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59.09% Ghost Rider vs Horror Movies / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Freddy vs. Jason part 5

Chapitre 13: Chapter 13: Freddy vs. Jason part 5

Strolling around town on his motorcycle, Lucas spotted a bar with a place where he could park.

Parking his bike, Lucas got out of the vehicle before entering the bar to look for an available restroom for him to use.

Entering the bar, Lucas looked around until he spotted a bartender who was wiping some glasses on the counter.

Walking over to him, Lucas reached the counter, facing the bartender who noticed his arrival.

(Bartender): "Good morning, how can I help you?"

(Lucas): "Where is the bathroom?"

(Bartender): "In the hallway on the left"

(Lucas): "Thank you"

After thanking the bartender, Lucas walked towards the bathroom under the gaze of a small group who were seated at a table.


Having finished his chores, Lucas went to the bathroom sink to wash his hands.

Finishing washing his hands, Lucas used the bathroom hand dryer before looking at his reflection in the mirror.

(Lucas): "Huh?!"

But looking at his reflection, Lucas's body froze. At the same time he made a face of astonishment, looking at the huge scar from a cut that ran from the left side of his forehead to the right side of the right cheek of his face.

(Lucas): "But what..."

Moving closer to the mirror, Lucas used his hand to lightly touch her scar while her body shook.

After touching his scar, Lucas began to breathe heavily before raising his fists to the car, and slamming them down into the granite bathroom sink.


(Lucas): "JASOOON...!"

When hit by Lucas' fists, the sink broke into pieces. At the same time he shouted the name of the person responsible, the scar that formed on his face.

After he stopped screaming, Lucas took a deep breath as his eyes flickered between golden and light brown.

(Lucas): "Oof... Shit, I destroyed private property. And with that face, now I'm going to be branded as a criminal completely..."


As he tried to calm down, Lucas heard the bathroom door open. And when he looked at the door, five men had already entered through it.

(Man 1): "Wow! What a mess. The manager will be a real wreck when he sees this"

Ignoring the exclamation of one of the men, Lucas walked towards the door as he tried to get past the men in front of her. But when trying to get past them, Lucas was obstructed.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down. We have business with you": Said one of the men, placing one of his hands on Lucas' chest, to stop him.

(Lucas): "... Do you want to take me to the manager?"

(Man 1): "Haha... No, our subject here is another one"


(Lucas): "Ouch!"

Taking a punch to the stomach, Lucas's body tilted before being grabbed by the arms and forced to his knees by two of the five men.

(Man 1): "...This morning you attacked two members of our gang. Tony and Leo, remember?"

(Lucas): "Haha... And I was wondering what it was. But the cause turned out to be those two garbage this morning"

Changing the color of his eyes to golden, Lucas freed himself from the two men using brute strength, before rising to his feet and shoving the two men holding him on either side. Throwing one of them into the bathroom partition and the other into the bathroom glass.

(Men): ""Ah...!""

Trash! Crash!

When giving a small cry the two hit their respective targets. Breaking the glass and part of the bathroom partition.

Seeing two of his teammates get knocked down, the three men were stunned before two more of them tried to grab Lucas from the front.

Avoiding their arms, Lucas used both of his hands to grab their collar and pull it, making their bodies spin as they were hurled into the wall behind Lucas.

Bash! Bash!

Crashing into the wall, the two gave a muffled scream before falling unconscious to the ground.

Seeing that two more of his companions had been shot down, the last remaining man drew a pistol and aimed it at Lucas' head, who quickly reacted by plugging the bullet's exit with his right hand.

Wham, Clang!

(Man 1): "...Impossible"

Seeing the last man's astonishment, Lucas used this opportunity to take the pistol out of him with his right hand. Before grabbing and throwing the man to the ceiling, using the inhuman strength of his left hand.

(Man 1): "Ah...!"




As he was thrown, the man hit the plaster ceiling, just before he landed with a few pieces of plaster on top of him.

After seeing the last man fall unconscious to the ground, Lucas dropped the pistol before using the fingers of his left hand to pull out the bullet that had been trapped in the center of his palm.


(Lucas): "Ouch! It burns"

After removing the bullet, Lucas waved his hand until he saw the reflection of his face in one of the shards of glass on the floor.

Placing his hand on the scar, Lucas studied his reflection in silence. Before sighing and leaving the bathroom, continuing his journey to the exit of the bar, under the frightened eyes of what was left of the customers present.


The night in Westin Hills.

Using an ID card, Will unlocked the door just before opening it. Allowing him and his friends to slip into the hospital unnoticed.

And not far from them, Lucas, who had arrived at the scene, parked his bike while sighing in annoyance.

(Lucas): "Haa... After spending hours running away from cops and gangsters. I finally managed to reach my targets without being noticed by anyone."

Getting off his bike, Lucas looked toward the door, where Will and his friends entered. Before deciding to walk to her.

Reaching the door, Lucas placed his hand on it. And realized that the door was reinforced steel.

(Lucas): "Hmmm... If I break down the door, I'll draw unnecessary attention. So I'll be a little stealthy"

Turning into a ghost rider, Lucas kept his hand on the door, causing her temperature to rise.

When the door turned red, the ghost rider took his hand away, before the door crumbled completely, like liquid metal on the floor.

(Ghost Rider): "Oops...! Ah, fuck!"

Ignoring the mess he'd made, the ghost rider walked across the liquid metal-covered floor before entering the hospital.


Walking down the hallway, the ghost rider passed through several doors, before a security guard appeared at one of the forks in the hallway.

(Security): "Holy God! Stop!"

Upon seeing the ghost rider, the bouncer quickly drew his gun. Before pointing her at him while screaming.

Hearing the bouncer yell, the ghost rider stopped in the hallway. Watching the armed security guard a few feet away from him.

Seeing that the ghost rider had stopped, the security guard continued pointing the gun at him, while his body began to shake.

(Security): "...Put your hands behind your head!"

(Ghost Rider): "..."

(Security): "Now!"

Seeing that the ghost rider didn't obey his order, the bouncer began to sweat, until his eyes blinked. And to see that the ghost rider was already in front of him, a few steps away.

(Security): "What...!"


Just as the bouncer gave a startled scream, the ghost rider slapped his hand, making him drop the gun he was holding.

Puff, puff!

Seeing his gun drop to the ground, the bouncer fell silent before returning his gaze to the ghost rider.

(Ghost Rider): "Get lost"

Hearing the ghost rider, the bouncer quickly turned and fled. Disappearing into one of the corridors further on.

Seeing the bouncer disappear, the ghost rider shook his head, just before walking towards the hallway the bouncer used to get to where he was.


When they entered the hospital, Will and his friends split into groups to look for the medicine they needed.

Then, led by Stubbs, one of the groups entered a room to start looking for the medicine. But upon entering the room, the group quickly realized that they would not find anything in it.

(Deputy Stubbs): "It's not here, let's go"

Seeing that there were a bunch of computers dotted around the room, Stubbs decided he'd better look elsewhere. Then he called the rest of the group to leave and start looking elsewhere.

Seeing Stubbs leaving the room, Linderman tried to follow him until Bill caught his eye.

(Bill): "Hey! Linderman, let's take a smoke break"

(Linderman): "No, we're following a policeman"

(Bill): "And what's he going to do, arrest us?"

Rolling his eyes at Bill, Linderman decided to ignore him before going back to following Stubbs.

(Bill): "Wait! Hold on a sec!"

Seeing that Linderman had decided to ignore him, Bill lit his cigarette and started smoking right there.

(Bill): "Oh, that's better"

Continuing to smoke, Bill sat on the floor while enjoying his marijuana cigarette.


Hearing the noise of one of the classroom doors opening, Bill, who was smoking, stopped for a moment looking at the door in the corner of the room that had been opened. And what he saw come out of it was a giant caterpillar with a face, similar to that of a human.

(Bill): "What the fuck is this?"

Watching the caterpillar crawl across the floor, Bill was intrigued until he saw it rise to its feet and pull a bong out of nowhere.

(Bill): "Cool"

Taking one of the bong's cables, the caterpillar inhaled some of the smoke from the device before blowing it all in Bill's face.



(Bill): "Cough! Cough...!"

After blowing smoke in Bill's face, the caterpillar turned and fled with the bong to the door it had entered.

(Bill): "Cough...! Ah, come back here man"

Following the caterpillar, Bill entered another room as he passed the door she had used to escape.

Entering the new room, Bill looked around and saw several hospital patients sitting on the bed, looking in his direction, despite their eyes covered by cotton wool.

(Bill): "What?"

Noticing the patients' mouths moving, Bill realized they were trying to talk to him. Though he could understand little of what they were saying.

(Bill): "What do you want?"

(Hospital Patients): """ ********* """

(Bill): "No, I don't know where Hypnocil is"

""" ************** """: Said the patients while pointing to something behind Bill.

Looking in the direction they indicated, Bill saw that the patients were pointing to a small locker. Which left him a little confused until one of the patients approached him to whisper in his ear.

(Patients 1): " ************* "

Hearing what the patient said, Bill walked to the small closet before breaking the glass on his door. Revealing the Hypnocil he and his friends were looking for.

Pulling out some vials of Hypnocil from the small cabinet, Bill examined them before responding to the voices of patients who were constantly whispering to him.

(Bill): "I can't throw them away, we need this"

When Bill finished speaking, some drool fell under his head. Making him look up and see that the giant caterpillar was glued to the ceiling above him.

(Giant caterpillar): "Growl!"

(Bill): "Ah...!"

Giving a guttural roar, the giant caterpillar leapt at Bill's head. Biting his face until the caterpillar's body stretched out and was completely inside Bill's mouth.


Opening the door to one of the hospital rooms, Will entered the room accompanied by Lori, Kia and Gibb. Who were surprised to enter and see a large number of patients bedridden, with cotton pads covering their eyes.

(Will): "This is Wing D, and these are the ones who couldn't stop dreaming"

(Lori): "Are they dead?"

Picking up one of the patients' pins, Will scanned the contents before answering Lori's question.

(Will): "No, they're in a coma. They got like that when they took too much Hypnocil"

(Lori): "But who would do such a thing?"

(Will): "Your father's name is in all these fixed"

Hearing Will's response, Lori was silent. Before turning and walking towards the exit, under the gaze of the group that decided to follow her, seeing that there was nothing in the room.


After leaving the room, Lori followed by her friends, walked down the hall until they reached the stairs. Arriving at the stairs, the group went down them until they reached the first floor and came across the ghost rider standing, standing in front of the entrance to the first floor stairs.

(Lori): "Ah!"

(Kia): "Wow"

(Will): "Damn, go upstairs"

When they saw the ghost rider, the group stopped their descent. Climbing back to the second floor, running up the stairs.

As they climbed the stairs, the group quickly spotted the second-floor entrance and in front of it was the ghost rider standing there looking at them.

(Gibb): "What!"

(Kia): "Impossible"

(Will): "But how...?!"

Shocked, the group stopped climbing, looking at the rider with a terrified expression.

(Ghost Rider): "Now, how about we stop playing this little game?"

Ceasing the transformation, the ghost rider returned to his human form, revealing the appearance of a young boy in his late teens.

(Gibb): "You, you're this morning's boy"

(Will): "What?!"

(Kia): "Yeah, now that you mention it, it seems to be himself"

(Lori): "Kia, who is he?"

(Kia): "He's the kid who beat up Leo and Tony. In the cafeteria this morning"

(Will): "Wait, are you guys talking about the kid you mentioned in this morning's conversation?"

(Lucas): "Hey!"

Upon hearing Lucas's cry, the group stopped talking, before returning their gaze to him.

(Lucas): "I know you have a lot to discuss. But I don't want to waste my time with lengthy explanations here. So I'll get straight to the point. I…"


(Lucas): "Ah...!"


In the middle of his speech, Lucas was interrupted when he was hit with a fire extinguisher behind the head. Making him fall unconscious at the edge of the stairs.

Dropping the fire extinguisher on the ground, Bill, the one who hit Lucas, started laughing before rolling his eyes and falling to the ground unconscious.

(Bill): "Hahaha...!"


(Lori): "Oh, Bill!"

When they saw what happened, Lori and the other members of the group were surprised. Before going up the stairs, passing by Lucas' body until reaching Bill to check on his condition.

(Kia): "How's he doing Will?"

"He's unconscious": Will said while examining Bill's body.

Upon hearing Will, the girls breathed a sigh of relief. Until they noticed Stubbs and Linderman coming down the hall.

(Deputy Stubbs): "Guys, we have to get out of here"

(Will): "What do you hear?"

(Deputy Stubbs): "The police have been called. And soon they'll be here"

(Kia): "Oh, not that one. We didn't even find the remedies"

(Linderman): "There's no more Hypnocil. Bill threw them all away"

(Lori): "What! Why?"

(Linderman): "We don't know, we took his eye out for a moment and he screwed up. And... What do you hear with Bill and who is this guy lying on the edge of the stairs?"

(Will): "It's a long story. We'll tell you after we get out of here"

"Come on, help me get Bill out of here": Will said as he tried to pull Bill's body off the ground.

"But what about him?": Gibb asked as he pointed to Lucas, who was slumped on the edge of the stairs.

As they looked at Lucas, the group exchanged glances. Before Will answered Gibb's question.

(Will): "It's too dangerous to take him with us, we'll have to leave him here"

(Gibb): "But what if he wants to help us? It might be a mistake to leave him here"

(Will): "Gibb, we don't..."

(Lori): "Will, I think she's right. We don't know if he's on our side or not. And since we can't get Hypnocil, we're left with no way to defend ourselves against Freddy. So..."

"... We must take him with us and find out for a fact, if he's on our side or not. Because now, all the help will be needed": Lori said while directing her gaze to Lucas.

Seeing that Lori wanted to take him too, Will sighed before asking Stubbs and Linderman to take Lucas along with them.

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