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77.27% Harry Potter One Shots / Chapter 17: Tom Marvolo Riddle | Believe

Chapitre 17: Tom Marvolo Riddle | Believe

His eyes glint with malice in the far corner. Carefully assessing every student passing by in the Great Hall. He wasn't reviewing, eating, or something. He was just there, sitting, eyeing everyone as if he could see through them.

"Y/N, are you finished?" I look at my brother and force a smile, nodding my head and showing him my finished parchment. "I'm done too. Are you going back to the common room?"

"You go ahead first. I need to grab something in the library." Alex stares at me, before looking at the end of our table. His jaw clenching when he caught me looking at the same person.

"I told you to stay away from that guy, Y/N." I rolled my eyes, gathering my things and standing up from my seat.

"The guy didn't do anything to anyone, Alex. Stop treating him like a virus."

"Don't his eyes make you feel like he's up to no good? All he does is glare down at everyone. Casually smirking after as if he's planned someone's demise." I glare down at my brother who remained seated.

"Did he do anything after that?" he wasn't able to answer. "See? All you guys do is judge him."

I turn my back on my brother and head down the aisle, my eyes never leaving his figure.

To be honest, I can't blame the others, because I once had the same thought. After all, no one knows what Tom Riddle thinks.

He's in all of my classes, but that's not the reason I'm familiar with him. He never fails to argue with the Professors when he thinks something about what they teach is wrong. Especially, when it comes to Defense Against the Dark Arts. It seems like he's truly knowledgeable about it.

There are times that I caught him sneaking out in the middle of the night when I was doing the same thing. The only difference is that he keeps looking behind, checking if someone is following or something. When I tried to follow him, I lost him after he turn into a corridor.

I kept trying but I always lost him. As if he just vanishes into thin air and went Merlin knows where.

When I reach the end of the table where Tom is sitting, the others I saw around him when I was back at my seat, were already gone. He was left alone, looking down at a parchment. I bite my lip and slowly move close.

I saw a cup on the table and wanted to move it away for a bit since I don't want to make an accident and spill it on him, but before my fingertips can even touch the cup, a hand caught my wrist.

I look at him, wincing when his hand tightens around my wrist.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked in a low menacing tone. I tried to pull my hand away, but his grip was just too strong.

"I wanted to sit. I was trying to move the cup away so I won't spill it on you. Ow!" I exclaimed, still trying to pull my arm. He looks at me, then at my arm before letting go.

"There are a lot of spaces to choose from. Why choose here and disturb me?" I scoff at him before taking the seat opposite his.

"I was only being kind. I'm accompanying you because it's embarrassing to sit alone." he stares at me for a moment. His brows furrowed, before looking back again at the parchment in his hand.

"I'm Y/N Williams. Nice to meet you." I introduced myself, extending my hand in front of me, even though I know he knows me.

"I know. You sit behind me," he answered without looking up. His eyes are glued to whatever is written on the parchment.

"I didn't know you pay attention to anyone aside from yourself." I tease, folding my arms across my chest.

He then started cleaning up his things from the table.

"If you have so much time to waste, why not use it for something useful and start reviewing for the upcoming Defense Against the Dark Arts quiz? As long as I remember, you're quite below the class."

My mouth gapes open as I watch him walk away. A smirk plastered on his lips when he glance back at me. How the hell did he know I was failing a few tasks? Wait. Was it that obvious?


I did the same thing the next day. But this time I sat directly beside him. Blabbering anything that came into mind just to annoy him.

I wasn't surprised anymore when he almost remained silent the whole time. Only breaking when I grab the quill from his hand.

"Where'd you get this? I lost this in the classroom. I tried to find it but I can't see it anywhere." I exclaimed, checking the quill thoroughly.

"What you mean you lost it? You gave it to me even though I didn't ask for it." my nose scrunch up, trying to remember why would I give Tom a quill he didn't ask for.

"I did? Why would I?"

"You said it's not pretty anymore, and you proceed on grabbing mine in exchange for yours," he stated, grabbing back the quill from my hand and continuing his work.

With my eyes wide, I pull out the quill I had in my bag. I almost choked on my breath, when I realize he was right. I charm my quill to have a purplish color, and the right one I'm holding right now is greenish.

I look at Tom, and he only glances at me for a moment before looking back at his work.

"U-Uhm... Do you want to exchange again?" I asked hesitantly. Running all the possible ideas I can come up with in my brain, regarding my action on the day I exchange the quills.

What came up to me to do what I did? Was I drunk? Or did I finally lose my mind?

"What exchange? Keep that and finish your work."


We kept on just like that for days. Days turn into weeks, and weeks into months. I won't say we have gotten closer to each other to be called best friends, or even just friends. After all, we truly don't know anything from each other. No one asks anything personal between us. Our relationship is more like for convenience.

We'll talk, which is mostly only me speaking, but there are times when he doesn't even acknowledge my presence. When he does so, I do the same thing, and then it's like we don't know each other at all. The next day, we're back to normal, with me blabbering anything I can think of.

"Caught you!" I exclaimed, wrapping my hand around his arm. He looks at me then shakes his head, letting out a sigh, which I laugh at; knowing that I won.

We procced on roaming the castle. Climbing up the tower to gaze upon the vast field and clear sky. Even the Forbidden Forest which is always vicious to those unlucky enough to get lost in them seems so captivating under the bright light of the full moon.

I felt Tom's fingers folding against mine. I look down at our intertwined hands, smiling at the sight and the feeling of his thumb brushing against my skin. We look at each other, playfully smiling before looking back at the dark scenery envelop by the light of the moon.

I thought everything was going okay. Anything bad happening didn't cross my mind at all. After all, the others are finally loosening up to Tom. Even my brother who seems to hate him so much is finally trying to talk to him. I was happy, and I thought Tom was too.

I was wrong...

The news of a monster being released inside the Hogwarts started spreading like a wildfire. Filling all the students with tremendous fear. Enough to shake you down to your core.

That's when I started seeing Tom, less and less.

The situation didn't get any better when a student named Myrtle Warren was found dead in one of the stalls in the girl's lavatory. I watch the medical team carry a covered stretcher down the stairs from the lavatory as I make my way up.

Tom was steps ahead of me. He was watching them too. Our eyes meet, but when I tried to call for him, he turned around. This time it was Professor Dumbledore that caught his attention. The headmaster called for him. I watch them walk away and I remained standing there. My heart pounding wildly against my chest.

The school was on the verge of closing. I felt grief about the thought of leaving Hogwarts before I even graduate, but the closing was canceled when it was said that the culprit that released the petrifying monster was finally caught.

Rubeus Hagrid was arrested in accused of releasing the monster which was believed to be the huge spider he raised. The poor guy was expelled... And Tom came out as the hero for finding the culprit.

I tried and tried to get him to talk to me, but I can't seem to find him anytime I try to do so. Because no matter how much I don't want to think of it, I know Hagrid will never be the one to do such a thing. He has a kind, innocent soul. Something, no matter how much I deny it, will always be what Tom lacks.

I search everywhere for him. I went to all of the places I always catch him lurking, and now I'm left with one place.

My breath was heavy as I climb the stairs up the Astronomy tower. Every step I take feels so heavy, I feel like I am carrying tons of weight. I even stopped in the middle, hesitant to see whatever lies ahead. Fearing that the moment I get to Tom, I'll find out the truth.

No... I already know the truth. I just don't want to believe it.

"I was waiting for you."

Tears started streaming down my cheeks when I finally reach the top. He was there, leaning at the railings. His eyes met mine, and a knowing smile makes its way to his lips.

I don't need to ask anymore. He knows what I came for, and I already got my answer.

"Why, Tom?" he face me, the smile he greeted me with, slowly fading from his lips.

"I did it for everyone's sake." I scoff at him, something I've never thought I will do.

"You did what you did for yourself. Don't mask it as heroism, Tom."

"I thought you understand me. I believe that if there's someone who will understand me, it definitely is you. I was wrong." he swatted my hand that I rested on his arm. His face formed a scowl, and a glare he always gives Dumbledore.

Now, he hates me, and here I am still trusting him with my everything.

"I understand you, Tom. I swear. But understanding and agreeing are two different things. What you did was wrong."

"Then I don't have a use for you anymore." I bit my lower lip, trying to push the gnawing pain in my chest.

Tom's just overwhelmed at the moment. He doesn't mean his words. I told myself. I keep telling myself. After all, all those times I've spent with him don't look like something he would do just to use me.

Or do I just really don't know him after all?

I ease myself towards him, stopping when my face is inches away from his. I look at him straight in the eyes, placing my right hand on top of his left chest.

"This heart, believe me, or not, is capable of everything you can't even imagine. Not just hatred, anger, or distrust. It's capable of understanding, trust, and love. You have all of those emotions. You just don't want to accept it. You don't see it."

"And that's for the better. They make me weak. You make me weak, and I can't afford to be weak. That's why I need to get rid of you." he slaps my hand off his chest.

My eyes widened when he pulled out his wand from his robe. I took a step back out of instinct. I stare at him as he get rid of any emotions he held in his eyes for me.

"You should've believed the others when they said I'm too dangerous for you. Crucio!"

I went all numb when his spell hit me, yet at the same time, I felt the unbearable pain in my whole body. The feeling of being stabbed a thousand times by white-hot knives all at once. I wasn't even able to scream from the pain because it was too much.

But it looks like even Tom didn't expect the next thing that happened.

My foot slipped from the stair after I stumbled backward. My chest leaped along with my body as the air left my lungs.

I remember seeing Tom's hand reaching for me, trying to grab me, as the excruciating pain take over all my senses.


I woke up with a warm feeling wrapped around my hand. I wince when the light coming from the windows hit my eyes when I opened them. I tried to move my head, wincing again when I felt a throbbing pain. While letting the throbbing subside for a moment, I roam my eyes around the room.

There are beds all over the room. Some are covered with curtains, while the remaining ones are empty. I'm in the Hospital Wing, I realize, hearing the ticking of the large clock coming from outside the room.

I tried to touch my head with my right hand, but something was holding it down. I look to my right and saw a peaceful face, sleeping with his head rested on the side of my bed.

Using my free hand, I caress Tom's face, smiling even though I just remembered everything that happened before I lost consciousness. I playfully poke his nose, my smile widening when he stirs in his sleep, before finally waking up.

"Hi..." I softly murmured, pushing back the tears that threatened to fall when I saw the pain on his face and eyes as he look at me.

"Hey... How you feeling?" he asked, caressing the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I feel fine, Tom. No need to look at me like that." he stares at me for a moment, his hand clenching against mine.

Then the door to the infirmary burst open, and a group of men in robes led by Dumbledore, enter the room. They went straight to my bed, standing on guard behind Tom. My brows furrowed when Tom let go of my hand. He stand up from the stool he was sitting on and leaned to kiss my forehead.

No one said anything. After kissing my forehead, Tom turns his back on me and then follows the men in robes. My eyes then met Dumbledore's and when he nods at me, I finally have a grasp of what was going on.

"Tom! No! Wait-" I gasp when I lost all strength from my knees after rushing myself to stand up and run to him. But before I fall to the floor, someone caught me.

Tom's eyes are filled with fear and worry that I've never seen before. It was something new to me, and I know it is to him too.

"Riddle. You need to move." One of the men said, glaring down at Tom.

Tom stared at me, forcing a smile, before helping me sit back on my bed.

"I'll call Madame Pomfrey on my way to check on you. I need to go." I grab his arm when he turns his back on me once again.

"What's happening, Tom? You need to tell me what's going on! Don't just leave me again!" I saw how he look at Dumbledore for a moment and when the Headmaster nodded at him, he turn to face me once more, kneeling in front of me and holding my hands.

"I... I was only trying to knock you out back in the Astronomy Tower. I didn't know that you would trip on the stairs. When I saw you unconscious a few flights below, I got scared, Y/N. I was so scared of the thought of losing you. You are the only one that matters in my life. Nothing else. When I saw the blood on the ground, I immediately rush you here... That's when it dawned on me. I can't lose you... I'll never lose you. So I..."

I touch my head and felt the bandage wrap around it. Tom's hold tightens around mine when I look at all the men around us. They are from the Ministry of Magic, and they're here to take Tom.

"You told them, didn't you? About opening the Chamber of Secrets, and Myrtle's death?" Tom, force a smile, before standing up from kneeling on the floor and kissing my forehead.

"You have always been my smart girl. The only one who truly knows me. I knew that you'll figure out everything without the need of any explanations from me. yet you approach me that night with nothing but love and understanding. You accept me for who I truly am. That's why I want you to let me redeem myself by turning myself in."

With tears streaming down my cheeks, I once again push myself to stand. Tom rushes to help me, but I only pull him into a hug. Burying my head into the crook of his neck. His warm scent filled my nose.

"No matter how long it takes, Tom, believe me, I'll wait for you. So you better get back to me even if it takes years, decades, or centuries. Because I won't settle with anyone."

I felt Tom's chest vibrate against mine when he let out a soft chuckle. He pulled away from the hug and then cup my face, before planting a tender kiss on my lips. I close my eyes, savoring the moment. It felt like time stop, and we were the only ones standing there.

"I'll see you, Y/N." I lean into his touch until he needs to leave.

That's when I burst into tears, falling to my knees on the floor as I look at where they disappear into.

After 6 years...

"Professor Y/N." I turn around to look at who called me and met face to face with Professor McGonagall. "Follow me."

I wanted to ask what was going on, but I decided against it and just followed suit. Professor McGonagall enter the password in front of the gargoyle statue and motioned for me to step on the stairs as it ascends to the Headmaster Dumbledore's office. What I'm about to do there remains a question.

I was planning to greet the Headmaster the moment I step into his office, but I was frozen still.

A man, not a boy anymore, stands a few feet away from where I am. Wearing a suit and staring at me. His vibrant smile widened at the sight of me. He spread his arms, waiting for an embrace, and I break into a sprint.

I ignore the sore on my shoulder as I collide with his chest. I heard his grunt, followed by a chuckle as he wrap his arms around me. Mine already clutching his.

His height was taller than the last time I saw him. He was quite thin, so far from the healthy body, he had when he was still in Hogwarts. The thought of him being tortured by the Dementors in the Azkaban scared and angers me more than anything I've ever felt before.

"What took you so long?!" Tears finally roll down my cheeks, as I pull him tighter to my body. Scared that I might be imagining things and when I let go of him, he'll disappear.

"I'm sorry I took so long. I wanted to look proper so It took another year before I can face you." Tom pull away a bit, before cupping my face.

His lips met mine, and against the tears staining his suit, I kiss back. I can feel his smile against the kiss while I sob. My arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer to me if that's possible.

"I'm back, Y/N," he mumbled to my ears as he pull me into another tight embrace.

"Welcome back, Tom," I muttered, smiling as I lean my head into his chest.

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