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73.39% Omnitrix in Marvel / Chapter 160: Return

Chapitre 160: Return

Mahmoud Schahed/Dial

After Ka-Zar, Demi, and Gresh all left to tell their various friends that BRIDGE and the Savage Avengers were reaching out for allies, I shifted into Blitzwolfer form and got into a Quinjet with Fantasma and Creel. Then we left.

Yeah, I know. No sudden cheering, no incredible exit. Just getting into a ship and heading home.

Real-life is like that sometimes. Just boring. Thank god. I could use a bit of boring.

I piloted the Quinjet personally, using Bliztwolfer's claws with more dexterity than I expected. I'd never gotten the chance to really spend time as aliens outside of combat or doing something specific to them, like making tech as Jury Rigg or lifting debris as Four Arms and Rath, so piloting the ship that way was new.

Fantasma and Creel sat in the cockpit with me in silence. After a while, Creel finally spoke just after we finally passed the barrier between the Savage Land and Antarctica. "X isn't coming?"

"He asked me to head out without him," I said. "He has to complete the surgery on Gena, which is going to take a while. I'll probably fly back once he sends me a message about it. But right now, Gena's surgery takes priority."

"That's good," Fantasma said thoughtfully.

"How about Kraven?" Creel asked the Russian witch.

"He's in a land of creatures that man has dreamed of hunting for centuries," Fantasma sounded annoyed. "Where do you think?"

Creel and I shared a look.

"...Should I be jealous that he doesn't want to hunt me anymore?" I asked blandly.

"Oh, he still wants to," she said as though that was somehow normal. Which, it kind of was. "But he'd rather fight something that won't get him in trouble for now."

I turned to look at her. She only gave me the long-suffering look of a person trying to show how annoying they found their sibling.

"Huh. Rude," I said at last. Then I shrugged it off, though I made a note to prepare some counters for Kraven just in case. "Still, I'm gonna be damn happy to go back home," I said, looking out the window as snow fell about us, the Quinjet flying over the ocean.

"Same," Creel sighed. "Skipped on a lot of sleep while I was looking for your ass."

"Sorry," I winced.

"Don't be," Fantasma smacked Creel on the head, to which he grumbled slightly. "You didn't ask for all of… that, to happen to you. It wasn't your fault."

"Still… anyways, I'm actually hoping to only spend a day or so relaxing," I admitted. "After that, I'm going to train my ass off."

"Really?" Creel leaned forward to look at my face. He didn't seem perturbed about looking at the face of a wolf that could talk. "You do that all the time."

"Not in my alien forms," I said in response. "At least, not that often. Now I want to start developing my skills in these forms of mine," I raised my right hand, looking down at my clawed fingers.

"And keep stuff like that from happening?" Creel pointed at my cheeks, where two lines of pale white fur marked my new scars.

"I think they make me look rather dashing," I gave him a grin, trying to hide my distaste for the new markings. "Seriously though. I want to get stronger. More skilled. I need to start thinking outside of the box."

Creel eyed me. When I looked over at him, my bald friend looked away very quickly. I looked over at Fantasma, but she was staring at her hands.

"Uh...Awkward?" I said questioningly. "You guys okay? I feel like I didn't say anything real crazy."

"You didn't," Fantasma agreed. I watched as she looked up at me with a strange light in her eyes, her mouth turned upside-down. "It's just… All my life, my spells were things I had to scrape together. I found half-written texts, knowledge from people across the world with rumors and tales. Most of what I learned was garbage I had to throw out," she clenched her small hands into angry fists. "But I thought I'd learned enough. I thought I'd become a good enough sorcerous on my own. Then you were lost. And I had no idea how to find you," she gave me a frustrated look.

"The Savage Land has some sort o-of energy, that interfered with every scanning spell I had. So I kept trying to find a way around what was blocking me from finding you."

I looked over at Creel, but he was staring resolutely out of the windows. I turned back to look at Fantasma and speak, but she beat me to it.

"It was more than that," Fantasma opened her palms, and a pair of mandala's spun to violet light over each hand. "I found a way to scan someone. It requires ancient knowledge. Knowledge I don't have, from the age before," she intoned with a voice older than her years. The mandalas began to spin. "Even if I wanted to use it, I wouldn't know how. And when we fought Sauron, it was one of the first times I found myself in a fight where someone just powered through my most powerful spells. No. That was the first time. And I couldn't think of anything to fight back with except more force," she looked up at us. "Mahmoud. I think I understand how you feel. I cannot be lax in my efforts," she clenched her fists, the mandala's shattering. "I want to get stronger as well. No. To obtain more knowledge and ability. I want to be better at magic."

Creel grumbled. Fantasma and I looked over at him. He sighed. "Yeah, well, I don't feel like sharing my whole thing after you guys already did. Especially since Fantasma did a whole speech and stole my thunder…" he grumbled again.

I grinned. "Then we'll all do it. We'll help each other get stronger. Deal?"

"You are such a freaking dork," Creel sighed. Then he punched me good-naturedly on my shoulder. "Yeah. I'm down."

"Magnificent!" Fantasma cheered.

...Man, I am really not avoiding the comparison between me and Ben at this point.

Ah well. I had my Gwen and Kevin again. I had my Omnitrix. And it had been four hours since I'd turned back into a human. Time to go home.

When we landed at the tower, I was in human form again. After six hours of being in alien form, I'd decided it was official. I had no time limit on my alien forms anymore.

I didn't have Master Control though. A look at my Omnitrix menu revealed that while I'd obtained a variety of Savage Land races (like, a shit-ton), I had no access to anything beyond that. No Grey Matter, Way Big, or Alien 'Win Condition' X.

So for some reason, after repairing itself, the Omnitrix had chosen to give me voice command and unlimited transformation time. Looked like things would be getting damn interesting for me then.

Still, that thought process left my mind when I saw the people waiting for us.

"Mahmoud!" Thor rushed forward, holding his arms out.

"T-Thor, wait, don't-URK!" Too late. Asgardian arms wrapped around my chest and lifted me into the air, crushing me to Thor's chest as he hugged me to him while laughing boisterously.

"My friend! I knew you would make it out of the peril you found yourself in!" He laughed, spinning in place, my legs spinning weakly in the air.

"I appreciate-urk, but please let me breathe," I coughed, patting him on the shoulders.

Behind Thor, I could see a small group gathered. Tony, Steve, Sam, Bucky, Izzy, Nat, Ruby, Jarvis, Maria, and Bruce, all watching Thor hugging me with varying expressions on their faces. Isabelle walked past Thor and me to hug Creel, who kneeled down to wrap his arms around her.

"We take our eyes off you for one second and you get kidnapped? Can't leave you alone for a second, can we?" Tony said, coming up to grin at me as Thor finally put me down. He chuckled, patting me on the shoulder. But his eyes weren't as amused as he was pretending to be, and his smile faded. "You good? Cause, ya know. I've been there if you… I mean, if you want to-"

"What he means is," Nat said helpfully. "Is that we're glad you're okay. And we're here if you want to talk," she said kindly. I smiled at my teacher. She gave me a warm look, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, what she said," Tony mumbled awkwardly, smiling quickly. "I mean, I tried to fly over to help, but-"

"But we got a message you'd already escaped," Steve said.

"Seriously, is everyone going to interrupt me today?" Tony asked, irritated. "But yeah, you already-"

"What happened?" Bucky asked, ignoring the sound of Tony cursing in irritation.

"A shit-ton," I admitted. "It was an Avengers mission. I don't think they're supposed to go according to plan."

"Ours went okay," Sam said, giving everyone else an odd look.

I blinked. Then I looked at Maria. She shrugged. "If we're talking Avengers missions, you and Jen are the only ones whose missions took unusual turns. Even then, she didn't end up causing a possible international incident."

"That's… vaguely depressing," I decided. Then I realized what she said, and a shot of worry filled me. "Is Jen-"

"She's okay," Bruce said, watching me sigh in relief. He smiled at that.

Nat seemed to notice something then. She took a good look at my face. "Those are new."

I raised a hand to my face and touched one of my scars. Man. I finally get scars, and rather than looking cool, they were ugly long lines. Why was reality so disappointing sometimes?

Nat noticed the distaste on my face. Surprisingly, so did Tony. He smirked and tapped his chest, where a blue light could be seen shining forth. "Welcome to the club."

There was a warmth to that joking tone. His smirk became more of a welcoming smile. Bucky looked down at his robotic arm. Nat rubbed her belly, where I had seen a pale scar resting over her stomach, then looked at Bucky. He gave her an apologetic look, to which she shrugged.

Tony chuckled. "Hey, at least your scars look cool. Very barbarian warrior."

"Yours can power a city," I pointed out.

"Well, I came into life a winner, what can ya do?"

"Mahmoud," Steve said, drawing my attention. "Creel, Fantasma. You guys all had a hell of a mission. Are you all okay?"

Creel snorted while hugging Izzy close. "Yeah. All I did was wait around-"

"He spent two days digging through the jungle without sleep," Fantasma said, leaving Creel to sputter. "He kept worrying over where Mahmoud was. He needs sleep."

"Awww," Izzy patted Creel's cheek from they were still hugging, smirking at him. "You big softie."

He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever happened to 'Team Metal Men'?" Tony shook his head with a sad sigh. "Between you and Rhodey, I'm the only one holding down the masculinity around here."

"You wear pink shirts," Sam said.

"Real men wear pink," Tony and I said at the same time, sharing grins.

Then Ruby stepped forward. I looked down at the blonde fourteen-year-old. We looked into each other's eyes for a long moment. Her eyes flickered to my scars.

"...Sup, midget?" I said as warmly as I could.

She pouted up at me. Then she looked down at the floor. "Dummy. I-I'm glad you're okay."

I stared at her. Nat was smiling proudly at Ruby while the tiny teen shuffled in place. And suddenly I thought of my sister. My baby sister, who was now married and pregnant. She used to do the same sort of thing. She and Ruby weren't anything alike, truthfully, but then I stepped forward and gave her a hug.

"H-Hey!" she sputtered, pulling at me.

"Thanks," she stopped trying to get me off her. I tried my best to hide my face from the others while I hugged her. For some reason, seeing Ruby of all people had worried about me just brought it all home. And I couldn't stop the tears. Real big man I was, crying silently in a room of superheroes.

Damnit. Why can't I be cool?

"I'm sorry if I scared you."

"...Dummy," Ruby said into my shoulder, patting me on my back.

"...This is awkward," Sam said in the background, Bucky and Steve giving him sharp looks.

"It is good to have you back!" Thor marched forward to pat me on the back, happy as could be. I let Ruby go and grinned at everyone. Fantasma gave me a smile.

"Good to be home," I said. Then I sighed. "Now I'm just gonna head to my room and rest."

"Really?" Tony cocked his head to the side. "Sure you don't want a party? I got burgers. Tradition, ya know?"

"Tradition?" Bruce said, confused before he shook his head. "But yeah, I get it. Jen said she'd be in your room, but I think her phone is off, so she doesn't know you're here yet."

I nodded. Then, with an awkward smile and wave, I walked away, leaving everyone to stare after me. I just wanted… I don't know, to relieve the stress. I appreciated everyone worrying about me, but there was someone I really wanted to see.

When I got to my room and opened it, the smell of food filled my nose. Lasagna. My favorite. I stepped inside and closed the door quietly, entering to see Jen leave my bedroom. We froze on seeing each other.

She was wearing workout clothes, her hair was up in a ponytail, and her feet were bare. She had some water dripping off of her like she had just gotten out of the shower. I crossed the room towards her without realizing it.

"Hey. I'm back."

When I stopped in front of her, she raised her hands and pressed them to my face, touching my scars. "Oh Mahmoud," she said softly, green lips quirking up a bit. "What did you do?"

"Kicked ass and took names," I said unsteadily. "Heard you had a tough adventure."

"So did you," she frowned. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her down. She let out a small surprised gasp. I was very proud when our lips met and that gasp melted into a moan. We pressed into each other, warm muscles pulling close. When we pulled away, her eyes were closed. She opened them slowly, giving me a look that made parts of me jump up and beg for attention.

"Missed me, huh?" she chuckled.

"More than anything," I smirked. Then I pulled away from her, grabbing her right hand in my own, and gently pulled her towards my bedroom.

"Oh, hey," she pointed at the kitchen with her thumb. "I ordered food."

"You really want to eat right now?" I asked with a smirk. "Cause I have more scars than just on my face. Wanna help me find them?"

Her jaw dropped. She stared at me, uncomprehending. Then she sped forward, picking me up in her arms as I laughed, and kicked the door behind us while carrying a massive smile on her lips.

We didn't leave my bedroom for a long time after that.

Savage Land

Deep in the tunnels beneath the Savage Land, along the river where the superhero known as Dial had floated down days ago, Anti-Metal shone. It stuck along the walls of the tunnel, vibrating at random intervals as the passing water flowed next to it.

The air split above the water. For a moment, it looked as though a single line of light hung there. Then it opened into a mathematically perfect circle of green light mixed with white swirls. A small machine flew out of it. The machine, made of some sort of ceramic material, was pale white, shaped like a triangle, and flew on hoverjets that glowed blue. It had a symbol on its back. The same symbol as the Omnitrix.

The machine flew up to the Anti-Metal. Undisturbed by its metal dissolving properties, the machine extended a drill and began to work. In moments, it had a large hunk of Anti-Metal in its claws. With that, the machine flew back into the portal it had created, which snapped close moments later, leaving the river to continue to bubble peacefully.

Galvan Prime

The machine bounced in time and space for mere seconds before coming out the other side into a large lab. There, Azmuth, the First Thinker and creator of the Omnitrix, stood, watching gravely as the machine flew over to him, extending a claw holding glimmering anti-metal out. Azmuth waved the machine away.

"Over there, you infernal contraption," he grumbled. "That much will turn the metals in my body to nothing."

Obediently, the machine brought the metal to a nearby table made of the same ceramic as it. Azmuth watched it, then looked at the portal that had finally closed.

"Hm. Should I… No," he shook his head. "The boy has earned some freedom, I suppose. Besides, if I gave Ben Master Control, I suppose I can let this new one have no time limit."

The machine chirped. Azmuth grumbled. "And what are you doing eavesdropping on an old man? Get to work!"

Unfazed by his anger, the machine started to chip away at the anti-metal. Azmuth carefully backed away, looking at the pair that walked up to join him. A blonde-haired young woman dressed in a black and white dress, and a tall green-skinned woman with tentacles about her head.

"Eunice, Myaxx. Prepare for the test, please."

"Yes, First Thinker," Myaxx said politely.

"Yes, father," Eunice said in bright tones.

Azmuth grumbled under his breath to hide a smile, then looked over at the machine tearing apart the anti-metal. "Now. Let's see what use you can be put to."

Author's Note: So, yeah. A whole lot happened this chapter, as it turns out. Where to begin...

Okay. First, the Savage Land crew. They're all getting set up in different ways, but I'm trying to leave things to your imagination there. The Savage Avengers, from Kraven to Ka-Zar, to Gresh, will have their own stories, as will the BRIDGE crew set up there.

As for Sauron, he ain't dead. He's extremely imprisoned though and I've never been a fan of the idea of revolving door prisons in comics.

Meantime, Dial, Fantasma, and Alloy are all thinking about how to get stronger. The three of them have different ways to go about doing it though. And I've set up the seeds for that, obviously.

Dial is going to take the My Hero Academia route, because I'm obsessed with that series, but also because I like how the creator comes up with new and interesting ways to develop the powers of the kids.

Fantasma is going to take a more traditional route, which is also an excellent one to take. I doubt it's spoilers to say that it'll involve Agatha Harkness.

Creel, meanwhile... well, that one is kinda a spoiler. But I guess mentioning his ball and chain isn't a spoiler in this case. Just a clue.

Oh, right. And Dial and Jen had sex. Not going to write it, but be as creative as you want in imagining it. Funny how I joked dozens of chapters ago that they would do the deed in chapter 100, and it ended up being true. As for why they did it now, well, Dial's finally at a point where he feels ready. And Jen, because of the events of her own mission, is in a similar place, mentally speaking. They weren't ready before. But now that they both are, they're more than eager. They're adults, they feel like it, and they went for it.

What else, what else... OH! So, Hauzer and the Hag. That's gonna be fun to talk about later. Basically, there's, I don't know, FOUR references in that little conversation? If anyone guesses past three of them, I'll be amazed. I tried to be vague about as many as I could. Still, it's a portent of things to come. The Hag, in some ways, is just as powerful as Paradox or Harkness. Not quite, of course, but she's got a similar vibe in terms of how she sees the universe and her role in it.

Then there is Azmuth. Yeah, be scared. That guy may not be insane, but he's on a level of brilliance where it seems that way to everyone else. He's doing tests on Anti-Metal people! Run for the fucking hills!

Finally, an Omake for those who haven't gotten to read it yet. Have fun!

Omake: Infinite Universes 1

Greenwich Village, Spring of 2018, Earth 199999

In a street that had been covered in debris, a confrontation was beginning.

Tony Stark, Doctor Strange, Wong, and Bruce Banner strode forward together, watching as a blue beam of light is emitted from a donut-shaped ship above. The beam disappeared, revealing two figures. One, a thin elderly looking being with a massive flat space where a human nose would usually be. The other, a massive and towering being carrying a hammer and covered in armor, smirked at the group of heroes.

The elderly alien, a man who went by the name Ebony Maw, began to speak. As he did, none of those in the street saw a figure far above flying through the air, a green light emitting from it's back as it soared on orange wings.

The heroes and Ebony Maw traded quips for a moment, before the elderly man lost patience at Tony Stark.

Something he shared with many people. Ebony Maw told Cull Obsidian to charge, and with that, the battle began. No one noticed the green figure waiting above on the rooftop.

Tony Stark revealed his nanomachine armor when Bruce Banner was unable to transform, blasting away Cull Obsidian, only to be sent flying in turn. Cull Obsidian, angered by his sudden flight, rises up to his feet and prepares to reenter battle, launching his hammer at Tony.

A familiar green flash flies past Tony, bashing the hammer out of the air before it can hit Tony, before launching forward and punching Cull Obsidian in the face with enough force to shake the ground, sending him flying towards a nearby park.

"Hey, good to see you back, Bruce!" Tony shouted at the green figure. In turn, the figure looked over at him.

And Tony stared for a moment. "You uh… You're not Bruce."

"What tipped you off," the green figure teased. She smirked at him, then rocketed into the air towards the park. Tony, meanwhile, focused on Ebony Maw again, firing twin beams of energy at the alien, who blocked them with pieces of rubble.

Then Doctor Strange dropped from the sky to block a piece of tossed rubble on one of his shields, dropping it to let Iron Man fire another repulsor blast at Ebony Maw, whose face twisted in frustration.

Bruce, meanwhile, was slapping himself in the face as he ran in the middle of a grassy field. "Come on, Hulk! Come out, you're killing me he-"

"NOOO!" Bruce's face morphed, half of it becoming a sickly green collor, growing in size as a voice that wasn't his own screamed. Then it returned to normal, leaving him to fall back onto the grass. "No!" he screamed to the sky incredulously. "What do you mean no!?"

His internal struggle suddenly took a backseat to an external one when Cull Obsidian crash landed in the park, just a few feet away from him. Bruce staggered back, staring as the massive being rose to his feet. Cull snarled something, then noticed Bruce. A sickly grin spread on the muscular aliens face.

"Uh, hi?" Bruce said nervously.

Cull chuckled, raising his hammer to smash Bruce to paste. Bruce raised his arms uselessly, closing his eyes and wincing when her heard the hammer hit flesh.

It took a second for him to realize that he felt no pain. He opened his eyes, then gaped at the sight before him.

The hammer was being held by a being with skin of a green hue that he had only ever seen in reflections of broken glass. The figure was tall, built with muscle, and curvy. She was wearing workout shorts and a t-shirt, a pair of tough boots on her feet. Her long hair flowed in the wind. She turned her head to smirk at Bruce.

"Hey, cuz. Need a hand?" she said confidently.

"...Jenny?" Bruce stuttered in shock.

Cull, enraged, raised his hammer to strike once more. Jen kicked straight out. Her boots slammed deep into the groin of her opponent. Bruce winced as Cull gasped in shock and horror, before a relatively small fist uppercut him back.

"Don't touch my cousin," Jen growled, emerald fists clenched in fury. She bent her legs and jumped forward, cratering the ground beneath her.

Cull Obsidian, just getting to his feet, swung his hammer out at her, smashing her out of the air as it's chain extended out to keep throwing her..

"JENNY!" Bruce shouted in two voices.

Jen landed on her back, flipped back to her feet, and grabbed the chain hammer. She pulled, hard. Cull was lifted off his feet and towards her in a vicious tug, sent flying towards her. She spun around and roundhouse kicked him in the face, sending him back, before looking at Bruce. "If you can't help, hide, now!"

With that, Jen jumped back into the fray. Cull and her hit each other with immense force, sending shockwaves out from the impact as Bruce watched in stunned silence.

Back with Tony and Dr. Strange, Ebony Maw was still throwing pieces of the street at the pair.

"Will you just give up already?" Tony snarked, blocking a hail of bricks shaped into daggers with a shield made of nanobots. "You're getting your ass kicked."

"I think not. Your powers are fake and mercurial things, easy enough to overcome," Ebony Maw said to the two bearded men.

"Yeah, how's that working for you so far?" Strange said with a smirk, floating nearby to block an array of sharp stones from skewering him.

"You wanna run, let bygones be bygones?" Tony added, getting hit by a car. He rolled with the blow as Detroit steel shattered around his armored form, then flew forward to keep fighting.

"I will leave, when your corpses are cooling on the stones of this filthy rock," Ebony Maw snarled, ripping a sign off a building with his telekinesis and tossing it at the pair, only for a portal to open just in front of him to let the sign harmlessly fall into the Sahara Desert. Then another portal opened behind Ebony Maw, who spun to see Tony standing there to fire a shot at him, which Ebony Maw barely dodged. "Imputent little-"

The sound of an explosion drew their attention. All three fighters looked up to see the alien spaceship begin to list over. Ebony Maw stared upwards in rage as smoke poured out of a hole in the side.

"...You do that?" Tony asked Strange, who was also staring upwards.

"Nope. I think it was that guy."

A figure fell from the ship, landing next to Tony and Strange with a loud booming noise. A green flash of light was followed by a human man standing there, grinning. Like Tony and Strange, he had a beard. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail on the top of his head, and the sides were shaved. He was also wearing black armor with green highlights across it that covered his body, a large dial resting on his wrist.

"Wassup," the man grinned at Ebony Maw. "I am here to kick ass and chew bubblegum."

Ebony Maw snarled and launched a large truck at the trio. Tony raised a hand and blasted the truck out of the air. The man, to his credit, didn't flinch. "And I'm all out of bubblegum."

"Jesus, are you just a giant Fanboy?" Tony asked.

That made the man flinch and sigh. "Everytime, Tony. Everytime."

Then the man raised the large green dial on his wrist and pressed down on it. In a flash of light, he became a large being made of diamond.


Ebony Maw tossed another car, only for the crystal being to slice it in half by turning it's right hand into a sword. Then it looked over at Tony and Dr. Strange. "Am I doing this on my own, or do neither of you old guys want to help save the Earth?"

"OLD!?" Tony and Strange said in unison, sharing a sour look before raising their hands, magic and technology lighting up their palms.

Ebony Maw took one look at the gathered trio, eyes narrowed, and raised his hands, several objects rising into the air around him.

Then he was forced to toss aside Cull Obsidian when he came falling from the sky. The giant alien crashed into a building and wearily looked around, staggering to his feet.

The green woman from earlier dropped next to the diamond man, raising her fists. Wong showed up next, raising his arms to summon a magical shield. Tony's hands shifted into a pair of powerful cannons. Dr. Strange lifted into the air. And the diamond man clenched a fist of crystal with a sound like stone shattering, his sword hand slicing the air.

"Five on two," the crystal man growled.

"Offers still on the table," Tony added. "You can run to daddy if you want, tell him you screwed up."

"But if you come back," the green woman punched her fists together, a thunderclap echoing, and grinned. "It'll be for an ass-whooping."

"...When I come back," Ebony Maw said sourly. "It'll be to strip the flesh from your-"

"Yada, yada, yada," Tony cut him off.

"Go, you fucking moron. Go and start writing your will,"Ebony Maw stared at the crystal man with eyes full of hate. Then a blue light came from the damaged ship, pulling the insensate Cull Obsidian and the enraged Ebony Maw into its depths before it lifted up into the air, pouring smoke while it took off.

Diamond guy shone a bright green, turning back into the human from earlier. Then he and the green woman turned to look at Wong, Tony, and Strange.

"So," Tony's helmet pulled back, revealing his face. "Any chance you two could explain what amusement park you came out of?"

"New York," the man said sarcastically, getting a chuckle from the woman. Then he scowled. "Seriously though. I'm Dial. This is She-Hulk. And we're Avengers from another world. And an arrogant badass named Professor Paradox sent us here to help yours."

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