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44.64% In A Cultivation World With The Highest Talent / Chapter 25: The Dao of Time

Chapitre 25: The Dao of Time

{New abilities have been unlocked [Musician]}

Sora who was playing around with a Zither froze slightly, shouldn't he have gotten [Zither] mastery or something like this, should he have gone on to create many other musical instruments, allowing him quickly gain many more skills that he could easily level up.

although displeased, Sora had no choice but to buy this, and move on with his next plan to find the ores. he didn't have to do this as he sent out those people to find them, he asked for all times of stuff, with his craftsman, he could quickly put together wires, it would be up to him to make something, Sora was planning on making a voice recorder. something simple/

So, the 4 soon returned, and within the storage rings that the sect has given to them, they had everything Sora needed, due to how much stuff Sora wanted, they needed 2 storage strings. Sora moved all of that into his storage ring, which he found at the bottom of the sea, his storage ring was far bigger than others as it was a grade higher.

sending his mind into the storage string, Sora went on to organize everything within so he would be able to easily find the stuff he wanted. as for how they got the money for all of this, Sora had 100 Qi stones, which to mortals was something Qi refers used to cultivate. and say, such things were valuable,

just one was equal to more than 1 million gold coins, Sora only needed to use one to get all of this, but since he had some leftovers, Sora went on to buy more types of ores that could be useful. they were all of the lowest grades, So they were not pricey, Sora didn't need to get the highest ranking stuff, he wanted to get the lowest grade stuff before moving on.

well, with that done, Sora and the others returned to their missions. it was going to be a 2 days journey by flight. So, they set off. along the way, Sora cut down a tree to create a flute, which he went on to play along the journey,

Sora found that using musical instruments had a bigger effect on a person's cultivation, which would explain why singing was something rare in this world. the effect was so huge that Sora found that he could control Qi gathering it, and helping those listening to his music to cultivate

this ignores their talent it reflects Sora's talents the most. meaning, by playing the flute, a person would be able to cultivate as if they had Sora talent. of course, this was only when [Musician] reached level 6.

because of this, the two behind him quickly broke through to level 3 body tempering, and of course, there would be no unstable ability with Sora pretty much cultivating for them.

So, the night soon came and Sora soon stopped playing. as he stopped to land at an open field, the 4 behind him blankly got off the flying swords, before they fell to the ground, and went to sleep. Sora didn't get off his sword but instead turned towards the forest, not too far away.

"no need to worry, no one is following me," Sora said as he flew towards the forest with hands crossed behind his back, against the tree the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa was looking at Sora with a raised eyebrow. he had a treasure that was hiding his aura, so how did Sora sense him?

of course, Sora didn't need to sense his aura or something like this, within his mind space, unless you were invisible, or could do something like elder fire, Sora would sense you. at the same time, in every set the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa made, Sora was able to feel it.

"you seem to have no fear," the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa said with narrowed eyes, Sora removed his mask slightly, and put it away.

"that's because I have been waiting for you... ever since I fought you, you pissed me off, that ability of yours to shoot weapons reminds me of someone. unlike you, he has the capability to back up his arrogance. what are you?" Sora said with a look of absolute disdain filling his eyes, the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa froze for a moment hearing Sora's words before his face twisted in rage.

he was holding himself back until he was sure Sora had no one protecting him, but now, fuck this, what can anyone do to him?

with a snap of his finger, a portal opened up next to him, before a sword shot towards Sora from the portal, Sora ignored the incoming sword, and simply got off his flying sword, while walking towards him.

the sword was flying towards Sora's chest at a high speed, it slammed heaven into Sora's chest before it broke in half, this scene shocked the son of heaven who had his heavenly eyes opened to make sure he was not trapped within some illusion again.

"as you can see, you were not the only one holding backward. depending on the fight, it would depend if it allows you to live." Sora said with a smile, the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa's face twisted Sora, he just now realized Sora was at level 5 body tempering.

Sora didn't give him time to talk before he shot forward with his spear. the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa created more portals that shot towards Sora, yet Sora easily dodge them all, it was easy to tell where the swords would head, to someone like Sora who could see the future, this was nothing.

Sora quickly reached the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa and swung his sword towards him, but he dodged at the last moment and pulled out a sword from a portal that he used to block Sora's next attack. at the same time, portals surrounded them, all aimed toward Sora.

Sora easily dodged all of them, but while he dodged them, the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa realized he couldn't look down upon Sora anymore. So, he put on his heavenly armor which was the strongest armor he had, he found this set of armor when he found this king's treasure technique.

"nice armor, sadly you can't use its full capability... how about you show me why you have been so arrogant so far before me. don't tell me, you're like me who can could a whole realm right?" Sora asked with a mocking smile,

the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa who was within the golden armor face twisted slightly, but he calmed down. this armor had the effect of calming him down, as well as strengthening him by a lot,

stepping forward, the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa shot towards Sora with a sword appearing in his hands. Sora quickly stepped backward, but a huge cut appeared on his chest, and blood began to spill out.

'to fast, if I couldn't see the future and react in time, I would have been cut in half,' Sora thought as he quickly used purple lightning which he channeled through his body, infusing it into his blood, and flesh.

Lightning aura covered Sora, dancing around him badly and destroying the land around Sora, at the same time, lightning ran up Sora's sword, and the sound of a hundred birds crying at once came from Sora's wooden sword,

"I call this Lightning Mode... so, what ability have you created, let's compare," Sora said as he flashed, appearing out of the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa attacked range. the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa was stunned seeing the power Sora was showing at this moment, the mode Sora was in increased his power by a lot,

it pushed Sora's physique body to its limits, increasing its capability past its limits of course would damage the body, but Sora could ignore this as his recovery speed, and body durability was something not to look down upon.

of course, Sora protect this technique long ago, the lightning did, of course, strengthen him, but the effect on the body like damaging it would show that the control of his lightning was not high. but Sora's control of his lightning was high,

The lighting mode had 5 levels, Sora was currently using the 3rd level, any less and it would not be enough to keep up with Tsohg aka the Shit Of Heaven's Grandpa who have yet to go all out.

level 3 brought a 50% increase to Sora's capabilities, be it his reflexes, durability, and strength it was all increased. going past level 4 is where Sora's body would start to suffer injuries from using this, but level 4 was light, and the injuries brought as healed by {recovery}

level 4 brought 75% to Sora's strength, and level 5 which was Sora going all out was a 100% increase in Sora's capability. but at the cost, Sora's body would be burning up, this is Sora unless all his lightning capability has the most effective possible, so in return, Sora begins to burn up from the inside out, at most 5 minutes before he is fully cooked and ready to be eaten.

"simply tricks." Tsohg was enraged, with a step, he shot towards Sora, this time not holding backward, Sora's eyes shrank slightly, it was hard to follow this guy's movement even with this, Sora had to focus hard on sensing the future, but it was only 0.1 into the future, a small amount of time, but Sora forced all of it as the sense of death pushed him towards it.

the lightning aura which was acting like armor couldn't even block his sword, his sword seemed to be able to cut all things under the heavens, it came flying towards Sora, who barely dodged, but the sword did cut deep into Sora's flesh.

'interesting' Sora thought seeing how his injuries recovered just a moment after it appeared,d he didn't expect that this lightning mode at level 3 would also give [recovery] a boost, but he quickly had to dodge the next moment as Tsogh was not letting up.

injure covered Sora, and the blood that flew out was burned away by the lightning aura, Sora's sense to see the future slowly began to increase because of how hard Sora was forced on that ability. it went from 0.1 seconds and slowly began to increase to 0.2, and so on until Sora caught on to the sense of time,

once he could sense the river of time, since the passage of time all around him, Sora felt as if he was standing outside of time, good watching time flow forward. Sora stood frozen, he looked around at the gray world around him, before looking at Tsogh's sword before him.

Sora was confused for a moment at what was happening, how did time suddenly freeze? but as he slowly looked down, he found that he was standing within a river. looking at the river, he realized it was the river of time.

'the river of time is everywhere, it embodies the concept of time itself, the concept of change, where this river can't reach, then there can't be a new or an old, there can't be changed without time to bring upon a change.' Sora was enlightened, but he was soon confused, what about those who live within a void? how could they change, who could they even have new thoughts and old thoughts without time?

'... I see, there is no true absolute within this world. there are many reasons to explain this, such as this bubble around me.' Sora thought while looking at the bubble, well it was not a bubble, it just took form in a way Sora could comprehend. the bubble was Sora's time, everyone has their own time, and not everyone moves through time in the same way, but even so, everyone is still affected by it in the same way,

you want to be someone who could want in a timeless void, strengthen this bobble, in truth this was not even a time bubble, it was a space-time bubble. how could space exist without time? those two were two sides of the same coin.

another reason one could explain a person moving within a timeless void was that there was no such thing as a timeless void, how could such a space exist and be stable without time? so all timeless voids could be explained to affect time in a different way than others.

Sora looked up at the river and saw that the river began to branch off the further it went. Sora was confused, what did this splitting of the river of time mean?

"Interesting, someone could comprehend the Dao of time and arrive here." a deep voice sounded, Sora noticed that up the river, a gaint tortoise was slowly walking over towards him. the tortoise looked at Sora, and its eyebrow raised seeing he was only at level 5 body tempering realm.

"a freakish talent is born, your future is bright, one which I can't see. to think you would be born within this little realm... interesting, truly interesting. a new era is coming." the tortoise said as it looked at the sky for some time,

"if I may ask... this please is?" Sora asked respectfully, the tortoise looked at Sora for a moment before shaking his head.

"you should start trying to return to your body, the longer you remain, the higher the chances that you would be fused with the river of time." the tortoise said before walking out of Sora's way, and simply laying on the ground to watch him.

Sora was confused for a moment at what the tortoise meant, but he quickly realized that his bubble was disappearing, if he disappear and the water touches him, his time would flow away with the river. Sora panicked slightly, one moment he was fighting and the next he was trapped

"what do I need to do to get out? senior, this one never even heard of what a Dao is." Sora said in a panic, the tortoise's eyes almost popped out hearing Sora's words, did this brat comprehend a Dao without even knowing it?

"Impossible, you have comprehended the Dao for the sword, flute, spear, and countless others, you're telling me you don't know what a dao is?" the tortoise asked with a frown, it could tell Sora was not joking, but this made no sense. but Sora nodded quickly, making the tortoises fall deep through,

"you indeed are talented, so talented that it might cost your own life, to have started from a simple background within a small city, all of which using your own talent..." tortoises said as if it was seeing Sora's backstory or something.

"comprehend your own time, control it and stop the river of time from taking it," he said calmly, Sora was confused for a moment, but he nodded as began trying to comprehend his own Spacetime.

{new abilities have been found [Time Master]

'what is space? space is what gives something its form, there would be nothing to take shape in. combine that with time, and you have space-time. a world with endless possibilities. a person is like his own world, having their own space and time...' Sora's eyes were closed, while he looked at the river of time, and himself.

within this place, was the best place to better sense time, and sense it, Sora slowly began to understand the concept of change, the concept of something not changing, the concept of the new and the old,

the bubble around him slowly stopped disappearing and began to strengthen once more, the tortoise's lips were twitching none stop from the start to finish, what type of freak was standing before him,

'even if he was not this freakish, he might be able to stop him before he destroys this world. I will make sure to kill him before he goes mad with power as he did.' the tortoise thought seeing how Sora slowly began to leave, returning to his world

Sora opened his eyes and found that the world was going back to normal, Sora watched as Tsohg's sword slowly came slashing down toward him. Sora's hands move although slower than the sword, Sora was able to step out of the strange of the sword's attack.

'i can control my own time, [Movement] has leveled up to level 9, which doesn't just allow me to move within my own time, but teleport... nice, sadly if I teleported now, I would barely appear a meter away, before I'm out of energy.' Sora thought while sensing this slow world, but he realized the slower this world seemed to be, the more energy he was losing by the second, already he was down to 30%, and it had barely been half a breath... to him, not the outside word.

after some tires, Sora slowly controlled this turning his time flow back to normal. he was aging within that stage, so the longer he remained like that, the older he was getting.

with time returning to normal, Sora quickly noticed that he could see up to 5 minutes into the future and the past. this was a useful ability, sensing both the past and future around him was amazing, he could now slightly see himself within the future,

that being he could see what he could do in the future, sadly he didn't see all the possibilities, but that didn't matter now before the fight evens tart, Sora could see the end of it before it even starts, that was, of course, amazing, but one shouldn't forget Sora was only seeing one possibility, not all of them.

the battle continued, and this time Sora didn't pay too much attention to simply dodging, he began moving to counter and lunch attacks, going all out, Sora connected the spear and the sword to form his scythe. Tsohg saw such a weapon, so he had a hard time dealing with it.

Sora began taking attacks to land his own attacks, as that was the only way he had to land any form of injuries on Tsohg, but even if he did land a blow, the armor blocked it, but because of this, Sora began getting a huge amount of XP.

[Martial Arts] and [Armsman] began to level up, and both were soon at level 7, at which point Sora began something which Tsohg never expected. Scythe will. above something like sword intent, there was something called sword will, the spear will, and so on.

at this stage, a person's will is the weapon, a simple thought could take the form of the sharpest sword, allowing one very thought to become a weapon. Sword intent sharpens the swords, sword will allow one sword to do things like cutting that which was hard to comprehend being cut

Like cutting water, cutting the soul, cutting the mind, and so on. the possibilities were endless with sword will. the same thing with went Scythe will. with Scythe's will, Sora's fist gained a new boost in strength, allowing him to somewhat fight Tsohg.

but it didn't stop there, as Tsohg soon saw Sora [Martial Arts] reach level 8 as well, at which point, even though he was stronger than Sora, he was forced to stumble backward none stop, Sora's attacks became... profound for him to read, if Sora were to just throw a punch at him, he would have a hard time reading that punch, that was the level of martial arts Sora just reached,

the two weapons clashed none stop, Tsogh stumbled backward none stop, he tried to block Sora's scythe, but his armor was hit many times by Sora's attacks, although it didn't evens stretch it, it sent him stumbling backward which he used to make some space between himself and Sora.

"Everything has its weak points, pressure points which one could target," Sora said softly as he stopped attacking. Tsogh face was hard while looking at Sora, who turned the scythe back to a sword and spear and put them on his back, at the same time, the lightning mode he was in slowly disappeared.

"Just up and die." He yelled angrily as he shot forward towards Sora with his swords, but as his sword swung towards the smiling Sora, it cracked, before it exploded into dust, at the same time his armor seemed to shut down as the power boost it gave disappeared.

"Everything has a pressure point, know where to target, even something as profound as that armor would lose its effect," Sora said lazily while walking towards Tsohg, who was frozen on the spot in shock,

"It's funny right, you're so outclassed... I a level 5 body tempering realm cultivator, just defeated you like this." Sora said as he flashed, poking him in a few places before he could draw energy. causing him to fall to the ground, unable to move.

Tsohg opened his mouth to speak in rage, but Sora's leg slammed down, covering his mouth with the foot

"Now, I will give you two options, spit everything you know, or I will start learning how to torture people... and let's be honest, I thought you would be some big guy who I would need years to defeat, but what? 2 weeks after joining the sect, and you're under my foot for the second time?" Sora asked with absolute disdain,

"you know how much planning I was doing to take you trashy ass down? defeat you and just to be defeated like this? are you joking? you run around yelling you're the son of heaven this and that, but just what gave you that illusion? compete trash," Sora said with disgust as he slammed his foot down upon his face, breathing his nose.

"but since you are so delusional that you're the son of heaven, I can use that, breaking your mind would be a good way to get a huge amount of XP," Sora said softly, making Tsohg's eyes shrink slightly. was this the Sora everyone called Fuqin? what with that look in his eyes, it was the look of a crazy person, a person who was no longer human, there was no love, there was nothing but the complete joke of seeing him as a way to get XP

"I lost my humanity long ago, what you shocked that took off my mask?" Sora asked with a cold smile, no normal person would make an A.I. with endless development, and no normal human would torture themselves for just XP.

before the FBI or whatever killed Sora, he had already lost his humanity, he simply threw himself into his research because it was all he had left. he was a madman, a mad scientist, or whatever you might you want to call him

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