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7.14% Human Cultivation / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: The Power Of The Apocrypha

Chapitre 14: Chapter 14: The Power Of The Apocrypha

The air was as chilling as ice. No one understood what was taking place in the bunker. Their feeling of safety had been turned into a cage of insecurity. Even Zane and Layla were starting to doubt that putting their lives in the hands of the military was a bad idea. 

"Layla, have you come up with any theories for what's happening here?" Asked Zane, leaning himself against the wall.

"I can't think of any. But I do believe that your theory about the killer being among us might be the truth."

"But why would any of them kill Carmen? The commander stated that all of them were good friends. It doesn't add up..."

Layla felt like her head was about to be split in two. It was too much to think about. Their trust for one another was slowly weathering away. The most they could do was wait and see if anything else happened which would most likely result in someone else being killed. It wasn't a very conventional method.

However, this was when an idea came to Layla. Her eyes widened with shock and a sense of excitement overcame her.

"Zane, I think I've figured something out! Someone among us is definitely trying to hurt us!"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Remember what Commander Frost said? The cameras were disabled! Why go through all the trouble to disable the cameras?"

"Because they didn't want to be seen..?"

"On the surface, that's how it looks but think back to our first meeting. Everyone in the room was either worried or anxious! There weren't evident signs of anyone being upset. That almost eliminates the theory of a dispute. If no one was upset, why would they kill Carmen?"

"I mean, the dispute could have started after the meeting was over. It's still a long shot..."

"True, but that's where the cameras come in. Why disable all the security cameras to kill one person? Not only would the killer jeopardize our safety but they would jeopardize theirs as well! Besides, wouldn't it be easier to lower Carmen into a secluded area or at least disable a single camera in the spot where they wanted to kill her? Taking out all the security cameras is too way too much unless we're dealing with an idiot. And I doubt that's the case given that these soldiers are all high-ranking personnel."

"You do make a strong point... But what are you trying to say?"

"It's still a little farfetched but assuming that there's someone among us who wants to kill everyone, it would only make sense for them to disable the cameras if they had the intention of killing more people."

Zane pondered. It made enough sense to be proposed as a valid theory.

"Layla, let's go call a meeting now! You might be right about this!" 

Layla agreed. The two then dashed from their room and directed themselves toward the meeting room.

"What's going on? You don't have permission to leave your rooms!" Declared Sasha, who was still standing guard.

"Let us go! We have something important that we need to let Commander Frost know!" Pleaded Layla.

Despite not agreeing with their rash course of action, Sasha reluctantly agreed. As long as she followed them, everything would be okay.

Five minutes later, everyone had gathered in the meeting room, ready to discuss Layla's findings.

"Layla and Zane! This better be important because I don't remember permitting you to leave your rooms!" Boomed the commander.

"Just hear us out! I think we've discovered something!" Argued Layla.

After a few minutes had passed, Layla explained her findings to everyone. She went into detail about the security cameras as well as her theory that someone among them intended to kill more people.

After they were finished, a stifling moment of silence encased the room. Despite having no evidence, the theory sounded quite plausible. It was something they all needed to look into if they wished to stay alive.

"So someone here is trying to kill us..? Shit! We already have the Apocrypha to deal with! We can't be dealing with this crap right now!" Boomed the Commander.

"Commander, with all due respect, we can't be sure that Layla's theory is accurate. It's just an assumption! If we're not careful then this will create an even bigger rift among us!" Argued Durant.

"F**k that, Durant! We're the only ones inside this place and that means one of you killed Carmen! We surveilled the entire f***ing bunker and no one else was inside! Not an inch was left untouched!" Quarreled Joseph in rage.

"Again, we need to calm down! The good news is that no one else has died yet. We should try to keep our heads clear and think of a solution before this issue tears us apart!" Pleaded Sasha.

Joseph and Durant immediately calmed down. They were getting ahead of themselves again. 

On the other hand, Zane looked over at Rohan who stood in silence. This was their third meeting and he still hadn't said anything. Due to this, Zane was ready to call him out. However, Layla beat him to it.

"Rohan, why have you been so quiet? This is our third meeting and you have yet to say a word. Sorry if it sounds like I'm accusing you but this is a serious matter. Is there something you aren't telling us?" Interrogated Layla.

Rohan's face was filled with shock. He couldn't hold it back anymore.

"I... I..."

"Sergeant Rohan! If you have something to say then say it!" Boomed Commander Frost.

Rohan took a very shaky breath. His hands trembled and he looked as pale as a ghost.

"I'm sorry... I... I was there when Carmen was killed..."

Disbelief and shock zoomed through the room. No one could believe it.

"What?! You saw when Carmen was killed?!! Why the hell didn't you say so?!!" Boomed Joseph, draping Rohan by the collar.

"P-please! Hear me out! I can explain!"

"Joseph, give him some room to breathe!" Shouted Phoebe.

Reluctantly, Joseph pushed him aside, giving him some space to breathe.

"I'm not sure what happened but I had left my post to go check on Lewis... This was when I saw Carmen's body hit the floor in a pool of blood... But there was something there! I can't tell if it was human but... but as soon as I laid eyes on it, it ran away! It was black, slithery and it moved really fast so I didn't get a good look at it! But as soon as it saw me, it disappeared around a corner... I thought it was an Apocrypha so I ran after it... But all I saw were Phoebe and Durant talking to one another... There was nothing there... I asked them if they saw anything strange but they told me no... And that's when Layla shouted, telling everyone she found Carmen's body..."

"And you waited till now to tell us this!?" Shouted Joseph.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know what I saw! And I thought an Apocrypha couldn't get inside this place without detection! So I wrote it off as a hallucination from all the built-up stress I've been facing lately..."

"So you'd rather us turn against ourselves than come forward and tell us what you saw?! Are you a f***ing idiot, Rohan?!!"

"I'm sorry! I know I'm acting like a child, but none of you can tell me that those things don't even scare you a little bit!! They're smarter than us, stronger than us, and faster than us! How the hell should I stay sane knowing we have no f***ing chance of survival?!!"

The room went quiet. They hated to admit it but Rohan was right. It didn't excuse the fact that he was hiding vital information from them but it was understandable.

Commander Frost gave a depressing sigh. As the leader, he felt the most pressured. He was dealing with something he didn't know how to fix. To make things worse, it was easy to assume that more of them would die if there truly was an Apocrypha among them.

"Well, at least we know that there's not a traitor among us. If there's truly an Apocrypha among us then we'll find it and kill it! Zane and Layla, get back to your rooms and don't come out again without my permission. Sasha, make sure they don't even attempt to open that door! You have permission to use force if necessary. As for the rest of us, we'll stick to your original teams of two and scout this entire bunker for signs of that Apocrypha!"


Everyone then immediately did as the commander instructed. A second later, Zane and Layla arrived back at their room. Before they entered, they looked back at Sasha who held her gun tightly between her fists. She looked nervous but she was trying her best to smile.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine now. If there's an Apocrypha inside this bunker, I'll make sure it doesn't get anywhere near you two."

"What about you though..? Will you be okay?" Asked Zane sadly.

"Well, one can lie and say they're doing just fine, but a lie can never change the truth. So I'll just smile and take on this challenge with everything I have. I'll survive this somehow. This job is the only thing I have left so I'll give it everything I have."

"Okay, just be careful. You seem like a very nice person. Don't be afraid to call for help if you need it," stated Layla.

"I'll be just fine. Now, you two should hurry and get inside where it's safe."

They then nodded in acceptance before closing the door behind them and taking a seat on the lonesome bed. Layla sighed as she allowed herself to relax.

"So, we just have to wait until they get to the bottom of this."

"Yeah, I guess..."

"Hmm? What's the look for? Something still bothering you?"

"Honestly, yes... I feel like there's more to this situation than we're seeing. It's already strange enough that an Apocrypha managed to infiltrate the bunker undetected. How is that even possible..?"

Layla playfully punched Zane in the back, causing him to curl up like a rubber ball. His back was a very weird place to be touched. It always tickled for some reason.

"Lighten up!" Chuckled Layla. "It's getting late so we should probably get some rest. The door is sealed tight and can only be opened from the inside once the lock is active so we should be fine for now."

"Sigh... I guess you're right. I'm feeling a little tired after everything we've been through. A proper nap would do us some good."

Zane then paused as he looked around.

"Where am I going to sleep though? There's only one bed..."

Layla gazed down at the floor in response.

"What!? Are you serious? I'll freeze to death!"

"There's only one bed... What did you expect? Besides, I still remember what you said earlier. You should be happy that I even let you sit on my bed, in the first place."

Zane gazed at the unoccupied side of the queen-sized bed in annoyance.

"You're joking, right..?"

"Floor. Now."

Zane hissed in frustration as he tested the iron floor's temperature with his hand. It felt like he was touching a block of ice.

"Yeah, I'm not even going to argue about this. I'm out."

To Layla's surprise, Zane picked himself up and started walking toward the door.

"Zane, where are you going? We promised the commander we'd sleep together!"

Zane wore an unamused look on his face as he turned around to face her.

"I'd rather take my chances with the Apocrypha than have someone treat me like shit for a dumb joke I made a few hours ago."

Layla chuckled, "Awww! I was only joking, Zane! Were you that disappointed that you wouldn't be able to sleep with me? Come, get your butt back over here."

Layla patted the unoccupied space, signifying that he could sleep beside her.

"Sigh... Please don't make it a habit to tease me like that... I thought you were serious." 

"Hmm... I don't knowww... You seem really fun to tease!"

Zane then slowly walked over to the bed before seating himself beside her. This is when he caught her staring at him.

"What is it..?" 

"Nothing, just trying to deduce whether or not you're a pervert."

"And your findings?"

Layla smirked, "Closet pervert for sure."

"I'm not a pervert!"

"Shh- bed. Time to sleep."

"Sigh... Fine..."

"I know I'm fine! Thanks for the compliment."

"That's not what I meant!"

"Oh? So you're saying I'm not a fine-looking girl then?"

"Of course, you are! Aagh! Wait, no I mean—"

Layla burst into laughter, leaving Zane's face as red as a dash of hot pepper. She couldn't believe he had fallen for her trick.

"Woo! I needed that laugh. Sorry for teasing you so much. I'll let you be now. Seriously though, try to stick to your half of the bed. Girls are very strict when it comes to their personal space."

"Yeah, yeah... I got it..."

After a few minutes, the two allowed themselves to fall asleep beside one another. They were both very exhausted— especially Layla. Layla had gotten even less sleep that Zane over the past few hours. Due to this, she slept soundly.

After another five hours, a sudden knock rang on their room door. This kidnapped Zane from his sleep, forcing him to open his eyes. This was when he realized that Layla was hugging him like a teddy bear. She was still fast asleep but her arms were wrapped around him as if they were a couple of lovebirds. Zane could hardly believe it. To make things worse, she looked absolutely gorgeous while she slept. Due to this, he became a little flustered.

"So much for a girl's personal space..." He muttered. 

This was when another knock came banging against the door. This time, it dragged even Layla from her sleep. Her smoky-gray eyes fluttered open, looking up at Zane.

"Zane..?" She called softly.

"Someone's knocking on the door..."

Hearing this immediately placed Layla on guard. She quickly jumped from the bed and grabbed her gun. Zane also did the same as they approached the door.

"Who is it?" Asked Layla cautiously.

For a moment, silence answered them. The knocking had stopped and a cold chill was in the air. This made them a little anxious. It was quite strange. However, a second later, someone finally answered.

"Sorry about that! It's me, Phoebe. Can you step out for a moment? There's something urgent that we need to talk about."

Zane and Layla looked at one another in bewilderment. It felt a little strange.

"Commander Frost said that we aren't supposed to leave the room without his permission," answered Layla.

"It's okay. He gave me permission to come here and get you."

Layla then nodded, signaling Zane to open the door.

Zane slowly did as she instructed. He opened the lock and pushed the door open with his gun held high. This was when they saw Phoebe. She was of Asian descent and had beautiful pale-white skin and gorgeous brown eyes. Her hair was black and silky smooth and tied into a bun. However, she had a deep look of worry in her eyes.

"What is it?" Asked Zane worriedly.

"The commander needs to speak with both of you. He wants me to take you with me one at a time for safety reasons. I'll come back to get whoever I left behind afterward."

"Oh okay... Layla, I'll be right back then. I'll go first," proposed Zane.

In truth, Zane had a very bad feeling that something wasn't right. However, he did not want Layla to put herself in danger if his intuition was correct. Due to this, he wished to go first to see what was happening.

However, Layla noticed the worried look on his face. She quickly grabbed onto his arm, stopping him from leaving.

"Wait, Zane, is something wrong? I don't like that look on your face."

"Yeah... but I figured everything would be okay since I'm with Phoebe..."

"He'll be fine. Everyone else is waiting in the commander's room. Just stay here and I'll come back to get you."

Just then, Layla's eyes broadened with surprise as she saw something strange. For a split second, Phoebe's eyes had changed to the color white. She wasn't sure if it was due to the lighting or if her eyes were playing tricks on her, but it gave her an awful feeling.

"Phoebe, where's Sasha..?" She asked calmly.

"She was getting tired so the commander had me fill in for her. She's resting back in her room."

"Why do you have to take just one of us then? It doesn't add up."

"Sigh... It's the commander's orders, Layla. Why are you being so difficult? It's the new procedure he gave us to ensure your safety. We still haven't found any signs of the Apocrypha yet so this is the commander's way of keeping you safe."

"Huh..? Sure. He could have just sent two of you to pick us up at the same time if he was that worried. But it's whatever. Zane's not going with you though. Take me instead."

"What? Layla, it's fine. Let me go first!" Pleaded Zane.

Layla gave Zane the look of a tigress before continuing.

"Zane, just stay here. I. will. be. back. Got it?"

Zane wanted to argue but it was painfully clear that Layla was not about to change her mind. Due to this, he reluctantly agreed.


"Good. Phoebe, let's go."

After closing the door and leaving Zane behind, Layla paced slowly behind Phoebe. She had a sickening theory that she hoped wasn't the case. If her theory was correct then it would make it nearly impossible to trust strangers.

Once they were far enough from Zane, Layla slowly slid her hand down to her gun and pulled it from her waist. This was when Phoebe heard a short click behind her. Layla had removed the safety from her gun and was now pointing it at the back of her head.

Realizing this, Phoebe pulled herself to a stop and slowly placed her hands above her head.

"Layla, what's the meaning of this? Please calm down and don't make any rash decisions! I know the pressure is getting to all of us but we can't allow ourselves to break so easily!"

"Shut the hell up! How many of you have infiltrated the bunker?!"

"Infiltrated the bunker? What are you talking about, Layla? You need to calm down!"

"I said, shut up! Answer my damn question or I'll put a bullet in your head!!"

Phoebe slowly turned around to face Layla with her hands still above her head. Her face was full of worry and her eyes begged for mercy.

"Layla, please, just calm down! If you kill me, things won't end pleasantly for any of us! We can't turn against ourselves here! If we do that then the Apocrypha will win! Let's not do anything we'll regret..!"

"Earlier, Rohan said that he saw something like an Apocrypha run away from him. But as soon as he turned the corner, it was gone. You were there, weren't you? How did the Apocrypha suddenly disappear into thin air?"

"I didn't see anything! Rohan might have been hallucinating! Durant was there with me and he didn't see anything either! You're making a mistake here! I'm not sure what kind of crazy theory you came up with this time but it isn't correct! Please, Layla! Put the gun down!"

Layla had her doubts. She knew she was taking a risk. Her theory could easily be wrong. It wasn't an easy call to make.

Trying to take advantage of Layla's moment of hesitation, Phoebe slowly reached out to grab the gun. However, Layla reacted by smacking Phoebe's hand with the nuzzle, giving her a slight cut. Phoebe moaned in pain, pulling her arm back. Seeing this made Layla feel a little guilty.

"Phoebe, I'm sorry—"

Layla paused as she looked at Phoebe's bleeding hand. For some reason, purple blood ran down the side of her hand, dripping to the ground. Their eyes immediately made four. It was not human blood.

"What the hell..?"

Phoebe dived into Layla, slamming her to the floor. Layla groaned in agony as the gun was knocked from her grasp. She quickly retaliated by delivering a painful headbutt to Phoebe's forehead. Phoebe staggered backward, falling over.

Layla then scurried across the floor, reaching for her gun. But Phoebe wasn't about to make it so easy. She grabbed onto her leg and tossed her into the nearby bathroom with ease. Layla was sent crashing through the bathroom door before skating to a painful stop on her back. Phoebe's strength was frighteningly superhuman.


"I was hoping to kill you somewhere else but this will have to do," said Phoebe coldly in a dark voice.

Phoebe's skin began to melt away like lava. It became shadowy black and her hair began to dance above her head like a hot flame. As Layla had suspected, Phoebe was an Apocrypha. However, it looked a little different from the other Apocrypha she had encountered so far. Its eyes were white instead of purple and sharp shark-like teeth lined the surface of its skin. It was a higher-ranking Apocrypha.

Before Layla could pick herself up, the Apocrypha kicked the bathroom door shut, locking them inside.

"Can't have you screaming for help now, can we?"

Layla smirked as she picked herself up, "Heh— I wasn't planning to anyway. I'll beat the shit out of you then have you tell me everything you know about the Apocrypha and their plans!"

"We'll see about that."

The Apocrypha's fingernails then grew into sharp needle-like pricks. It charged toward Layla, violently slashing at her head. Layla ducked, dodging the attack before countering with a powerful kick to the gut.

However, the Apocrypha was quite skilled. It caught her leg mid-kick and tossed her into the mirror. The mirror shattered to pieces, covering Layla in small cuts. Layla hissed in frustration before grabbing a shard of the broken mirror from the floor.

She sprang up and swung the broken glass at the Apocrypha. The Apocrypha took two steps back causing her to miss. It then drove its fist into her stomach, forcing the air from her lungs. Layla gritted her teeth in agony. She couldn't allow herself to lose.

As soon as the Apocrypha went for a follow-up with a lethal swing of its sharp fingernails, Layla dodged and countered. She jammed the shard of glass under its chin, right into its submental triangle.

It wailed in agony, staggering backward. Purple blood spewed from its mouth, pouring to the floor. However, Layla knew this wasn't enough to kill it. She quickly grabbed another shard of glass and ran toward it.

Regrettably, she was met with a painful kick to the gut that caused her to lose her balance, even dropping her weapon. Before she could even hit the ground, the Apocrypha grabbed onto her throat and slammed her to the floor. Layla's eyes widened in agony as pain shot through her throat. The force had almost shattered her windpipe. To make things worse, the Apocrypha continued to squeeze, making it incredibly difficult for her to breathe.

"You insolent creature!! Did you truly believe that a lowly human such as yourself would be able to kill a Rank 3 like me?!"

Layla kicked and gasped for air. Her mouth widened as she desperately tried to breathe. She even grabbed onto its arm, trying to force it to release her but it had an iron grip. Before long, tears surfaced in her eyes. She couldn't overpower it. She could feel her strength slowly slipping away.

The Apocrypha then rose its other hand, ready to plunge its sharp fingernails into her heart.

"Die, human!!"

The sound of a gunshot then echoed through Layla's ears. Air filled her lungs and the pressure on her throat had disappeared. Slowly, she looked up to see that the Apocrypha had fallen on top of her with a bullet in its head.

She quickly pushed its body to the side and glanced up at Zane who stood at the door with a gun in his hands. He was trembling with anxiety and his face was soaked with sweat.

"Layla! Are you okay?!" He shouted as he ran to her side.


"Damn it! This is why I told you to let me go instead! Why didn't you try calling for help?"

Zane then used his thumb to wipe away a drop of the Apocrypha's blood from her cheek. Layla couldn't help but stare into his cool blue eyes.

"T-thanks for saving me..."

"It's a good thing I decided to follow you guys in secret. Sigh... Who would have thought that Phoebe was an Apocrypha? That's insane..."

"I'm sorry... I should have called for help..."

"It's fine. If you're not hurt then let's go find Commander Frost!"

Prince_nonchalant Prince_nonchalant


After the edits, the chapter became seriously long.... My bad.... Took me an entire day...... Hope you enjoyed though!

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