She was sobbing thirty seconds in and shaking her head.
It couldn't be… he wouldn't! But then she remembered that night in the apartment, the way Dane had been shaking, and squeezed his eyes closed—he'd been so certain, so convinced of the things his father was capable of. Horrible things. Manipulative things. Things that no sane person wanted to do—but he was capable of finding a way.
It had to be that. He had to have forced Dane, somehow. That had to be it.
He'd told her that his father would force people into situations they didn't want to be in. Told her that he humiliated and confronted people with their fears or anxieties. Used their loved one against them and made them do things to keep the most important people and things in their lives save.
But that wasn't this.
NOTE: Dane and Delilah's story will be FINISHED at the end of May! However, the May uploads will look different because of this, so please read all information here to help you make your decision about whether to use a privilege subscription in May:
1. There will be 31Chapters uploaded in May, so the largest privilege tier has been reduced in price and chapter numbers to reflect this. (The cost for 22 Chapters will be 1000 coins.)
2. The uploads will be daily, but only one chapter per day.
3. ALL privilege prices for every tier for this book will be reduced, and the book will be marked completed in JUNE. So if you choose not to purchase privilege, you will not receive new uploads in May, but you will be able to read it for normal daily uploads in June.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING SUCH A SUPPORTIVE READER! Your purchases, votes, and comments have made Dane and Lila's story a pleasure to write! I am so grateful for your continued support--and very impressed that you made it this far. Well done!