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22.07% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 17: The Prompt Adjudicator

Chapitre 17: The Prompt Adjudicator

Macai continues training with his instructor Hazo. Macai stands in a room with white walls, a white floor, and a beige ceiling. Hazo looks at his student, "You have done well Macai, but you still have much work to do."

Macai responds, "But I already have surpassed most active-duty soldiers."

Hazo replies, "While that may be true, I know you Macai. You still have a lot of unfulfilled potential. Now repeat the drill!"

Macai takes a deep breath, then he shifts his body from right to left. The young man rapidly shifts his arms left to right, releasing his signature gold flames. Hazo: "Good, keep going." Macai continues and fires his flames into several distant targets. He hits every target on the bullseye. Hazo: "Now, try the environmental tests."

Macai advances into his test courses, which are rigged with several constructed obstacles. Such as pits, triggered blades, and other deadly traps. Hazo normally wouldn't approve of such measures, but the Fire Nation Command mandated that Hazo put such measures in his training to ensure Macai was ready. This wasn't typical for most recruits, but Macai was far from the typical recruit.

Macai performs several flips and jumps as he evades the traps with little to no difficulty. Macai does it all, while beating the recommended timeframes. Hazo: "Well done, Macai. Now, show me the basics again."

Macai returns to his classic battle stance. Hazo presses a button and two machines automatically fire objects at Macai. Macai swiftly dodges the projectiles. Hazo smiles and nods his head, "Now show me your basic attacks again." Macai shifts his arms from right to left firing several gold flames. Hazo: "Show me a strong finish."

Macai leaps in the air. As gravity pulls him down, he extends his right arm and launches a powerful white flame from his right arm. The flame is blinding and covers a great radius and range. Hazo's jaw drops with surprise, "How did you do that?"

Macai looks at Hazo, "I don't know. I just did as you instructed and finished strong."

Hazo: "Show me the basics again." Macai returns to his classic battle stance and shifts his arms from right to left. He rapidly fires several white flames from both of his hands. Hazo: "I can't believe it, you just leveled up again."

Macai smiles, "I guess it's destiny, sir."

Hazo responds, "I guess so."

As Macai gets closer to his assignment, stories pass about Macai new feats. Macai requests that he be sent to the Navy after he hears about an elite marine unit that exists within the Navy branch. They specialize in rapidly deploying and attacking their enemies from Navy ships. Their officers are meant to have knowledge of naval and ground warfare. It seems like a new unique challenge and opportunity that Macai is up for.

Macai is suddenly given an invitation to visit his father at the Fire Nation Capital. Zyger and Yosari accompany him on this trip. After a long ride via carriage, they are back in the Capital. Macai's eyes widen as he looks at his birthplace. Macai: "Wow, it feels like I haven't been here for years. Even though it's only been one."

Yosari: "I feel exactly the same son."

Zyger: "Well, now I can catch up with Rokel. We can play chess again."

Macai: "We all know how that will end. You will win, as always."

Zyger smirks, "Maybe not this time, maybe I'll let him win this time."

The carriage stops at Macai's old golden home. Zyger, Macai, and Yosari exit the carriage and walk toward the front door. Zyger knocks and Maiden Umma opens the door. Umma hugs Macai, "Macai! I've missed you so much."

Macai smiles, "I missed you too, Umma."

Umma looks at Zyger and shakes his hands, "Zyger, it's always a pleasure."

Umma then respectfully bows before Yosari and Yosari does the same. Umma looks back at Macai, "My you've grown. You look stronger, older, and a bit taller."

Macai: "I have Umma and I never forgot the wise messages that you shared with me. They helped me grow into who I am today."

Umma (to Macai): "Yes, you are a man now." Macai blushes at the notion.

Umma (to everyone): "Now, come in. I've prepared a great feast." During the feast, Zyger tells a story.

Zyger: "I was riding in the wagon in the Town Kalleerie and suddenly we noticed unique creatures called gamma leeches. They are small brown leeches that eat leather. They had traveled on our wagon and started eating the wheels. When we noticed this, I knew we were not going to make it back in time."

Macai: "So what did you do?"

Zyger explained, "Well, Rokel and I had to manually ride our horses back. Rokel was a much better rider than I. On our way back, we met a messenger who was riding back toward the capital. We asked him how he rode in his carriage without losing his wheels. He explained how people in the area used a special spray that kept the gamma leeches off their carriage wheels."

Macai: "That must have cost you a lot of money."

Zyger: "The cost was on your dad. You can imagine he was furious."

Eyre sharply interrupts, "Indeed I was." Everyone turns around and notices Eyre take a seat at the table. Macai glances at his father and his father coldly looks back. Eyre: "Macai, you have done well. I am impressed. Soon, you will have your opportunity to prove yourself to the Fire Nation on the battlefield."

Macai smiles, "I can't wait."

Eyre: "You will leave with me tomorrow and we will discuss this in my office. But not before one last Sunrise training (Eyre grins)."

Macai: "Of course, father."

The next morning, Macai meets with his father around 5 am in his back yard. Eyre: "Let's see what you have learned. Get in your battle stance." Macai does as he is instructed. Eyre: "Defend yourself!" Eyre thrusts his right hand forward and fires an orange flame at Macai's right shoulder. Macai tilts his right arm and blocks the shot.

Eyre fires a second flame at the lower left side of Macai's stomach. Macai immediately reacts and leaps in the air then kicks a massive white stream of fire at Eyre. Eyre leaps right and says, "Macai, I did not give you permission to attack yet. Obedience is everything."

Macai apologizes, "I'm sorry father. I just got in the zone. I think the tournament has made me used to fighting in a more reactive way."

Eyre: "Fifty push-ups, now!" Macai does as he is instructed. Eyre: "Fifty jumping jacks." Macai follows instructions again. Eyre makes Macai run across his yard several times, lift weights, perform several pull ups, and undergo many combat drills. After training for two hours, Macai is hardly tired."

Eyre: "You have done, well. Your conditioning is phenomenal. Let's test your offense." Eyre enters his defensive stance. Macai horizontally launches an explosive white flame from his left hand at Eyre's chest. Eyre rolls then shifts both of his hands and directs a beam of orange fire at his son.

Macai shifts both of his arms and blocks the shot. The beams send him sliding two feet backward. Macai leaps in the air and kicks both of his feet forward, firing an explosive beam of flames at his father. Eyre raises a vertical wall of fire over himself and Macai's beams hit the wall. A moderate explosion ensues, that emits a powerful bright light. Eyre quickly tilts his head to avoid being blinded.

As the smoke clears Macai leaps behind his father. Eyre quickly turns and kicks his right leg at Macai's legs while enhancing his leg with fire. Macai leaps in the air over the kick and Eyre shifts his right arm forward, launching an orange flame toward Macai's stomach. Macai shifts his hands to block the attack but is still knocked two feet back. Macai rolls on the grass before catching himself.

Eyre: "Well done, I'm impressed. But you still have much to learn. You also seem to have hesitated when you got behind me, never do that. You have every right to avoid maiming allies in training, but you must learn to give it your all in any and every fight. Even against family."

Macai slowly stands up, then kneels. Macai: "Yes father, I apologize."

Eyre: "Rise, Macai. Your time has come." Macai follows Eyre into a carriage and they ride to Eyre's office. The building they enter has dark red walls, a dark brown floor, and a silver ceiling. The walls have several swords, spears, and other weapons on them. The walls also come with several pictures. Eyre: "Pay close attention Macai, you will notice that these are pictures of different notable Fire Nation Admirals and General. But the further you walk, you will eventually see one of our ancestors. General Merchanetlli, a famous warrior who was respected and feared throughout the Fire Nation."

Eyre continues, "He was known for being an efficient and effective leader. But he also understood his men and had a strong bond with them. However, he was always willing to eliminate one of his men if they betrayed the nation and he got the rest of his unit to accept his actions. You have a lot to live up to but, you can learn by studying those in your family. In some ways, he reminds me of you. But you must find that inner fire within you."

Macai: "But father, I have shown my inner fire! I have fought and defeated many great opponents. I have passed my tests and floruished in competition."

Eyre responds, "That is only half of your inner fire. Having inner fire ignited means that you are willing to do the difficult things in life to be strong. It means that you are willing to make unpopular decisions or decisions that you are not comfortable with. It means that you must be willing to kill citizens and sometimes destroy cities to maintain victory."

Macai sighs, "I will do whatever I must to honor my nation and my household."

Eyre: "I hope you will, during the moment of truth. Every man will be tested in some way, physically and mentally."

Macai: "What about my assignment?"

Eyre: "That is not my duty to assign to you. That is the duty of the Naval Intelligence branch. Usually a standard representative would tell you the news, but you will personally report to the Naval Admiral Kei to receive your assignment."

Macai: "When?"

Eyre: "Now." Eyre hands Macai a slip of paper, "Here is his room number, go contact him. He will be expecting you. He will be on the other side of the building with the Naval forces, since that is where you wanted to be."

Macai walks to the Admiral's office and knocks on the door. Admiral Kei opens the door and smiles. He has dark brown curly hair, slanted eyes, a long nose, medium lips, long ears, and thin eyebrows. Admiral Kei: "Hello, Macai. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Macai: "The pleasure is all mine."

Kei: "You have been selected to take part in a unique Naval Unit that has always existed within the Fire Nation. We call them the Naval Shock Troopers or Marines. They specialize in attacking enemies and rapidly deploying into battle. Marine units only fight in territories for a limited time frame or rapidly conquer territories. However, they do not stay and fight in one intense battle for more than a month. If a unit is in an intense battle for too long, army forces will be called in and Shock Troopers will be redeployed to another location."

Macai: "So they specialize in rush tactics and overwhelming their enemies."

Kei: "Exactly, I believe you have the skills to become a great naval leader. I will assign you to Commander Kenshin's unit. Don't worry, Kenshin is a real professional. He is a caring and compassionate leader. For your valor and due to your father's name, you will come in as a captain."

Macai: "Thank you sir, I'm honored."

Kei: "Of course. You may also request a few individuals to accompany you on your journey."

Macai: "Alright, I'd like to request my friend Kett is placed as my second in command. He is a loyal and excellent soldier. Who will bring a different perspective into combat. He is a non-noble."

Kei: "Yes, I am familiar with the name. He can come in as a 2nd lieutenant."

Macai: "And I request that my friends Kanna and Dade also are enlisted as officers."

Kei: "They can come in as first-class privates. Which still puts them over most recruits who are second class and will allow them to gain the lieutenant rank next if they prove themselves."

Macai nods his head, "Thank you sir, your generosity is remarkable."

Kei: "Of course, but Kett will not be your second-in-command. Since you requested him, he can be a leader sure. But your second in command will be First-Lieutenant Aiya. She is a brilliant young woman who is seventeen years old. She has a year of combat experience but, she has proven herself and I believe you will get along well with her. She's a nonbender but, her specialty is not combat."

Macai: "So she's a strategist."

Kei: "Yes and a brilliant one. She's also a great assistant and manager. She knows how to organize things. But also listen to your foot soldiers. Most of them will be older than you. I did that on purpose. I wanted to balance the old with the young and send you a more seasoned unit."

Macai: "Great, can I get any advice from a seasoned officer?"

Kei: "You can consult with Commander Kei, but he leads his own fleet. This means that you will most likely be given your own ship. A small one though, one for scouting and recon."

Macai: "May I request that my mentor Captain Hazo accompanies me during the first year of my work? That way I have a seasoned guide."

Kei: "Very well. He will serve as your tactical advisor, as long as he is willing to accept the offer. And I will change his title to Senior Captain to represent his role. He can also be called the Combat Advisor."

Macai respectfully bows and Kei does the same. Macai decides to meet with his new commander, Kenshin. Macai walks outside of his office and knocks on the door. Kenshin's assistant, Lieutenant Temura opens it. Temura has brown eyes, black straight medium-length hair, thick eyebrows, and a long nose. Temura: "Hello, Macai. We've been expecting you."

Macai smiles, "Thanks. Is Kenshin available?"

Temura: "Yes, just one second." Temura walks away and returns with Kenshin. Kenshin has tan skin, black wavy hair, gold eyes, a small nose, medium lips, a moderately muscular body, and small ears.

Kenshin: "Macai, I've been waiting to see you. I saw you, when you fought at the National tournament."

Macai's eyes widen, "Really? Were you impressed?"

Kenshin: "Of course. It's a massive achievement to win the national tournament. Your father must be very proud."

Macai: "He is."

Kenshin: "I remember my tournament. I did well and went to quarterfinals in my town, which was in the city Venloti. Good times."

Macai: "That city has decent standing."

Kenshin: "Indeed it does. But nothing like the Capital and I heard Nyarri was stacked this year. They always have good recruits."

Macai: "Indeed, you are absolutely right sir."

Kenshin: "We could use that talent in the 52nd."

Macai: "I have been informed that I will get my own scout ship."

Kenshin: "Correct, you will receive a small and new ship. That is made for scouting. It is faster than the standard ships and packs less firepower. It also has less durable armor but, it is good for quick stealth strikes or taking down smaller targets. We need some units like that to attack some of our enemies. Who are quick and use hit-and-run attacks rather than brawling with us in traditional engagements."

Macai nods his head, "I can't wait for my chance to prove myself."

Kenshin: "Very good. It's a destroyer-class ship. It's called the 'Prompt Adjudicator'".

Macai: "What's its crew size?"

Kenshin: "The Prompt Adjudicator comes with 500 crew members and 300 infantry soldiers. It's a big ship for a new officer, so you will be up to the challenge."

Macai: "When can I meet my crew?"

Kenshin: "It will take a while for your new members to receive their assignments. Most of the crew is already established and set up but their leader got promoted and moved up. We will ship some new recruits in, but there are a lot of seasoned members. Expect to meet them in about a month. The specific unit assigned to your ship is called the 31st Company, which is part of my 52nd Attack Battalion."

Macai nods his head, "Very well, I look forward to it."


Macai meets with several soldiers at a dock outside of the Capital Harbor. Macai sees many adults of various ages. This includes people in their early twenties, late thirties, and mid-forties. While Macai is preparing to meet his crew, he is greeted by Aiya. She has light brown hair that is wrapped in a ponytail, thin eyebrows, yellow skin, hazel eyes, and a thin yet moderately tall frame.

Macai is waiting in his new office at the Capital. It is located near the shore. Macai looks at his new uniform. Like most Fire Nation soldiers, it has light and dark red markings throughout it. But, his armor comes with a gold collar to signify his rank.

Aiya has a light grey uniform with dark red and black markings. Aiya is holding a notepad in her hand and a pen. Aiya has a silver collar, symbolizing her rank. Aiya: "Hello, Macai are you ready to meet your crew members?"

Macai: "I'm not sure if they'll accept me. Look at me, I'm just fourteen years old. I think I'm sharp and I can be confident. But I wonder if they know what I'm truly capable of."

Aiya smiles and puts her right hand on Macai's shoulder, "Well, there is only one way to find out."

Macai: "What?! Aren't you supposed to motivate me?"

Aiya: "You don't sound like the confident recruit that I was informed about."

Macai elaborates, "No, I am confident. I just, I've never been required to do something like this. I was trained to be a great leader. I studied many strategies. But I've never had to command a gigantic unit of people, most of which are older than me."

Aiya: "You must not show that. You need to speak to them with pure confidence. Everyone might not believe it at first and the road ahead will be difficult. But you must prove it one step at a time. Keep working hard no matter what happens and don't give up. Then destiny will manifest and you must trust that what is meant to happen will happen."

Macai nods his head, "You're right. I didn't even need to consult Hazo yet. Aiya, you served for a year. How did you prove yourself?"

Aiya: "As I said, I was patient. I waited for the opportunities to shine and I didn't waste my time arguing with those who doubted me. I struggled at first, but I eventually made many useful insights that made my unit more successful. My captain started to trust me and his respect for me eventually caused more people to respect me. But there are still some people who also doubt me. The job is never one-hundred percent finished."

Macai: "You're right."

Aiya: "Two soldiers will escort you on your walk."

One man with dark grey hair, brown eyes, yellow skin, and a few wrinkles looks at Macai. He stands at five feet and ten inches tall. The man smiles, "Nice to meet you Macai, my name is Cosal. I am one of the older shock troopers here. I am forty-three."

Macai: "It's a pleasure to meet you Cosal."

The other soldier has dark brown hair, hazel eyes, a moderately strong build, and pale skin. The man nods at Macai, "My name is Ronin. I am twenty-seven years old and I look forward to working with you."

Macai looks at Aiya, "Did you request these men come with me?"

Aiya: "Yes, you need two guards to stand with you during your speeches. That is tradition. I wanted to give you an opportunity to work with two men who were optimistic about meeting you and two men I trust. They have been great and loyal soldiers. They taught me a lot during my first year of service."

Macai: "Well, I like them already. Cosal and Ronin, let's go. It is time." Cosal and Ronin put on their helmets. Their helmets have white masks on them with two black holes that they can see out of. These helmets were designed to instill fear in the enemies of the nation. Cosal and Ronin are both first-class privates and have bronze collars.

Macai walks on a stage outside of the beach. He sees hundreds of crew members and soldiers who are gathered outside for the meeting. Deep in the crowd, he sees his friends Kanna, Kett, and Dade talking in the distance. Macai smiles as he sees them.

Kett has a silver collar which shows his new rank while Kanna and Kett have bronze collars. The average soldiers don't have these colorful collars. All soldiers that are ranked as Lieutenants or higher are not required to wear their helmets during battle. Macai: "Troopers, it is an honor to be with you all. I know many of you may question me today. For my youth and for my lack of experience. However, I assure you all that I will give you my all and put my entire being on the line to ensure that we destroy our enemies."

Macai notices that some of the soldiers are giving him dirty looks. Macai: "I have fought and worked diligently to get where I am now. But one thing is certain, I will have to fight and work even more diligently to prove myself here now. I owe my LIFE to you all and each and every one of you are part of one whole body. That body is the 31st Company and together, we will bring honor to all our families back home as well as the Fire Nation!"

Some people in the crowd cheer, but a few still stay silent. Macai: "One thing that you all may expect is to see some action. And one thing that I guarantee you all is that I will be there fighting right beside each and everyone one of you on the frontlines. Rather than leading from afar." Most people in the crowd cheer this time.

Macai walks down the stage and one soldier claps as he is descending. The soldier has light skin, black thin hair, gold eyes, and appears to be in his early thirties. Macai smiles and waves at the soldier. Soldier: "Well done, Capitan. I hope that you will actually fight with us on the frontlines. A lot of young officers make those claims and don't back them up. Especially those who got their positions because of their fathers, but maybe you'll prove yourself."

Macai darts his eyes at the soldier, "What's your name?"

Soldier: "My name is Asad. I've been serving this unit for the last five years and before I came here I saw a young gun just like yourself choke on the battlefield. Got himself and half his unit wiped out. He was just seventeen and you're what, fourteen. Ha ha ha, you've got a lot to prove. They made that boy a commander after he went on a few lackluster missions."

Macai: "Take off your helmet, so I may look at you face to face." Asad removes his helmet. Macai walks directly in front of the soldier and looks down at his silver collar. Macai: "It looks like you have a bit of rank trooper, I guess that makes you a lieutenant."

Asad: "Yessir, still a second lieutenant. They don't promote us quite as quickly when we don't have royal beginnings."

Macai: "You have a big mouth for a lieutenant. But I will prove myself in due time."

Asad: "I look forward to seeing it."

Macai: "The feeling is mutual." Macai walks away from Asad and approaches his old friends.

Kanna takes her helmet off, "I hate this thing. It's so hot and my suit is way too tight."

Kett: "Don't worry you'll get used to it."

Macai: "If not, I will find a suit that better fits you Kanna."

Dade: "My shoes are a bit tight, I'd love if you could get me some new ones."

Kett: "You both need to calm down. We can get those things in due time. Our training in Nyarri will make us stand out, hopefully. But right now, Macai shouldn't give us preferential treatment. It would make us look bad and build resentment from other soldiers. Undermining Macai's leadership. Treat us all equally and reward the most successful soldiers."

Macai: "Look at you, acting like a true lieutenant."

Kett: "Well I need to if I don't want to cause myself a lot of problems."

Macai: "You will do a great job. I'm confident of that. We set sail for combat very soon, but I need to take a look at the destroyer."

Kanna: "You really should. It's gorgeous." Macai and his friends approach the destroyer. It is made of dark grey steel. The vessel is 30 meters wide and 200 meters long.

Macai smiles, "Wow, it is magnificent."

Kett: "Now for an internal tour."

Aiya steps in front of them, "Hello, you must be Macai's new recommend officers."

Kanna: "That's right."

Aiya: "You must be Kanna, I'm Aiya. Macai's new logistical assistant."

Kett: "I'm Kett, this is Dade."

Aiya: "Nice to meet you both. I will show you around." The ship has dark red walls, a light grey ceiling, and a dark grey floor. There are portraits of Ancient Fire Nation ships and admirals throughout the vessel. Aiya shows them the recreation room which has a pool table and a bar. Aiya also shows the new officers the engine room, cafeteria, and their personal lounges. Each officer gets their own room if they are a lieutenant or higher rank.

Because Kanna and Dade are still privates, they have to share a bunk bed. They both also will have two other roommates who will share another bunk bed. Kanna and Dade take a while to pick which bed they want. Dade: "Let's use the one on the right near the door, so we can get in and out quicker."

Kanna: "But the bunk on the left is closer to the window. So we can look at the ocean and the islands."

Dade: "You can do that if you want and we can have different bunk partners."

Kanna: "Come on Dade, it's way cooler on the left side."

Dade: "Nope, I'm staying on the right side."

Kanna: "Suit yourself, I'm claiming the top bunk of the left side."

Dade: "I'm claiming the bottom bunk on my side."

Kanna: "Fine."

Dade: "Good."

Macai looks at Aiya, "Well, that's settled. I hope you both will like the new roommates. Is there anything else we should see?"

Aiya: "I'll show you all the training room next. Then we can look at the weapons room. There is also a room where we hold three eel hounds, for rapid travel and important missions."

Kanna: "Do we have any Komodo Rhinos?"

Aiya: "Not on this ship. I'm afraid it's not big enough for that and that's not our role."

Kett: "One day we'll get there. Then I can ride a Komodo Rhino. I'm surprised you want to ride one Kanna. An eel hound sounds like it's much more your style."

Dade: "Someone remind me what an Eel Hound looks like?"

Aiya: "Don't worry we will get to look at them in person soon enough." Later that day, the team enters the animal room. There are grey walls, grey floors, and there is a bright red ceiling. The eel hounds are tall and lanky animals with black skin on their upper bodies and light green skin on their lower bodies. They have thin and lanky faces as well as long tails.

Dade looks at one as he moves in closer to its cage. Dade: "Oh, they're beautiful." The eel hound stretches its tongue out from across the bars of the cage and licks Dade in his nose. Dade: "Gah!" Dade wipes the saliva off his face.

Kett laughs, "Looks like he likes you."

Macai: "We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. I want to whip the unit in shape and practice some drills. But that gives you time to get friendly with the new crew."

Kett looks at Kanna, "Oh gosh."

Dade: "Oh come on, how bad can it be?"

New Acquaintances

Kanna and Dade start packing things in their new rooms. They notice two young men enter the room. One with long brown hair, medium skin, thin eyebrows, wide thin lips, large ears, gold eyes, and a fairly large forehead. He looks to be about twenty-three. The other young man seems to be about eighteen. He has brown wavy hair, light skin, medium ears, hazel eyes, and a moderately thin build.

The man with long hair looks at Dade, "Hey what's your name?"

Dade: "It's Dade."

Young Man: "My name's Chestoy. This is Ruvi."

Dade: "Nice to meet you Chestoy and Ruvi. You both look to be fairly young."

Chestoy: "Ruvi's a bit younger than me. But you both look very fresh, like right out of the academy fresh."

Kanna: "We are. We just graduated."

Ruvi chuckles, "Fresh meat."

Dade: "Don't get the wrong idea, we're very dangerous."

Ruvi: "Relax freshmen, we're just goofing around."

Dade: "Better be."

Chestoy gets in Dade's face, "Or what little man?"

Kanna sighs. Dade: "Or I'll break your face."

Chestoy giggles, "You? You aren't even a bender."

Dade: "And?"

Chestoy looks back at his friend Ruvi and Ruvi nods his head. Chestoy turns and swings a left hook at Dade's nose. Dade ducks and knees Chestoy in the stomach. Chestoy grunts then Dade swiftly uppercuts him. Chestoy falls backward and Ruvi leaps forward to fire a flame into Dade. Before he can do it Kanna aims her right arm at him and launches a dark orange flame into his chest while still sitting in her bunkbed.

Ruvi flies backward into the wall, then slides on his bottom while steam flows from his chest. Chestoy backpedals, "I'm sorry we got on the wrong foot. It won't happen again." Kanna leaps out of her bunk bed and lands just inches left of Chestoy's position.

Kanna looks down at Chestoy and puts her hands on her hips, "It better not."

Meanwhile, Macai is having a brief conversation with Kett. Kett: "This is going to be interesting."

Macai: "You said that during the Winter Competition and the tournament. And many other times as well. It will work out, it always does."

Kett: "I wish Rosh was here. He seemed like a cool guy. I never got to know him very well."

Macai: "Rosh will graduate next year. He only skipped one grade. So, he'll be out at fifteen like Kanna."

Kett: "That works for me."

The Summer Heat

There are hundreds of Fire Nation soldiers outside and it incredibly hot. The sun is blazing and there is not a cloud in the bright blue sky. Macai stands in front of his recruits as he prepares to train them. Macai looks confident and powerful, "My father trained me intensely every sunrise and sunset. We will do the same in this unit."

A soldier objects, "What? Our old officer only trained us once a year."

Macai gives the soldier a beckoning call and the soldier meets him face to face. Macai: "I don't care what your old officer did, this is now MY UNIT. You will play by MY RULES, do I make myself clear?"

The soldier murmurs, "yes sir."

Macai: "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Soldier: "YES SIR!!"

Macai: "Good, get back to your post trooper." Macai forces his soldiers to sprint several times through the beachhead. After a long run, Macai orders the team to repeat the drill several times until they finish on time and beat the par score. Macai makes the soldiers do several push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, obstacle courses, and combat drills.

Macai stops a soldier during his drill. The soldier has dark brown skin, straight hair, hazel eyes, and a moderately strong yet short build, "What are you doing trooper?"

Soldier: "Sir?"

Macai: "What's your name soldier?"

Soldier: "Gamal."

Macai: "Well, Gamal. I need you to do that drill again. Remember, bending comes from the breath, not the muscles! So do it again and this time I want you to look sharper. Perform your moves in one smooth motion."

Another soldier in his early fifties named Rosier, questions Macai. Rosier has grey hair, gold eyes, a moderate build, and is five feet and nine inches tall. Rosier: "What do you know about bending, boy? I've fought on the battlefield for decades."

Macai: "Would you like a demonstration?!" Macai moves in one smooth motion and pivots his body right then extends his right arm. He does this within a second and launches a white flame into the soldier's chest. Rosier rolls two feet backward in the sand and the troopers look in astonishment and several tremble in fear.

 Macai's Demonstration

Macai: "That, is how it is executed. Now get it right!"

One of the soldiers murmurs to another, "I didn't know this kid could bend WHITE FIRE."

His friend responds, "He is something else. We see that he can fight, but I wonder how good his strategy is."

The next day, Captain Hazo docks on the ship and meets with Macai. Macai: "Thank you for agreeing to come with us. Your experience will be invaluable as I am trying to adapt to the battlefield."

Hazo: "Indeed it will. You have impressed me once again Macai with your insights. You will need my help. I know you are a smart and adaptive leader. But apparently, Ozai wishes for you to be challenged. The entire Battalion that you serve can expect to get more serious missions, which means that we will also be sent on serious missions as a scouting unit. Fortunately, the scale of our conflicts will often be smaller due to our role. But no less intense and we can expect to get less backup."

Macai: "What kind of missions will we get?"

Hazo: "I'd expect we would attack certain outposts, towers, small beachheads that carry fewer forces, undergo raids at suspicious territories and harbors, and perhaps chasing some pirates."

Macai: "How do you think you can best serve me as an advisor?"

Hazo: "I will let you do the fighting and leading your men on the field. Some learning comes with challenges that you will have to adjust to yourself. However, I will help you plan out your strategies. I will give you advice and use my real experience so that you can find out what you need to do on the battlefield."

Macai hugs Hazo, "Thanks so much for everything. With your help, I know I won't fail."

Hazo smiles, "We have a long journey ahead Macai. But I'd confident that you will become one of the finest captains in the Fire Nation. Until then, get some rest. You have a lot to look forward to."

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