Race to the
Chapter 301: attack in the night (1)
"I am left with nothing, no aim… Nothing
Just what shall I do now?" Hao Jiazhi asked as he falls back on his seat.
Hao Jiazhi has achieved what he wanted, by making the treaty or alliance, he and his allied kingdoms are now safe.
All he has now left with is just sit and govern his kingdom, but for whom? He no longer has his mother by his side neither his sister, and he himself don't want to rule the kingdom as it is not his thing.
Hao Jiazhi remained silent for a while and then he asked Han Yachun, "What is your thought on this?"
Han Yachun paused for some thinking, after a second or so, she asked "My lord, did you forget your words that you said to me a few days ago?"
Hao Jiazhi remembered those words said by Han Huaixin, 'why should a get a half plate when I can get a full plate of food?'
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