Walker easily caught up to Su. "I don't see why they had to keep us for so long. They knew we were tired and wanted to go home to rest." It was plain to see that she was trying to play it off like there was nothing that had been said between her and Henry.
"Well I am sure they were just excited to have the time to talk to another friend since the last two days have been rush rush rush." Walker played dumb and didn't bring up Henry. It was only fair since she had not teased him about Alice.
Midnight was leading the way with Onyx on her back. The two seemed to be in their own world only moving for when there was someone in their way. Su still was a little flushed but her better mood was easy to pick up on no matter how tired she had looked before. "I guess we will need to go back to the cathedral later. I will want to show off the new gear anyways." Walker tried to make it seem like he was the one who wanted to return and help first.
AWe Su already wants to go back and "Help" heal