[Five hundred years later, Today]
When Zafik was done telling Alanor of how everything had happened years ago, the young Wynter looked at the man, before he looked at the other prisoners who were with him. He had been expecting them to call the bluff, but Alanor could tell that all of this wasn't a bluff.
He had just heard that he and his brother were the very reason so many people were cursed.
The young Wynter was conflicted about so many things. He wanted to say that it wasn't his fault that Ilya and Edison had died, or even that everyone who had died in his circle had died, but he knew he wouldn't be able to defend that.
There was so much pain in his lineage and now he finally understood everything.
Ths was a lot for the young Wynter to digest lol... even I am still stuck in processing. Wow!