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40.9% I Am Chaotic Destruction / Chapter 9: Overcoming Destruction

Chapitre 9: Overcoming Destruction

"To think the warring era will come to a stop just for me... cute," I said while looking at the many powerhouses of each clan stepping forward to face me. Hasirama, Madara, and a few dozen others came forward.

"Who are you? what is your business here?" Hashirama asked with a deep frown, something this powerful couldn't just pop up.

"I'm Levi Voidigoad. My business is mine, I don't see why you all care so much about it." I said with a smirk, making everyone's eyes narrow at the complete disregard I had for them all. 100,000 people weren't small. just go online and look up 100,000 people. this was the scale of number I was facing.

"Surrender and we will not need for battle," Hashirama said with a heavy heart, he wished not to fight. Yes my power scared him, but he rather not fight if words could fix things

"Since when did a god surrender to ants? even with 100,000 of them... so what?" I asked making everyone's eyes narrow. those words provoked all of them, and no more words were needed. Hashirama made the first move, clapping his hands, the earth shook before a forest grew, covering everyone. the many shinobi used the forest as a cover to attack.

Hashirama had wood release, the rarest element. Fire, water, earth, wind, and lightning, could all be fused in many ways to form new and unique elements. The wood release was created by combining Earth and Water release,

Such unique releases created with 2 elements are called Kekkai Genkai, also known as a bloodlimit as they are normally limited to bloodlines. One can't just gain them unless it's through special means.

The wood release was special, as it would absorb one chakra, suppress chakra, and so many other things. it made Hashirama a powerhouse, adding the fact his chakra rivaled that of the tail beast... well, he was a walking monster.

I looked at the many insects shooting towards me, be it from the air or the ground. weapons shot form me from all around me. I was surrounded, with attacks coming at me from all sides as well.

I looked around for a moment before I shot into the sky. In my palm, a fireball appeared. I held the flame, copying the process of nuclear fusion, before shooting it down to the ground, causing the flame to explode, destroying the whole land, and causing many people to be turned to ashes. if not for Hashirama who controlled the forest to create a wall, many of them would have been killed

I might be in a weakened state, but my understanding of science was enough to allow me to do things that people with my level of strength, not be able to do. plus, I could do all of this thanks to my power of destruction being sealed away.

But the attacks didn't stop, this time Hashirama moved. at first, he wanted to sit back and watch me fight to see my weakness... but he couldn't do that. Shooting forward, he pulled out a sword and swung it towards me.

I quickly jumped back while shooting another fireball at Hashirama, but Hashirama slapped his hands, causing wooden hands to appear, catching the fireball. with a huge explosion, the fireball went off within the wooden hands.

At the same time, a huge fireball came flying toward me before it turned into a sea of flame, wanting to swallow me whole. these flames suddenly turned black. caught off guard, I looked at the person who did this and saw Madara's little brother Izuna.

'So this is his EMS ability?' I thought while jumping backward, avoiding the black flames. what was EMS, it stood for Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Once a Sharingan reaches its peak, one can evolve it into an MS, where one can gain 3 new abilities.

Izuna just used the Amaterasu, which was black flames that would appear on anything the user looked at... well, it moved at the speed one could see, so it could be dodged if one moved faster than Izuna's eyes.

The black flame was immortal and would burn away even flames. once they start burning, then they shall never stop... unless enough force puts them out. Izuna didn't try to have it appear right on me thanks to the trees, instead, he wanted to cover the whole ground.

As I was jumping backward to dodge the flames, I suddenly found time moving backward on me... meaning I was moving toward the flame. it was one second, but it was all that was needed for me to be in the center of the flames

Jumping up, my body was covered in flames, which had swallowed me, burning me alive while they burned away at me with the heat of the sun. but with a shock wave, the flames were destroyed, leaving me with heavy scars... which disappeared as my recovery speed was unmatched. but that used a lot of chakra,

"The power to control time is your EMS ability," I said softly while looking at Madara who was looking at me with narrowed eyes. I sighed softly... this wasn't going to be easy with so many unique abilities coming at me. I couldn't help but look down as I sensed a lot of natural energy gathering, Hashirama entered Sage mode, while jumping up, summoning a wooden dragon that shot towards me.

'Thats fast.' I thought seeing how fast the guy entered Sage Mode. what was Sage Mode? Sage Mode is an empowered state one enters when they didn't master Sage power. 

I wanted to react to this, but I froze when Hashirama disappeared, transforming into a sea of insects that swallowed the dragon before they jumped off it and towards me. I was of course caught off guard, not expecting that Hashirama had switched places with insects at some point.

I was about to quickly dodge but froze when I saw a sea of insects coming from behind me, while at the same time, I found myself unable to move, as my shadow was being pinned down, by other shadows. this was the Nara clan shadow jutsu

I wanted to use my reality warping to switch places with Hashirama, but a group of people suddenly entered my mind, fighting for control over my body. but since my mind was unique, it was a fair and even battle. but they were not there to win, as they left a heartbeat before the insects swallowed me along with the wooden dragon.

I didn't even try to destroy the insects as they were too many. it was like a sea. instead, the moment I could use my reality warping, I teleported away as soon as possible, appearing outside their encirclement. I fell to my knees, poison running through my body. but after a moment, my body's immune system adapted and destroyed the said poison. 

Just as I looked up, a needle shot towards me. sadly, I had no combat experience... it's funny, I made fun of Kaguya for this, but my instincts for combat were trash. by the time I realized it, the needle hit my pressure point, blocking my chakra flow.

'fuck.' my pupils shrank as countless needles came shooting towards me. I was about to fall backward, but I couldn't help but look at the ice gathering, forming a mirror where someone was passing through at the speed of light. this light blue-haired man threw the said needles toward my pressure points... but who said he was alone?

at shocking speed, ice mirrors appeared all around me, with many of these people shooting toward me, throwing needles toward my pressure points.

'How do they know where my pressure points are?' I thought while jumping out of the encirclement. I gritted my teeth, using my reality-warping power to give me the knowledge I sought. I didn't want to do this as it used up a lot of my chakra, but I had to know.

and the answer to my question was simple. there were many clans out there skilled in many things. currently, they are working together. the Hyuga clan was currently looking at me, seeing all of my pressure points. the Yamanaka clan, which was most skilled in the mind-related jutsu, and also the clan that had entered my mind, they had linked their mids with the Yuki clan which was born with Ice release and had means to move at the speed of light. they were working together to show them where to aim.

I turned towards where the Yamanaka clansman stood. I was about to shoot over there, but time moved backward once more, and I moved backward. I found my pressure points being hit all over. I fell to the ground, unable to use my chakra.

Gritting my teeth, I used reality warping to free my pressure points once more. but I wasn't even given time to breathe before ice, lightning, water, and many other elements swallowed me, sending me flying away.

I flipped mid-air, before stabbing my feet into the ground to slow my feet. my injuries quickly disappeared thanks to my recovery speed.

'they are still holding back, this is their cannon folder.' I thought with narrowed eyes, their only big hitters that moved were Hashirama, Madara, and Izuna. they were trying to tire me out... and it was working, the chakra I had wasn't enough, and that was even more so with me having to warp reality so many times.

If I was stronger, Madara's time control EMS ability wouldn't affect me. It would of course put more of a burden on Madara if it turned time backwards on something powerful... and I was weak.

If only I had had deeper mastery in reality warping, then I wouldn't have many worries as I would use the perfect amount of energy in my actions. plus, I might be able to give myself an endless amount of chakra, although it would be for a short amount of time.

"... I have no choice but to remove the first gate," I said softly, before removing the first gate, called The Gate of Opening. The Gate of Opening located in the brain's left hemisphere, removes restraints set by the brain's muscles. This allows 100% of the user's strength to be used, whereas normally a person can only access approximately 20% of their muscles' capabilities, in order to keep them from disintegrating on the spot.

"I'm starting to enjoy all of this fighting stuff," I said while the power of destruction exploded off my body, destroying the many jutsu nearing me. With a smile, I stepped forward, unleashing so much power into the ground that it shook.

With a flash, I shot towards the shinobi. with ease, I took a sword from a shinobi before running around, slaughtering every shinobi in my path. it was a blood bath. I was happy, I was worried that removing my gates might cause something unforeseen to happen. luckily, the first gate was okay. but if the second gate opens... I felt like I could die.

With my power of destruction, all jutsu coming near me were destroyed. Hashirama wood? destroyed. Madara and his little brother's abilities? destroyed. I was a walking beast where all jutsu became useless, something which horrified everyone.

But the brats were smart and saw through my weakness. I was powerful and all, but destroying all of this jutsu came at a price of a huge amount of chakra, so they all rained their attacks at me, causing me to only destroy that troublesome jutsu that might lead to me using up more chakra. 

the battle went on for 5 days and 5 nights, and thousands were slaughtered. but slowly, I was slowing down and they seemed to be winning. the battle neared an end when the elites all moved together to truly try and kill me.

"By time!" Covered in scars and blood, I smirked while looking at the many elites moving. I was about to jump towards them to fight, but my blood moved. I looked towards an old man who was holding his palm towards me, controlling the very blood flowing through my body... Blood release.

"You should have run when you had the chance." My body began to rust as someone appeared behind me, and with his Kekkai Total, which was the fusion of 3 elements, I began to rust... Rust release.

"Hurry!" Hashirama roared, not wanting me to use my eyes. a shinobi with Dust release moved, shooting a cone that shot toward me. As the Clone phased through me, I was disintegrated down to the molecular level...

"you fool!" I roared in rage as I overcame my destruction, which horrified everyone. My body exploded with a newfound level of destruction. this was Anos's unique ability, what was Anos' source? It was destruction 

A source is a fundamental concept that lies deeper than the body, mind, and soul. With his source being Destruction, how can he be destroyed when he was pretty much the destruction itself?

The closer I am to my source, the stronger I shall become. meaning, trying to destroy me only strengthens me. the only way to put me down is to kill me, destroying me is impossible.

Now, I just grew stronger... no, this level of destruction wasn't worthy of making me stronger, but it was strong enough to shake my gates and cause me to overflow with my power of destruction.

"Impossible..." Everyone lost all will to fight seeing the powerful aura I was giving off, this had to be the power of a god. Be it Hashirama, Madara, and everyone else, they all lost hope, horrified by my power.

"FUCK!" I roared in rage while shooting up into the sky. I was going to die, the seal, and then me trying to overcome my destruction. It added to the 8 gates being confused, and not knowing how to react. I wanted to stop it, but to do that I needed to control my own power.

Gritting my teeth, I cut off my arm. I looked towards where Zetsu was at, before throwing my arm over there after putting the little chakra I could control into that arm. gritting my teeth, I looked down at everyone.

"So, should I explode taking you all out with me?" I asked coldly, sending a chill down everyone's spine. I glared at everyone, who only realized my power was too great and I was going to explode at any moment... well, I wouldn't die, but with my current level of power, the planet and everything else would be destroyed.

I didn't know how large the destruction would be, at worst my 3rd eyes would be activated on their own. this would cause a chain reaction of everything being destroyed. The mere attempt to open the 3rd eye would leads the world into a chaotic and destructive state, if they were to open slightly the world would be destroyed

Snorting, I used my own eyes to destroy myself. But I didn't destroy my source, instead, I wanted to see if I could come back to life even with my source being the only thing that remained.... Since I was destruction, I wouldn't truly die. it was more like me suppressing my own existence. It was unclear if I would be able to overcome this... but Since I didn't just pop back into existence, it seemed like I couldn't grow stronger from trying to destroy myself.

"Well, it seems like I didn't know my full capability. Destruction only made me stronger, which sent my gates into chaos." Kuro and Mio stood there with a blank look looking at the talking hand in front of them.

"y-you dead?" Kuro asked in a heavy voice, to which I just nodded slightly, causing Mio to start crying.

"Don't worry, continue with your plan. in the future, a jutsu that could bring back the dead will appear. Use this arm to just bring me back to life. you should do this within 50 or so years, as that should be before those from your mother clan return. but other than that, take your time." I said calmly, stunning Kuro 

"Here is some knowledge I know... just make sure things follow this path to avoid changing stuff. Have the one known as Kabuto bring me back to life, Madara will awaken the rinnegan, he is fated to do so." I asked while pointing at Kuro, giving him some information on future events,

"Okay... I will bring you back. but you have to help Mother after." Kuro said to which my hand formed a thumbs up.

"Mio, well... this is awkward, but I had destroyed the concept of aging on you long ago. so, you are immortal. So, even if it takes 5 billion years, we should meet again." I said to which Mio just nodded while watching the hand drop to the ground. she rubbed her stomach slightly... just when she wanted to tell him he was going to be a father... 

"That bastard, he picked death... I will kill him." She said hatefully, she never wanted to punch something so much in her life. but she stepped forward took my hand and sealed it away, before glaring at Kuro.

"tell me everything about him." She said coldly, causing Kuro to fearfully take a step backward. He wasn't a fighter, he was weak and couldn't fight someone like Mio, so he submitted and told her everything she wanted...

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