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14.38% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 41: Kanto

Chapitre 41: Kanto

The group travelled through the forest and fields before following the roads. On the way Ash, Misty and Jessilina would get challenged by trainers over and over again. Jessilina enjoyed the battles as it allowed her to make a profile on possible trainers who they may recruit in the future. Jameson was simply watching amused as he was also sometimes challenged by trainers who thought his Victreebell was strong looking. Ash had been surprised at the Victreebell and asked Jameson all sorts of questions about the Victreebell.

Jameson, "Ah, I have two older Victreebells back home besides my Arcanine."

Ash, "Are they watching over your parents too?"

Jameson, "No, unlike Arcanine they do not like my parents that much. They mostly keep an eye on them."

Ash, "I see!"

Lucario sweatdropped as he got the impression the two Victreebells would have happily poisoned the two adults in James's life if he just allowed it. Misty although battled happily in the start got annoyed after the eighteenth battle and took to hiding her badges in a badge case inside her bag till the battle frenzy cooled down. Her Pokemon were getting exhausted and she didn't want to risk hurting them in the middle of nowhere without any Pokemon centre. Brock meanwhile, took it upon himself to check on the Pokemon after each battle, it would be good practice for him.

Misty sat with Butterfree by her side, "What is up with these trainers?"

Ash sighed, "Who knows?"

Ash had just battled a trainer who had seen his Lucario and was curious about him. It was a decent battle between Lucario and Machoke who kept up with Lucario's speed, endurance and strength. Ash had to put his foot down pissed off when one trainer wanted to use his Pidgeotto as a prize for a battle. Pikachu had trashed her grass type Pokemon hard when he heard what she was trying to do. Pidgeotto was touched at how far her partner and trainer was willing to go for her and stepped up herself to battle her next Pokemon which was a Magnemite. Learning steel type attacks from Fearrow helped her get even with the Magnemite very easily. Fearrow had nodded proudly at her when he saw how she battled making her feel very proud. Ash had hugged her and congratulated her on her first win in her first battle with an opponent.

Brock, "It is starting to get annoying."

Jameson, "I found out why everyone is so pumped up about battling us."

Jessilina, "Oh? Do tell!"

Jameson, "There is an unsanctioned gym here, called the Wild Gym. And trainers are very interested in defeating the gym leader."

Ash, "Unsanctioned?"

Misty, "Gym?"

Brock, "Isn't that costly?"

Jessilina, "Now I am curious!"

Jameson, "I know, shall we go and check it out?"

Ash nodded, "Why not? We are getting disturbed again and again only because the trainers are crazy about beating the gym. Let's go check it out."

Misty nodded, "Yeah, I mean running a gym while sanctioned by the league is not cheap. It's gotta be more costly."

Brock, "I agree."

The group decided to take a detour from their path to go and check the gym out. Fearrow had noticed the gym while flying and led the group to the giant tent. Ash gave a whistle impressed by the large size.

Brock, "99 wins to 100! Cool! If you battled the same way with trainers more I think you and Misty would have the same level of wins."

Ash, "Maybe, wait you made a list for our wins?"

Brock nodded, "Yup, your wins so far are 50 wins and 0 losses including the Viridian contest!"

Ash coughed, "2 loss, against my older brothers back in Viridian."

Brock, "Ah! One second, Misty's is 40 wins and 0 losses."

Misty rubbed her neck sheepishly, "Actually I lost once to my sister Lily and once to Violet."

Brock, "Huh! Okay, Jessilina is 60 wins and 0 losses."

A voice called out to them, "Who are you chums?"

Misty, "Hi there! We were passing by and heard about this unsanctioned gym. We were curious about it so we came to check it out."

The boy, "The name's AJ. I'm the leader of the gym. Are you here to challenge me?"

Jessilina, "I'm interested in challenging you to a battle."

Seviper hissed, "Seeee!"

AJ smirked, "You have a feisty Pokemon there. Alright why not? This way, we have a battle field here. One on one battle good with you lady?"

Jessilina, "Call me Jessilina, and it's fine!"

Brock, "I'll be the Referee."

AJ took out a whip and whipped it and they saw a Sandshrew join him, "Ready Sandshrew."

Jessilina, "Let's go Seviper."

Brock, "This is a one on one battle between AJ and Jessilina. Ready? Begin!"

AJ whipped his whip, "Dig Sandshrew!"

Jessilina, "Dig Seviper after him."

Sandshrew and Seviper went into the ground chasing each other.

AJ, "Sandshrew come out!"

Jessilina, "Come out Seviper."

Both Pokemon came out infront of their trainers.

AJ, "Roll out!"

Jessilina, "Poison tail!"

The two Pokemon clashed with each other not backing down.

AJ, "Dodge and roll out!"

Jessilina, "Iron tail!"

The two clashed again and when they got separated looked at each other annoyed that their opponent was not going down.

AJ, "Earthquake!"

Jessilina, "Use Iron tail to jump into the sky."

Misty was surprised hearing that, "Isn't that the same trick that.... "

Ash nodded, "Yep!"

Seviper was in the air as earthquake affected the ground around him and came down as it finished.

AJ, "Gyro ball!"

Jessilina, "Gastro acid."

The two attacks hit both Pokemon once released affecting them.

AJ, "Finish this roll out!"

Seviper, "Head butt full power!"

The two Pokemon collided against each other making a dust cloud go up. When it cleared both Pokemon were unconscious.

Brock, "Seviper and Sandshrew are unable to battle. This match is a draw."

AJ, "Damn Jessilina. You are the second trainer I failed to defeat."

Jessilina, "Well I didn't exactly win, did I?"

AJ looked at his sign, "Guess I better add two draws to the sign."

Misty, "Second? Two?"

AJ nodded, "Yeah two."

Ash, "Who was the first?"

AJ gave Sandshrew an anti poison potion, "Last week a guy called Gary came through here and challenged me. His Haxorus gave Sandshrew a tough time."

Ash, "So Gary has been through here."

AJ, "You know him? Wait are you, that Ash he was talking about?"

Ash blinked, "He talked about me?"

AJ nodded, "Said, you were one of his toughest rivals."

Ash, "Ah! We have an equal amount of loss and wins between each other."

Lucario nodded, -So he is a Haxorus now. Not bad, I can't wait to battle him.-

Ash smiled, "We will battle him soon."

AJ, "He also told me you had one of the strongest bonds with Lucario to the point you understand what he is saying. I got to say I am impressed."

Ash smiled, "Thank you, it's called aura bond, it forms naturally after you spend years training besides your Pokemon. Would you mind if we looked around the tent? I'm curious about what other Pokemon you have."

AJ nodded, "Sure let me meet your Pokemon in return."

Brock, "Deal!"

AJ led them into the tent and Ash looked around wide eyed. It was filled with all types of Pokemon and he was reminded of a movie where a man kept magical creatures in his travelling case. Ash's eyes widened remembering that movie all of a sudden, he should write it down as a book. Ash became giddy as he went around meeting all the Pokemon much to Jessie and James's amusement.

AJ whipped again, "Alright everyone, a fifteen minute break, then back to training."

Ash sweatdropped, "Isn't the whip kinda cliche?"

AJ, "I admit it is just for show but it's become habit by now."

Jameson, "As long as you don't hurt Pokemon with it."

AJ, "I would never make them do what I wouldn't do."

Ash turned, "Alright our turn. Come out everyone. Fearrow you come here too."

Fearrow flew down as he joined the others, Milotic, Togepi and Pidgeotto looked around the tent curiously. Pikachu and Lucario joined them and went around checking the place out, Misty had released her Pokemon next. Aside from Butterfree she had brought along with her Starmie, Cloyster, the two Poliwhirls and Clamperl, who jumped into the pool beside Milotic. Brock released his Pokemon which were Onix, Zubat, Graveller, Bonsly and Pineco who looked around curiously before joining the others. Jessie and James let their own Pokemon out, beside Meowth and Seviper which were Victreebell, Chimecho, Mime Jr and Hoppip which belonged to James and Lickitung, Wobbuffet, Chansey and Sandshrew were Jessie's Pokemon.

AJ looked at them impressed, "They have been well taken care of. You have two shiny? Nice!"

Ash, "Thank you."

Brock was looking at the shelves of Pokemon food, "Do you give them special diets?"

AJ grinned, "My own secret brand of Pokefood. What about you?"

Brock grinned, "I make my own Pokefood and the others too."

Jessilina, "I mostly keep it simple with an extra splattering of berries of course."

Jameson, "And fruits and meat!"

AJ, "That literally covers most of the dietary needs."

Misty, "I stick to simple recipes too, I'm not confident enough to try the harder ones yet."

Ash, "Yeah, if something goes wrong it would taste horrible and the Pokemon would refuse to eat it."

AJ turned to Ash, "I want to challenge you to a battle."

Ash blinked, "Sure but why?"

AJ, "Gary spoke highly of you and I want to test myself. Two on two okay with you?"

Ash, "Okay then! Sure! What do you say guys?"

Ash's Pokemon gave a shout in agreement at that before Lucario and Togepi stepped forward. Even AJ's Pokemon were interested in battling and Sandshrew and Butterfree stood up.

AJ, "Alright then, let's go!"

Misty, "I'll referee this time."

AJ and Ash walked to the opposite sides of the battle field as Misty stood in the middle, "This is a two on two match. The side on which still has one Pokemon able to battle wins. Choose your Pokemon!"

AJ, "Let's go Butterfree!"

Ash, "I choose Togepi."

Misty, "Let the battle begin!"

AJ, "Bug bite!"

Ash, "Dodge and pound!"

Togepi dodge the attack and used pound on the Butterfree who dodged as well.

AJ, "Sleeping powder!"

Ash, "Protect!"

Togepi used the move he had learned from the TM Ash had brought for him as a welcome gift. He had even brought a TM for Pidgeotto, he remembered his previous trainer never bothered to buy any for them let alone help them.

AJ, "Psybeam!"

Ash, "Yawn!"

Butterfree used the beam but because he felt drowsy all of a sudden missed hitting him.

AJ, "Wake up Butterfree. Use head butt."

Ash, "Yawn again!"

Butterfree shook himself and used head butt but thanks to Togepi using yawn Butterfree missed again hitting the floor which woke him up.

Ash, "Sweet kiss!"

Togepi rushed up to Butterfree who flew back freaked out by the younger male.

AJ, "Butterfree, Confusion!"

Ash, "Metronome!"

Butterfree used confusion to pick the Togepi up and Togepi used metronome. They glowed a ghostly colour for a while but nothing happened.

Ash, "Huh? Wonder what that was?"

Togepi looked confused too but Butterfree had made his move and head butt the Pokemon knocking both of them out.

Ash's eyes widened, "That was destiny bond, that was unexpected."

Misty, "Togepi and Butterfree are unable to battle. This match is a draw. Choose your next Pokemon!"

AJ, "That was completely unexpected."

Ash picked Togepi up as he woke up, "Good job Togepi. You were amazing."

Togepi looked down but Ash pat him, "You didn't loose if that's what you are thinking, Butterfree was knocked out too you know."

Togepi looked up surprised at that then he noticed Butterfree who was just waking up as well. Togepi looked back at Ash and nodded making a promise to become stronger.

Ash, "Do you want to watch or rest?"

Togepi pointed at Lucario then himself making Ash guess, "You want to watch, huh? Okay! Sit next to Pikachu k!"

AJ, "Let's go Sandshrew!"

Ash, "Show them who's boss Lucario!"

Misty, "Let the battle begin!"

Ash, "Force palm!"

AJ, "Sand attack!"

Ash, "Close your eyes!"

The sand attack started but Lucario moved using aura instead of his eyes. He located Sandshrew and used his force palm on him making him cry out in pain.

AJ, "Sword dance!"

Ash, "Sword dance!"

The two Pokemon fought against each other in a very smooth flowing move making Misty stare at them in wonder as they went toe to toe. She knows that Kingler and Tentacruel can learn it through TR. The two Pokemon soon separated breathing hard.

Ash, "Double Shadow ball!"

AJ, "Gyro ball!"

The two attacks collided however Sandshrew was hit by a second shadow ball pushing him back.

AJ, "You okay girl?"

Sandshrew nodded, "Shrew!"

Ash, "Laser focus, metal claw!"

AJ, "Sunny day followed by shadow claw."

The two attacks backed up by the moves became powerful enough to shake the ground and create a sand cloud. When it cleared up Sandshrew was out and Lucario was barely standing.

Misty observed them and seeing Sandshrew not waking up, "Sandshrew is unable to battle, Lucario wins!"

Lucario sat down, -Barely won! You are a strong opponent sister!-

Sandshrew woke up, -Thank you!-

Ash ran and hugged Lucario, "You won, buddy! You did it!"

Lucario nuzzled him back as he leaned back against Ash exhausted, -We both won, all our training and practice together resulted in this.-

Ash lifted Togepi, "And you little one did wonderful as well in your first match."

Togepi trilled as he snuggled closer, soon Pikachu, Milotic, Pidgeotto and Fearrow were giving them a group hug. AJ watched them and couldn't help but smile it was not a bad battle all things considered and it proved he had a lot to learn. Also it's best to learn how to handle loss in the beginning before anything important like a league match. AJ walked up to Ash and congratulated him and as was tradition gave him a Wild Gym badge that looked like an opal stone surrounded by grass. Ash thanked him and asked him to join them for lunch as it was late in the afternoon and AJ agreed after his stomach grumbled as well making Misty giggle. They camped out next to the gym for the day and trained together as well as watch AJ get his final win that he needed before leaving on his own journey. The next day they parted ways with a promise of seeing each other at the league.

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