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85.36% When Three are reincarnated into Naruto / Chapter 35: Leaving the Hidden Leaf

Chapitre 35: Leaving the Hidden Leaf

Danieru sat up in her bed as Danzo Shimura entered her hospital room, it didn't take a genius to know what he wanted to discuss. "Young Danieru, is it true you have awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan?" Danieru looked up at the leader of the Root with her Mangekyo activated, Danzo made a throw away comment on the pattern before asking about its abilities. "I've only unlocked one of my abilities as of now Lord Danzo, my eye of insights power was boosted so I can see roughly five seconds into the future whether I have a second ability is unkown to me." Just as she said that Hari walked in with a small portion of Lady Katsuyu on his shoulder, he excused himself before moving over to Danierus bedside and began assessing her condition. "Lord Danzo is there anything else you wish to discuss?" Danieru asked as she flicked a bug off her shoulder with a small amount of wind Chakra, she obviously wasn't going to take the chance when she knew one of Danzos favourite Root ninja was a member of the Aburame Clan. Danzo was going to say something when Obito appeared with a scroll, without saying anything he tossed it to Danieru and smirked. "You should know Lord Danzo my pupil just lied straight to your face, her second ability allows her to copy Kekkei Genkai." The look on Danzos face made Hari crack up, Danieru who had now fully recovered after around three months after her fight with Kimimaro as well as the destruction of her body due to her Mangekyo ability walked over to Danzo. "I hold no hatred for you Lord Danzo, however I can't allow what happened to my brother to be swept under the rug so easily!" With that she walked out the door where Taiyo was waiting and with that Team 11 left for the training grounds.


Taiyo threw multiple strikes at Hari who blocked them with wooden constructs which was then destroyed by Danierus Chakra enhanced strength, Obito and Rin watched closely as the three of them had a battle royale which was Obitos preferred method of figuring out where the three of them were in terms of training. Danieru switched her focus to Taiyo, using her speed to build up momentum to launch bone shards towards him however Hari switched to the offensive leading to him using his <Wood Style: Toad Binding Jutsu> to restrict their movements. Taiyo used his <rotation> to create room for him to weave the hand signs for the Jutsu Obito had taught him over the three months, "Lightning Style: Chidori!" Activating his Byakugan he shot forward at high speeds towards Hari, cutting through all branches/roots that shot up in his way. Obito was about to stop match when Danieru weaved some hand signs and punched her hand into the ground, "Shikotsumyaku: Danse Macabra!" With that several bones began sprouting from the ground with one shooting up inbetween her teammates, intercepting Taiyos Chidori as well as pushing Hari off balance causing him to jump back. The three of them rushed towards each other, Hari dodged a strike from Taiyo as well of a kick from Danieru before punching the ground causing roots to shoot up and drag them both down. Hari walked inbetween the two wooden spears pointed at his friends, "Surrender you two!" Taiyo and Danieru gave each other side glances before a smirk grew on both their faces.

Armoured tendrils shot up from the ground as Danieru activated her Curse Mark, one of the Tendrils shot up near enough to Taiyo to release him from his binds. Danieru pulled herself up and rushed towards Hari, extending the bones in her fingertips to create claws she swapped out the punches in her taijutsu to scratches and grabs. Obito winced when Taiyo rushed in when Danieru who had Hari in a hold but instead of having the advantage Danieru used her tendrils to throw Hari into him, Rin found it hilarious that even though Danieru had been on bed rest the three of them still remained somewhat evenly matched. This went on for a while until the three of them jumped back and began weaving hand signs for the ninjutsu they each hoped would end the sparring match.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Javelin!"

"Water Style: Surging Wave!"

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

The three Jutsu clashed in the middle leading to a bigger explosion then any of them had expected, when the steam cleared the three Team 11 Shinobi were all laying on the floor laughing. "Obito, I think it's time we test their teamwork with an opponent with they aren't used to fighting hmm?" Rin said as she let Kawa run over to her team, dusting herself off she released some of Isobus Chakra alerting Team 11 to the threat. Rin rushed forward while activating a zero tailed Chakra Cloak after which she practically teleports infront of Hari, "Your Wood Release will be annoying so I'll take you down first!" As she went to strike Hari he suddenly vanishes from her sight, Isobu quickly helps Rin out of the Genjutsu Danieru used on her to make her lose focus on Hari making him practically invisible. 'If I were you Rin, I'd deal with Danieru as her Sharingan could cause us some problems' Isobu advised his partner, Rin took it into consideration as she began blocking Taiyos strikes before grabbing his wrist "Your goal is to beat Kisame right? Well you're going to need more speed!" With that coral spread up Taiyos arm and down his left side, rendering him immobile, Rin then rushed Danieru who had slowed down again after her sparring match with the rest of her team. Throwing her sword at Rin she yelled, "KAWA NOW!" A transformed Kawa grabbed the sword and coated it with a vortex of water, the ninja hound brought it down towards her shoulder however the Three Tails Jinchuriki side stepped the attack and formed a sword of coral so the two of them engaged in combat.

Hari landed next to Danieru who was activating her Curse Mark again, "Your plan to get around that coral?" Hari asked which made Danieru scowl, "Taiyo, I'll buy you some time then we'll use the Forest of Death Jutsu." Hari nodded and began rotating around the battle towards his trapped teammate, Danieru used the <Body Flicker Technique> to get inbetween Kawa and Rin with her Curse Mark Stage 1 activated. Kawa jumped back to make space as Danieru began scratching at Rin throwing in a bunch of kicks as well, "Bold move Danieru, but can you keep up if I increase the pressure!" Rin shouted as more of Isobus Chakra began to coalesce into a One Tailed Chakra Cloak, Danieru starred straight into Rins eyes and began applying as much pressure she could to buy time for her teammates. Rin weaved several hand signs as she appeared behind Danieru "Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu!" Danieru was engulfed by a bubble of water, creating a Water Clone Rin said, "You definetly are a tricky opponent to deal with Danieru, maybe if I wasn't immune to Genjutsu I'd be in some sort of trouble!" She turned around facing a now free Taiyo and Hari who were ready to fight, Rin got into a fighting stance as Kawa joined her friends sides. "You four are definetly impressive but I'm out of your leagu~ Ow what the hell!" She turned around to see a tendril plunged into her shoulder, looking over at Danieru she saw her completely drenched holding a bone blade.

"Hari are you ready cause I don't think my body can handle this amount of Chakra!" Danieru shouted as she absorbed a ton of Three Tails Chakra, another tendril shot up from the ground and stabbed into Hari's left arm. Both Hari and Danieru began weaving hand signs they both yelled, "WOOD STYLE: DEEP FOREST EMERGENCE!" Combining their Chakra with the Three Tails allowed them to pull off a weakend version of one of the strongest Wood Release Ninjutsu with Rin trapped right in the middle, Obito materialised right next to her with Kamui, "Wow they really tricked you good huh Rin, stealing Isobus Chakra like that my students are really something else." A root shot through Obitos gut, wrapping around Rins right forearm with armoured tendrils wrapping around the left. Looking down at the root through his gut Obito grinned, "Oh look at that, I've been impaled!" He stepped out to the right as Taiyo ran in landing several Gentle Fist strikes on the Three Tails Jinchuriki, Rin attempted to break free but as soon as she did escape Taiyo would jump back as more roots or armoured tendrils would appear to restrain her again. "Obito, how far do you reckon I can go against your students?" Rin asked a small grin appearing, Obito looked at his partner a smirk growing quickly as he replied with a simple "Yes", Team 11 lost sight of Rin as the Three Tails Chakra turned a dark red with a shell and two more tails growing. Danieru dropped down next to Taiyo as Kawa and Hari took elevated positions on the tree branches, "Well that plan was a failure, any other smart ideas?" Taiyo shouted as the pressure from the immense Chakra caused them to be pushed back, Danierus skin turned a dark purple as she fully activated her Curse Mark Stage 2 she turned to Taiyo who just nodded.

'This is insane' was the thought that went through all their heads as Rin rolled up and began rocketing around, Taiyo, Hari and Kawa did their best to dodge without Danierus help however they did have to be pulled out of the way via a tendril wrapping around them once or twice. A transformed Kawa and Hari weaved hand signs and began shoot multiple <Water Style: Water Bullets> however they just splashed uselessly against Rins Chakra Cloak, Danieru wrapped all her tendrils into a tail and stepped out infront of Rin punching her hands on the floor "Shikotsumyaku: Danse Macabra!" Rin was suddenly surrounded by giant shards of bone, Taiyo dropped down landing on top of the Chakra Cloaks Shell and he began to use his <Rotation>, Hari landed underneath a tree branch above them and weaved the hand signs and released <Water Style: Surging Wave> when it hit Taiyos rotation it created a prison of water as well as pushed Rin into the ground. Danieru clapped as the mud wrapped around the Jinchurikis legs, a look of horror did quickly spread across her face as a sudden flash of pink shoots up and stops the entire combined attack with Rin landing down with an unconcious Hari and Taiyo. The seal she had on her stomach was slightly more spread out with other symbols along her collar bone as one of Isobus Tails sprouted from the small of her back and she was surround by pink Chakra, "I wasn't expecting you guys to be so annoying, Danieru you can get one more hit in then this is over." Danieru paused, letting the Curse Mark retract back into its seal, using the <Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu> two clones appear with both weaving hand signs one used <Shikotsumyaku: Danse Macabra> while the other used <Wood Release: Binding Roots> to catch Rin while Kawa got Taiyo and Hari out the way.

'I'm going to regret this later but I still have some of Isobus Chakra so I should be alright' Danieru thought as she began weaving hand signs as a wisp of fire sprouts from my mouth <Draconic Ninja Art: Fire Dragons Roar>, as the giant stream of fire shot forward extremely quickly and ended even quicker as Rin shot forward knocking Danieru out. "Obito, your students are a pain to fight which means you're doing something right so keep it up." When the three of them woke up tied to a log they wasted no time shouting at Obito who was laughing his head off while Kawa rested on Rins lap, "You should all feel very proud of yourselves, not many Shinobi push me to use that much of Isobus Chakra." The three of them all looked at Rin with admiration as they untied themselves, as always they ended up at Ichiraku Ramen before they all split up to head home with Danieru and Hari arriving just as Lady Tsunade got home. "Hello you two, are you the responsible for the giant growth of trees in the training grounds?" After they attempted to blame Obito unsuccessfully they explained their training against Rin while they all got settled at the table where Jiraiya was already sat writing, "Ah welcome home everyone! I've got some news." He exclaimed which had Tsunade and Danieru annoyed as they also had some news, "My spy network as well as my own research leads me to believe that the Akatsuki are after Tailled Beasts, I plan on taking Naruto out of the Village to train him for this threat.." Tsunade waved her hand claiming that her news wasn't as important anyways, "Alright then kid what did you want to say?" Jiraiya asked turning to Danieru who began looking at the floor.

"I want to leave the Village for a while.." Danieru said, looking up she saw the shocked expressions, "My initial reasoning is that while I have this Curse Mark I'll be a target of Orochimaru and I could use that to my advantage to find Sasuke but after hearing what Father said I want to travel to the Sand and warn Gaara... Scratch that, I want to warn all the Jinchurikis of this threat!" Danieru then stared at her adoptive family, purposely avoiding Haris gaze, Tsunade was the first to speak, "As your Mother and Wife I don't want either of you two to leave the village... But as Hokage I see the benefits, Jiraiya I see no issue with you taking Naruto..." Tsunade paused longer then needed as she looked at her Husband but hardened her expression as she looked at Danieru, "I'll see what I can do about your request Danieru, I'm just worried about your health..." Danieru bowed her head as she left the table, Hari was about to follow but Tsunade stopped him, "This is her choice Hari... I'm sure she's thought this through that's the type of girl she is." Danieru left the Senju compound and went to the top of the Stone Faces of the current Five Hokage, "I have to do this to get stronger... but it shouldn't hurt this much...".




A week later both Team 7 and Team 11 were called before Lady Tsunade the Fifth Hokage along with Jiraiya and Rin, "A few changes are being made due to certain circumstances, Hari and Taiyo you will be transferring to Team Kakashi with Sakura." She paused for a moment while Sakura and Taiyo went on a confused rant before raising her hand, "The reason for this is because of a threat arising for our Jinchuriki, what I'm about to tell you is somewhat classified information; a group is targetting the Jinchuriki, this group is called the Akatsuki... To counter this and reduce the threat to our Village Jiraiya will be taking Naruto for three years while I'm assigning a mission to Obito, Rin and Danieru to warn the Jinchuriki of other villages in hopes of boosting relations however if Danierus health becomes an issue at any point you're to come home." Hari and Taiyo glared at Danieru as she nodded in agreement, "You're dismissed those leaving should prepare to leave the Village." As they were walking Taiyo grabbed Danieru and threw her against a wall, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!" Danieru just looks him dead in the eye as her Sharingan activates as tears began to fall down her face, a hand appears on Taiyos shoulder, "She doesn't want to leave you two but due to me leaving with Rin she has very little choice, if you're going to blame anyone Taiyo blame me." Obito explained as Taiyos Byakugan activated and he attempted multiple attacks on his teacher, Obito let him land a hit on his face which sent him back a little.

"Stop Taiyo.." Hari ordered as he grabbed his wrist, "Look at her.." Taiyo turned to Danieru who was crying as she was being comforted by Kawa who was also staying in the Hidden Leaf with the rest of Team 11, they walked over to her and pulled her up off the floor and hugged her. "You better not slack off you hear! If you come back and aren't stronger than us we'll kick you out the village you hear!" They yelled at her as a grin appearred while she wiped away the tears, "Same goes to you guys as well!" With that they all went to the gate and said their goodbyes, Danieru walked with Naruto as Jiraiya was talking to Obito and Rin. When they hit the crossroads Jiraiya gave Danieru a giant hug, "Don't let any of the boys too close you hear!" This made her laugh slightly as she turned to Naruto, "We'll get stronger, believe it!" As they fist-bumped they agreed to have a fight with Hari and Taiyo when they got back, after some more warnings about boys from Jiraiya and a threat towards Obito to 'protect his little girl' they were walking in away from each other as Obito Squad was heading towards the Hidden Sand Village. "I bet you're excited to see Gaara again!"

"Hell yeah, Gaara's awesome... I do also want to see Temari and Kankuro obviously!" Danieru quickly added as Obito was about to start teasing her, this did not stop Rin however who sent Obito ahead so the two of them could have 'The Talk'.




Kakashi cursed Obito as he saw Taiyo use <Chidori> against the Bandit Leader who had Sakura by the throat, leaving a giant cut along his left shoulder. Hari quickly used his Wood Release to pull both his teammates back so they could regroup, Sakura apologised for having to be saved but that was quickly shut down as she'd taken out multiple Bandits with her Genjutsu and Chakra Enhanced Strength. Kakashi watched as the young Shinobi created a plan utilising all their strengths, he would have helped them but the boss wasn't that strong. Kawa launched a <Water Bullet> at the Bandit Chief who blocked it with a <Mud Wall>. "Is this all the Leaf thinks of me, a team of weak children?" He sneered as he punched through the wall, Kawa transformed into her Human form which had changed since Danieru left, "You guys hurry up with that plan of yours!" She shouted as she rushed the brute in front of them, Sakura nodded as she rushed to support the ever faithful Ninja Hound waiving hand signs for her strongest Genjutsu "Demonic Illusion: Hell viewing Technique!" It was a technique Kakashi had used on her during the group bell test, it sadly wasn't nearly as effective on the Bandit Chief as it had been on her with it only stunning the giant for a few seconds. Kawa capitalised on these few seconds by grabbing a sword off of the ground and coating it in a water vortex. The Bandit Chief narrowly avoided a slice across his chest as he jumped back when he escaped the Genjutsu, looking up he saw the four members of the new Team 7 rushing towards him before quickly taking him down much to the delight of Kakashi who wanted to wrap up the mission.

Back in the Leaf Village Hari gave Sakura advice on how to more effectively control her Chakra for The Strength of a Hundred Seal, Taiyo stayed out their way while he was working on a theory he had wanted to run past Kakashi but he wasn't sure how to approach the subject so he just worked on it as quietly as possible. He trained against Neji and Hinata to improve his Taijutsu skills while thinking of new techniques, he successfully pulled off an Afterimage which sent Neji into Hinata who flipped him over her shoulder. Danieru had told him about how Hinata was in Canon however she's completely different, her shy demeanor was still in effect especially around Naruto but her skills have definetly made a drastic change as after watching Taiyo, Neji and Narutos performances in the Chunin Exams as well as how hurt everyone was after the mission to save the two Uchiha so she went on to learn both <Rotation> and <Air Palm> and after much persistence she even got Taiyo to teach her the <Lightning Style: Lightning Javelin>. Hiashi Hyuga expressed his displeasure with the future heads of the family not using the Gentle Fist as their main form of combat, "I am especially disappointed in you Taiyo! Your future shines too brightly for you to abandon it in the name of some cheap tricks!" Neji and Hinata tried to protest but Taiyo just got up and walk to his room, he was about to lay down when a chorus of shouting as well as the sound Lightning Chakra.

He made it to the courtyard to see Hinata and Neji fighting what looked like a Lizard roughly the size of a Kimodo Dragon however it was skinnier and its front two legs were replaced with wings, Hinata launched a <Lightning Javelin> at the invader however the creature countered it with a beam of Lightning from its mouth which would have hit her if Taiyo hadn't used <Chidori> to deflect the bolt. "Oi brat are you Taiyo Hyuga?" With a nod the Wyvern landed infront of them, "Lady Danieru sent me to deliver you this message." The Wyvern proudly lifted its head to reveal a scroll wrapped around its neck, Taiyo carefully removed it taking note of all the Hyuga that had surrounded the area. Once the scroll was taken the Wyvern turned to Neji and Hinata, "It's a shame my Lady had to summon my sister as well, I quite liked our little dance," Turning back to Taiyo he raised his head, "Not many humans can deflect a Lightning Wyverns roar even in a weakened state, I hope she lets me fight you when I get the full Sacrifice." With that the Wyvern took off into the night sky where it was met by a second Wyvern and flew of at extreme speeds quickly leaving the radius of all Byakugans active. Returning to his room he unravalled the scroll which was written in English as usual:

'Hey Taiyo, first off I want to apologise for Ramiel he is the more rowdy of the twin Wyverns which I'm going summon but I'm pretty sure if he delivered to Hari Lady Tsunade he'd get slapped out the sky. Anyway Me, Obito and Rin are currently staying in the Sand for a bit so I can train with Gaara while we try to figure out which Village is the safest to go to next. Gaara is going to become the Fourth Kazekage, the threats to his life doubled when that was announced, I may have helped the Sand Anbu deal with a would be Assassin already. Rin is also helping Gaara by opening up his seal so he comunicate with Shukaku so here is hoping that he can become friends! I've put a Sealing Jutsu on this scroll so when you'll activate it the text will change to a Jutsu Formula which I think you'll find rather intriguing feel free to try and modify it, just remember opening the Chakra gate on your Heart will kill you if opened!'

Taiyo chuckled as he used the activation seal and let out a hysterical laugh as he looked at the Jutsu Danieru had thought up for him, because it was the exact same Jutsu he wanted to create! "The Kaioken..."


Hari thanked Oceana the Water Wyvern for delivering Danieru's message and urged her to rush off after her brother, "I shall take my leave, I do wonder what message would be worth the Sacrifice to summon us both." Before Hari could ask what she meant by this Oceana flew away leaving the smell of a light shower, cursing slightly as he turned to go back inside only for his way to be blocked by Shizune. "A message from Danieru? There better be an apology to Lady Tsunade in there!" Shizune hadn't been happy with Jiraiya and Danieru for leaving the village especially after she and Hari heard the news Lady Tsunade had wanted to reveal that night. "She doesn't know Shizune, she's always been like this. She saw a way to help people and jumped at the chance as per usual, do you need any help with the chores?" With that Hari pocketed the scroll as he walked with Shizune to his Mothers study where she, Sakura and Ino where focusing on healing an octopus a feat that had taken him a few weeks to get the hang of. "Hari! Please show us how you do it again its so cool!" Hari looked towards Lady Tsunade who gave a nod, Hari struggle with the <Mystic Palm Technique> at first so he attacked it from a different angle, an Octopus has Three Hearts and Nine Brains which makes it extremely difficult to heal if you don't have a way of see through skin so using micro-spores produced by a flower Hari creates he can get a full map of the Circulatory System and then pass Healing Chakra through the Network before with the spores dying as soon as he cuts the Chakra connection.

When he'd finished helping his Mother and Shizune Hari returned to his room and pulled out the scroll Danieru had wrote for him:

'Hey Hari, first things first, Oceana probably mentioned that I sacrificed something to summon her and her brother. Dragon summons recquire extremely large levels of Chakra which I don't have so I made a deal with the Dragon Sage. Using a Dragon Jutsu I can create a cut that doesn't heal until the Dragon unsummons, depending on how big the cut depends on the size of Dragon I can summon. It's really easy to cheat the system with my Curse Mark, ya know with the extra limbs I can create, it's a double edged sword like a lot of my abilities are. Anyway Me, Obito and Rin are currently staying in the Sand for a bit so I can train with Gaara while we try to figure out which Village is the safest to go to next. Gaara is going to become the Fourth Kazekage and with Rins help is on the way to being a perfect Jinchuriki as well as I getting steadily better at controlling Magnet Release and my Sharingan. This scroll has a Seal on it when activated will switch to a Jutsu Formula which will help Kawa get stronger, as for you there is only one ability which I can think of which I think is vital for you to learn... Sage Mode! Talk to our Mother about it or head to Mount Myoboku you have a Toad summon right?'

Hari swore as he released the Seal and tossed it next to Kawa who had just been cuddled up in her bed, there was a poof of smoke as she transformed into her Human Form, "That was uncalled for!" As she picked up the scroll her tail began to wag like crazy, "This is Danierus handwriting and not only that it's a new Jutsu for me to learn!" With that Kawa ran out towards the training grounds leaving Hari alone he bit into his thumb and weaved through the handsigns and summoned Kosuke, "Do me a favour and pack up some essentials, I'm going to take up Fukasaku on his offer." Kosuke went about Haris room while he went to talk to his Mother who was now in the Kitchen with Shizune, " Mother, with your permission I'd like to make trips to Mount Myoboku to recieve sage training I'm going to do it during my free time... I know with the circumstances it isn't ideal timing however I'll put my training on hold to help nearer to the time, you know I will!" Tsunade walked over to her son and planted a kiss on his forehead, "I know Hari, it is difficult to see my Children grow up so quickly but I believe you'll do what's right." With a nod to Shizune he left to see Taiyo waiting alongside Kosuke, a simple nod was all it took as the three of them were transported to the Land of the Toads.




Three masked men appear around a ginger haired man with piercings all over his body, "Well Pain, there is something we demand you do before you attempt the Eye of the Moon Plan." They begin to circle the leader of the Akatsuki, "Kakashi Hatake the Copy Ninja, he is the key to killing the Phantom of Konoha, we recommend sending someone who win a battle of attrition." With that the three masked figures vanished, Pain walked out to face Konan. "Contact Hidan, we have a new mission for him and his Zealots."

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