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38.28% Rise of the Guild Master / Chapter 98: Goodnight, Sluts

Chapitre 98: Goodnight, Sluts

It's not long before the little lady's tender blowjob has me swollen and begging for more.

Meri can scarcely believe her eyes, though the drool coming from her lips bely her true thoughts on the matter. Seeing such a cute girl as her drooling over the sight of my cock is something I'll never get used to, and I love it...

But I also love Zutiria, and right now it's her turn.

The petite woman takes one of her favorite positions lower down the bed as she waits for me. Flat on her back with her legs spread and slightly raised, Zutiria loves missionary because she gets very affectionate and has told me she loves watching my face from below. Zutiria's got a lot of issues and her need for constant affection is just one of the less unfortunate side effects that came about from whatever made her the way she is.

That's more than ok, I like my clingy Mage exactly the way she is.

Zutiria beckons her Guildmates to each side of her body and unlike her, Sam and Meri each lay on their bellies rather than their backs. With the Princess's round cheeks on the left, Zutiria's desperate and needy slit in the middle and Meri's full ass on the right I marvel at the feast laid before me.

'Give it to me, Sir.' The cold, expressionless doll beckons to me and a hint of warmth fills her face. Zutiria bites down on her pouty lip, awaiting my insertion with anticipation. She opens her legs and then reaches down with her hands to split open the clefted mound waiting for me.

Seeing her glistening, trembling sheath fills me with a desire to give the needy girl exactly what she craves. Only moments ago I was eating her out like a man possessed and now I sought to give her the same attention with my manhood.

Holding myself steady with my right hand, I delicately press my tip against her slippery, awaiting slit and thrust myself into Zutiria in one go. What once felt like an uphill battle to reach the little lady's deepest depths now felt like a return home. Granted the home was very, very tight to the point of bordering on almost unbearable, but at least it wasn't a struggle.

Zutiria said that my Rune of Safe Passage would prevent me from stretching out my partners too much and help keep them in perfect tightness, I'm guessing that it allowed me to pry open the delicate Mage a bit permanently before having that effect on her.

'Thank you, Sir. You're making me feel so full, and complete... just like always...' There's a deep unmistakable feeling of love coming from her ice-cold eyes and her demeanor melts my heart like it always does. She's always so formal and oddly appreciative, and despite however many mysteries she has... from day one Zutiria has been nothing but genuine and wholesome about her affection towards me.

If I'm being honest I think she fell for me even harder than Sam did right off the bat... But again that's mostly due to her personal problems. Zutiria was ready to wholly accept someone to 'save' her from her own personal hell, and every day I try my hardest to live up to the adoring way she looks at me...

Including now.

"I'll make you feel a whole lot more full than that. Trust me." To make my point I slam my hips against hers and watch as her eyes shut tight from a jolt of ecstasy.

"Don't forget about us, Daddyyyy~" To my left, the Princess starts wiggling her butt.

"U-Um... I'm okay with just watching... I've... c-cummed a lot already tonight..." Meri predictably tries to be humble and give the Mage her due.

"I was trying to have a moment, Princess." I say while slapping her ass with force- no warning whatsoever.

"AHHN- FUCK!" Sam jerks from shock and much to my surprise I feel Zutiria tighten around me as she watches.

I look at her with suspicion and Zutiria playfully smiles as innocent as she can. She says nothing but her eyes tell me to continue and not to worry too much about her. Like I said, Zutiria is intensely devoted to me. She wants me to feel the best I possibly can during sex even if that means splitting my attention even when it's her turn. Rather, she gets off on me having as much fun as possible.

She's far too good to me, I swear...

Thankfully for Zutiria, I've always been a very good multi-tasker.

"And as for you-" I turn to face Meri and watch as she nervously blushes and bites her lip. Her eyes open wide reflexively as soon as my hand raises. "You're not fucking done until I say you're done. UNDERSTOOD?!" My hand slaps Meri's full, round, fat cheek so hard that it turns redder than her scarlet eyes and she all but jumps off the bed in turn.

"HYAAAAA YES YES M-MASTER!!" She whines, eager to please my brutal whims and potentially eager for more abuse.

"Asses up, sluts. Both of you."

Sam looks at me with a dirty smile like, 'what're you gonna do about it?' while Meri stares blankly, still riding the high of that last spank.

I sigh and shake my head while fucking Zutiria's tight little pussy. The Mage watches my next move carefully and I spot one hand of hers reaching down to her clit and the other groping her petite breast.

"When I say SLUTS, that means YOU!"

I raise both hands and bring them down on my two lovers respectively, causing Sam to howl and groan and Meri to do one of her pleasured shrieks.

"FUCK, YES DADDY I'M SORRY DADDY!" Sam wastes no time raising her perky, spanked butt to me- her tiny show of bratty defiance dying in record time.

"MNNN MASTERRR, I-I'M SORRY, HEREEEE!" Meri follows suit and gives up her luscious, excessive hips entirely to the mercy of my whims.

"Was that so fucking hard, Sluts?"

Meri and Sam shake their heads and I feel that little tingle I get when my ego starts going out of control.

I look down at the girl being spread my cock and as she flicks her clit with reckless abandon she looks into my eyes and playfully smiles too. 'Am I a slut too, Sir?'

"Of course not. You're too much of a good girl for that."

'Mmmn. I guess I need to try harder, then.' She winks at me and the sheer cuteness makes me painfully throb, spurring the incessant need to fuck her harder.

With a deep groan I start slamming my hips into Zutiria, and then I get to work on roughly fingering both of the slut squad's expecting pussies in tandem.

Sam is in heaven, humping backwards onto my fingers for yet more pleasure. The Shield Maiden on the other hand just sits there awkwardly letting me do my thing. I imagine she really is pretty tired by now considering the rough day we had, but there's no denying that she's still into it.

My skilled, dextrous fingers go about their business inside of each girl's damp inner flesh, dancing around and scoping out all of the individual little spots that make them twist, shout and moan.

All this while I continue my assault on the needy little Mage still clamping down on my cock with all the tightness her sweet little pleasure hole can manage for me. Zutiria is teasing herself like crazy at this point, her little hips wiggling against my persistent manhood at every little wave of satisfaction she gets from playing with her own little button.

'Harder, Sir... Don't stop until you've filled me up to bursting with the last drop of your burning, thick, manly cum...' Zutiria's distant, dreamy eyes are lidded from lust and her mouth opens and closes amid a hundred little gasps and moans. None of them are very loud but I'll at least get one good scream out of her by the time I'm done. I always do.

At her sides, Sam and Meri are each approaching yet another climax since I refuse to focus on anything but their most sensitive spots at this point. The two asses jiggle their impressive curves incessantly as both girls spasm in increasingly violent intensity. I redouble my efforts and start working my hands harder than ever before, all while gritting my teeth and thrusting hard, hard, HARD into the tight little Mage cunt milking me as best it can.

"DADDYYYY, IT'S... IT'S CUMMING, AW SHIIIIIIT-" Sam screams into the mattress, lower lips quivering as they hold back another flood for me.

"MASTER PLEEEEEASE... I CAAAAN'T... I CAN'T TAKE MUCH MOOOOORE-!!" Adorable little tears form in Meri's eyes as she looks back to me, begging for mercy.

"That's- NGH- That's good, fucking cum for me, girls...!! I'm almost... THERE-" I grunt and find myself surprised by Zutiria suddenly scooting down a bit further and wrapping her legs around my hips like a pretzel. While I'm indeed physically stronger than her and could get out if I REALLY tried, the little lady bites her lower lip and holds me in place with all her strength.

'Give it to me... please... please, Sir... I want it... I waaaant itttt...' Zutiria moans and arches her back so high off the mattress that only her head remains in contact with it. Her mouth hangs open, ready to unleash a powerful scream even if it hurt her in the process.

"FUCK!" My inhibition breaks and as the Mage holds me in place at the deepest part of her tight tunnel, I let loose shot after shot of the powerful semen she so desperately craves. Just as I predicted, the typically mute girl shouts so hard that her voice cracks and causes her pain, but a pain she's severely proud of. A pain that she welcomes in an entirely different way than Meri welcomes pain, mind you. It's much more wholesome than that.

Zutiria cums madly all over my ogasming cock, her tightness convulsing and coaxing out all that I have to give to her.

On both her sides, her Guildmates join her in glorious, climactic ecstasy. Sam and Meri both shout some sexual gibberish about cumming and both cunts soak my hands, and the sheets below, in their trickling girl-cum.

After making sure I've pumped the last load, Zutiria's legs finally ease up and I can pull out. Looking at the mess I've made of her tiny hole, I feel a strong sense of pride as the lovely lavender lass looks up to me in pleasured reverence.

I'm standing over three girls that I just dominated and although my cock is begging me for more, my body says to me in no uncertain terms, 'If you don't stop here then I'll give you a REAL heart attack, asshole.'

It's hard to argue with that.

I lay down between Zutiria and Meri and for a few minutes no one says anything. I kiss the Mage tenderly, though, and I enjoy the hell out of her dainty little lips doing their best to please me further.

Aside from that, though, it's all silent for a bit until Sam and Meri finally start groaning and laying down properly. They regain enough strength to remember that their butts no longer be raised, and we all lay side by side now.

"If... If I hadn't seen it for myself, then... I'd be shocked knowing that you all do this... every... every night..." Meri huffs, tiredly.

"Told ya. Daddy's a fucking BEAST." The Princess snorts while throwing her hand over Zutiria so that she can hug the both of us at once.

"Rawr." I confirm, much to everyone's delight. The girls all share an adorable giggle at that.

"S-so... we're REALLY done this time...?" Meri raises an eyebrow skeptically.

"Ye-" I try to say, but.

'No.' Everyone looks at Zutiria in shock.

"Zutiria, I'm... I'm kind of at my limit." I exhale a tired sigh despite the stirring in my loins from the potential promise of yet more pleasure.

'I think there's something Meri still wants to do. You won't deny her her fantasies after stealing her first time so cruelly and savagely, will you?'

"Gah-" I wince at how she put it and then I look at Meri. She indeed looks like she's holding herself back from saying something and it makes me give up. "What do you want, my dear, sweet Meri...?"

"N-No, it's fine!! Really!!"

"Don't make me come over there and spank that ass, slut. I can hit way harder than Daddy!" Sam threatens.

"HYAA NO, NO SAM DON'T!" The Shield Maiden cringes at the thought, apparently the idea of taking Sam's full strength isn't as arousing as being manhandled by me. That's kind of reassuring, in a way. "I just... um... w-w-wanted to..."

'Wanted to what, Meri? No one will judge you.'

"I will." Sam laughs before I reach over to give her ass a playful smack... yet still hard enough to hurt.


"Be nice." I give her a stern warning and she grumbles bitchily under her breath.

This eases the tension and gives Meri enough courage to spit it out. "I wanted to suck Master's cock..." She practically drools at the thought. What an amazing and loving pervert I have. "B-BUT..." she continues, "I don't know how... I read about it in a lot of books, but... you know..."

"As long as I don't have to move anymore I'm up for it." I smile and look down to see my magical, relentless hard-on reappear for the fifth... or is it the sixth time tonight? I can't even fucking tell anymore.

"But first, come here." I turn to face Meri and she blushes, cuddling up to my side.

"W-w-what is it...?!" The Shield Maiden nervously looks away, back to me, away, and back again in a neurotic episode. This gets worse when I surprise her by giving her a slow and deep kiss for what feels like hours. I linger and watch as she grows less and less reluctant as the kiss goes on until she's playing with my tongue and my lips with no hesitation.

Eventually we both pull away and despite her sudden confidence mid-kiss Meri can't look me in the eyes. I can practically hear how hard and fast her heart is beating from here. If anything it feels like this was more embarrassing and lewd to her than the last several hours of indulgence we all shared, and that's just adorable to me.

"We hadn't even kissed yet, silly girl."

Meri bites her lip and tries to look at me before freaking out and pulling the yellow tips of the bow in her hair over her eyes in a desperate attempt to recoup and gather her emotions. "Th-th... thank... you... Master..." Her voice is almost a whisper but it's also undeniably happy. A warped, pervy looking smile appears on her face causing my desires to run rampantly out of control once more.

"Are you going to suck my cock now, or what?" I take a stern tone with her just the way she likes, and I see her body whimper with delight in response.

"N-No... we ALL are." Meri manages to say, and as if rehearsed Zutiria and Sam both sit up and head down to my groin- but not until after Zutiria gives me plenty of pillows to prop me up and watch my girls at work.

Sam leans over my right hip, Zutiria on my left, while Meri lays straight down between my legs in the dead center. They're so close that I can feel all three of their individual, steamingly-hot breaths on my twitching dick. Gods, it's almost too much...

"Listen up, Meri. There's lots of ways to do this and lucky for you, Daddy's not very picky."

"It's very hard to fuck up a blowjob," I confirm. "Even a bad one feels good as long as they don't involve biting."

"You can bite a little." Sam tries to talk over my advice.


The Princess sighs, rolling her eyes and turning to Meri before she makes a 'just a lil bit' gesture with her hand. I decide to let that one go...

"Um... how do you both do it...?" Meri blushes even harder as she stares at my erect hardness, knowing full well the many places its journeyed tonight alone and growing wetter at the thought of sucking down on it like a whore.

Zutiria steps up to the challenge and takes my throbbing base into her tiny hand and starts pumping me slowly with her delicate grip. 'You can go slow, and teasingly like I do. It's important to treat Sir with the respect and care he deserves. He's our man, after all. Im my case, oral sex is an act of submission where I do my best to nurture his impressive and show my love for him. Like so.'

Zutiria gives a demonstration that leaves me a spasming mess. She shows Meri how she peppers my meat in thousands of different tiny kisses... how she uses her small hands to fondle, tease and squeeze the shaft and balls, and how she delicately sucks on the tip like it's a deliciously sweet treat.

"Fuuuuuuck that's so gooooood-" I'm almost on the verge of pleasured tears, Zutiria was right. I feel very, very loved right about now.

Since Zutiria is able to 'talk' despite having my dick in her mouth, she continues her explanation.

'Once it's been teased enough you take it further into your mouth-' Zutiria moans as my massive cock begins to stretch her lips wide thanks to my sheer girth. 'I'm small, so it's a slower, delicate process for me... but Sir seems to like it.' She winks emotionlessly as she begins to bob her head up and down my length.

"Wowwww..." Meri blushes and covers her mouth while she watches the little lady give me head like I were a king.

"It's- nnngh... true... The way you do it, Zutiria... it... fuck... makes me feel like the most important person in all the realms..." I wince from pleasure and grip the blankets for stability. It's unneeded, though, as right after I say it the submissive Mage removes me from her mouth and pants for air.

She then surprises us all by speaking out loud, "That's because you a-are... at... a-at least... to... me..."

Holy shit. Not only was the first half of her sentence the loudest attempt at speaking she's made yet, it was almost completely fluent until she trailed off at the end.

"Zutiria...!" I look at her and she meekly smiles in response... but before anyone can say anything, Sam decides to act like the spoiled brat she is... much to my dick's satisfaction.

"DAMN IT, ZUZU!" Her Highness grips my cock and wrestles it away from the Mage. "I hate when you do that!!"

Zutiria blushes. 'When... I try to talk?'

A huge wave of guilt hits Sam. "ACK- n-no, damnit... When you pull a fast one over on me like that and use your disability to get a leg up on me!!"

The Mage feigns innocence and looks away, smiling up at me while ignoring Sam. 'It's not my fault if Sir finds pleasure in me trying my best to heal my voice for his sake so that I can tell him how much I adore him every hour of the day.'

Sam, Meri and I all blush.

This Mage is so much more powerful than I could ever imagine.

"Zutiria, please... I already had one heart attack today and I'd like to keep it that way." I mockingly clutch my heart and to show her how much her cuteness affected me.

"I'M NOT LOSING TO YOU, ZUZU!" Sam defiantly glares at her long time friend, not really mad at her as Zutiria so much as she's mad at herself for 'losing'.

In one insane motion, Sam deepthroats me from the get go and I watch her emerald eyes sparkle with tears yet fight down the discomfort enough to swallow me whole.

'Pay attention, Meri. This is the wicked, dark alternative to the submissive and tender care of my oral ministrations.' Zutiria remarks as the Princess begins to moan and gulp around my cock until her lungs beg for air and she rises off- only to push right back down again.

"W-what?!" Meri blushes heavily as she watches Sam in a lusty haze.

'Sammy treats oral sex like she treats most things, a battle to be won. She can be submissive when she or Sir wants it, but her natural state is what you see before you. A powerful blowjob warrior who demands Sir's sheer force of willpower to deny her an early victory.'

Almost in reverence the Shield Maiden chants, "A blowjob w-warrior...?!"

'Watch as she pleasures Sir like she has nothing to lose. How she takes him into the pit of her throat with ease and how she intentionally swallows like a slut to give him even further satisfaction. She shows him that she's not afraid of his cock and that she'll do anything to make it cum even if it's at her own expense.'

Reading this odd yet arousing description of the blowjob I'm currently being given by the Princess is surreal yet every word is true and Sam keeps up her reckless assault. She removes me and uses both of her hands to forcibly stroke my cock, grinning like a slut.

"Daddy likes it like this, doesn't he?"

"Fuck YES he does!!" I groan and buck my hips up for her.

Sam giggles and starts playing with my balls with one hand, stroking me with the other and slurping me as loudly as she can by bobbing up and down my massive erection. The Princess thoroughly enjoys transforming me into nothing more than her personal toy.

'With a combined assault like this, I'm sure a normal man would have thrown in the towel ages ago. Take note, Meri. He's now your man as well, and he is lust incarnate...' As always, Zutiria's worship only spurs my oncoming orgasm and I cry out in delight, yet that's where Sam stops.

"Now you try." Sam smirks, thankfully able to remember that this isn't about her and that she has to try.

"Y-Yes!" Meri nods and nervously grips my aching cock with both hands. "I'm sorry if I'm not good enough at this, Master..." Closing her eyes, she opens wide and takes my tip into her mouth.

"Ahhhhh..." I let out a sigh of relief as pleasure washes over me once more.

The nervous girl does her best, and for someone who just lost her virginity tonight it isn't half bad. I'll chalk it up to her natural, slutty aptitude and her having very good teachers.

Meri struggles to make eye contact as she bobs on my cock, each time striving to take it further than the last. She isn't as delicate as Zutiria and she isn't as hardcore as Sam, and I somehow figured this would be the case honestly.

Watching the blushing Shield Maiden do her absolute best to please me is just as arousing as if she were just as skilled as her Guildmates, somehow, and I feel my burning desire begin to rise once more.

'Look, Meri.' Zutiria cradles both of my huge, swollen balls in her tiny, delicate hands. 'You can tell he's about to cum when his impressive orbs retract up into him like such.'

"Also by how much he's throbbing! If he suddenly starts to feel like a marching band in your mouth, that's when you know it's time to blow." Sam adds in with a crass laugh.

Meri slides me out of her just as I'm about to cum and it makes me wince, much to their collective delight to see me wanting so much more. "H-He's gonna do it... I want everyone to share this with me..."

Both girls play up their reactions to this, as if it were an earth shattering act of self sacrifice. "But... but it's your first load!" Sam gasps in playful shock.

'Meri, it's not yours to give.' Zutiria looks up at me expectantly, as does Meri.

"Fuck fuck FUCK I don't care, I want to cum and I want to cum on ALL of you!" I thrust my hips wildly into the air as the need for release only grows and grows.

All three girls giggle in unison and join in a collaborative effort to bring me the best blowjob of my life thus far. All three girls become lost in my manhood, and their hands rest on my across thighs and pelvis. Using only their mouths the three of them pass me between them, licking me up and down and sucking on the tip and sides of my cock as they breathe on it and sigh and moan and gasp. A million little sounds accompany every action and I soon can't even keep track of who's licking where, though I'm fairly certain the one tongue that keeps traveling to my balls here and then is Zutiria...

Other than that, everything is a blur. It's too much. It's WAY too much and when the realization that this is my life from now on now that Meri's in it sets in... that's when I cum the biggest, hardest load of the night. It's like a fountain bursting up into the air and raining down on all of their faces- coating Sam, Zutiria and Meri in a torrential downpour of my excessive semen. They all stop their licking momentarily to try and stop the stream by plugging it with their mouths. Each girl would swallow me and pump me up and down, nursing my orgasm by stroking the base of my cock with their hands before passing me to the next girl.

I don't know how many times the three of them swallow my cum like this, passing me around like a shared drink on a hot day, but all the strength in my body leaves me by the time they're about halfway done with me.

I'm too tired to watch, but I hear the sounds of my girls licking the cum off of each other's faces and giggling, gasping and so on until it finally dies down and my cock plops weakly to the floor. You lying bastard, I know you'd jump again if given the chance...

Eventually Zutiria smiles as she cuddles up to my side. 'I think when you have a talk with your Goddess, Sir, you should ask her for a stamina increase. If she already blessed you with size and quantity, she could at least go the extra mile and give you a body to keep up with it.'

"That's a good suggestion, whoever you are..." I groan and kiss the Mage on her forehead, causing her to warmly giggle. "Someone get the li-"

Sam turns off the room's arcane tech lamp and goes over to crack the bathroom door. "Just a small warning, Meri. Zuzu's afraid of the dark and we always keep the light on for her. You might want to sleep on his other side, she gets nightmares and they aren't always pretty."

'I kick and get sweaty.' Zutiria confirms.

"Oh, Zutiria..." Meri frowns and sighs. "I'm so sorry... I never would have guessed that was why the bathroom light's always on. I mean... you seemed so talented at using dark magic today, I assumed it was your specialty or something..."

After a suspiciously long silence, Zutiria buries her face in my neck and responds, 'Funny how that works.'

Sensing she might have hit a nerve, Meri meekly retreats to my opposite side and cuddles up to me as well, her round boobs and soft tummy digging into my side and in a way that feels like heaven.

"Guess that means there's only one spot left~" Sam jumps on the bed and looks down at all of us huddled around the center. "PLOP!" She announces her intention before falling onto my chest hard enough to make me let out a loud 'oof'. She laughs like the total tomboy she is and nuzzles her face into my chest.

"Goodnight, Daddy!" Sam kisses me on the lips.

"Um... S-sweet dreams, Master...!" Meri blushes and kisses me on one side of the face and Zutiria quickly copies her and kisses her own side.

'Goodnight, Sir.'

Smiling deeply and growing more exhausted by the second, I sigh with amazement and contentment. "Goodnight, sluts. Goodnight, Zutiria."



I laugh loudly in the dark of the night and shake my head before correcting myself. "Night Sam, Meri."

Both of them share a laugh in return and as one can hardly imagine, we all pass out like we've never slept before after that.

PunishedKom PunishedKom

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