Caleb took deep breaths while he tried to muster up all the courage he had it in him despite the horrible memory knocking at his head like constantly. When that man was face to face with him, he smirked, but at that moment as if something overtook Caleb, he punched that man straight in the jaw.
The man backed off, wincing in pain and anger as he held his jaw. The blow was strong enough to cause at least a mild fracture, but being an Alpha he healed fast. "So you want to put on a fight"? The man smirked. Caleb gulped as he tried to come up with the further strategy to get out of this situation.
The man strangled him using his bare hand and tried to restrict Caleb's movements. Caleb struggled once more to get out of the hold and did his best to push away the hand, soon enough the horrible memory flashed right in front of his eyes and he felt the power drain from his hands.
So... that's how things went down...
What do you think?