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89.14% Hollywood RE:CODED / Chapter 113: Chp 105 : The Abstract That Lead To A Wider World

Chapitre 113: Chp 105 : The Abstract That Lead To A Wider World

Timeline: Late October to early November.

For those you ask, the real shooting of this film at least 5 months, I rushed it to 3 months for the sake of the plot.

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin!


"I told you, <Ran> is the best masterpiece he ever made!" The sound of a feminine scream was breaking the silence of the night.

"It's <Seven Samurai>, young woman! You just like that movie because it won the Academy Award for best costume design!" Another scream but heavier was rose to fight back the high voice that girl made.

"Ugh, you are so irritating! ED, help me convince this guy!" The girl was then pointing at the man like he was a suspect in court.

Al chuckled in response to her yell. Ignoring their weird and awkward introduction beforehand.

It seemed both of them were just okay with each other. They even became a friend in no time and discussed about movies together.

"Fuck you!" Robin spat.

"No, Fuck you!" Quentin spat back.

'Well, at least they only trade words and yet to call each other names. It couldn't be worse right?' He thought while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Okay, guys, calm down. No need to antagonize with each other." He said.

Both snorted at him and then at each other. 'This was something that would happen when film nerds were debating at each other.' Al mused.

"So, how much have you heard? Wait, how long have you been here?" He asked Quentin.

Quentin coughed, "Not long." Al and Robin scoffed, "Okay, okay, I was a bit tipsy from alcohols and went out for fresh air. Then, I remembered this girl," He pointed at Robin which she returned it by sticking out her tongue at him, "was asking for your whereabouts, and I thought that it might be a good idea to also accompany you here, so I followed her trail and ended up here and overheard your conversation... from the beginning."

Al sighed, "Can you keep this a secret Quentin?"

"Cross my heart, dude," Al raised one of his eyebrows, "I overheard you okay, sorry. But dude, if you and Ione are not a thing after the filming was done, there will be a lot of people lost their bet."

"A bet? You are betting me and Ione will end up together? How many people are on this."


"EVERYONE!" He widened his eyes then massaged the space between his eyebrows, "Shit, okay, first of all, I have a girlfriend okay,"

"But..." Before he would continue, Al interjected him, "No buts, that's the end of the story." Al then began to walk away from the Mountain Lake to go back to his cabin.

Quentin and Robin who were left behind were chasing after him, "At least talk to her tomorrow." Robin who had overlapped him said.

"Yes, this lass is right. You want to go to England tomorrow to accompany this girl, right?" He pointed at Robin.

"I know it's not my problem but this is a time bomb. You may be hiding it very well, but everyone in the set knew. That's why they made that bet. It could affect your performance, not now but maybe later. Talk to her before it's too late." Quentin also said but because of the lack of exercise, he was still left behind.

"Fine." He grunted.

As they were walking together to their cabin, the only sound he heard was the banter between Quentin and Robin, about which film was the best.

The next morning, Al came to Ione's cabin at the beginning of the day, where no soul was still yet to be sighted. He knocked on her door and the door was opened, revealing Ione who was still wearing her pajama.

"Morning, Ione."

"Morning, Al."

"Can we talk?"

"Come inside." She widened the gap on the door and let him in.

When he entered her room and searching for a place for him to sit, he finally told Ione something that disturbed him. His feelings for her or maybe the theory he had about the hormonal phase.

He confessed to her about him getting attracted for the rest of the shooting and she also told him that she had an attraction for him since the beginning of their shooting.

"I don't know. Is this thing called love on a set thing?" Ione theorized.

"Yeah, it might be... but also it could be the hormonal phase, you know, teenagers." He smirked.

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, right." Then without him realizing what happened, Ione's face was already an inch from him and she kissed his lips.

It was a passionate kiss, full of lust, something he only shared with Gwen, "Yeah, it's different." She said with her face scarlet red. "Ione!"

"Sorry, only want to test something." She laughed sheepishly.

His face turned inhumanly red and immediately said, "Damn, you gave me a heart attack, woman! What's this thing you said different anyway?"

"Different from when you kiss me on the shooting. When I kissed you now, it felt like, I kiss... you. You know like... damn, I also don't know how to explain it but when on the set, I feel like I'm truly falling in love with you. Like you are the right man for me, my eternal partner or something like that. Did you also feel things like that? And how about the kiss from before?"

Al tried to think about the kiss from before and the time when they were kissing on set. Ione was so fucking right, it felt so different! "No way, hell, you're right Ione." His widened eyes gazed at Ione who was shyly smiled at him.

"I think we might have involved too much feeling on the set, Al. I felt I was really Baby, and you are truly Johnny."

"So, did we, is it just."

"Yeah, as I speculated, we were too deep playing our roles."

"Shit, method acting was so dangerous. I almost forgot my boundaries there." He leaned back and exhaled a heavy air from his lungs.

"Wait, did you really?" Ione gave him a lopsided smile.

"Yes, yes, I did. Look, Ione, I love you. If I was not selfish and arrogant back then in the parking lot, we might be something more than friends by now." Al said in regret.

Ione also shook her head, "Wow, thanks, I'm flattered. You see Al, I still love you too, but I also know our love relationship was doomed from the start. But selfish and arrogant?"

Al started to get uncomfortable and scratching his non-existent itch, "You know, the Hollywood dream..." He laughed awkwardly.

Her face reached a boiling point because of anger, "You already have a girlfriend, Al. Please, don't do any of that. You will further complicate the problem."

"Chill out Ione, it's just an old dream! I won't cheat on Gwen, ever... Um, did flirting with girls consider cheating."

"It depends," Her eyes squinted, "Did you do something that worth our attention?"

"Nothing harmful! Trust me! Uhm, so we're cool with everything about this?" He quickly changed the topic.

Her eyes still sharpened, but she nodded at him and sighed, "Yes, we were just confused Al, we were taking this role too deep. Director Ardolino was right, after he saw our scene together, he immediately told us to have a break."

"Yeah, he's right. But I'm kind of disappointed you know. I enjoy our time together and doing 'dirty dancing'."

She giggled, "Don't worry, you always hold a special place in my heart." She gave her distinctive smile. He always loves that smile.

Then she put her hand on the side of his face, "Al, call Gwen and tell her what happened. I also will tell her but I think she might like to hear from your sides."

Al nodded, "I will."

She kissed his cheek and said, "Have fun in England, maybe the fresh air from the countryside might calm you down."

"It will, I think, how about you?"

"My brother, Donovan, and Mum will be going to New York to visit my grandparent, I will join them there."

"Bye Ione, call me when you arrived there. Enjoy your holiday, love you." He teased.

"Love you too, be safe." She teased back.


When their plane landed in England, he was kinda disappointed that Vivian wasn't coming to pick him up. Instead, it was the manor's caretaker.

As soon as they arrived in Childwickbury Manor, Robin was immediately pulled out by Stanley Kubrick and his editor, Martin Hunter.

Before they went back to the States, Robin did ask Stanley for an apprenticeship in editing and movie producing.

He also prepared to beg Stanley to take Robin under his wing in film editing but it seemed he didn't need to do it.

He didn't how their conversation was going on but Stanley accepted her plea to learn under Martin Hunter.

There might be something going on that he didn't know about her. He was suspicious whether Stanley had met Robin before the shooting of Full Metal Jacket or not.

Well knowing that she said Robin's family had some influences in England, he wasn't surprised that if her father might know Stanley or someone close to him from somewhere.

They were shutting themselves in the editing studio in his manor.

Al was kinda jealous of Robin because unlike him, Stanley was actually nice to her. Talked about gender equality, women get more privileges from men than men to women.

He thought it was just a normal thing but he clearly saw that Stanley did favor Robin and he thought Stanley was also happy to let her learned under Martin Hunter.

He did volunteer himself to help them but rather than the nice treatment he gets, the three of them kicked him out of the editing room.

So, he was stuck here playing with Hop in this manor, he didn't know why but Hop seemed to be smarter than any regular rabbit and respond to anything he asked her or maybe his depression made him having a delusion.

With the countryside scenery in Childwickbury Manor, he felt that his heart started to be more serene.

All his sudden urge about Ione was close from half to non-existent. Director Emile was right to give them a break. He was on the verge of becoming the role he played completely.

Although there was still a feeling he had for Ione, it was love he was sure of it but it was kind of a different type of love.

Lifting Hop tho his shoulder from his lap, he stood up and began strolling to feel the cold autumn wind and strolled past the garden of falling leaves.

Al was thinking about what if he really accepted her confession, would he be any happier, would he be regretted it.

But if he did accept it, he wouldn't date Gwen. She's an amazing girl and Al definitely would regret it if he missed her.

After a few hours of wandering, he felt it was too cold and decided to go back to the manor. Christiane Kubrick said that they would be having a scotch egg today, he wondered if she needed any help.

Walking back to the mansion with Hop on his head, he started to think back about the composition of the film score for Dirty Dancing and his next film.

He realized that he did not have a personal composer yet. Like his godfather Steven and George Lucas with John William, he needed a music composer.

He would ask Sylvia but he thought she might be too busy handling Red Hot Chilli Paper and No Doubt. Not to mention that she might be traveling to the other states, searching for talent for the record company.

He could do it by himself but it would be a waste of time, composing a film score, editing, splitting, there were a lot of things to do to make one film.

Just directing <The Man From Earth> was already taxing for him.

He thought of searching for people like Hans Zimmer (Nolan's movies) or Michael Giacchino (Pixar movies like Coco)

He was soon snapped back to reality from his musing by a door that slammed his face. Luckily, Hop was okay and landed safely on the floor.

But still, it hurt like hell. He needed to check his nose whether it broke or not.

He soon saw that it was Vivian who got out from that room like a caveman. She had pockets below her reddened eyes and her body reeked of dumpster.

"Oh, shit, did I hit someone? I'm sorry for hitting you... Al? Is that you?" She did double take on him and she was right, he's dearest, Al.

"Yes it's me Vi, and I'm okay. Maybe just need a little check if my nose was broken or not."

"Let me see... no blood, is this hurt?" She touched it and sighed as he shook his head. "Well, I think you are okay, no broken nose. Oh hey, Hop, nice to see you there." She waved at the brown rabbit on the floor and she replied by rubbing her face.

Al who felt he was still fine was looking at her appearance, "Shit, that's some eye pockets you get there? How long have you not sleep."

"What day is it?"

"November 8th, why?"

"Shit, I have been there for a week."

"What are you doing anyway?"

"Oh, I'm composing some film score for dad's film, you know, he was kinda demanding but he said he only wants my film score, not anyone else. Sheesh, really annoying old man."

"Wait, film score!?" He slapped his head, "Why the hell I forgot about it."

The old Vivian maybe was a stuck-up young adult but she was talented as fuck to compose music or even better, making a film score.

He could say that she was a half step behind the kind of John William or Hans Zimmer.

"What's up Al?"

"Uhm, Vi, I'm having trouble getting a composer for my next film. You know, if it's not troubling you..."

Vi's gloomy eyes suddenly brightened, "Of course I want to Al!"

"Wait Vi, I haven't finished my words yet."

"I know, but I could guess that you will be asking me."

"Guilty as charged... So, is it okay?"

"Okay? It was more than okay! I would gladly do so Al, but not for this month. I just finished it and tired as hell."

"Of course, the film will start next year so you have very much time to think about my offer or rest yourself first."

"Hey, how about my payment?"

"I could give you double the pay from Stanley give to you?"

She shook her head,



"Box office share?"

"Fine, what do you want Vi?"

"A date. Tonight."


"You see, there's a new musical in West End Theatre complex in late October and I've been dying to see it. The newspaper said that it was the best performance that they ever witnessed, maybe on par with Lés Miserable. I planned to see you with mom and dad, but now there's you here..."

"You want to watch it with me, right?" She nodded repeatedly. "How far that place from here."

"About an hour with the car, so, do you want to be my date tonight?"

"Okay, but you should clean up first. You are so stinky."

"Of course," Then she smelled her armpit and her face became ugly, "Yeah, you are right, I smelled like a trash can."

Vivian immediately cleans herself up from the stink of not taking a bath for a week and drove with him to the West End theatre.


Al who already had a driver's license offered himself to drive. He did gentleman things to Vivian such as opening a door to the car for her, etc. She laughed at him for doing something so unlike him.

After they reached West End theatre, it was already filled with a lot of people.

The musical Phantom of The Opera, the most financially successful musical all over the world.

His thoughts flashed at the day he played the Phantom of the Opera music with violin on that talent show.

And thinking about the talent show, an image of the girl whose smile so dazzling crossed his mind again. What an irony or such repeated coincidences that he was sure believed it might be a work of fate's sister messing up with him.

"Oh, the show is going to start, I can't wait." Noticing Al didn't reply and rather looked absentminded, Vivian started to worry. "Al? What happened?"

His musing cut short by her answer, "Hmm? Ah, nothing Vi, it's just I'm thinking about something."

"What is it? Is it a girl problem?"

"I think it's not a good time to discuss this Vi. Oh look, the show is starting!" Al immediately distracts her.

Vivian didn't buy that lame excuse but she understands it. If he didn't want to talk about it, she won't push him, she had learned to understand about people a bit.

The show was as excellent as he imagined. It was amazing to saw this musical. He only watched a musical performance once on Broadway in his previous life and it was Cats. Too bad the film adaptation was sore in the eyes.

After the show was done, the audience gave standing applause for this amazing performance.

Al heard the two men beside him were commenting on this musical and it was rather a compliment rather than a critic.

Although only one of them seemed so eager to explain it while the other only amused at his friend's excitement.

"I've told you, it's amazing isn't it?"

"Yes, John, I like the music." He replied with none of the excitement his friend had.

"Oh hell, come on Tim, you can't be serious. You will rot in the lab with those computers! Look, we just back from Geneva to here for a holiday and what did you do? Spending time on your computer doing that project that even CERN boards didn't approve. You should ask that American girl, what was her name, oh yeah, Nancy..." The excited man said.

'CERN? TIM? No way!?' Al thought.

He felt Vivian tugged his shirt and said, "Al, let's go."

"Wait a moment, Vi." He whispered.

He turned back to the gentlemen beside him and saw them still arguing, mostly about lack of funding and else.

"Excuse me, gentlemen." He said.

The two men stopped their banter and saw a youngster and his partner was looking at them with curious eyes.

"Oh, I-I apologize if I and my friend here disturb you both. Let's go, John." The shy man said.

Before they stood, Al immediately called to them. "Wait!"

Both of them startled at his scream, then they both became wary. They thought that they really disturb the date between him and his girlfriend and wanted to make a scene.

The person who called Tim seemed afraid but this time, it was his friend John who answered, "What is it, young man. we have apologized earlier. Did we do something to upset you?"

"None of any of that sir. But I kind of interested about what were you talking about before."

"You understand what we were talking about? How old are you kid?" He asked.

"Age does not matter, besides, I knew about computers and I have designed few games."

"T-this is not a game kid, it's more important than that." The shy man said.

"I know, what are you talking about is more important than that. I bet it could revolutionize the media industry. I overheard that you said the scientist in CERN had difficulty sharing information and that has been answered 10 years ago by Robert Kahn. Internet. But the internet only connects the computers, not necessarily relay the information that public could use or the connected computers, right?"

"That's what I thought! Bloody hell, kid, you are thinking the same thing like me!" He was shy no more.

"Fuck, calm down Tim, sorry pal, this one is a bit excited to find the one who had the same thoughts as him, my name is John by the way. This one is..."

"My name is Tim, Timothy Berners-Lee." He also extended his hands to Al.

Al smiled and shook his extended hand, "My name is Alphonse, Alphonse Brandt."

"That teenage actor!? Oh my god, I love <E.T.> and <Ferris Bueller>." They both exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, that's me, and this is Vivian." They also said hello to her. Al introduced her without telling them her last name on purpose.

He knew their family was a bit reclusive and he might end up letting Vivian down if he told them that.

"Sorry Mr. John, Mr. Tim, but I heard you want to make something out of the internet and you said CERN didn't want to fund your research right?"

"Yes, Mr. Brandt."

"Just Al is fine, and I'm really interested in funding your project, Mr. Tim."

Tim didn't know what to said so he was silent for a while before replying, "But, but, it might be really expensive. I'm sorry Al, but it's not that I think you don't have money or anything, it's just that this project might not give you something in return."

"No, Mr. Tim, I thought your idea is amazing and I think you are so good at computers. The thing is, I'm building a company, a technology company that moves in the computer software business and also if your research and invention is a success, I might move to the internet related fields. And your banter before has intrigued me."

Both of them were surprised after hearing this boy was going to build a company, a computer company especially.

They were wondering when did the actors could easily build a company, moreover, it was teenage actors. Are these days actors were all rich?

"If you don't believe me, here." He gave them a card written, Chairman of Niflheim Group.

"Niflheim? You are the chairman of a video game company? I thought it was Steven Spielberg?"

"Yeah, that's my godfather and he insisted to make both of us the Chairman, but officially, it's him. If you don't believe me, just call him. And I also one of the programmers of Pokémon game in NOTE Portable."

Both of them drew a sharp breath, "Wow..."

Then he saw the theatre started to get less crowded and almost everyone has to get out of here.

He then turned to Vivian and asking her silent permission which replied with her smile.

"Sorry, gentlemen, do you want to talk about this outside while we're having dinner? Don't worry, if you don't want to do it tonight, you can call me anytime."

"Uhm, how about this young lady here, is she okay for us joining you?" Tim asked.

"Of course, no problem. I also curious about what do you want to talk about." She immediately replied.

"Okay then, let's go." Al stood up and led them outside of the theatre.

To Be Continued...

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Special Thanks to my patrons:

Executive Producer 1: Valoui

Executive Producer 2: Oli

Produced by:




Michael S Mifsud


vegard larsson

Micahel E

Donga ten


Emil N

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