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37.5% Naruto: Of Bone and Ice / Chapter 42: Naruto chapter 42:

Chapitre 42: Naruto chapter 42:

"Time to take care of you, six tails," Obito said as he let two chains drop from the sleeves of his robe.

Fuyōna recognised he was dressed the same way when he battled against the fourth Hokage, chains and all.

"So be it!" Fuyōna said, having had enough of holding back.

Obito was a little shocked by his speed as Fuyōna almost ripped through his body with a quick slash of his arm that was covered in razor-sharp bones.

Obito had managed to avoid the attack with his Sharingan ability and turned to trap Fuyōna in his chains.

Fuyōna wasn't impressed and grabbed the chain with his free hand, freezing the metal before snapping it in two.

Obito was flung into the air and landed swiftly before being forced on the defensive. He had had to let his entire body slip into another dimension to escape Fuyōnas onslaught of attacks before he reappeared at a safe distance.

"You are indeed strong Kage slayer," Obito said.

"I will have to pull him in as fast as I can." Obito then thought as he took a ready stance.

"It's time to end this," Fuyōna said as he started to create hand signs.

Obito smiled behind his mask as he vanished and reappeared, ready to grab Fuyōna, sucking him into another dimension.

"You fell for it." Fuyōna thought as he suddenly allowed bones to shoot out from all over his body.

Obito was forced to let them pass through him again and couldn't grab Fuyōna as there was nowhere to hold.

Obito jumped back, and as soon as his foot touched the ground, it froze. Ice travelling halfway up his body.

"How did he!" Obito shouted in shock as he couldn't move.

"Now! Ice mist!" Fuyōna said as he let loose his ice mist jutsu, knowing that it would follow him into his jutsu as ice mist froze the very air itself right down to the atoms.

Obito slipped into his dimension to avoid the jutsu. However, his cloak and body started to freeze over anyway.

He quickly tossed the robe off his body and was even forced to rip his white Zetsu arm off to stop the spread.

"How did his jutsu reach me here?" Obito asked, confused. "I thought I slipped away in time."

"It would seem this battle is lost. I can't fight him at half strength and with only one arm." Obito said to himself.

Suddenly to Obitos surprise, an ice mirror starts to form from the ice on his cloak, and Fuyōna dashed out of it kicking him in the chest.

Obito hit the ground hard and slid along the floor before he flipped over, landing back to his feet.

"H-How did you..." He said, clutching his chest from the blow.

Fuyōna played with a bone blade in his hand as he twirled it between his fingers.

"Looks like I figured out how to counter your jutsu. Now you can't run." Fuyōna said as he fired round after round of lightning style bone bullets.

Obito did his best to dodge and block each barrage, but with only one arm, he was unable to.

The bone bullets shredded him to pieces and soon enough, he fell to his knees, exhausted and out of options.

"Why you... I will make you suffer for this." Obito said, extremely angry.

Fuyōna walked over to him and placed a hand on his forehead.

"This should release the genjutsu." He said as he slapped his hand onto Obitos head, breaking the seal and stopping his genjutsu.

Obito's body started to fade away as the genjutsu faded. Fuyōna had been right. He couldn't kill him here, hell he was pretty sure he wasn't even fighting Obito at half his power, but it didn't matter.

"We will meet again... Kage killer," Obito said before he entirely faded away.

Fuyōna slipped back into the ice mirror and returned to Yaguras inner world. It was all one big complex genjutsu and inner mind battle, but it had been real. If Fuyōna had lost his real body would have suffered the same as his mind had.

Fuyōna let the deeper thoughts of what had just happened or how it had pass over his head. No good would come of overthinking it. Now he had to attend to the Mizukage. Obito had been right, the seal had been rigged, and now he was dying.

Yagura was awake and taking slow yet deep breaths.

"Fuyōna... You did it." He said, clearly weak.

"It's over, lord Mizukage. The genjutsu has been broken.

Yagura smiled.

"I knew I could count on you, Fuyōna. He was too strong for me to defeat, and now I must leave the rest to you." He said as he started coughing.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you," Fuyōna said with a heavy heart.

"No. I'm sorry it had to come to this. I let you down. I let my village down, and I failed as the Mizukage..." He said, tears coming to his eyes.

"Promise me, Fuyōna. Promise me you will do better than I did. Promise me you will lead and protect the village."

Fuyōna nodded as he looked Yagura in the eyes.

"I will."

"I think knowing that the village is in your hands means I can rest easy." He said with a small smile.

Fuyōna noticed that the three tails was also waking up now, and the chains that had bound it fell away.

"I have one last favour to ask of you Fuyōna, I know it is selfish of me, but please." He said as the light was starting to fade from his eyes.

"What it is?" Fuyōna asked.

"Please look after my daughter. She is only young and will face so much hardship for what I have done. Please look out for her." Yagura asked with his final breath.

"I will," Fuyōna said.

With that, Yagura took his last breath, and the life faded from his eyes, yet the smile remained on his face.

Suddenly the three tails roared and attacked Fuyōna with pure rage as it smashed its tails down at him.

This was his warning to leave, and In doing so, Fuyōna opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings of the real world.

He was still inside the ice that had trapped the three tails. But, now its body started to shrink, and it soon returned to Yaguras structure.

Fuyōna knew now that Yagura had passed, the three tails would also die. But he also knew it would come back soon enough. The only problem would be getting to it before anyone else did.

Fuyōna released his jutsu, and the huge block of ice simply burst, turning into snow that blew away in the wind.

"It's over," Fuyōna said as he looked at Yaguras body lying on the ground.

"You did everything you could, Fuyōna," Saiken said.

He knew that, yet he still felt as if he had failed.

"I had better let the others know it's over." He said as he made the hand signs to create some clones.

The clones burst off in different directions to locate each group and relay the news to them. He hoped that they had all survived the battle, and he also hoped with the news of Yaguras death, it would stop the fighting.

Fuyōna let his clones scatter as they went off to find the rest of his allies who had been fighting their own battles. Fuyōna could only hope that they had survived and waited for his clones to make contact.

Currently, Mei, Kōgetsu and Ganryū were resting as they had defeated Yagura's Anbu and Mangetsu, who was now restrained so he could do no further damage.

He had already killed three-quarters of Ganryū's unit, including the reinforcements from Kaga's. He had been able to wound Mei and even defeat his own cousin Kōgetsu who was the next head of the Hōzuki clan.

"You won't get away with this. I'll kill you all!" Mangetsu roared even though his body had an electrical current running through it so that he couldn't move.

"Give it up, Mangetsu. The battle is over." Mei said.

"Shouldn't we take more precautions and restrain him more?" Kōgetsu said.

Mei was starting to get the impression that this kid was a real worrywart.

"It's fine, he can't move like that, and besides, the battle is over now." She said.

Mei was sat down with her back to a tree as she let her shoulder rest. It would need medical treatment, but for now, rest was the next best thing.

Ganryū was busy tending to his fallen troops, and the number was fast approaching 100.

"We should kill him. He's too much of a threat to be left alive." He said, letting his anger take over.

"Calm down, Ganryū. Our orders are to keep as many alive as possible, remember?" Mei said, standing to her feet.

"He singlehandedly killed 100 of my men! I can't just let this go!" Ganryū shouted as he drew his sword.

Kōgetsu stood in his path along with Mei.

"I can't let you kill him either. I am sorry for what he has done. He was fighting for the village, not knowing why. You can't blame him for following the Mizukages orders even if they were wrong." Kōgetsu said, actually making sense.

"I don't care. He must pay!" Ganryū said."

He wasn't the only one who agreed, as the others that had survived the battle took his side.

The odds for Mei and Kōgetsu were looking slim now as it was the many vs the few.

"Just calm down, otherwise." Mei started.

"Otherwise, what? You will kill us?" Ganryū said, raising his sword.

"Yeah, get out of our way!" Someone else shouted with more joining in.

Mei knew this wasn't looking good, and unless she wanted to kill her own men, she would have no choice but to let them have Mangetsu.

"No!" Kōgetsu shouted as he took a battle stance.

"If you want Mangetsu, you will have to kill me first!" He shouted.

Ganryū and his unit of twenty others didn't seem too bothered with that, and all got ready to charge.

"No, you can't, Ganryū, stand down!" Mei shouted.

Kōgetsu didn't like his chances and decided he had no choice. Turning around, he shot a water bullet at the sword that was holding Mangetsu in place.

Mangetsu had remained silent this whole time, and now he was free. He jumped up into the air and faced Ganryū and the others without fear.

"Not so tough now I'm free, are you! If you want me dead, come and get me!" He shouted as he pulled his sword from the ground taking a battle-ready position.

"Kōgetsu, what have you done!" Mei shouted as she jumped back away from Mangetsu.

"We don't have to fight anymore. It's over!" Kōgetsu shouted, trying to calm both sides.

"It's too late for that kid!" Ganryū shouted.

"Attack!" He shouted as he charged forwards, his men following him.

Mangetsu let his chakra flow into his sword, allowing it to grow and grow until it became so large that it could wipe all of them out in one swing.

"I should have done this in the first place instead of toying with you!" Mangetsu shouted as he swung his sword.

All seemed helpless to Mei and Kōgetsu as the two groups were determined to kill one another.

"That's enough!" A voice shouted as the owner moved too fast for anyone to see.

A forceful gust of wind blew Ganryū and the others back so hard that they flew through the air a good six meters before falling to the ground.

Mangetsu had also been unable to see what was going on but had launched his attack anyway, intent on killing all of them in one blow.

However, to his and everyone else shock, Fuyōna could be seen as the dust settled. He was in his tailed beast cloak with six tails as he had stopped Mangetsu's attack with one arm that was protected in a layer of bone while with the other, he had pushed everyone aside to create room.

Mangetsu was shocked to see that Fuyōna had stopped his attack with just one arm, and if anything, it pissed him off.

"Why you!" Mangetsu shouted as he split his swords in two and went for the attack.

Fuyōna gave him a stern look as he closed the gap too fast for Mangetsu to see, striking his chest with a palm strike.

His hand went right through Mangetsu, and he smiled.

"That won't work on me!"

But to his horror, he found that he couldn't move.

"What- What have you done!" He shouted as he managed to look down to see that his body had been frozen from his chest down, un-abling him to move.

"It's over, Mangetsu," Fuyōna said as he simply took his swords out of his hands before stabbing both of them into the ground.

Everyone was amazed at his display of power, and Fuyōna let the tailed beast cloak fade away into the wind.

"The battle is over. Lord Mizukage is dead." He shouted, getting everyone's attention.

Mangetsu was now extremely shocked, but despite his best efforts, he still couldn't move.

"So it came to that?" Mei asked.

"I want all of you to come to my location here." He said as he shouted them.

Ganryū then realised that this Fuyōna was only a clone, yet he had still been able to stop Mangetsu as if he were a child.

"And no more fighting. This war is over." He said, looking at Mangetsu and Ganryū.

Gabryū bowed his head in agreement, but Mangetsu spat on the ground.

"You think I will follow you after this!" He shouted.

Fuyōna thought it might come to this and walked over to him, placing his hand on his head.

"If you don't believe me, then watch." He said as he placed a seal on his head, allowing Mangetsu to see what he had seen.

Mangetsu couldn't believe it, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he gave in.

"So you were telling the truth... But how? Why?" He said, still not understanding.

"Come with the others, and I will show you," Fuyōna said as he undid his jutsu and handed back his sword.

Mangetsu took it and, after a slight pause, clicked his blades back together and placed it on his back.

"Very well." He said, falling in line.

"I will see you all there," Fuyōna said before his body turned to ice and broke into pieces as the clone jutsu came undone.

Mangetsu watched as Fuyōna turned into a clone, and he couldn't help but feel weak. A clone, even physical, was not even as strong as half of the power of the original.

He did know that a shadow clone jutsu of the hidden leaf was different, and just one clone would be at half the original's strength. But that still didn't answer his question of just how strong Fuyōna was and how he could stop his attack with just one arm.

Meanwhile, one of Fuyōna's other clones had found Kaga's group, who had been stationed along the village's border to protect it.

They had also provided reinforcements to Ganryū and had even had to fall back from the aftermath of Fuyōna's battle with Yagura.

"Captain Yuki!" Kaga shouted as he greeted him with a bow.

"Good to see you, Kaga," Fuyōna said with a smile.

"You too. Everything is good on our side, is the battle over?" He said.

"Yes. I want you and your men to report to this location, where I will brief everyone at the same time."

"At once, captain," Kaga said, not wasting any time.

"See you there, Kaga," Fuyōna said as his body turned to ice and his clone crumbled.

"Alright, men, let's go!" Kaga shouted as he leads the way.

Fuyōna's last clone was currently making its way to find Hatsu and Ao. If he wasn't mistaken, he had last seen them in a battle against Ameyuri.

Fuyōna could feel Ao's chakra and watched as a massive thunderbolt hit the ground.

Fuyōna rushed in to try and see what had happened, and he found Ao lying on the ground, hurt severely.

"Ao! what happened?" Fuyōna asked as he knelt next to him.

"Well, look who decided to show," Ao said through the pain.

He slowly sat up and pointed over to where the thunder had struck.

"It's not good, Fuyōna. Ameyuri tried to take us all out in a last ditched effort. I'm not sure if Hatsu made it..." Ao said.

Fuyōna turned around to get a better look. He was growing impatient and, with a wave of his arm, blew away the smoke with a gust of wind chakra.

Ameyuri was on her knees, still breathing somehow. However, to Fuyōna's atrocity. Hatsu was lead on the floor, lifeless.

"No..." Fuyōna said as he walked over to take a good look at his body, seeing if there was anything he could do to try and save him.

"He's dead..." Ameyuri said through heavy breaths.

"The fool thought he could stick me and get away with it..." She said, laughing at her own joke.

"This wasn't supposed to happen," Fuyōna said quietly to Hatsu. Apologising to his friend who had given his life for the sake of the village.

"I'm sorry, my friend. I wasn't able to protect you..." He said, biting his lip.

"All of you are traitors and deserve to die. Hell, if I weren't so tired, I would do it myself." Ameyuri said with a wicked smile.

Fuyōna ran his fingers down Hatsu's eyes to close them before he made a few hand signs and placed his hand on his chest.

"I promise I will do what is right, just like you wanted me to, Hatsu," Fuyōna said, allowing his ice to cover Hatsus body so it would preserve it.

"So what now, boys..." Ameyuri said as she looked to Fuyōna and Ao, who was back on his feet clutching his arm.

"Ao, report to this location with the others. I want to brief everyone at the same time." Fuyōna said.

"Is it done?" Ao asked.

"He's dead," Fuyōna said bluntly.

Ao nodded and decided it was best he do as he was told, leaving Fu and Ameyuri alone.

Ameyuri was shocked to hear that Yagura was dead and looked at Fuyōna, trying to gauge him from head to toe.

"You killed lord Mizukage?" She spat, still unable to move.

Her attack had done a number on her, and from what Fuyōna could see, she had used her lightning style to keep her wound from killing her, for now.

"I did. Just like you killed my friend. Hatsu." Fuyōna said as he slowly kneeled down in front of her, so they were face to face.

"He was your friend? Well, sorry about that." She said as she coughed up more blood.

"I could save you. Your wounds are still within the realm of being able to save your life. By all rights, you are a strong Kunoichi, the second strongest in the whole village." Fuyōna said with his eyes closed as he was deep in thought.

"Just get on with it, will ya already. I hate long drawn out speeches." She said.

Fuyōna opened his eyes and placed a hand on her chest. He let his ice spread and stopped the bleeding in her chest, it was a little painful, but she soon found relief.

"Why?.." She asked, confused.

"I think you have the wrong idea Ameyuri. I'm not saving your life. I am merely extending it so I can make you suffer!" Fuyōna said as he suddenly drove a frozen knife hand into her stomach.

Ameyuri flinched as she could feel his hand inside her, and she coughed up some blood as he pulled it back out.

Her face suddenly went pale as the pain started to become unbearable.

"What- What have you done!!!" She screamed all of a sudden as she doubled over from it.

Ameyuri curled up into a ball as she screamed in agony from whatever Fuyōna had done to her.

"Aaargghhhh!!!!!!!" She screamed as she kicked her legs out from the pain.

Fuyōna remained knelt down Japanese style as he watched her squirm.

"What I have done to you is something i created for my worst enemies. I call it, Subatomic cryonic jutsu." Fuyōna said.

"It took me a long time to get it down. You are the first living person I have tried it on."

"Aaarghhhhhhh!!!" Ameyuri screamed again as she rolled and jarred around from the pain.

"What it does, is it freezes your body at a subatomic level. I don't know what your knowledge of physics is like, but subatomic means something smaller than an atom." Fuyōna said.

"It's not something your world would know much about, but in mine. Well, where I am from, we knew about these things." He said with a small smile coming to his face as Ameyuri started to spasm from the pain.

"It is the scale at which the atomic constituents, such as the nucleus containing protons and neutrons, and the electrons, which orbit in spherical or elliptical paths around the nucleus, become apparent."

"In laymen's terms. Your body is freezing from the inside out, from the very inside. The inside that you didn't even know you had is freezing, causing such severe pain that you will most likely die of a heart attack before you freeze to death. However, that's where I come in. Every time your heart is about to give out, I will kickstart it with a jolt of electricity, like a defibrillator, if you will. Bringing you back so that you can endure more and more pain every time." He said.

"Argh!!!" Ameyuri screamed as she experienced her first heart failure.

As promised, Fuyōna jolted her with a weak lightning style, restoring her heart after a moment, letting her feel the pain all over again.

He continued to do this over and over so that she would suffer. This torture would continue in secret while everyone else met up with the real Fuyōna so he could brief them on what had happened until he was satisfied with his revenge.

So that's the end of this chapter...

A little bit deep towards the end, but a fate that she deserved for killing the MC's best friend.

If you are enjoying my story please help support my writing by checking out my P-A-T-R-E-O-N the link is in the story Bio. You will also have access to nine chapters ahead with faster updates!

Also, check out my original novel. Tails of Astaria!

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