It was supposed to be a moment of glee. The Apocrypha's main base had fallen and the war was finally on even terms. Two of the major threats to humanity had taken a devastating blow. With the loss of their main sets of technology and weaponry, both Apocrypha and Anunnaki alike were now no more powerful than humanity.
Though, from a certain perspective, it did seem like there was still one major winner. The infected were still as powerful as ever. Their numbers only continued to increase and Apocravirus particles were in abundance.
However, Zane and the others did not let this bother them too much. They were neither happy nor sad. They had managed to pull a major upset on the Apocrypha, but things were still far from over.
Zane shuffled himself in discomfort as he sat at the back of the truck. Nick and Anastasia sat at the front, while everyone else settled at the back alongside Hades who hadn't said much since being rescued.
Question: Do I need to put more emphasis on side cgaracters, or is it okay as is?