Race to the
Chapter 293: marriage (4)
"What is the news?" Emperor Lu Shui asked the soldier that came inside the hall with a new letter in his hand.
The soldier stood in front of Emperor Lu Shui, paid his respect, and then answered his question "Your highness, I have news from the western border (east border for the Tengyuan Kingdom)"
"What is it?" Emperor Lu Shui asked the soldier
"The soldier opened the letter and read the details in the letter.
[In the letter-
There is an envoy from the Tengyuan Kingdom that has come to our land. He is all alone, and he carries a royal decree from Emperor Hao Jiazhi directly. He will be here tomorrow morning and he wants to talk with you]
"And what is the reason for entering our land?" Emperor Lu Shui asked the soldier as every person or envoy especially has to give a reason for his entrance to the kingdom. After all, the envoy represents his kingdom.
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