If they were alone, Malia could have facepalmed at how obvious the two horny souls were being with each other but since they were in a damned conference room, she had to keep herself in position and not give in to the temptation to laugh at these two.
With Hawi and Rukiya seated, the Savasci Knights took their positions too.
Mbali and Elodie were standing at attention right behind Rukia's Seat while Hudhayfah and Sherry were standing behind Hawi. Malika on the other hand was positioned on the far left, though close to the middle of the room..
It was a neutral position that would ensure that she kept both psychos safe from any attacks, and everyone else safe for the two psychos. But maybe they could hope for better times, yeah?
"I trust you have checked the documents. And now that the Greyson alpha is here, we can proceed," Hawi said.
Ah, my heart...