nose and stop talking but the pleasure in his eyes still came out.

"First spirit skill, Ring of Speed!" Tang Jiu said and used his spirit skill.

"Ring of Speed instantly increases speed by 10%, which can be increased with the increase to the spirit rings! For every ring increase, the speed will increase by 5% more! Duration 1 minute."

With a poof, Flender laughed out loud and patted Tang Jiu's shoulder, "Serves you right! It seems that the heavens have eyes! This thousand-year spirit skill of yours is the most useless I've ever seen, not bad, not bad! Keep it up."

"Flender!" Master's face turned red. If his eyes could kill, Flender would have been killed a thousand times.

Compared to Tang San's Bullet Ant Martial Spirit's first spirit skill, Berserk, this Ring of Speed was really trash. Although it was also a percentage increase, the increase was too small and the growth was no good.

Such a thousand-year spirit skill is not even as good as a hundred-year spirit skill!

"I hope you'll still be able to laugh when you see the second use of my spirit skill!" The odd look on Tang Jiu's face intensified.

"The second use? How can you use it?" Flender was dumbfounded.

"My spirit ring martial spirit can be applied to myself and the same can be applied to my enemies!" Tang Jiu smiled triumphantly and placed the spirit ring in his hand directly onto Flender's body.

"First spirit Skill, Evil Ring of Speed!"

A demonic purple colour suddenly lit up on Flender's body, then he felt as if his speed decreased and then his pupils suddenly shrank because at this moment Tang Jiu's speed had skyrocketed and his body produced after images as he walked!

Tang Jiu laughed.

"My spirit ring martial spirit has two skills in one ring!"

"If I use it on myself: Ring of Speed, increases speed."

"If used on others: the Evil Ring of Speed, it devours opponents agility and increases mine at the same time."

Flender's eyes were wide open, two skills in one ring! Wasn't this something that only a hundred thousand-year-old spirit rings could have?

God is not fair!

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