"Has the race started?" Unar asked and Fahima just laughed defeatedly.
"It had, but then it got paused because Alanor and Ulrike's teams were bickering for being the best. And they are on opposite teams," Fahima said, like she had been listening to the duo for the longest time and didn't even want to think of how much more disastrous they could get.
They had been racing alright, and then somewhere in the middle, Ulrike realized Alanor's horse had bigger hoofs and long ears, and Ulrike argued that it was a cheating mechanism, so they had to go back and get Alanor a new horse which Ulrike refused and the lycans were now trying to make them come to an agreement.
"Well this should be fun," Unar said with a smirk on his face as he watched his mate and Ulrike bicker still. Kieran, one of the lycans in charge of the race, was so close to kicking them out, but it seems like they were pleading.
Shola sounds like their Zelina lol. man is so done haha