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32.33% Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming. / Chapter 38: Come Eat My.

Chapitre 38: Come Eat My.

After controlling his anger, he didn't even look back and walked toward hi room with Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai also just sneered at the little shi..Cough.. Cough..miss and started chatting with Tang Ming on their way.

Tang San and Xiao Wu also followed leaving Ning Rongrong and Oscar alone.

Seeing that everyone left her and didn't even consider her feeling, she started sobbing. Oscar also has a complicated expression on his face as he too walked away.

Only sound of sobbing and sniffing can be heard in the silent night.

As Tang Ming and the group reached their room and saw Oscar coming.

At this time Tang Ming said with a smile without any of the previous anger, "Oscar, that Ning Rongrong girl seems to be crying hard, why don't you go and comfort her a little?"

"Brother Ming, it's impossible for me and her. She is too arrogant and have a family background that is too out of my reach."

Oscar said with a sad smile, "Brother Ming, don't persuade me. She is a high and mighty princess of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda clan and I'm just a small and insignificant person."

"Why do you think I berated her twice in a day? Do you think I lose my temper that easily? Well, what I did was for her own good and I don't have any sort of grudge with her. If she just let go of her arrogance, she would be one of the best girl in the whole continent and I have seen you have a liking for her." Tang Ming just smirked and said in a light tone.

Everyone standing there was shocked hearing what he just said, even Zhu Zhuqing has a curious face.

Tang Ming continued, "And don't think about your background, I'll take care of that. And if you really have some liking to that girl, this is the best time to win her. I wouldn't say anything more." Tang Ming turned around and entered his room.

Oscar contemplated for a moment before ran back toward the gate of the academy.

After that they all returned to their room to rest.

Early the next morning.

Tang Ming arrived at the academy ground after his daily cultivation and trainings.

And because of his [Teleportation] ability he didn't need to find any other place, as he just returned to his usual place in Nuoding City. He had already bought that piece of land and transformed it into a training ground.

After practicing today he found that he hadn't made any progress in his spear technique.

Spear technique can be categorised into following realms, Spear Intent, One with the Spear, One with the World, Spear Domain and so on.

He wanted to form his spear intent at level 30, and he was just a step away from achieving it, he just need a breakthrough. He also wanted to achieve One with the Spear at level 50.

He has found that the spirit master of Douluo world, even after having sword or spear martial spirit, they do not practice it. They heavily relied on the usage of the spirit ring skills to fight without knowing how to even use them properly. He had encountered many spirit master with sword or spirit master but had not found single of them even having their own intent.

He only knew that Sword Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda clan, who has a sword spirit has reached the realm of One with the Sword. And you can hear the name of Sword Douluo being counted on one of the most powerful person in the whole continent.

He already has his training programmed. He was going to practice the Foundation Spear technique till he make a breakthrough and reach Spear intent and after that be will perfect the technique he created [Chasing Thunder]. The one he showed when fighting was very crude and unrefined so he was going to perfect it and also hope to gain some enlightenment regarding the next move.

He had hoped that Tang San would give him the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Tack movement technique but he hadn't till now. So he was thinking of creating one of the technique that he had once read about.

It was called [Kun Peng Leaping the Realms]. It was a top movement technique without any fixed patterns. One needed to have insight on the concept of Lightning and Space to use it. It was said that even after just gaining a minor success in this technique will easily allow you to best opponent of higher level. The technique was divided into Minor success, Half-Completion, Major Success and the last Grand Completion. Fortunately for him he can easily manipulate lightning and because of his teleporting ability, he has a slight insight on both of the concept.

And if you're going to ask why did he need a movement technique if he can simply move at lightning speed? It is because what he has only is raw speed and it didn't help him during battle. Just like how Tang San uses his Ghost Shadow Perplexing Tack in his battles to attack and evade.

So the main things he needed to do before going to Star Dou forest was to first, quickly learn the Foundation Spear technique and to quickly form his spear intent. And second to start comprehending [Kun Peng Leaping the Realms] technique. Because of his comprehension ability, he can easily gain Minor success within one week but after that it would probably take more than a year to reach the second stage.

As he was thinking while just standing there, Tang San and group started to slowly arrive one after the other.

"Fatty how do you look a little less fatter today?" Xiao Wu asked fatty with a strange expression.

"Your brother, I, fought with three opponents for more than 4 hour together alone last night." Ma Hongjun said with a dreamy and perverted look in her eyes.

"Fought three opponents? Tang San what is this fat man trying to say?" Xiao Wu looked confused a little as she asked Tang San about it.

Tang San also smiled l a little embarrassingly, and didn't know how to answer her question.

"Brother Ming, do you know what fatty is saying?" After not understanding Tang San's smile, Xiao Wu looked Tang Ming and asked. Not recieving any answer even after a few seconds. She looked toward Tang Ming who was lost in his thought. A sharp glint flashed in her eyes.

Xiao Wu seeing that Tang Ming is lost in thought, quickly came behind him and launched a kick toward his face.

Everyone was caught off guard and didn't expect Xiao Wu to attack Tang Ming suddenly. They all looked toward Tang San to see him just shrugging his head as he pointed toward Xiao Wu.

They all looked and saw that Tang Ming caught Xiao Wu's feet without even looking and still lost in his thought.

Now Xiao Wu was in a very embarrassing position as one of her leg was at the ground and her other leg was firmly held by brother Ming. Her leg were spread apart nearly at 180°. It looks like she was doing some acrobatics. Seeing that everyone was looking at her and watching the fatty that was staring at her with a perverted eyes. She immediately shouted :

"Hey, brother Ming, how long are you going to hold my leg. Let go quickly!" And gave fatty a glare which he sensed and immediately covered his face but kept peeping between his fingers.

Tang Ming released her leg and said while smirking :

"Who said you to sneak attack me?"

Xiao Wu just grumbled and stood beside Tang San and again asked the same question.

Tang Ming was taken aback a little hearing her question and looked at fatty who did look like he has lost some weight. He coughed a little and said, "Well, he did fight three battles yesterday night but at that place called 'brothel' which I explained you. That's why he looks a little thin."

Knowing what he meant Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing cheek became red as they blushed, and Xiao Wu while blushing stared dagger at the fatty.

(Tang Ming's POV):-

I was just waiting for Dean to arrive, when I saw someone coming from the gate.

She was none other than Ning Rongrong, who was walking toward us with her head down. She silently stood beside Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu tried to talk with her a little.

And before long, Flender also came to the square ground.

"Good morning, Dean!" They all said in unison.

His sharp gaze swept across all of us and his gaze stopped for a while on Ning Rongrong, who had still her head down as he nodded.

This guy is a very petty person who even remember every small details. If they didn't greet him he would definitely take it out later on them. But this is what I really liked about him in the novel. He always tried to put his strict face in front of the students but somehow always got greedy.

"Hm, why is there one person missing out of the eight of you. Where is Oscar?" Flender asked after not seeing Oscar there.

"Dean, Oscar seems to be resting." Tang San said to him.

"Resting? Why is he still resting even now. Mubai go and call him hurriedly, we can't began today's class without him." Flender said with a little annoyance as a tick mark appeared on his head.

Dai Mubai nodded and was just going to call him when he saw a figure jumped down from the room and walking swaggering toward them. He looked very happy for some reason.

"Oscar, do you want me to fine you for not arriving on time?" Flender asked with a little smile.

Oscar nearly tripped down while walking hearing Flender asking for fine.

"Eh.. you don't need to be so angry dean, I'm very happy today as I reached level 30 and was meditating that's why I was a little late." Oscar said with a goofy smile.

"Oh ok. Then I'll spare you from punishment today and keep working hard to reach level 30 soon. Level 30? WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Flender said with a sagely look at first and after fully understanding what Oscar said, he shouted loudly.

"Dean, I said I reached level 30." Oscar replied with a little proud look.

Everyone was shocked hearing that Oscar too reached level 30 but soon they all congratulated him and was happy for him.

Among them was Ning Rongrong, who eyes are full of unbelief.

How can a spirit master of food department advance so quickly?

You know it's level 30, few people on the whole continent of food department reach level 30 Sprit Elder stage and they were never so young as Oscar.

"Does falling in love increase cultivation and realms?" At this time Tang San and Dai Mubai muttered in unison.

"Good good, now you have became the fourth person to reach level 30. I'll arrange for all four of you to go with Zhao Wuji to find your third spirit rings." Flender smiled brightly, all the annoyance he felt immediately cleared away like the black clouds after the storm.

Generally speaking if you reach level 30th-rank in food department you can easily join the imperial army of the Empire with the status of captain or above.

"Haha good luck, it's all because of the good luck." Oscar humbly replied to all of them.

"Okay, let's start our class today." Flender announced.

Everyone eyes are full of anticipation, well again except me as I know what is going to happen.

"Today training for everyone is to eat at least three sausage made by Oscar." Flender's lips raised a little as he smiled and said.

"What?" Hearing this all of them except Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai and me has a very difficult expression on their faces.

"This is the first adaptive lesson you all need to learn. Each of you must learn to use Oscar sausage to supplement your spirit power." Flender continued to say.

Oscar's eyes was literally shining after learning today's lesson. He immediately chanted his ambiguous incantation and stretched out his hand forward.

Oscar's mouth curled slightly giving a banana smile as he looked at all of the girls provocatively.

Everyone is going to eat his sausages, he is really excited to think about it.

"My sausage is ready, who will come first." Oscar said.

Hearing this sentence everyone expression changed to disgust, even Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai cursed him for saying that last line.

Oscar glanced at all of them, then stopped at Ning Rongrong.

He must let Ning Rongrong eat his big and thick sausage no matter what.(hehe, you know what I mean).

Seeing that no one was going to eat it, Tang Ming was really tempted to eat it, as he has just come after training and hadn't ate anything and was really hungry.

Just as he was going to take it, a figure snatched the sausage from the Oscar's hand.

"I will be first." Ning Rongrong said taking the sausage out of Oscar's hand.

Everyone was surprised watching Ning Rongrong volunteering to eat first.

No one thought that Ning Rongrong would be the first to eat the sausage.

Even though I know it was going to happen, I too was slightly surprised seeing this. After saying that she decisively looked at it and took a big bite.

"This is so delicious!" Just after taking a bite her eyes started shining as she chomped down the rest and asked for the two more.

Oscar was over the moon seeing Ning Rongrong liking his big and delicious sausage as he immediately made another two and handed it over.

After that everyone one by one came forward and ate the sausage. When Xiao Wu turn came she reluctantly ate one but after eating one she immediately asked for more and ate more than five before being satisfied.

The last was Zhu Zhuqing, who still refused to eat the sausage. Before she can say something I turned to look at her as she too instinctively looked back at me.

"You should try eating it. It really is delicious, I know the chant was somewhat inappropriate but you should know that no food is as pure and good as one made of spirit power. Everyone ate the sausage, you should eat too otherwise other would feel a little uncomfortable." I smiled slightly and encouraged her.

Seeing me encouraging her, Dai Mubai really looked sad but didn't say anything.

Zhu Zhuqing too steeled her heart and ate the three sausage but didn't ask for more like Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong. I can see by the expression, she liked the sausage.

She was too reserved for her own good but that's what attracted me more than anything else.

At this time Oscar came and whispered me in the ear :

" Brother Ming, because of you I got the chance yesterday night. So don't worry about, I'll make you enough to fill your stomach and from today you can eat all the sausages you want from me for free."

"Very good, you all didn't disappoint me. Today's first lesson is completed, you all should go and rest the next lesson will be some time later. I am going to ask Zhao Wuji to take you all to Star Dou forest to hunt the third spirit ring for Tang Ming and San, Xiao Wu and Oscar." Flender said and walked away.


A/N: Here's today's chapter. SO ENJOY MDAFKRS.

And yes the results of the poll was [Hellfire Lotus] ability for Tang Ming third ring. Don't worry the ability [Titan's Wrath] will be one of the next spirit ring ability.

Now one other poll I'm going to ask is whether I should keep the spirit ring to ten thousand year till level 50 or have him a hundred thousand year old spirit ring as the level 50 spirit ring.

The next chapter will be released tomorrow at the same time as today.


Any suggestions, reviews and comments are appreciated either good or bad. Now I'm out.

Your Allfather Author-PrimorDious. Peace Out ✌️.

PrimorDious PrimorDious

Creation is hard even if it's a fanfiction. So cheer me up. And provide some Power Stones if you have any spare to. I know I'm not posting chapters daily but I'm trying to cover it up by posting a chapter of 2.5 k word or above instead of just 1.5k word that I usually post daily. ThankYou.

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