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18.18% A step at the End of the World "English version" / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 "Before the end of the world"

Chapitre 2: Chapter 2 "Before the end of the world"

The next day Jin decided not to cook and went straight to school. In the cafeteria he ran into Lana, but saw another person next to him. Bringing his tray to the table he sat down across from the girls.

— Good morning, teachers— greeted the teachers starting to have breakfast.

The girl next to Lana was the physical education teacher, she was 20 years old and was interning at the school, if one looked into her eyes she would reveal a mischievous smile that highlighted a small mole on her lips.

— How did the book go?— Lana asked, looking at him expectantly

—A total disaster, I almost ran out of dinner if it weren't for one of my neighbors helping me— he said as he lowered his gaze.

— Ohh! Little Jin has problems with the kitchen, perhaps as his teacher should teach him a few things— said the teacher with the mole mocking the young man.

— Aria behave yourself, we're at school— Lana scold her friend, she always thought how such a sweet girl happened to have a wild personality.

— I think I can handle that Ford nos. By the way, they have seen Professor Viktor arrive at school— Jin wanted to know that he happened to the teacher, whenever he had problems he asked him for help.

— I heard from one of the professors who asked permission for two weeks, so I don't think he's coming— Getting up from the table, she added — I'm done, I have to prepare a report, I'll leave you just to have fun— she said with a smile when she left the place.

— Why is that so. Right, what will you do now Jin? — Lana asked, she needed help and she thought he was a good option

— I was going to look for the teacher, but if you need something just tell me—

— You see, they have asked me to classify some files, but they are in a place that I cannot reach, maybe you can help me—

After having breakfast, Jin accompanied the teacher, the place they arrived at was a rather neglected warehouse

— I need those boxes over there— Lana indicated the boxes in a bookstore while she checked others. That morning she was busy tidying everything until it was time for lunch.

— I have something you might be interested in— Aria came to the table and she sat next to them, with a smug look she added — I was commissioned to take some things to Professor Viktor, what do you think about it?— Since Aria had come to school she had treated Jin like her little brother, so when she could, she helped him.

— I would like to accompany you, what time will you go— said Jin

— Let's just finish lunch—

In the parking lot Jin found Aria carrying a cart, several seemingly heavy boxes were stacked in it — I need you to move all those things to my car, I don't understand what that teacher can do with all those things—

After loading the car, they left for the city center. The sound of sirens and shouts of people took them out of their thoughts, near them a group of people protested against the government since they did not listen to their requests, among them they could see some of their classmates, but they did not stop to observe .

The teacher's house was quite far from the school, they both wondered how he was on time every day.

Jin started to lower the boxes, while Aria knocked on the door.

"Looks like he's not at home," she said after ringing the doorbell for a minute.


An explosion was heard from the back of the house, they both looked at each other and decided to break into the entrance.

— I'll go first— Jin said as he climbed the wall, a moment later he opened the door for Aria.

Walking in the direction of the sound they found several things lying on the ground, it seemed that no one had cleaned it in a long time.

At the end of the patio, a cloud of purple smoke was coming out of a small shed, they both called the teacher's name, but no one answered.

— This can work— Aria had picked up a filter mask that she handed to Jin, he put it on and went into the shed to see what was going on inside.

Lying on the ground, Viktor's body was unconscious, in his hand you could see that he had some burn wounds. Without hesitation, Jin took him by the arms and pulled him out.

— I seem to inhale that toxic cloud a lot, what should we do?— Jin asked

— I don't know, but maybe we should call an ambulance— Aria said as she picked up the phone from her.

— That's not necessary— Viktor who was regaining consciousness began to get up —this smoke the most it can do is cause intestinal pain, it's just that the explosion made me hit the ground making me lose consciousness —

—Professor, we brought you his order, where do we leave it?— asked Aria

— Oh that, thank you very much, I'll leave you at that inn— she and Jin moved everything and prepared to continue, but Aria cut them off.

— I have to go back to school, Jin will you stay?— she asked.

— Yes, thanks for bringing me, see you tomorrow— saying goodbye, Jin went back into the house — teacher, you know what's going on, right?—

— I think so, you remember the samples from the mutated animals—

— Yes, can I find something with them?— Jin asked curious

— After comparing those samples with those of infected people, notice that they have the same mutation pattern— Viktor said with a twinkle in his eyes, Jin wanted to ask how he got samples from sick people, but in the end he didn't.

That afternoon Viktor showed him all the attempts that he made while he was not going to school, when it was close to curfew Viktor offered to take him to his house.

— Professor, do you think I should come tomorrow to help you with your experiments?—

— You will get me out of a hurry, I always lacked a hand to be able to carry out more tests—

After leaving Jin, Viktor took a key out of his pocket and tossed it to him.

— This is the key to my house, just let me know when you arrive, I don't want to create another explosion to scare me— he said and then left.

So a month passed, Jin's schedule was to train and go to school in the morning, after noon he would help Professor Viktor in his experiments and at night he would study his cookbook, when he had doubts he would ask his neighbor what always had a smile.

One May morning while Jin was eating breakfast, he encountered strange news. The reporter on the screen seemed very happy while reporting "in a town in Africa the appearance of a strange meteorite was reported, all the people in the town when exposed to it did not get sick and kept their health stable, perhaps this is the beginning for find the cure for this disease "

According to what Jin recalled, the first week the disease spread through Celes in just one day, although there were several serious cases, most of the people stood their ground and endured the disease. They did not expect that from one day to the next those who seemed to be completely healthy fell into a coma, Jin remembering that he thought that soon that town would also go into a coma, but with the passing of the days they never got sick and the world put its eyes on them looking for the cure.

— Oh Jin, it's good that you come, you heard the news— said Viktor when he saw his student enter

— Yeah, but what about that, is it really a cure?—

— I don't know, but I have sent a request to send me a sample of that meteorite, many have already done it and found great advances by using it—

The news itself did not last long, when the scientific community demanded that the meteorite be taken away for study, the African people refused, but in the end they had to let their treasure be taken away. It was not two days after the meteorite left and the entire town died in one night. This surprised the scientific community and they decided that, upon request for samples for study, only one per scientist would be accepted.

During that time Lana approached Jin and handed him a brochure.

— What do you think, this can help you— Lana said with a smile on her face.

In Jin's hands rested a recruitment brochure, they needed staff to assist the sick in the hospital.

— I think I can give it a try, so I can see my friends who are there—

The hospital was full of people, several people were sleeping outside waiting to be treated.

Jin looked at the address in the brochure and approached the recruitment room full of young people, among them he could see a girl with long hair down to her back, it was jet black, Jin could not see her face well, but noticed that she had an exuberant figure.

An hour had passed until it was Jin's turn. He walked down a long white corridor and entered a room with 3 other young people. In front of them, two men over 50 and an elderly woman were watching them.

— Welcome, as you will see, although we need a lot of help, we cannot give the health of the patients to just anyone, so we will do a group test, if you pass it, you will move together helping in the hospital, is that clear?— asked one of the men

They all knew that they wouldn't lose anything if they failed, so they just nodded, but Jin stood up between them saying

— I understand your senior position, but I want to be able to enter to help patients if they allow me— The old woman looked at the young man and said something to the man in her ear.

— Okay, but only if you beat the team of the other three, do you accept that rule?— asked the man

— Yes major— he said then sitting down. The other three young men made fun of Jin thinking that he was an idiot when facing the three.

The tests were in different ways, from transporting boxes in the shortest time, carrying a patient, performing first aid and handling a conflict situation, in each of them Jin was superior to the other three thanks to his daily exercise routine .

Finishing the tests they took him to another room, there was the girl that he had noticed before, he could finally see her face, she had Asian features and a pair of violet eyes of approximately 20 years.

— Hello, my name is Jin— he wanted to know her name, he was sure that she was not from the city.

With a cold gaze she started to look at Jin, but she saw that he had no lust in his gaze, just curiosity, she was bored with the guys who wanted to take her to bed just as a trophy.

—Hello Mr. Jin, my name is Shizuka— she said keeping a cold look.

— Nice Miss Shizuka, what do you think of the city, do you like it?— he said wanting to start a conversation to pass the time.

— Why do you think I'm not from the city?— Doubtful question of the man in front of her

Jin started to tell her what he thought, he always waited for her to answer before continuing, he didn't want her to get mad at him. As time passed, more people began to appear in the room.

— Welcome to the second regional hospital, you were the ones qualified to get ahead in the problematic situation that this disease leaves us— the man who had conducted the interview told everyone.

— At this moment you will go through a training, please listen well to your superiors, with nothing more to say please follow your instructors— then the group of people began to enter rooms where several instructors taught them the basic rules of the place .

Since that day, Jin began to attend the hospital 4 hours, as he was too far from home, he drove his jeep for comfort.

In less than a month he got to know Shizuka more, although they weren't both in the same area, they chatted when they got together for her collation. He learned that she had come from the capital with her family and that they would leave when her father finished her business in the city.

— And that's how you should prepare it, do you understand?— That day the neighbor Grant who always helped him, gave him the last cooking class, she would leave the city the next morning with her son.

— Yes, thank you very much, I hope you have a good trip— During a month of learning Jin was already able to prepare at least three plates of food enough to stay healthy.

That night he began to remember Natasha's call, she told him that they had entered a giant shelter under the ground. According to his father, the place belonged to a relative of the president and that there would be no problem if 3 million people lived in it for 10 years.

— It's good that she's safe, but I think something's wrong— he thought before falling asleep.

It was already the end of June when Jin received a call from Professor Viktor — I have just received the meteorite sample, when you can come to help me in the experiments—

That day Jin was helping Lana with a problem in her apartment, her kitchen tap was bad and he offered to fix it. Walking through the kitchen he took off his shirt to avoid getting it wet.

After changing the tap, he only needed to adjust the last lock when Lana appeared behind him.

She was a little astonished at the young man's body and spread her hands touching his back.

— You can tell you've practiced a lot— Lana said as her other hand pressed her chest, in her mind she remembered that one day while Jin was helping her sort several boxes in the cellar they both tripped and he fell on her, that was the first time that He, on impulse, took her lips.

Feeling that the environment was somewhat strange, Jin raised his voice and asked — Do you need something Lana— each day that passed, their relationship improved more, they were no longer a student and a common teacher. He knew she was shy in that area and that's why he never forced her, her encounters never went beyond a kiss, on one occasion they were almost caught by Aria.

Lana moved closer hugging Jin's back pressing her large breasts behind him, the feeling of softness from her ignited her body and Jin turned to claim her lips.

♡ Ahh! ♡

When she felt the invasion of her breasts she moaned and tried to get him to remove his hands from her, but Jin did not give her time and his tongue invaded her mouth.

♡♡♡♡! Hmm! ♡♡♡♡

She complained seeing that her gray top was next to her, the two twin peaks of hers were exposed being groped by a bully. When her lips parted, she wanted to say a few things to Jin, but her voice betrayed her when her boobies were caught by Jin's lips ♡♡♡♡♡! ahh! ♡♡♡♡♡

This day something changed between the two, she felt very sensitive throughout her body and wanted Jin to not stop hugging her while they knead her breasts, the moans filled the room until her bodies were covered with the essence her.

♡♡♡! more! ♡♡♡

♡♡♡ !! there !! ♡♡♡

♡♡♡ !! ngh !! ♡♡♡

While being kissed, Jin took the opportunity to explore his lower valley, but Lana regained her reason and stopped him, she was not yet ready to take the final step, she saw how the lower part of Jin was trying to escape from her clothes and swallowed her saliva .

With some anticipation, she lowered her hands and released the beast from her cage, a rod of meat rising up striking her belly.

Using her hands, Lana began to massage the wand while she used saliva so that he did not feel pain.


He never thought that Lana's hands would feel so good, squeezing her breasts, he attacked her lips with more voracity. Pleasure filled Jin's mind as her hands were covered in her seed.

Cast on the ground, their gazes never separated until their phones began to ring.

Losing their atmosphere, they both got up and checked their messages.

"There have been reports of a great change in nature, the reports state that several species of animals are mutating and others are disappearing, the current cause is still unknown. In addition, several reports have been received in rural areas about the appearance. of large carnivorous plants, so to avoid possible problems it has been decided to eliminate all the plants that may be a threat to you. Please help the military and special forces, following their orders so that they can protect them


Amazed at the news, they began to call their families to find out how they were doing, due to concern they did not realize that they were partially naked. As soon as they finished confirming that they were okay, they noticed their clothes and dressed avoiding their eyes.

Finishing fixing the faucet, Jin left in the direction of Professor Viktor's house, he wanted to know that he was special about the meteorite that kept the African people alive.

In the shed, Viktor was looking at various changes in the infected samples each time the meteorite was exposed.

The meteorite fragment was coppery red in color and had violet veins running through it.

— Have you had some breakthrough professor— Jin asked as he put his things on the table.

— Ah, hi Jin. If I have had advances. Help me clear those tables, I need you to see some evidence—

— Do you remember the infected samples, now look through the microscope and tell me what you see—

Approaching the table, he looked through the microscope and saw small cells with a large network of roots that surround them, on it there was a sample of skin and another of blood. They were both infected, but Jin didn't quite understand that he was wrong at that.

Exchanging the infected samples for healthy ones, Viktor asked him to look again. This time Jin's heart skipped a beat.

— So you realized, our skin has certain patterns and links, but if we compare them with the infected it seems that they are superior to us, now take a last look at the lens, you will be surprised—

By bringing the meteorite closer to the samples, he could see the cells in the microscope getting smaller, but at one point Viktor poured a substance onto the lens.

They both recoiled when they felt that something went wrong, on the table several bubbles appeared on the samples and began to absorb the substance creating a large mass of meat that fell off the table.

Walking over to a shelf, Viktor pulled out a homemade flamethrower and began firing at the sample on the ground, the smell of burning meat was so annoying that they both left the place waiting for it to air out.

— This is quite serious, it seems that this disease is artificial— said the professor concerned.

— Why do you think that professor—

— Do you know what that liquid I used at the end was? It was a mixture of the blood of the African people where the meteorite was found— Viktor began to think about the sequence of problems that began to appear in the world, he felt that something had happened through high.

— We shouldn't report this professor, I think more people will be able to give a better response to this disease—

— I already did, but I don't think the last thing we found should be public, you don't know how the human mind works when it feels it can't control something—

— So what will he do now?—

— I had received a job proposal some time ago in a large laboratory in the United States, I think I will accept it in order to experiment with better instruments—

They both knew that soon their paths would be separated, Viktor seeing the face of what he considered his apprentice returned to a shelf and took out a small bag that he threw towards Jin.

— What is this?—

— Since I will be leaving soon, I thought it necessary to leave you a memory. That bag contains some money and the keys to these shelves—

— What's on those shelves?—

— There are things like this— Raising a small pistol shot at a pillar in the distance, a beam of light pierced the air and created a large hole in the pillar.

Jin believed that his eyes were playing a joke on him, he knew this weapon, in the comics he read as a child you called them laser guns, he did not know that the technology was already available, creating several of these weapons on a large scale, but governments they blocked information from common people.

That day they both decided to end the experiments and began to talk about what would happen later, as the curfew was near, Jin said goodbye to his teacher for the last time.

— I hope you take good care of yourself in America, if you come back don't forget to bring back memories— he said shaking hands with Viktor.

— Take care of yourself Jin, remember that if something strange happens you can take things off the shelf—

Driving his jeep, Jin began to think about the changes that were happening in the world. He was about to park when he saw that a small car was in front of his house.

Getting out of the vehicle he saw that a young woman was sitting in the driveway, the tears on her face revealed that he had been crying for hours.

Entering the house he sat next to Lana in the living room, she had stopped crying, but she did not want to speak at that time.

— I'm going to cook dinner, if you have any requests this is the time— Jin's cooking was improving, although he couldn't be a professional chef, he had good taste in preparing his meals.

Lana had forgotten to eat, when the smell of food reached her, she got up towards the kitchen and looked at the man who cooked for her, feeling a little better.

After eating, she told him why she was crying.

— My mother called me when you left, she says that people around the city have been attacked by strange beasts. I don't want anything to happen to my mother, that's why I didn't know what to do and came here—

— I understand, where does she live?—

— She is in Altima, she says that there are many soldiers guarding the city, but I'm still afraid for her—

— That's three days away, if you can wait tomorrow I'll quit volunteering at the hospital and then we'll leave—

— Okay, I'll also let Aria know that we'll be leaving tomorrow—

That night they both rested in Jin's room, after a kiss they both slept hoping that tomorrow everything will go well.

Meanwhile in most of the world various spheres entered the planet from space releasing a substance into the atmosphere.

Various changes occurred in the world, colossal beasts appeared at the bottom of the ocean and in other parts of the world all natural life was affected by a constant energy that enveloped all living beings.

From that night the world as they knew it changed brutally and an era of darkness would begin.

iTeshi iTeshi

Updated April 14, 2021

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