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5.19% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 4: Deliberations

Chapitre 4: Deliberations

Several months have passed. Macai has been meeting with Azula more and more frequently but also makes some time for his friends. Sometimes there is pressure as both groups compete for his attention. While all of this is happening, Macai is steadily improving in his combat forms and excelling in most subjects.

Macai's math scores are steadily improving (from poor to slightly above average) with his mother's help. In fact, his rate of growth increases and even Azula has a slight increase in her productivity rate. This relationship gets Ozai's attention but, makes him question if it is stable.

Eyre is sitting in his work office within the Fire Nation military center. The walls of the office are beige with a painting of the famous Fire Nation fort Roc Moe, where Fire Nation troopers fought off a massive army of Water Tribe troopers hundreds of years ago. There is also a Fire Nation poster in the room and there is a Mormabear skin on the floor (a 9-foot-tall creature with sharp claws, teeth, and weighs 280 pounds). There are red trimmings on the walls and the door is made of maple brown wood.

The room was customized by Eyre and smells like burning wood. It is a common cologne scent used by Fire Nation leaders. The bright sun shines through the window of the room and Eyre's desk is maple brown like the door in the room. Eyre is writing strategic plans with a black lamp (that emits a strong white light) shining over his papers. Eyre is wearing his red armor with black armor with red and gold stripes.

His door is suddenly pushed open and Prince Ozai enters. Eyre does not turn his head, being focused on his papers. Eyre assumes it is his subordinate Captain Voch. Eyre: "Voch, didn't I tell you not to barge in during my 11 am readings? What is it this time?" Eyre turns his head and notices Ozai then his reaction immediately changes.

Ozai smirks, "Hello, General. I snuck in here to discuss a very important matter."

Eyre automatically assumes it is a military matter, "Of course, what is it, Prince?"

Ozai: "Well, I noticed that your son and my daughter have been performing better recently."

Eyre: "Ahh, yes. That's excellent isn't it?"

Ozai holds his hands together, "Indeed it is, but I worry about the stability of such a relationship. If it were to fail, what would become of it? Would they both become less productive?"

Eyre takes a deep breath, "I would assume that would be the immediate effect. But if it works, it would be a great tool for our nation. They could become one of the most powerful couples of all time. Perhaps the most powerful of our time."

Ozai: "Indeed, but we would need to test the strength of a relationship. Rather than risking it blow up in our faces."

Eyre raises his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Ozai: "The best relationships can endure hardships and the best warriors can endure tests. I am thinking of a way to test Macai, I will return to you when I have decided what course of action is best. The last thing we want is for Azula and Macai to become powerful Fire Nation leaders and suddenly become weak after the collapse of their relationship. That could compromise many lives and many of MY PLANS."

Eyre: "Indeed, let me know what you think of. I will give you fair feedback."

Ozai: "Without a doubt, I trust your long wisdom. You are a man of practicality and you control your emotions well. That is why I trust you and that makes me even more comfortable with Macai. But, if you ever put your son over the interests of the Fire Nation, I will destroy you."

Eyre: "You know where my allegiance lies."

Ozai: "Good. Very good, General. Now if you excuse me, I have more pressing matters to attend to. But I did enjoy this discussion, some people do not have such decency these days and must be made an example out of. But they make the job fun." Ozai gets up and departs from the room.

Eyre takes a deep breath and wonders, What did Macai get me into? What did I get myself into? I will see how far my ambitions take me. All I can do is make the most sensible decision that I can think of. What would my father do? So many questions and such little time. Oh well, back on task. I need to be planning our next attack on the Reberro Region.

Play Date

A few days later, Ursa has proposed a chance to finally meet Yosari. This meeting would include Macai and Azula. It would take place at Macai's house with Homeservant Zyger and Maiden Umma as the main facilitators. Ursa may need to get Zuko to come along because his father will not be around during the day and she doesn't want him to be alone at the palace.

Ursa is wearing a white and red dress. With a modest level of makeup and red lipstick. She has a strong perfume that smells like morra flowers. Ursa knocks on Zuko's door. Zuko's room has dark red walls, golden trimmings, dark brown drawers, and a massive bed. Zuko opens the door and see's his mother. Zuko instantly hugs her. Ursa cordially smiles.

Zuko: "What are you up to mom?"

Ursa: "Your sister and Macai are getting closer. I know you are alone, so I am going to meet with his mother today. I wanted you to come, so you wouldn't be left alone."

Zuko shrugs his shoulders, "Sometimes I like being alone. It takes me out of all the daily drama."

Ursa: "I hear Macai is a good boy."

Zuko: "He is from what I've heard and seen. But he is changing a bit being around Azula."

Ursa: "You and your sister have bonded recently. Acting our your favorite plays and I've seen you two laugh together a few times recently."

Zuko: "You know it's on and off, but we have mainly had fun together except for when it gets competitive."

Ursa: "If you really want to stay, then I will let you."

Zuko: "Ok. I'll go, try something new. We will see how it goes."

While this is happening Rokel and Maiden are preparing the living room in Macai's home. The walls are golden yellow with white trimmings. There is a large chandelier over the living room table. Several elegant dishes are placed on the massive white dining table. The chairs are golden yellow and the chandelier emits a bright yellow light. The sun is beginning to set outside, but Macai only had sunrise training for this special occasion.

Eyre is not at home either. Both he and Ozai had extensive planning. Yosari is wearing a black uniform dress with a gold collar. Macai is wearing his standard red uniform and looks out of the window to see when the guests come. Macai's hair is freshly combed and pressed down with grease making it shiner. Yosari pats Macai on the back to get his attention Macai turns and hugs his mother.

Yosari's hair is freshly pressed and she has fresh make up on. She was never much of a fan of makeup and never needed it. Despite this, she knew it was a common custom and put a little on during important meetings as a sign of respect. Her lips glossed with a faint red-pink lipstick.

An excited Macai exclaims, "Mom, do I look good?"

Yosari smiles and reassures him, "You look wonderful."

The Maiden Umma has medium length dark brown hair, pale skin, light brown eyes, and a beige dress with red stripes. Umma is 43 years old, has a nose that hooks down at the end. Unlike Zyger, Umma has a thin body. She stands at about 5 feet and 7 inches tall.

Ursa's carriage arrives. Ursa and her children disembark as two fire nation soldiers with swords escort them to Eyre's home. Zyger's long hair is freshly pressed, and he is wearing a beige uniform with red stripes. Zyger: "They are here. Maiden Umma, please get the door."

Umma opens the massive light grey marble entrance door and Ursa enters the room main lobby room with her children behind her. One trooper stands at the door while the other waits at the entrance. Umma slightly bows in respect, "Welcome, it is an honor to have you."

Ursa smiles and replies, "Of course, it's an honor to be here."

Yosari smiles and announces, "Hi, my name is Yosari. I am Macai's mother, I have heard great things about you Ursa."

Ursa: "I have heard a lot of good things about you as well. I can't wait to get to know you."

Zuko: "Hi, I am Zuko. Azula's brother. It smells great in here." Everyone laughs at the unique observation.

Azula: "I am Azula, I'm sure you've heard a lot about me. I assure you, I'm not that bad." An awkward silence comes between Yosari, Ursa, and Zuko.

Macai: "I am Macai, you've seen me before but we never had a chance to introduce ourselves. I am a prudent, hardworking, and adaptive boy who also knows how to have a good time."

Zyger: "I am Zyger, in case you forgot. It was an honor to meet you, Ursa. I am a trusted home servant."

Maiden Umma: "My name is Umma, it is great to be here. If you need any refreshments, request any services, or want our attention then we will be at your service. But please, first try some of the delicious food that we have prepared."

Everyone sits at the table and Zyger says, "Let us have an observance statement for this joyous meal." Everyone remains silent. Zyger: "Today is a wonderful day. We have been blessed with the best food in the best Nation in this universe. We have been blessed living in the strongest nation this world has ever seen. We stand in great riches, but the most important treasure of all is having loving family and friends."

Zyger continues, "So today, let us enjoy the great company that we have. May fortune and power stay with us. May we always be prudent and vigilant at our many blessings. May the food be safe and delicious as always and we continue to serve our country well." Everyone starts eating.

Azula and Macai finish eating early. Macai: "We are finished eating, can we go do something else?"

Zyger: "Maiden Umma would you like to accompany them or should I?"

Maiden Umma: "It doesn't matter to me."

Zyger; "I had the pleasure of meeting the Duchess before. You should stay, I will go with the children. Keep an eye on them."

Azula: "Where are we going?"

Zyger: "Would you prefer to go to the recreation room or outside?"

Macai: "You could show them the recreation room then we could go in the backyard after."

Zyger: "Works for me."

Ursa interjects, "Please give Zuko time to finish eating first." Zuko is plowing his face in a plate of Gyudon.

Zuko: "This is delicious."

Azula: "We can leave him and he can find us."

Ursa: "No, Zuko will also come." Azula sighs.

Then Zuko says. "Mom, it's ok. They can go. I will join them. I just want to eat a little more."

Ursa: "Ok, but if (looking at Azula and Macai) you two are hungry later then this will be a waste. Are you both sure that you aren't hungry?"

Macai shrugs his shoulders and Azula doesn't respond. Zyger: "Then it is decided. I will take Macai and Azula to the den. We will wait for Zuko to join the fun." Azula and Macai quickly get up to follow Zyger as he departs.

Ursa looks at Yosari, "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to talk to your son like he was mine."

Yosari: "It's fine. I do the same with his friend Rosh sometimes and a couple of his other friends."

Ursa smiles, "Oh, so you understand. Yes, I have done that with Ty Lee once before. I just want to make sure everyone is having fun and a part of whatever is going on. I don't want anyone to feel left out."

Yosari: "I absolutely understand, I wouldn't want anyone to feel left out."

Ursa: "So, what do you think about the latest fashion in Jorro City? A lot of people are starting to copy it throughout the Fire Nation?"

Yosari: "Well?"

While Ursa and Yosari are talking, Maiden Umma sits beside Zuko. Zuko devours several noodles and pieces of beef. Then he turns to his right side and locks eyes with Umma. Umma smiles deeply. Zuko: "Hi, what are you up to?"

Umma: "Not much, just trying to see what you are up to."

Zuko: "Just eating, why don't you eat with me? You didn't seem to eat much."

Umma: "It's the etiquette, servants, and maidens typically wait to eat until after guests are happy. We are to focus on our job, which is making sure you are happy. After that, we eat or before that if we are hungry."

Zuko: "What if I'll be happier if you eat with me?"

Umma: "Ok, I will have a few vegetables with some rice. Will that make you happy?"

Zuko: "Yes, because I heard your stomach growl when you were next to me. But it was a low growl, so I knew you were a bit hungry. You shouldn't have to be." Umma says nothing. She is surprised that the boy is so compassionate and so observant. She believes she messed up and should have eaten slightly more earlier. Having a growling stomach, flatulating, or burping are all frowned upon.

Zuko's statement could get her in trouble but Yosari and Ursa are not paying any attention to them. Even if they were, they are more polite than some noble women. Umma looks at Zuko again, "How is school going?"

Zuko: "It's alright."

Umma: "Are you doing well?"

Zuko: "I'm doing ok."

Umma: "Just ok, I know you can do better."

Zuko: "Mom says that too. I do when I'm motivated."

Umma: "That's alright, you should always try your best. It will pay off one day. How are your friends?"

Zuko: "I don't have much for friends. I kind of like this one guy, not in a romantic way. But I kinda like Niro. He is cool and fun. He makes fun of my awkward side but, isn't a jerk."

Umma: "That's nice. Does he visit you a decent amount?"

Zuko: "We mainly hang out at school. I had him visit but, he doesn't like my sister. Prefers to keep his distance."

Umma's eyes widen, "Why is that?"

Zuko: "They got in an argument and he tried to race her and lost. She beat us at almost every sport we played. But we started playing board games, Niro demolished her. I beat her at a couple of card games. Then she got so angry that she flipped the table over and burnt one of his card decks. Niro was so mad that he never wanted to visit again unless he knows that she is away for certain."

Umma takes a deep breath and thinks, Macai seems to be in for a rough ride. It's not my place to say anything.

Zuko: "But maybe she'll grow out of it at some point."

Umma lies, "Oh, I'm sure she will." not knowing if this statement has any validity but hoping for the best. Umma ponders, It's none of my business anyway. Let me just focus on my job and my host family.

While this is happening Zyger leads Azula and Macai to the recreation room. A massive foosball table is in the room, alone with a pool table, a chessboard, and several darts that can be thrown at a target.

Azula looks at Macai and the darts, "My friend Mai would nail these. Right in the center every time. It's nuts."

Macai: "Better than you?"

Azula: "Better than me. But at nothing else, except maybe sprinting. Still, I have to respect it."

Macai: "I always loved throwing darts, want to go for it?"

Azula: "Why not?"

Azula and Macai toss several parts across the target. They manage to hit it, but do not land anywhere near the center. Zyger snatches the last dart that Azula is about to grab and tosses it right in the center dot. Azula smirks, "Mai might have a worthy competitor."

Zyger: "Mai will need to pass the torch when she faces me, I'm the best there is in the Fire Nation."

Azula: "Then you could have been a great warrior, instead of a servant. Not that this job is bad, but why?"

Zyger shrugs his shoulders, "It's just not what I wanted. I always was capable of causing damage. Anyone is if trained properly and with the right mindset. But I'd rather chill."

Azula rolls her eyes and taps Macai on his right shoulder. Macai: "Yeah?"

Azula: "I am actually great at pool. I can barely hold the bar but, I bet I'll destroy you at it."

Macai plainly says, "You probably will, I'm average at best."

Azula: "You'll probably still beat Zuko. He sucks at pool."

Zuko suddenly enters the den after being guided by Umma. Umma: "Hi, Zuko is ready to play now. I will accompany the ladies of the house and see if they need anything. Have fun." Umma waves and smiles then leaves.

Azula laughs, "Zuzu, I was just talking about how much you suck at pool."

Zuko: "So on that note, you should play Macai."

Azula: "Ok, you can play with Zyger."

Zuko frowns and Zyger pats him on the back, "Hey, that's not a bad thing. I'm twice as fun as both of them. You and me, let's play foosball. I'm kind of a beast, so I must warn you to look out."

Zuko smiles, "Let's see how good you are."

Zyger drops the small two white balls on the table and immediately spins the knob; swiftly knocking the first two balls in as Zuko struggles to adjust himself and spins his players twice missing both balls. Zyger initially gets the first two points with ease. Zuko clinches his teeth in frustration. Zyger: "Don't give up kid, adversity is all a part of getting better."

Zyger tosses the next two balls in and Zuko knocks one ball in Zyger's goal but, Zyger knocks the other ball in Zuko's goal. Zyger: "Not bad, you might be able to put up a fight if you keep doing that. But I won't go easy on you next time."

Zuko: "Bring it!" Zyger and Zuko have a close and intense game of foosball.

Meanwhile, Macai has a close game of pool with Azula. Azula maintains a steady lead knocking two solid balls in early on. Macai then knocks one striped ball in. From that moment, Azula keeps a one-point lead over Macai until Macai has two balls left and Azula only needs to knock the 8-ball in.

Macai tries a crazy trick shot that hits all 3 balls. Initially knocking one stripped ball in and pushing another stripped ball close to a hole but not quite there. Unfortunately, he accidentally knocks the 8-ball in. Azula laughs heavily, "Well, I win. Nice try."

Meanwhile, Zyger eventually defeats Zuko by one point. Zuko shouts and throws his fists up in the air. Azula: "Oh be quiet, crybaby."

Zyger: "Good try. You played well, but not well enough."

Zuko: "I'm going to train and beat you."

Zyger smirks, "All the training in the world won't make you better than me. I'm the foosball champ."

Azula: "Well, you're not THAT good. You barely beat Zuko."

Zyger: "Oh, would you like to test me, little lady?"

Azula: "Sure"

Zyger and Azula start their game. Macai looks at Zuko, "I would play something with you but, I'd rather watch this."

Zuko: "Me too."

Azula knocks one ball in Zyger's goal and Zyger knocks one in her goal. Two balls are tossed in again and Zyger knocks both of them in Azula's goal. Another two balls are tossed in and Zyger quickly knocks the first ball in her goal. Zyger and Azula go back and forth with the other ball for 45 seconds. Then Zyger knocks it in her goal.

As Zyger's lead grows Azula's face turns red and she gets up and walks away. Zyger: "Oh, come on? We weren't finished, it's never too late to turn this around."

Azula: "You don't play fair. You went harder on me than Zuko."

Zuko tilts his head down. Zyger retorts, "You have no way of knowing that. I went my pace with Zuko and I went my pace with you. You just won a game anyway, no need to be a sore loser. But you didn't have to quit, things could have changed."

Azula: "Foosball is not important to me anyway. Pool is much better."

Macai mutters, "I'll take foosball over pool."

Zyger: "Want to play ping pong? I'm also the champ at that. Good luck. With your impatience, I'll bash you even worse at that."

Azula:" No! I want to play outside now."

Zyger: "It's not all about you. Macai and Zuko, do you both want to play outside?"

Macai: "Sure."

Zuko: "Alright."

Zyger: "I get the feeling that you both are just going along with what she wants. Fine, let's go outside."

When everyone walks outside, Zyger sits down in a chair he has reserved under the back porch. Then he pulls a book from under the chair and starts reading. Zyger: "Go ahead and play kids. I'll give you a bit of privacy but, stay in my line of sight. There is a fence and no one better cross it."

While this happening, Ursa looks at Yosari, "I would like to discuss something in private, if you are ok with that."

Yosari looks at Maiden Umma, "Umma, please get us some Vilean Wine."

Umma: "It will be my pleasure. I'll be back in 5."

Ursa: "I love my family, but sometimes it gets very stressful dealing with the responsibilities of being a noble wife. Following the orders and direction of my husband. In such a competitive country. I think that plays a big part in my daughter's more aggressive side. She is a good girl at hard but, I fear I don't know how to reach her."

Yosari: "I only have one child and he is a boy. I sadly cannot tell you the best way to raise a girl. What I can say is that a blend of compassion and honestly is useful when raising a child. Every child needs a bit of a rock, but I think Macai's father is more than that. I try to fill the other side."

Ursa: "I agree, but what happens if that rock strikes a bit too hard? How do I balance that? I try to stabilize things and make them better. What happens when a child chooses a favorite or when you are just closer to the other?"

Yosari takes a deep breath, "Maybe someone like an Uncle or mentor who they can relate to can help them develop. Not because you don't care, but just because they click with them a bit easier. Perhaps she is just more like her father."

Ursa: "THAT is what I am worried about. I think Zuko is more like me and Azula is more like her dad. Her dad is right about some things but, there are many things I know he goes off the deep end with. And she won't listen to me."

Yosari: "My husband is the same way. But I honestly think my son is an ideal 50/50 split between me and his father. I know he listens to me, but sometimes I worry what his final decision will be. Maybe as your kids get older, they will learn from each other and grow closer."

Ursa: "I hope so."

Yosari: "Sometimes children go through a faze where they clash more before that happens. What is their relationship like now?"

Ursa: "Up and down. I would honestly say it is still more good than bad at this point. About 60/40. I don't think it can get much worse, but we will see. I will do everything I can to hold my family together."

Yosari: "That's all we can do as mothers. Keep me informed. I will see what advice I can share. You can advise me. If you need someone to talk to, I'll be around. I have a busy schedule, as I'm sure you do but we can always send letters. As long as they aren't too controversial."

Ursa: "Yes, we should be prudent about the way we exchange feedback." Ursa hugs Yosari.

Maiden Umma: "Hi ladies, I am back with your drinks. Among the finest in the nation. I hope you both enjoy it." While this is happening, the children continue their adventure outside.

The grass looks dark green as the sky turns dark blue. No sun in sight and a cool breeze flows through the air. Azula, Macai, and Zuko get some distance from Zyger. Then they play tag. After about ten minutes of playing, Azula: "I think we should jump the fence. Sneak out, tour the neighborhood, then return. Just for five minutes, since it's starting to get late. We probably don't have much more time."

Zuko: "No way, Azula. It's way too risky."

Azula: "You are like Rosh. Come on! Live a little."

Macai: "Zyger is a good guy. I would want to be on his bad side."

Azula: "But he seems forgiving. I doubt he'll hold the grudge or act on it."

Macai: "He may not, but my dad WILL. My dad sees respect as very important."

Azula walks closer to him, "Awww, but Cai."

Zuko: "Cai, ha ha ha. She thought of a new nickname."

Macai remembers what his father said about a man not letting a woman rule him. Macai suddenly stands tall," No, I am staying right here."

Azula gets teary-eyed and stomps a few feet away from him. Zuko: "I think you did the right thing."

Azula: "Shut up Zuko."

Macai: "We outvoted you two to one."

Azula: "Democracy is a lie anyway."

Zuko: "Someone is bitter. More bitter than Zyger's tea. Nothing like Iroh's sorry Macai."

Macai: "I was never a big fan of Zyger's tea. You went headlong for it and found out the hard way. He doesn't add anything to it to sweeten it up and he uses Ramo leaves from the Ramo valley. They are known for being very strong and bitter. He loves something about it and some men agree with him. Very few women like it."

About 10 yards of woods are behind Eyre's home before reaching his fence, after the first 10 yards of grass plains. Azula runs deeper into the woods. Macai and Zuko chase her deep into the woods to see what she is doing. While he is running, Zuko trips into the mud. Macai has a chance to ditch Zuko and chase Azula but he decides to honor his new friend. Macai helps Zuko up.

Macai: "Ahh, I hope this doesn't get us in trouble."

Zuko: "I will take responsibility it is my error."

Macai: "What will your father say?"

Zuko: "I don't know. It is difficult to judge what makes him mad and what doesn't. My mom will have my back so, I'll be fine. But you can't do something like that."

Macai: "Oh please, my dad is out at work. Unless he comes in at the last minute, it won't matter for me. My mom won't punish me, but I still respect her."

Zuko: "Same. Moms are underrated."

Macai: "You know I thought you were a momma's boy. That still may be true, but you're not so bad after all."

Zuko: "Maybe I am, but you might be one too."

Macai: "Possibly, but I still remember what my dad told me."

A small rock flies behind Zuko's head and Macai shouts, "Zuko, look out!" Macai pushes Zuko out of the way and gets smacked in the face by a rock making his left cheek turn red.

Azula moves from the woods, "Macai, I'm so sorry! But why did you get in the way?! I was about to nail Zuko."

Zuko shouts, "What's the matter with you?!" Zuko gets up and dusts himself off.

Azula: "I just want to have a little fun. Don't be lame. This would have never happened if we just jumped the fence. Also, why does your dad have about 30 feet of woods in his backyard?"

Macai: "Because he uses it for training and drills. Sometimes he has a small animal placed within the woods and hunts them for sport. Not a dangerous one of course, he hunts dangerous animals when he is deployed with his troopers."

Azula: "That's pretty cool. I'd love to visit him one day."

Zuko (at Macai): "The redness of your face will probably fade in the next few minutes. Might still be a bit pink, but it won't be as noticeable."

Macai: "I'll just say I slipped and fell." Then Macai rubs some dirt on his pants.

Zuko: "Me too. Since it happened to me."

Azula: "Ok, do you want to at least jog to the edge of the woods?"

Zuko: "Too late, I hear Zyger calling us."

Azula and Macai pay attention and notice Zyger saying, "Alright, ring it in kids. It's about that time."

Azula: "Well, this was fun as always Macai." Macai hugs Azula and Zuko turns his head.

Zuko: "Let's go please."

Azula: "You can leave first."

Zuko: "No, I'm not. You know Zyger will ask where you two are."

Macai: "Give us a minute." Zuko turns his head again and starts thinking about playing another game with Niro. Then he briefly starts thinking about Mai.

Zuko, Macai, and Azula walk finally meet Zyger outside. Zyger: "I was just about to go looking for you kids. You came just in time. Had you all been any later, I would have become less lenient next time. Did you all have fun?"

Azula: "I had a great time."

Zuko: "This was more fun than I expected."

Macai: "Absolutely."

Zyger: "That is what I like to hear. Let's go meet with the ladies."

The children and Zyger meet with Ursa, Yosari, and Madien Umma. Yosari: "Macai, you're a bit dirty. And so is Zuko."

Zuko: "We ran into each other during a game of tag."

Ursa: "Well, did you all have fun? Because I had a great time."

All the children say: "yes" in unison.

Yosari: "Azula doesn't look as dirty."

Azula: "I just didn't play as recklessly as them and I got caught the least."

Umma: "Come on boys step your game up."

Ursa and Yosari laugh. Ursa: "Say your final goodbyes children. I am getting ready to leave."

Azula, Macai, and Zuko get some distance from the adults as they walk closer towards the exit door. Zuko looks at Macai, "This was better than I expected. You are a cool guy, Macai."

Azula wraps her arm around Macai, "I am going to miss you. See you in a few days, Cai."

Macai: "I can't wait Zula."

Azula: "So that's my new nickname?"

Macai: "Yep, like it?"

Azula: "It's ok."

Macai: "Well get used to it. Just like how I'm getting used to Cai."

Zuko: "I think it's fitting, I'm going to start calling you that."

Azula points her finger, "No! Only Macai can call me this."

Zuko: "I'm your brother. I'm not saying the relationship won't last but, most relationships don't last. I'll always be with you so, I should be able to call you it too."

Macai doesn't know how to respond. Azula: "Why do you make everything awkward?"

Zuko: "I'm sorry. I like you Macai, I really do. I didn't mean to be offensive."

Macai: "None was taken. We will have many great new memories after this. Let's just look forward to the next time we hang out and having good friends."

Azula: "Exactly, Cai. I love your perspective." Azula hugs Macai again.

Ursa asks Yosari, "I would love to stay in contact with you. One day we should do something together. When the children are at school."

Yosari: "Definitely."

Ursa: "Perhaps we can exchange letters in the meantime and talk about important things. As long as nothing too controversial is written on the letters. We can save more personal conversations for when we can meet."

Yosari: "Absolutely. I can't wait to spend more time with you. It is wonderful knowing someone to who I can relate so much to."

Ursa and Yosari hug each other. Then Ursa departs with Zuko and Azula. They enter the carriage and leave with the two Fire Nation soldiers. Yosari looks at Macai, "I had a great time. Ursa is a nice lady."

Macai: "I thought she was kind of harsh with Azula. From what I saw in the past."

Yosari: "From what I know, Ursa loves her daughter very much. She just struggles to connect with her."

Macai: "How does that happen?"

Yosari: "Some children take more after one parent than the other."

Macai: "What is the best way to deal with a problem like that?"

Yosari: "I think the parents should work together to find the best solution. If that can't happen, then I think there should be another mentor like an uncle or grandparent to step in and mediate."

Macai rubs his head, "Sounds complicated."

Yosari: "Parenting is definitely a complicated responsibility, but it is more than worth it. You can read a book or head to bed. You still have some time, since you got ahead on your homework."

Macai: "Only thanks to you for helping me with math."

Yosari: "I'm your mother, it's my job. If you're happy, I'm happy."

Macai and Yosari smile and hug each other. Yosari picks up Macai and twirls him around and puts him down. Yosari then kisses Macai on his forehead, "Good son, you are such a good and smart boy. I'm so proud of you."

Macai: "I love you too mom." The boy returns to his room and reads a novel for 30 minutes before going to bed. Meanwhile, Azula, Zuko, and Ursa return home. Zuko goes with Azula to her room and they play a game for the next 30 minutes. After they finish the game, Zuko gets tired.

Zuko: "I'm beaten. I'm going to bed."

Azula: "But Zuko, please 15 more minutes."

Zuko snarls, "No."

Azula pleads, "Come on, brother don't be lame."

Zuko snaps, "I said NO! You don't bagger Macai like this, don't you bagger me."

Azula: "Ok fine then go to bed, you dork. You are so embarrassing to be around. Always complaining and winning like a baby."

Zuko: "And I'm tired of you always being commanding, controlling, and confrontational."

Azula: "I get what I want."

Zuko: "This is the exact reason that people diss you throughout our school district. Royals insult you throughout the Fire Nation. They say you're crazy, impulsive, and classless."

Azula: "And you know what they say about you? They say you're weak, feminine, and a failure. I've seen boys, teens, girls, and men diss you. Even so I still take up for you."

Zuko points his finger at Azula, "You think I don't take up for you!! I always do but, I heard you still join in for insults about me at times. I see you insult me in front of friends."

Azula: "Light insults and you need it sometimes. Hopefully, it'll toughen you up one day so you can be who you are destined to be. I'm just trying to bring the warrior out of you. Dad approves."

Zuko: "It may seem like that now, but I know that you're wrong. I can just feel it. Maybe you have some valid points, but you go too far. One day you are going to fall and you're going to fall hard. One day enough will be enough. If you keep this up then your beloved friends and Macai will leave you if they have any sense."

Zuko stomps off and turns his back on Azula. But Azula sprints behind him and snatches Zuko's ponytail from behind. She yanks it backward and Zuko shouts, "Owwww!" Then Azula grabs Zuko's right shoulder with her right hand and turns him around. Azula briefly locks eyes with Zuko, then she swiftly backhands him. Zuko falls to his knees.

Azula: "You are so jealous of me and Macai. You are jealous of my friends. I HAVE more friends than you. You can't even bring anyone to the house. I have more accomplishments than you. Both academically and in combat progression. Do you think I'm not embarrassed by you? Please, I get tired of caring about this household."

Azula continues, "Whenever I try to help you man up and please dad you ALWAYS fall short. As if you don't even want to change."

Zuko harrowingly asks, "Why is everything a contest with you?"

Azula haughtily says, "Because EVERYTHING important in life is a competition. You must compete for a boyfriend, adults compete for jobs, and soldiers compete for promotions. If you keep being so LAZY and lax then everyone else will pass you up. If you weren't born of nobility, you would risk being at the very bottom. Now you just risk being a waste of potential. I will NEVER make that mistake."

Zuko scurries away from Azula into his room. Zuko covers himself in his blankets and starts weeping for two minutes. Zuko wipes his eyes, "One day, Azula will see that she has been doing things wrong. One day, she will see that mom is right. That love and compassion make life worth living. I won't tell on her this time, because mom was happy for us. But things are going to get better, somehow some way, I just know it."

Zuko turns over in his bed and finally sleeps.

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