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77.87% Naruto: Of Bone and Ice / Chapter 88: Chapter 88: Koyuki vs Miyako

Chapitre 88: Chapter 88: Koyuki vs Miyako

The entire hall burst into a murmur as they realized who it was standing before them, especially those genin from the hidden mist, who had a much more excited expression on their faces.

"I-its lord Mizukage!" Kujira shouted in enthusiasm.

Everyone was still chattering amongst themselves as Fuyōna walked towards the centre of the hall, seeing both Koyuki and Miyako standing there with a shocked look on their faces.

"Looks like I made it in time," Fuyōna said as he gave the two of them a simple wave, sensing the tension between them.

Fuyōna carried on walking past them, heading over towards the Hokage and the other instructors.

"Ah, good of you to join us, Lord Mizukage." The Hokage said with a smile coming to his face, even though he had not been expected.

Fuyōna could tell that the jonin and chunin surrounding the Hokage were nervous and on guard, however, after seeing the Hokage's reaction they seemed to relax a little.

"My apologies for dropping in like this lord Hokage, however, I was able to finish business back in the hidden mist and couldn't resist the temptation of watching some of the exam matches," Fuyōna said as he approached Sarutobi.

"Please lord Mizukage, it's not a problem at all. Please join me." The Hokage said, extending his offer to Fuyōna.

Fuyōna smiled, gladly excepting his offer and swiftly disappeared and reappeared next to the Hokage, getting a good look from above at the battleground.

Everyone in the exam hall was still in shock. Not only was the third Hokage watching the matches, but now the fifth Mizukage too.

"It's Fuyōna sensei!" Haku said as a large smile came to his face.

Kimimaro was also excited as he thought about showing his skills off to him. After all, both Kimimaro and Haku saw Fuyōna as a father figure and the chance to impress him would not be wasted if it presented itself.

Once everyone had calmed down with the arrival of Fuyōna seeming to rile everyone up, Shibi was finally able to proceed with the next match.

"Don't think that just because lord Mizukage is here I will go easy on you," Miyako said as she placed her hand on her hip.

Koyuki frowned.

"It's a good job he is, that way he will be able to stop me from killing you." She then replied getting a raised eyebrow from Miyako, who was not impressed.

"We'll see who the one to die is soon." She then said as she turned her back to get some distance before Shibi announced the start of the match.

Meanwhile, Fuyōna chatted to the Hokage about the matches that had already taken place. Kaga had filled him in on what had gone on so far, telling him Haku and the other genin of their village had won with no problems so far, something he was most pleased with.

"I have to say lord Mizukage, your genin are exceptionally skilled. Each of them has proven they certainly have what it takes to become chunin so far." He said as he took a poof on his pipe.

Fuyōna was unable to hide the smile on his face before he replied.

"Thank you, Lord Hokage, im glad to hear that you think that." He said before taking a closer look at Koyuki, being able to feel the anger coming from both her and Miyako.

Kimimaro and Haku stood at the top in the spectating area above as they watched Koyuki get ready.

"Kaga sensei, your back." Haku suddenly said as Kaga approached the two of them with his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I had a little errand to run." He said flashing them a smile.

"Alright, you two. On my command." Shibi said as he got ready to start the match.

Koyuki and Miyako both took a ready stance as they waited eagerly for him to give the word. Both twitched as they could feel their hands already reaching for a weapon.

Everyone watching could feel the tension in the air as everyone held their breath waiting for the match to start with not so much as a pin dropping in the silence.

"Begin!" Shibi shouted as he waved his hand finally starting the match.

Both Koyuki and Miyako charged dead ahead, not wasting anytime whatsoever as they lunged towards each other.

Each of them threw a handful of shuriken towards the other while charging ahead, neither of them slowing down from the threat of the razor-sharp ninja stars.

The shuriken collided in the air, giving off sparks as the two kunoichis smashed against one another in a heated exchange of taijutsu.

Miyako didn't waste any time as she jumped in with a roundhouse kick aimed at Koyuki's head, raising her leg with expert skill as her foot sliced through the air.

Koyuki shifted and ducked under the kick as she sidestepped before counter-attacking with a right straight.

Miyako slipped the punch and blocked the left body hook that was aimed at her liver with her elbow, using the force of the block to push off from to get a little distance.

Koyuki followed pressing in on the attack as the scales had shifted to her side. Quickly she placed a hand on the ground to support her body weight, allowing her to put all her strength into a low sweep in an attempt to knock Miyakos legs from under her.

However, Miyako was quick and jumped into the air avoiding the kick with good timing. Something that Koyuki wasn't happy about as she snarled, pressing back on the attack with relentless effort.

However, Miyako jumped backwards doing a back handspring that propelled her into the air, allowing her to throw a handful of kunai as insurance for cover.

Koyuki jumped back also, avoiding the first two kunai as they hit the ground. Quickly she pulled out her own kunai, twirling it around her little finger as she deflected the last kunai, the sparks licking her cheek as the kunai ricocheted, (giving her a close up on screen as it falls next to her)

"Boom..." Miyako said as she landed on the ground, flicking her head back black widow style.

Koyuki had somehow failed to notice the paper bomb that was wrapped around the hilt of the kunai, watching in slow motion as the tag ignited ready to explode at next to point-blank range.

The explosive tag exploded creating a large amount of smoke and debris to suddenly flare up where Koyuki had been, obstructing everyone's vision of her as they waited to see what had happened.

Miyako waited patiently, watching for any sign of movement that could come from the debris becoming ever clearer as the dust started to settle.

Suddenly a bundle of small fireballs shoot out of the smoke, travelling at speed towards Miyako and quickly bursting as they each changed direction making the jutsu harder to avoid.

Miyako jumped back into the air as she made a series of swift hand signs.

"Water style, wild water wave!" She said as she suddenly sprayed a large amount of water from her mouth to counter the fire style.

The fire and water clashed, bursting and creating thick steam as they mixed into the air.

The fog covered the area obstructing everyone's vision, Miyako's included as she landed back on the ground trying to use all her senses to find Koyuki.

"You really think you can use the silent killing on me?" Miyako said as she slowly reached her hand back, sliding it into her weapons pouch and drawing a kunai.

Koyuki suddenly burst out of the fog, slicing down with a kunai having aimed for the top of Miyako's skull.

Miyako was able lean backwards, putting a lot of pressure on her lower back and avoiding the assault, quickly pulling herself forwards to throw a counter slash aimed at Koyukis throat.

"They are both going for the kill," Haku said as he watched from above with the others.

Kaga sighed with his hands in his pockets.

"In these exams, people dying is a common occurrence." He said without emotion, almost as if he was speaking from experience.

Koyuki and Miyako were locked in a vicious knife fight as each of them slashed and thrust their weapons towards the other, parrying, blocking and dodging each other's attacks before throwing their own in rapid succession.

Koyuki slashed downwards, watching as her kunai passed by the side of Miyako's head as she moved out of the way.

Koyuki adjusted her attacking angle, flicking her shoulder and wrist as she suddenly slashed to the right, aiming at her neck.

Miyako had slipped the first attack and shifted her weight to her back foot, allowing her to lean back and block the slash that followed, redirecting the attack and allowing her to press the attack.

Koyuki's knife hand retracted back to her body as she flicked the kunai into a reverse grip in her hand, allowing her to block three rapid thrust attacks one after the other from Miyako, all aimed at her midsection.

Koyuki could tell she was going for vital points such as the liver, spleen and the gap between the third rib leading to the heart.

Koyuki deflected the third thrust, doing her best to push Miyako away as she took a step back with her right leg, trying to anticipate where her next attack would be aimed at.

"Shit, she's going to attack my left shoulder, it wide open!" Koyuki thought as she had kept her knife had just a little too low after the last block.

Miyako stepped in to close the gap between them, seeing the opening in her opponent's guard as pressing forwards.

However, Miyako was not stupid and instead of attacking her open point, something she expected Koyuki to expect. She instead dropped her weight through her legs, suddenly going low and slicing through across the inside of Koyuki's thigh.

"Argh!" Koyuki screamed as the cut sank in deep through her flesh, almost cutting the femoral artery.

Koyuki pulled her leg back and counter slashed down with a wild blow, something that Miyako was easily able to avoid by stepping back and giving herself some space.

"Got you," Miyako said as she slowly stood to her full height, lifting the kunai to her mouth as she licked the blood from the blade menacingly.

Koyuki knew she wouldn't be able to move properly now, having had the muscles sliced on her inner leg would affect all of her movement, leaving her feeling trapped and angry.

Fuyōna watched from atop the spectating area with the Hokage, who also seemed rather interested in their battle.

"This is proving to be a tense battle." He said, not taking his eyes off of the two.

Fuyōna nodded in agreement.

"I didn't expect them to hold this much resentment against one another, something must-have happened earlier in the exam." He said with a small chuckle.

"But still that girl, Koyuki was it? She looks to be in trouble." The Hokage said, knowing that with a gash like that on her leg she wouldn't be able to move around much.

"Yes... But it's not her that im worried about anymore." Fuyōna said as he lowered his head and closed his eyes for a moment, getting a questioning look from the Hokage.

"It's over for you now Koyuki, nowhere left to run anymore," Miyako said as she slowly lowered herself into a fighting stance, like a cat ready to pounce on her prey.

Koyuki could feel the blood pulsing from her leg, slowly running down her leg as it leaked onto the floor.

"Blood..." She thought as she looked down at the ground.

"My blood." She said in her head, reaching her hand and touching it, seeing the fresh red that now covered her hand.

"You ready to die!" Miyako said with a sinister smile, thinking that Koyuki had already lost the will to fight.

"She's done," Kujira said from the sidelines as he and his squad watched.

"I didn't expect her to be pushed so hard," Chika said as she took a sip of her water bottle, each of them watching with interest.

Haku and Kimimaro also watched from the sideline, seeming worried as Koyuk took the blow to her leg.

"Not good, she got her," Haku said as he gripped the rails.

Kimimaro also had a worried look on his face, knowing what was about to happen next.

"My blood..." Koyuki said once more, before the light from her eyes slowly disappeared, turning dark and cold.

"Not good." Kaga also said as he watched the sudden change in her eyes, remembering the last time he had seen it happen.

"The Karatachi blood..." He then muttered, waiting to see what she did next.

"Time to finish this!" Miyako shouted as she rushed forwards, raising her kunai for the kill.

"Die!" She shouted as she thrust her kunai towards Koyuki's throat, ready to finish her off permanently.

Koyuki's dark cold eyes watched as the kunai came closer and closer, getting within an inch of her throat before her body moved.

It was as if she had become possessed, moving almost unnaturally as it twisted at an angle allowing her to avoid the blow.

Miyako was shocked that she had moved at the last second, having already fully committed to the strike and being unable to do anything as Koyuki countered with a kunai that was about to puncture her own throat.

Miyako's eyes went wide as she watched Koyuki's merciless eyes reflect her own horror, watching in almost slow motion as the kunai moved so fast she couldn't react.

"No... I don't want to die like this..." The words echoed through her mind as the final moment came upon them.

Suddenly a hand grabbed Koyuki's wrist, stopping it dead in the air, not a hairs length away from Miyakos throat.

Everyone held their breath, not having even seen who or what had been able to move so quickly as to stop her attack. Miyako could feel the sweat run down her chin before it dripped down and crashed to the floor, seeming to restart her heart that had jumped to her throat.

"I think that's enough, Koyuki." The person responsible for stopping her said, looking down at both of the girls.

Fuyōna was stood over both of them, holding Koyuki's wrist even as she continued to fight his grasp, still trying to reach Miyako with a serious bloodlust.

"L-lord Mizukage..." Miyako said shocked as she took a small step back, not believing that she was but a second away from death.

Shibi and the other instructors were also astounded. They had not even seen him move, knowing that none of them would have even been able to get close to stopping what should have happened there.

"That's enough Koyuki, the match is over," Fuyōna said, still holding her wrist as she struggled against him.

"Kill... I need to kill!" She suddenly screamed the horror on her face twisting and warping as she turned her attention to him, getting ready to attack.

Fuyōna sighed, quickly jabbing his finger into her neck, rendering her unconscious.

"Sorry Koyuki, but it's time for you to take a little nap." He said as he caught her before she hit the ground.

"Koyuki!" Haku and Kimimaro shouted as they both jumped over the railing and rushes over towards her.

Fuyōna looked at Miyako and flashed a reassuring smile.

"It's all over now Miyako, why don't you head back up and be with your squad for now." He said, getting a slow nod from her in response.

The Hokage watched from the sidelines, also impressed at how fast Fuyōna had moved.

"I haven't seen anybody move like that since Minato..." He thought as he pulled his hat down ever so slightly.

"F-Fuyōna sensei!" Kimimaro and Haku shouted as they ran over towards him.

"Now, now boys. You know you are to address me correctly out in public." He said as he smiled at them.

"Sorry, sir," Haku said, looking at Koyuki with a worried expression.

"Don't worry boys, she will be fine. Let's get her to the medical so they can tend to the wound on her leg." He said before Kaga also appeared, joining his students.

"Can I leave that to you, Kaga?" Fuyōna asked as he looked at him.

"Of course sir." He replied, taking Koyuki off of him and heading over to the medical ninja that was waiting for them.

"Well, I think we have caused a scene long enough. Sorry about that." Fuyōna said as he looked at Shibi.

Shibi was still wary of Fuyōna having seen how fast he reacted to the situation.

"It's no problem, sir." He replied.

"So this is the Ice devil of the mist, Kage slayer and fifth Mizukage." He thought as he watched him carefully.

"Come on boys, let's get out of the way so we can get on with the next match," Fuyōna said, getting a nod from both of them as they followed him out of the exam hall and into the corridor.

Now that the situation had been resolved, Shibi was finally able to announce the next match, calling the next two fighters up to the stand.

Meanwhile, Fuyōna and the boys headed off to check on Koyuki, seeing that she had been treated by the medics and was now resting.

"I need you both not to worry about Koyuki, and instead focus on your exam. After all, there are some tough genin this year." Fuyōna said as he ruffled both of their hairs.

The boys smiled and gave him a nod, each of them wanting to make him proud.

"I hear you already won your first match with ease Haku." He then said, having been told by Kaga himself.

Haku smiled, "Yes Sensei!" He said in response with a large smile forming on his face.

"Good, I know you will both do great." He then said as he grew more serious.

"Alright, boys, why don't you head back through, I need to have a chat with Kaga for a moment." He then said.

Kimimaro and Haku understood and did as he asked, knowing better than to try and eavesdrop on their sensei.

Fuyōna waited for ths boys to leave and then turned to face Kaga, who already knew what he was about to ask.


Thank you for reading, I hope you are enjoying the story!

You know where to go for more.

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