For the first time ever I was awake and dressed before Owen even came into my room. The looked on his face when he walked in was enough to stun him into silence. I growled at the look on his face.
"What I can wake up when I need to."
He smirked at me raising an eyebrow mocking me.
"Well I guess there's a first for everything."
I threw a pillow at him which of course he caught.
"Is there any reason for this early rising?"
"I wanted to talk with Slo before breakfast. Oh that reminds me did he come see you last night?"
Owens smirk faded replaced by his serious look.
"No why?"
I sighed of course he didn't.
"He was in the Lycan fights last night he was beaten up pretty bad I'd hoped he'd get you to check him out."
Owen ran a hand through his hair concerned.
"Don't worry Owen I'm sure he's fine his pride was probably hurt more then anything but that's why I was going to talk with him. I figured since my power is no longer an issue of getting out of control he might want me to start training him."
"Are you sure that's what he wants?"
I peered at Owen surprised.
"You think he doesn't?"
"Look Ver ultimately it's your choice if you want to train him but it seems to me Slos might feel like he needs to find his own way."
"I don't understand."
"I'm just saying as a second born of an alpha line myself I know what Slos going through. The fact that your the red eyed king only amplifies it. The strong need to be able to get by on his own merits before he can feel like he's earned the respect of the pack. If you offer to train him it'll only make him feel like he's even more inferior to you."
I groaned throwing my hands up in defeat.
"Well what should I do then?"
"I think I know who he will respond to more. leave Slo with me."
The fact that he wouldn't tell me who he was thinking of asking told me a wouldn't like the answer. But I trusted Owen to do what was best for Slo.
"Very well guess I'll just head straight down for breakfast then."
"You go ahead I've got to check in on Malix and change his bandages."
I nodded leaving him to head downstairs.
The dinning room was just starting to fill up with pack members. Ty being one of them of course anything to get as much food in before the others arrived.
"Your here earlier then usual."
I eyed Ty with a smirk.
He chuckled faking being offended with a dramatic flourish.
"My king I would never be offended that you would grace me with your presence."
I shook my head smiling.
"Your such an idiot."
Sitting down the rest of the pack started piling into the dinning room including Slo and Cora. Slo looked like hell bruised to the shit house, the way he walk told me he definitely had a broken rib or two.
"Whoa Slo looks like bear got you good."
Slo scowled at Ty slapping the back of his head as he passed. I eyed Slo as he sat down trying hard not to show how much pain he was in.
"You should get Owen to check you out."
Slo glared at me.
"I'm fine."
I shrugged letting it go but Cora's worried look didn't go unnoticed. Rosa the cook and her two helpers started bringing out the food just as the door to the dining room opened. Everyone froze when Raine walked in.
"What's she doing here?"
I ignored Slos mumbled comment as Raine smiled at me.
"I hope you don't mind but I figured since I'm going to be here for awhile I might as well take you up on your offer to stay in the house."
All eyes glanced between me and Raine collectively holding their breaths as if they couldn't believe I'd down such a thing.
"That's fine I'll have Bree set your room up for you did you want to join us for breakfast?"
She smiled sweetly which was odd. She was up to something I could tell.
"Thanks don't mind if I do."
Every eye watched her as she made a bee line for the spare sit across from Ty. Curiouser and curiouser. A look passed between them that everyone but me missed. I began eating giving everyone the cue to start as well. After awhile conversations started up again and the tensioning the room died down.
"So Raine why the sudden need to live in the house?"
She shrugged shovelling a chuck of food in her mouth.
"I have my reasons."
I listened to their conversation closely. There was an edge to their voices that was subtle anyone who was listening would most likely miss it. The only time I'd ever seen Ty like this was when he had his guard up.
"What are you two up too?"
Both looked my way trying to look innocent.
"Oh nothing just small talk."
I narrowed my eyes at her. Raine reached for the last steak but Ty stabbed it with his fork. A growl escaped Raines throat. Before Ty could take it off the plate Raine flicked her fork at his flipping it from his hand to steal the steak back. Ty retaliated by grabbing Slos fork throwing it at Raines hand sending the steak flying only to grab it midair. Lighting fast Raine had a throwing knife out tossing it towards the steak sending it into the wall behind him. I slammed my fists on the table so hard a plate dropped to the floor.
Everyone froze except Ty and Raine who glared at each other eyes glowing. They were challenging each other. The other pack members stared at them smiling like it was the best entertainment in the world.
"What the hell is going on between you two?"
Ty was the first to answer.
"Nothing Ver just a little sexual tension."
"Ewe not likely you lapdog."
"Oh come on Raine you know you want to feel a real male between those thighs of yours."
She growled baring her canines.
"I doubt your small dick would even reach between my thighs."
"I've heard you wouldn't even know what to do with a dick I'd be happy to teach you the ropes don't worry I'm sure Malix won't mind."
She leapt across the table knocking him to the ground chair and all. The pack cheered Ty on, Bith got a few punches in before I grabbed her around the waist. Turning to the rest of the pack my eyes glowed my voice full of alpha dominance.
"Every body out now!"
The rest of the pack grabbed their food and quickly left the dining room. Raine still struggled to get to Ty in my arms. Ty laughing on the floor just as Owen walked through the door.
Raine froze at Owen voice her eyes instantly going back to normal. Ty stood up grinning like he'd had the best time of his life.
"Ain't you the little firecracker makes me wanna tame that beast even more."
She snarled at him her anger back.
"Keep talking mutt it'll only make it more sweeter when I kick your arse."
Still holding Raine I growled at Ty.
"You start talking."
Owen stood by just in case as Ty smiled towards Raine.
"I already told you she just can't resist me."
Raine went to punch him again but I held her tighter.
"For fucks sales Ty get out! clearly you brought this on yourself but if something like this happens again you'll be a wolf for a week."
Ty pouted like a child.
"Awe come on Ver it was just a bit of fun."
"Shut up Ty and go patrol the boarders before Ver locks you up."
Owens voice was stern his eyes shooting daggers at him the whole way out the door. Ty gone now I let Raine go. She winked at Owen.
"Well that was fun."
I scowled at her.
"You call that fun! One meal with the pack and you upend it. If your plan is to make the pack hate you more congratulations you've achieved your goal."
She chuckled at my words.
"Oh come on your pack..."
She made quotation marks at the word pack.
"Clearly enjoyed it if anything I think I helped loosen them up abit. Their too uptight. They need to let their wolves out a bit have some fun."
I groaned pinching the bridge of my nose trying to find strength to deal with her madness.
"If you want to be apart of the pack-"
She scoffed cutting me off.
"Who said I wanted to be apart of the pack."
I growled frustrated.
"Whatever if you want to stay in this house you go by my rules."
My words made her scowl.
"Like hell I will! I am no ones lapdog And that includes you. Your can order about your pack but I'll be dammed if I let anyone order me ever again and we both know you no longer have the power to make me. So if you don't want me in the house anymore that's fine I'll sleep outside."
She went to leave but Owen blocked her path.
"Raine stop being so stubborn. Of course you can stay here but you can't go around picking fights just for fun."
She looked back at me all playfulness gone.
"I told you I wasn't good with others."
Owens hand touched her shoulder as they shared a quick glance. Something passed between that that I couldn't read. Finally she sighed.
"Argh fine look I can't change who I am but maybe I can try to behave."
"That's all I ask."
She walked out of the dining room leaving me alone with Owen.
"Do you know what that was about?"
He shrugged.
"They had a run in last night. I guess she's intrigued by him. Can you blame her though? It's like he has split personalities."
I laughed.
"That's true I guess. Ty always has been strange. How he can go from an idiot to cold killer with the flick of a finger intrigues me just as much. However I'm used to his antics."
Rosa came out of the kitchen mumbling about pups and having no manners. She was an older wolf no where near Owens age but old enough that she called most of the pack pups.
"Sorry about the mess Rosa."
She glared at me.
"If this is gonna become an everyday thing the pack will be eating out side on the ground with plastic plates."
Owen chuckled.
"They would probably enjoy that."
"They'll deserve it. Should be Ty and that wild she wolf cleaning this mess up. Those two need a good ole sparring match to work out their differences. Worked for us back in the day."
She was probably right but giving both Raine and Ty's abilities they were more likely to kill each other.
"Thank you Rosa."
"Mmhmm go on now you two give my girls some room."
Owen and I left them to clean up.
"She does have a point though."
Owens eyes met mine a curious look on his face.
"What about Raine and Ty duking it out?"
I shook my head.
"No no I mean I was thinking about it last night. With everything that's going on with Driak and the lunar pack. I think we need to start daily training to prepare Whats bound to become a war."
"Ver we don't even know where Driak or his pack is."
"I know that but we have Raine now she has information that we didn't have before. We to stop waiting around for him to make the next move. Lately the ball has alway been in his court we need to steal the ball back."
"I think it's a great idea."
Both of us turned towards Raine who stood leaning against the wall in that nonchalant way she had a smile on her face.
"And I know just where to start. Just gave me Ty and we'll be on our way."
Owen voice was reproachful almost fatherly. I hadn't realised how close they had gotten til now. The way she froze when he entered the dinning room the looks he gave her. She even seemed to listen to him like she was starting to trust him.
"Why do you want Ty?"
She shrugged.
"He's the only one that will be able to keep up with me."
Her answer surprised me. Not many knew just how skilled Ty was for her to have noticed there must have been more to their run in last night.
"After what happened at breakfast do you seriously think I'll let you work with him? Your more likely to kill each other."
She chuckled but didn't deny it.
"Look remember what I told you about the day Rix Di-...the day Rixs souls went into mine?"
I nodded not knowing where this was going.
"What of it?"
"Well I know where she escaped from. A massive building like that with hundreds of prisoners isn't exactly something you can just up and abandon. Ty and I can go check it out if anything we might be able to get some information on where Driak and his pack is that is unless your trees have had any luck?"
I scowled at her. She knew very well that Caho had no such like locating Driak and his pack. Somehow he was able to avoid her trees. I guess he really was a god.
"What are you going to do if both of are caught? I can't risk you getting taken by Driak."
She stepped closer smiling up at me.
"I'm a big girl Ver I can take care of myself."
When I didn't say anything she groaned.
"If it makes you feel any better i promise it'll just be a simple recon mission. Go there gather intel and come back. Whatda say?"
"Ver you can't seriously be considering this what if Driaks there? She has no idea how to use her power he has the ability to take it from her. He could kill her and use it against us, it might even be what he wanted all along."
Owen was right but what choice did we have? Driak was always ten steps ahead we needed to figure out his plan and sitting around here waiting wasn't doing us any good.
"I'm sorry Owen but she's right we to start putting things into our own hands and let's face it Raine and Ty the only ones capable of a job like this."
"Excellent tell Ty I'll meet him out back at nightfall and tell him don't be late or I'm leaving without him."
She disappeared up the stairs towards the infirmary. Obviously to tell Malix of her plans. Meanwhile Owen stared daggers at me but didn't comment.
"Go inform Ty and while their gone we will start the daily training. I want to bring some more of the outer pack members that are good fighters to the pack house if this does come to a war we will need them."
Owen inclined his head leaving down the hall. I didn't know if any of this was a good idea but at least we would be doing something. Even if Raine and Ty found nothing it was only a matter of time before Driak made his move we needed to be prepared in whatever way we could. I trusted Raines she would do whatever it took to not fall back into Driaks hands. Though it didn't mean I wouldn't worry about her.
I am loving the banter between Ty and Raine I had fun writing it